Chaos: Don't Stress, Undress

For the record, @Lmizzler, I checked and my rainfall head does bear the weight of my phone! That wasn’t the planned photo shoot, but it is good to know for future reference. I’m not sure it’s the best angle for me 😆 but I’m definitely going to mess around with it sometime.

I won't be able to post often this weekend, so here's a photo dump with my commentary.

I took a boudoir photography class. It's been enlightening. Some things I was doing right, other principles were entirely new concepts to me. Here are a few that I've shared before, and they were taken and edited with some of those principles in mind.

Object focus:

I used the Picsart App, and one of the blur filters to keep my lips in focus, but soft blur the rest. I liked that I could choose the point of focus as well as fine tune the level of blur, all in the apps filter options

In this pic, I knew I wanted it to feel like you were getting a peek over my shoulder. From my class, I learned a bit about angle & perspective. While the original pics were nice. I thought that a cropped version was more evocative. Being ok with cropping has been a process for me!

I like sexy pics, but I'm also a human being. I like that to be acknowldge as such rather than faceless pair of tits. So once in awhile you get a bit of me as well.

Colorpop is great app for, well, making colors pop. I used it leave my eye & hair color in. However, because my hair is a violet ombre, it created a fun effect. I wanted the eye to struggle for focus, so having three points of interest doesn't give your eye a chance to rest, leaving a slightly frustrated feeling in the viewer.

Where as this one, I used a black & white filter & re-colored my hair using the hair feature on Picsart. Adding color over black & white gave a fun effect

Now to lighting, it's so fun to play with! My home has TONS of windows. I designed it that way on purpose. Bit it's not great for getting those hot shots like @JustAnotherFlower seems to be an expert at getting. My most recent attempt ended with the light blaring. This one ended up with too much light, I could not seem to darken it without making myself disappear. Low angle = decent booty shot, but this was as good as it got.

Ok, poses. Trying to accentuate curves on an already bubblicious body can be tricky. As @Mr_bogey is offended by my use of the term "thicc", I shall heretofore describe myself as mini-thicc.

A few things I've picked on for my mini-thicc frame is that a body in motion often looks slimmer because you're not seeing everything at once. Knees, one in front if the other, and arms slightly curved create an exaggerated sense of the female form. Where as straight on might get the idea across, but isnt as fun.

And, accent what draws attention naturally. I swear my backside leaves a room a full minute after I've left. There's no hiding it, but standing in a certain way makes it appear bubbler. Take this photo vs the one above. My butt is 1000% bubbler from nothing but the pose change. (Also, don't forget, ARCH YOUR BACK, LADIES!)
I won't be able to post often this weekend, so here's a photo dump with my commentary.

I took a boudoir photography class. It's been enlightening. Some things I was doing right, other principles were entirely new concepts to me. Here are a few that I've shared before, and they were taken and edited with some of those principles in mind.

Object focus:

I used the Picsart App, and one of the blur filters to keep my lips in focus, but soft blur the rest. I liked that I could choose the point of focus as well as fine tune the level of blur, all in the apps filter options

In this pic, I knew I wanted it to feel like you were getting a peek over my shoulder. From my class, I learned a bit about angle & perspective. While the original pics were nice. I thought that a cropped version was more evocative. Being ok with cropping has been a process for me!

I like sexy pics, but I'm also a human being. I like that to be acknowldge as such rather than faceless pair of tits. So once in awhile you get a bit of me as well.

Colorpop is great app for, well, making colors pop. I used it leave my eye & hair color in. However, because my hair is a violet ombre, it created a fun effect. I wanted the eye to struggle for focus, so having three points of interest doesn't give your eye a chance to rest, leaving a slightly frustrated feeling in the viewer.

Where as this one, I used a black & white filter & re-colored my hair using the hair feature on Picsart. Adding color over black & white gave a fun effect

Now to lighting, it's so fun to play with! My home has TONS of windows. I designed it that way on purpose. Bit it's not great for getting those hot shots like @JustAnotherFlower seems to be an expert at getting. My most recent attempt ended with the light blaring. This one ended up with too much light, I could not seem to darken it without making myself disappear. Low angle = decent booty shot, but this was as good as it got.

Ok, poses. Trying to accentuate curves on an already bubblicious body can be tricky. As @Mr_bogey is offended by my use of the term "thicc", I shall heretofore describe myself as mini-thicc.

A few things I've picked on for my mini-thicc frame is that a body in motion often looks slimmer because you're not seeing everything at once. Knees, one in front if the other, and arms slightly curved create an exaggerated sense of the female form. Where as straight on might get the idea across, but isnt as fun.

And, accent what draws attention naturally. I swear my backside leaves a room a full minute after I've left. There's no hiding it, but standing in a certain way makes it appear bubbler. Take this photo vs the one above. My butt is 1000% bubbler from nothing but the pose change. (Also, don't forget, ARCH YOUR BACK, LADIES!)
Gorgeous... 😏