Chaos: Don't Stress, Undress



From lace to something shiny exuding dominatrix. Now is when you should be getting a bunch of those RAWR responses.

I can't wait to see what, if anything, you pull out of the magic drawer next!

Now those look really good on you !!
Thanks, Jox! 🌹

Look beautiful. Gorgeous figure 😍
Thank you, my friend. 🌹

There's a blast from the past. Thank you, Mr. Monkey. 🍓

very inviting! :love:
Thank you, Guy! 😘

Love that set! (The underwear!… and yeah, those too)
Glad you're a fan of both. 😉😘

I love your thoughtful responses and your gorgeous pictures. 🥰
Thank you, lovely. 🩷

An old one...
And a very, very good one. 😍

This is just WOW! :love:
Glad you like, C. 🌹

Glad I left an impression, y. 💋

Not sure how I missed that one.... gorgeous as ever
Thank you, dragon. 😘

So glad I got to catch up and enjoy this Sexy Black Masterpiece ... Gorgeous!!
Glad you enjoyed, cpu. 😘

Get your corset on Angelica - it's full Eyes Wide Shut around ours.
Perfect. I was hoping it was either that or a charity gala for the Asses and Donkeys Trust.
(Any My Dad Wrote a Porno fans out there? No? I'll show myself out.)
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