Chaos: Don't Stress, Undress

Sheesh, I spend time getting ready to travel and then actually travel and flood gates of Chaos swing wide releasing a deluge of images.

I should travel more often. 😉
Legs with rope marks...
I'll go with post-Shibari and not lucky escaped from pygmies that thought you'd make a great meal. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure you're fabulous to snack on I just get sad when I think of anyone not getting a good meal. Even pygmies.
People sometimes think I live in my bath 😇
I understand. I had a phase where many people believed I lived in my shower. Too many folks just don't appreciate what a great studio the bathroom is once you get good at keeping the toilet out of frame.
1... 2... yep! I got two legs! It's always a good idea to check and make sure...
🦵 1, 🦵 2
It's MOST important to check after an overnight in the hospital. Nothing like going on for a sleep study and coming out with a state of the art prosthetic. That aside, with your fingers unavailable because your hands were holding the phone to take the picture what did you use to count to two? 🤔
Getting back to basics
Huh. I've been to Basic, twice even. I don't recall seeing anything like that either time. I wonder if third time could be the charm?
Can it be just one?..
Sure! You threw in a bonus hip to fill the void left from the other leg. Wait. I mean no. We need to call a meeting of the Void Filling Committee, develop some corrective actions (Angelica's rope skills put her in the running to head the committee) and then implement a void filling strategy.
Relaxing with my legs up last night.
Very nice. As they like to say, looks like your legs go all the way up. Well one obviously goes a little bit higher. Though one does have to wonder if one or both could actually go a smidge higher.

Ladies, thank you for kicking off my first night in the hotel in style.

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I bet you were the kid in school that blew the curve MYB. Like at Science Fair time when all the other kids made baking soda volcanoes and measured the rate leaves grew you made a f--king time machine.

That's it! You traveled back from Thursday to post this picture here. I hope you continue to use the time machine for the benefit of humanity or at least the benefit of Litanity because we're all.friends here, right?

I bet you were the kid in school that blew the curve MYB. Like at Science Fair time when all the other kids made baking soda volcanoes and measured the rate leaves grew you made a f--king time machine.
Well, it wasn't a time machine, but I've always been a little bit  extra in everything I do