Chaos... to be continued

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Brits talking about weather? How unusual! 😂 I'm subscribing to Amber's course btw.
You should be grateful you only have a few of us here. I went on my mental health busting walk earlier. Every person I saw said “It’s going to be a hot one today” (or similar wording). After about a dozen people there was this middle aged fellow and he nodded his head at me and commented on it being hot. The look on his face when I said “They’ve forecasted snow for tomorrow”. It was priceless and kept me giggling for quite a few minutes.

I thought I had booked you as one of the models for the course. Don’t tell me I have to try and find a replacement now!
You should be grateful you only have a few of us here. I went on my mental health busting walk earlier. Every person I saw said “It’s going to be a hot one today” (or similar wording). After about a dozen people there was this middle aged fellow and he nodded his head at me and commented on it being hot. The look on his face when I said “They’ve forecasted snow for tomorrow”. It was priceless and kept me giggling for quite a few minutes.

I thought I had booked you as one of the models for the course. Don’t tell me I have to try and find a replacement now!
Sorry! My memory isn't what it used to be! I'm sure it's on my calendar downstairs. Are we still going with body painting my fat rolls different colors so you won't have to use the laser pointer as much? 😂😂😂
ever entered an old church on a hot-hot summer day? it's like entering a fridge :rolleyes: and if you're doing sight-seeing you wannabe able to enter places and usually it's frowned upon to enter any religion's temple/church/whatever-they-call-it scarcely clothed (as people tend to take their religion serious - and more often too serious but that's my 2c)
I did this when I lived in the Philippines, don't fucking care if people stare, imma cool myself off. Plus, they have holy water at every corner. I felt cleansed 😆
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