Chaos: Don't Stress, Undress

This was taken after my first cupping session at occupational therapy. What you can't see is the TBI I'm recovering from. My parasympathetic nervous system was shot and I was going in to shock if I moved my head the wrong way. I spent six months in therapy recovering and am still building myself back to my former glory. It's been a lot of hard work and many cupping bruises to help my body learn how to relax again.
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This was taken after my first cupping session at occupational therapy. What you can't see is the TBI I'm recovering from. My parasympathetic nervous system was shot and I was going in to shock if I moved my head the wrong way. I spent six months in therapy recovering and am still building myself back to my former glory. It's been a lot of hard work and many cupping bruises to help my body learn how to relax again.
I've been surrounded by TBI since I was a teenager. Even went to school with the hopes of being a neuropsychologist, until I discovered they don't make shit for pay, so only a BA for me and changed course, but I digress. I didn't know, but if you ever need to vent with someone who understands, reach out!
I don't have scars I want to post. So I'm going chaos. This tan might be the darkest my legs have ever been and after I took the picture, I thought it would be better with a thong. But I was too lazy to retake it so.... 😂
I'll be the judge of that....

But yes your legs are lovely and tanned.
Scars: This one is close to 25 years old at this point, but it's probably the most 'visible' scar I have on my body. When I was in college, I lived off campus my last two years. I was close enough to walk to the dorms on one part of campus and to the bars up the street, so I did that as much as I could. Spring of my junior year, I'd walked some friends back to their dorms and then headed back to my place.

The problem was that my apartment was in the middle of a block on the other side from the dorms. That meant either a long walk one direction or the other, or cutting through residential yards. I had done it enough times that I more or less knew the right cut through point, but it turned out to be an uncommonly dark night, and I missed by one or two houses.

Of course, I didn't realize this because I was drunk. At least, not until I got within about 10 feet of the 6 foot chain link fence at the back of someone's property. Well, at this point, I wasn't about to go all the way back through and around. It was probably close to 3AM by this point. So up and over I went. Problem is - I was wearing leather Birkenstock-like sandals, and they'd gotten wet on the bottom from the dew on the grass. As I swung my second leg over, the momentum and slipperiness of my foot caused me to slip, and in my attempt to catch myself, I just so happened to catch my wrist on a jagged piece of this old fucking fence, and ripped a good 4 inches down and across my wrist.

Well, I was a stupid drunk, so I went home, put some bactine on it, wrapped it in a paper towel, and passed out. I'm lucky the stupid thing cut more across than down. Not today, Darwin.
A shot down my left leg. Botched surgery - knicked an artery. This was January 15th of this year.

I got home about 2 weeks later All good

Took a shower. The two freshest scars are where the skin ripped open. Blood spraying all over the shower and bathroom. They told me I was about a minute from dying. 9 units of blood, and a different surgeon fixed it.

I’ve been doing rehab and PT since. Strength and balance are much better.

Mentally, I’m not nearly recovered.
A shot down my left leg. Botched surgery - knicked an artery. This was January 15th of this year.

I got home about 2 weeks later All good

Took a shower. The two freshest scars are where the skin ripped open. Blood spraying all over the shower and bathroom. They told me I was about a minute from dying. 9 units of blood, and a different surgeon fixed it.

I’ve been doing rehab and PT since. Strength and balance are much better.

Mentally, I’m not nearly recovered.
I have no exciting scars, apart from stretch marks from hitting puberty with a vitamin E deficiency. However, I do have this scar on my thumb from 15 years ago when I had to give my 17 pound older cat a bath. She freaked out, launched in the air, scratched out at me. Locked one claw deep into my thumb which suddenly had to support all of her water-logged tubby self s few feet in the air. Neither of us had fun.
I have no exciting scars, apart from stretch marks from hitting puberty with a vitamin E deficiency. However, I do have this scar on my thumb from 15 years ago when I had to give my 17 pound older cat a bath. She freaked out, launched in the air, scratched out at me. Locked one claw deep into my thumb which suddenly had to support all of her water-logged tubby self s few feet in the air. Neither of us had fun.