Chaos: Don't Stress, Undress

My jaw dropped. Absolutely gorgeous!

I guess it pays to be on Literotica in the afternoons...
White shirt. 🤍
Omg, I totally put this in the wrong thread for about ten seconds. 😳
Nice knot work.
I'm dying to know where it appeared like an apparition.
Litster 1: Did you see that?
Litster 2: Yeah. Just for a second. It was mostly white with something black around the neck. I'm pretty sure it was a Lit ghost.
Litster 1: Why?
Litster 2: Boooooooooobs.
I see someone's in the Christmas spirit already!

The small jingle bell right in the middle is a nice touch.

Where does the line start to share what gift we want? And who sits in who's lap?
<Bust shot in more than one way>
Simple and elegant.
Waiting in white
Not sure what you're waiting for (he said coyly) but I have no doubt you'll get it in the end. 😉

And because in a rare achievement the men's posts outnumbered the ladies in the same short time...
Here to help keep the picture to word ratio correct. 🤍
I mean we do all of this for science after all.
This plays great with the next. It's on the way to work.
<Now it's Miller time!>
And this is when the day is over.
Older photo...
Oh wait, this is when the day is over (we men can't wait to drop trou).
See what I mean?
B&W combo…
Run! It's the anti-white! Wait, how there's no Earth shattering *KABOOM* where the black and white meet?

Well done gents!
