Chaos: Don't Stress, Undress

zaftig /zäf′tĭk, -tĭg/
Sexy as Hell! Love the view in the mirror in the background as well!
For now... A repost. 🖤
There's a whole lot of Harley Quinn vibe coming off this picture @Amanda330. I don't suppose you own a very big hammer and talk with a New York accent?

zaftig /zäf′tĭk, -tĭg/
Zaftig is one of my favorite worda @MindYaBitness. Not just to write but to say. Zaftig. Zaftig. Zaftig. Huh, that reminds me of the scenes from Bad Words where the spelling bee kid repeats fellatio on the plane and subjugate on the elevator.
Chaitanya Chopra: Mine is subjugate. It just sounds so cool, you know? Subjugate. Subjugate. Subjugate. What's yours?

Other favorites, in reverse alphabetical order include rubenesque and callipygian.

Together they create quite a craze (C,R,Z) as did your picture.

There's a whole supermodel air to this one @Wand3rlust. A large print of this in a frame would sell like hotcakes. Thank you for sharing such a lovely breakfast treat.

The black lace is eye catching and the curves draw the eye from the bottom of the image to the top (no pun intended). However what my mind keeps wondering is "What's the swath of maroon?".

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