Character Feedback Request on 500 word Incest Story


Yes I knew what your definition of a Minivan was.

As for Rays - well we call those things "People Carriers" - you are talking about the Ford Galaxy etc aren't you Ray?

And yes those Kiwi bikers were male - well I am pretty sure they were unless it was traffic fumes on their jaws not shaving shadow.

WSO did you get my mail about flashers and the links - I am not on my own pc and have not checked the mail.

jon :devil: and :rose: 4u
yes jon

thank you dear, i am looking at the website right now. i'm intrigued. 100 words. wow i have to admit i found 300 hard to reach. but 100 golly!

kiwi bikers and pantyhose... now you really have me tempted to go do some research here... will have to dream up a way of finding out whether they still wear them under their jeans. hmmm

rest assured, my character biker DOES NOT WEAR PANTYHOSE!!!!! rofl though, come to think of it, maybe i'll put him in some and see what he does with them.

sorry i took so long answering dear, i have been playing around with the mixed relationship/incest story some more.

*hug* and thank you for the flower :)
one truly chagrined girlie

I have a very strong policy about avoiding the use of the word "never" at all costs. Why? Because as soon as the word passes my lips (or escapes my fingertips) the very thing I said never about manifests itself.

I'm going to take a very deep, centering breath and make a confession. Here goes....

I saw a man wearing a silver helmet today. My very first ever. It was shiny chrome and it nearly blinded me. Admittedly, he wasn't a very 'bikerish' looking biker, but he was a man in a silver helmet. On a black and chrome monster.

This is exactly what I get for being so emphatic. And this public confession is my penance. Will someone absolve me, please?

Freya (I am donning my black cassock and stole)

Nom de Patri et fil et spiritu sancti (sign of the cross)

Say five "I must not make sweeping statements", and you may consider yourself absolved.

jon:devil: :devil: :p
yippeeeee dress up party time! ;)

I'm not so sure the mask goes with the outfit though jon rofl

was he wearing pantyhose freya? did you get close enough in your research to find out? i think you may have to investigate further...

what else was he wearing? no making it up though... i want details dear ;)

*walks around tapping chin wondering what to wear for the party*
jon.hayworth said:
As for Rays - well we call those things "People Carriers" - you are talking about the Ford Galaxy etc aren't you Ray?

Actually the Ford Windstar, or Chevy Lumina, or any one of about a hundred different models here in the US. They aren't cars they are vans built on a car chasis (as opposed to the full sized vans built on truck chasis) but just like smaller versions of the full sized vans.

Volkswagon actually pioneered them, I think, with the MicroBus of the seventies.

have a nice friday and good weekend all, i'll be back my monday if i don't get a chance before then.
meanwhile i'm going to think about another little description.

With black outside and red inside, my eyes were spinning. Never before had I seen such an outfit. The dark leather stretched across thigh muscles clearly outlining it's owners sex. An obviously well exercised body moved toward the door. The nightclubs flashing lights showed the silver streak running through black hair which was long enough to graze the collar on the white shirt. The walk was a definate swagger. Boots were highly polished leather with slight heels. The look on the bouncers face when given the wink made me chuckle.
have fun ;)
no pantyhose, but he did seem pansy.

Due to the fact that it was 95 degrees farenheit (35 degrees for all you celsius people) outside today, I seriously doubt this guy was wearing pantyhose. He was a rather, ummm, unusual biker though, because he was wearing a business-man type pinstriped suit. Maybe the silver helmet was meant to match the grey pinstripe? I don't know about this, really. Could he have been a faux biker perhaps? (OK, just kidding, I've learned my lesson....sigh). His tie streamed behind him though, for comic effect. So weird.
I think the universe is making fun of me.:)

the joy of being an observant writer...

i do so love it when any kind of stereotype gets all mussed up, makes life so much more interesting ;)

i wonder where your biker was going freya...?

pizza hut,
a secret clandestine meeting,
hell, maybe he was coming to our dressup party! ;)
The motorcyclist, (I would not call him a biker - as the name has certain implications) Freya saw, is of a type quite common in big cities in the UK. As traffic gridlock has got worse, some smart execs have realised a big bike is the ideal means of transport, especially to beat the rush hour commuting into the city and home, and a big bike is faster than a Porsche.

We even have a few motorcycling Members of Parliament.

Maybe it is an idea that is crossing the pond in the opposite direction to usual.

where do they put their lunchboxes jon, or do they buy lunch these days?

why not use the term biker? you're not being derrogatory i'm sure. these days in new zealand we are becoming smothered with politically correct terms. is it like this elsewhere? i'm sure it's not a good thing to have gone so far, personally i'm hoping that this particular pendulum swings back and stops near the mid ground. that good old fashioned ideal of showing one another respect would be a more realistic way of going.

motorcyclist is definately gender unclear.

what percentage of motorized cycle riders (is it ok to say they're riders?) are male?

from what i've heard of gridlock around London, i can't for the life of me figure out why people still travel and get themselves in the centre of such a complete waste of time.

traffic drives me nuts. i love driving (gear change driving - real driving), but i like open roads and country roads. i've only ever been on a motorbike once in my life. about 100 years ago i was being doubled. was a great ride. boy did i get in trouble when my parents found i'd been on one.

we haven't touched on safety though. it's always being drummed into heads over here that motorbikes are not safe to ride because other road vehicle users are able to see them as clearly. it doesn't seem in the slightest way to stop those that wish to have one from owning one.

what i'd give for a ride on one now *sigh*
easily remedied


I think it's time for that field trip. I'm sure some nice biker would indulge you in a ride if it were "for research purposes" :)

I will try to answer your questions.

They probably buy their lunch, they are mainly well paid. But we are talking mainly about big touring bikes equipped with panniers and topboxes.

Biker / Motorcyclist.
Biker: someone who not only rides a motorcycle but also subscribes to a subculture ethos. At the top of the pyramid would be the members of so called Outlaw MC clubs, Hells Angels. They are totally committed not only to their bikes but also the biker way of life. Spending every last penny on either the motorcycle or bikers parties.

Motorcyclist: someone who rides a motorcycle for transport and enjoyment but does not see the motorcycle as being a lifestyle commitment.

I would estimate the majority of motorcyclists are male - see answer about safety.

Safety whats that - Seriously I think most motor cycle riders get a Dopamine buzz from the speed and from near misses. At one time I had an ex police bike and got away with doing 70mph plus up Oxford Street tailgating an ambulance. The sensation was terrific - if I had been given the choice between that or sex the speed would win every time.

Damon Hill the ex-racing driver who used to work as a motorcycle courier and race bikes said the same thing - if it is not on the edge it is not fun.

I do not think women are so prone to this Dopamin defficiency - it all goes back to our animal forebearers - so they tend not to get the same kick from speed and danger.

Although I am disabled - I ploughed into a cab, I still drive as fast as my horrible little car will go and take bends with the wheels sliding. Why because it is fun.

hmmm you have me thinking jon...

oh bikes like Harley Davidsons? Those huge flash jobs. Now they are expensive looking bikes.

mind you, i reckon i've seen some beautiful black numbers over here... shiny chrome, stunningly well cared for bikes. yes they have box things on the sides and the top too. no idea what model they are though, but thanks to you i now know what they keep in those boxes.

yes we have Hells Angels over here. i believe an uncle of mine was a Hells Angel at some point many moons ago. (wow maybe that's where the 'wild' bit originated) ;)

we also have a gang called the Mongrel Mob. nice sound eh? i'm not sure it's such a good idea talking about the antics these guys get up to.

but i do recall watching the news and seeing hundreds of bikers dressed in their leathers riding around our country collecting for charity... kids... or christmas... or something along those lines rings a bell.

sure blows the 'biker stereotype' right out the window watching big burley men with tattoos holding teddy bears and the like.

ooooooohhhhh S A F E T Y :p
there's an element of dashing, daring, driving in all of us. but i reckon the majority of us try to contain it and let the sensible side show when we're in our vehicles. actually you are most likely correct in that it's animal based.

i am sorry to hear you are disabled, but yet again, very grateful that the internet is a great equaliser.

i'm also very grateful i live here and you there... i'd hate to meet you cutting corners when i'm about to drive around one.:p

along with wanting to meet a real biker, i've a hankering for trying a 360o wheel spin. *sigh* i think i'm getting worse instead of better.

i had a visitor last school holidays. an ex-nextdoorneighbour arrived. i knew instantly who he was. my kids eyes were like round saucers when they realised. he'd got himself a motorbike (can't remember the sort offhand now), was dressed up in all the leather that it was legal to wear in public (lots), black helmet with dark visor. he's in his late 60s and decided it was past time to indulge himself.

have to admit it was a bit of an anticlimax knowing who exactly was underneath all that gear though...

and no... i don't count him as a real 'biker'... too much personal contact maybe.