Chaos: Don't Stress, Undress

Don't know if I'm on your list but defeat is not an option.

White shirt.
I have to say WD that although you did surprise me it is a nice image. It is clear and puts you on display, you linked it appropriately and justa would have appreciated it. 😀

@MiaBabe23 Lit links can be wild. 🤣 I have learned that one. There are links from some folks that I would NEVER click on. Some things you just can’t unsee. 😜
Erm. Other than my owner, not really that level of showing off I’m asking for… at least forewarn!

You know what thread you are in right? I learned long ago beggars can't be choosers .

The feedback here to the people kind enough to post pics should always be positive and encouraging, especially from those of us that choose not to post.

You don't have to click but if you do, know the risk you are taking.
I have to say WD that although you did surprise me it is a nice image. It is clear and puts you on display, you linked it appropriately and justa would have appreciated it. 😀

@MiaBabe23 Lit links can be wild. 🤣 I have learned that one. There are links from some folks that I would NEVER click on. Some things you just can’t unsee. 😜

Oh, I know it can, of course. But when something is entitled ‘white shirt’, and others have been using a white shirt in various ways, I certainly didn’t expect an explicit dickpic

Perhaps I would have liked it if, like you, I had known what was coming. As it was, felt kinda tricked

You know what thread you are in right? I learned long ago beggars can't be choosers .

The feedback here to the people kind enough to post pics should always be positive and encouraging, especially from those of us that choose not to post.

You don't have to click but if you do, know the risk you are taking.

I’ve been looking at the thread for a week or two, and nobody has shared something like that with a misleading title
Yep, I know the risk - but I was personally encouraged to look at something with a title that implied something else entirely
The day unsolicited dicpics are a norm for you, perhaps you’ll feel differently
I’ve been looking at the thread for a week or two, and nobody has shared something like that with a misleading title
Yep, I know the risk - but I was personally encouraged to look at something with a title that implied something else entirely
The day unsolicited dicpics are a norm for you, perhaps you’ll feel differently
Ughhh... Unsolicited dick pics ...not cool
I’ve been looking at the thread for a week or two, and nobody has shared something like that with a misleading title
Yep, I know the risk - but I was personally encouraged to look at something with a title that implied something else entirely
The day unsolicited dicpics are a norm for you, perhaps you’ll feel differently
They have been the norm in this thread, which I've been in from the start.
The thread is called chaos --- expectations go out the window.
I am also familiar with the poster. I certainly didn't just expect a white shirt and I don't think he was trying to be deceptive or trick anyone. He was announcing what the part of his pic was that fit the theme.
They have been the norm in this thread, which I've been in from the start.
The thread is called chaos --- expectations go out the window.
I am also familiar with the poster. I certainly didn't just expect a white shirt and I don't think he was trying to be deceptive or trick anyone. He was announcing what the part of his pic was that fit the theme.
So you knew two things I didn’t
Wanna carry on berating me for simply having said I would have preferred to know so I could choose?
I’ll leave you to that
I’ve been looking at the thread for a week or two, and nobody has shared something like that with a misleading title
Yep, I know the risk - but I was personally encouraged to look at something with a title that implied something else entirely
The day unsolicited dicpics are a norm for you, perhaps you’ll feel differently
Unsolicited dick pics are a norm for me .... Not that I love them - but that's when they get sent to me in my inbox. Here in Chaos: Don't stress undress I expect to see a dick or two on occasion.

I think all we are trying to say is that this is a nude pic thread. People post their bodies and if you don't like it then that is absolutely valid - but there's just no need to say anything. Especially when you've been asking for pics. I don't think @Mr_bogey is trying to berate you ... Just maybe make the point that when people share their bodies - love it or not - we always try to be positive and encouraging to each other here. ❤️
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Unsolicited dick pics are a norm for me .... Not that I love them - but that's when they get sent to me in my inbox. Here in Chaos: Don't stress undress I expect to see a dick or two in occasion.

I think all we are trying to say is that this is a nude pic thread. People post their bodies and if you don't like it then that is absolutely valid - but there's just no need to say anything. Especially when you've been asking for pics. I don't think @Mr_bogey is trying to berate you ... Just maybe make the point that when people share their bodies - love it or not - we always try to be positive and encouraging to each other here. ❤️
And you want me to acknowledge that point but don’t think he should acknowledge mine
Got it
And as above - he directly quoted me, encouraged me to look - a bit different from a general pic. So I don’t apologize for saying I would have liked to have known
And I didn’t make any negative comment on his body; simply pointed out I would have liked to know
Unsolicited dick pics are a norm for me .... Not that I love them - but that's when they get sent to me in my inbox. Here in Chaos: Don't stress undress I expect to see a dick or two in occasion.

I think all we are trying to say is that this is a nude pic thread. People post their bodies and if you don't like it then that is absolutely valid - but there's just no need to say anything. Especially when you've been asking for pics. I don't think @Mr_bogey is trying to berate you ... Just maybe make the point that when people share their bodies - love it or not - we always try to be positive and encouraging to each other here. ❤️
It's only the norm if we dismiss it and allow it
So you knew two things I didn’t
Wanna carry on berating me for simply having said I would have preferred to know so I could choose?
I’ll leave you to that
No one is berating you. I was letting you know this is a positive environment because you are new to the thread. When you enter a thread, it might be a good idea to take some time to understand it and how it works before criticizing someone.

If anyone was berating it was you labeling @WerdNerd as deceptive and accusing him of tricking you.

Instead of being defensive, maybe trying being self-aware and apologize for the unfounded accusations you made.

If you want to make a thread that comes with warnings, I suggest you start that one.

This one already has its rules and if something is posted behind a link it is "buyer beware". You don't have to click but if you do, you might find a women shooting a ping pong ball out of her whoha or a guy performing a helicockter.

Justa made a great, welcoming free-for-all of a thread. Mizz has done a great job of carrying her torch until she returns to us.

I hope you find your place here and enjoy this thread for what it is, like so many of the rest of us.

P.S. this is not the place for drama, so I hope someone posts a pic soon to get this joint back on track.
All such an accompaniment to morning coffee… 🥵😳🥵
Girls are still leading the guys by number of people who are making me thirst…
Guys - especially those who know you’re on my list and haven’t posted, (that I’ve seen) - are you just accepting defeat? 🤭😂
Am I left thirsting more for women atm?
I’ve tried! I did my part, several times now😭
Titties for Peace needs it's own theme song. 🎵 all we are saying, is give titties a chance 🎵 Okay, its a work in progress...

On a side note, I've been known to take my top off when my spouse is being irration in an argument. Works like a charm!
I do this sometimes if I am with a new female friend that I like. If I really like her, and their is awkward silence or conversation stalls. Sometimes I just awkwardly take my top off or private of course