Chaos: Don't Stress, Undress

Nice knot work.
I'm dying to know where it appeared like an apparition.
Litster 1: Did you see that?
Litster 2: Yeah. Just for a second. It was mostly white with something black around the neck. I'm pretty sure it was a Lit ghost.
Litster 1: Why?
Litster 2: Boooooooooobs.
Are you saying my boobs remind you of ghosts? Yeah, no nude beaches where I live. It's a bummer.

You are hilarious by the way. I just remembered I mentioned having posted it in the wrong thread. 🙃
Gotta hit the shower ...
Are you saying my boobs remind you of ghosts? Yeah, no nude beaches where I live. It's a bummer.

You are hilarious by the way. I just remembered I mentioned having posted it in the wrong thread. 🙃
Heavens to Betsy NO! As much as I enjoy a good horror film I would never mean to imply you boobs remind me of things that get their own TV specials and that LOTS of people pay good money in the hopes of seeing.

Wait... That honestly doesn't sound that bad. So... Maybe?

We have few official nude options here. Last one I visited was a 10 hour drive away and too many neighbors have a second story that let's them see over the fence.

Thanks! I try to bring a little humor everywhere I go (physically or virtually). Most folks hope to see an Oh face. I am for a Ha face (or a Ho face in December).
