Chasin' Chickens

Thanks Du
now what do I name it?


can a tree see?

High on a ridge
over looking the world
above a deep canyon
two sprouts reach for the sun

twin trunks digging deeply
both stretching and reaching
towards the heavens

In the strong winds
they brush each other

years unfold
one tree leans away
from the steep, cliffs, drop off

the others
roots gripped tight
and leaned out
over the canyon

storms and rain
and beating sun
found a day
when there was only one

one tree stood
the other
lay fallen
deep in the canyon
across a creek

Tiger lays resting
mouth full of white feathers
another Crane lands


poem a paper on white
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Stepping stones

Panama breeze
cobble stone creek
and army boots
bullets were thrown
I crossed those
stepping stones

tubes and wires
and electrical machines
"He won't make it ...
to next spring."
chill to the bone
crossing those
stepping stones

Dark alleys
and restless nights
warrior blood
looking for a fight
staggers into
a knife
came off my thrown
crossing those
stepping stones

A love laid down
gather frowns
heart still pounds
lifes on loan
crossing those
stepping stones
If it wasn't for the yapping or the darting over my feet
having sex would really be sweet
detective eyes and cold nose sniffs
while we press towards each others hips
then that barking when I cum
I really want to get my gun
I know he has to watch our loves day
but I think that dog wants to play
Attar of Spring

I am still working on this one.. it is not done... but I thought I would post it to get some idea of where I need to go with is a cycle/human nature/faith poem..
lol.. never an easy thing for the du~

Attar of Spring

Distended sprigs surging into blue welkin,
Winter storms a fading limbo,
Brown warmth of autumn leaves,
Dry in the sun.

Self doubt invades the soul
when separated from the love that
makes us whole.

"The person old in days won't hesitate
to ask a little child seven days old
about the place of life, and that person will live.

For many of the first will be last, and will become a single one."

Glare crusted rooftop drooling,
Attar of spring.

quote from: 4th parable, The Gospel of Thomas, The Nag Hammadi Library,
Selection from Robert J. Miller, ed., The Complete Gospels: Annotated Scholars Version. (Polebridge Press, 1992, 1994).

we will see where it goes.. hope I quote this correctly and I can do this in a poem? Any shared knowledge?
Du Lac~
Du Lac said:
I am still working on this one.. it is not done... but I thought I would post it to get some idea of where I need to go with is a cycle/human nature/faith poem..
lol.. never an easy thing for the du~

Attar of Spring

Distended sprigs surging into blue welkin,
Winter storms a fading limbo,
Brown warmth of autumn leaves,
Dry in the sun.

Self doubt invades the soul
when separated from the love that
makes us whole.

"The person old in days won't hesitate
to ask a little child seven days old
about the place of life, and that person will live.

For many of the first will be last, and will become a single one."

Glare crusted rooftop drooling,
Attar of spring.

quote from: 4th parable, The Gospel of Thomas, The Nag Hammadi Library,
Selection from Robert J. Miller, ed., The Complete Gospels: Annotated Scholars Version. (Polebridge Press, 1992, 1994).

we will see where it goes.. hope I quote this correctly and I can do this in a poem? Any shared knowledge?
Du Lac~

How do I make perfection better?
I was lost in the awesome way this makes me feel when I
first read it then read it to understand it and it got
like a deep hole where cave drawings are found and the ancient
awe of it all, intranced me. (*_*)

I loved this ...

Self doubt invades the soul
when separated from the love that
makes us whole.
Cafe Jungle terrace
in snake skin leather boots
and an aligator smile,
your venemous charm
sends them sailing
like a sighting of 'eureka'

Rainbow hair
that flares a stare
dare to be different
with metal studs
in facial creases
cleavage isles

Like a jolt of adrenaline
mixed with lustfull passion
perks your glowing expression
and feline sensual leg brushes
hinting the wolfs desire to frolic

Like an over dose of caffene
fingers jitter a tap dance to erotic buttons
cabaret eyes tossing darts of lust
kitty pur giggles mingled on wine red lips
the sound of 'zip' met your lips
it wasn't a job and you didn't blow
but oh how I did grow.

I motioned that maybe
since we had just met
Five minutes ago to be exact
that maybe we shouldn't be doing such a thing
you licked your lips and slurped a smile
said that, "That is why they call me, WILDTHING!"
The wilderness has shrunk to state Parks and refuges
Two of the top ten reasons for death in the 1800s
was snake bite or bear attack
now the snakes are chased into holes for their venom
and bears get feed through vehicle windows

Wild birds hop across a hot asfault parking lots
as seagulls dance around incoming shrimp boats
and squirrels find a rythym in darting yard by yard
it maybe a zoo but the tiger has room to roam
high top rubber aids a cush in the concrete jungles cobblestone

They snip the skunk and make them pets
while funraising for wales at a fish supper banquet
serving something that was raised in a large tube
sitting on leather and sprawling mink slings
chatting about the wilderness and wild things

getting jerked back like a pulling snagging thorn and vine
by an assailant on 43rd and 9 in his alley shrine
being attacked and mauld by a vicious animal named "Bear"
heavy pants and grunts with wild swinging stings
this is what the new wilderness brings
They punch through the dirt
and rise to exist
excepting fate and swallowing rain
commoradary of those
who share this spot
on this earthly plain

Reaching for the suns radiant warmth
rising to out rise
their sister or brother
standing together
till the wind makes them
beat against the other

below the surface
they fight for space
while racing to be first in heaven
doing the dance of being alive
in their crowded world
tis why the wheat fields wavin'
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I didn't hear the cat say it was hungry
I was to busy debating mental juggling
between my ear lobes

The boss said something,
I acted like I heard
but I was remembering
how your 'whimpers' sound
that's when I was awaken
by his 'yelling' growl

I was here
but my mind was there
you can usually tell
by the distant blank stare
especially when I recall
how you love to stand bare

I was strolling along
having a silent converstion with myself
when the man walking next to me
found a wallet full of wealth

I got lost in your smile
and forgot to tell myself to breath
I could hear nothing
but the sound of my heart
pounding between my ears
The mind absorbs
its surroundings
like a beautiful rose bush
soaking knowledge from the soil
Uproot, ship of and transplant
it is still the same rose bush
and for this does it know
such is as a rose?
And it know not what it may bring
it knows not its beauty of spring
yet strives to be among the living
this is good... I felt that you wrote it just for me about me... when a work does that and can be personal for another.. I feel (and it is my own thought here) NOW THAT IS POETRY...
My Erotic Tale said:
The mind absorbs
its surroundings
like a beautiful rose bush
soaking knowledge from the soil
Uproot, ship of and transplant
it is still the same rose bush
and for this does it know
such is as a rose?
And it know not what it may bring
it knows not its beauty of spring
yet strives to be among the living
In the works...

This one I have been working on for a while... a line comes to me.. I write and I leave it... forgotten on the dusty shelves of my pc folder... I opened it today and added a stanza.. the vision is not complete and it is awkward in many respects.. but I want to put it out in the stream of things so creative juices may flow... help!!
Part of the inspiration of this poem comes from my Lilith poem Apostles of her Gnostic Truth there are so many versions of Eve through out History but the one who keeps coming back to me is the Eve of Milton's Paradise Lost... She has no voice... and this poem to me is a way to open her up for all to hear...I guess I need to go back and re-read the pages with her laced within the hell of Miltons verse...

Medusa's Chant

Metal on metal singing through the air,
closed eyes of Eve now open to see,
Haunting madness of the shackled song,
humming in her mind. (I don't like this line)

Medusa’s bones chant to Paradise's prisoner,
Eve cries to a God of banished beliefs,
Darkness circling, buried suffrage
echoing within the labyrinth of stone hearts.
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Du Lac said:
This one I have been working on for a while... a line comes to me.. I write and I leave it... forgotten on the dusty shelves of my pc folder... I opened it today and added a stanza.. the vision is not complete and it is awkward in many respects.. but I want to put it out in the stream of things so creative juices may flow... help!!
Part of the inspiration of this poem comes from my Lilith poem Apostles of her Gnostic Truth there are so many versions of Eve through out History but the one who keeps coming back to me is the Eve of Milton's Paradise Lost... She has no voice... and this poem to me is a way to open her up for all to hear...I guess I need to go back and re-read the pages with her laced within the hell of Miltons verse...

Medusa's Chant

Metal on metal singing through the air,
closed eyes of Eve now open to see,
Haunting madness of the shackled song,
humming in her mind. (I don't like this line)

Medusa’s bones chant to Paradise's prisoner,
Eve cries to a God of banished beliefs,
Darkness circling, buried suffrage
echoing within the labyrinth of stone hearts.

WOW I like that Du~

humming a chant in her mind like rattle chains or strands of melodys?
hell I aint sure where the painting is in your mind to help ya <grin>

but I like~
The mind absorbs its surroundings
while the body builds accustomed
like the adaptability of a rose bush
soaking knowledge from the soil
while experiencing the suns light

Uproot, ship it off and transplant
it is still the same rose bush
and for this does it know
adaptability, is such like a rose?

And it know not what it may bring
it knows not its blooming beauty of spring
it just strives to be among the living

A garden of rose bushes in grooming
now lost in the mass of those in blooming

In the harshness of the thorns, a rose bush born!

Thanx babe.. like rattles and chains... remember in Apostles .. Lilith was fettered to the gates of Eden... her legs spread... open to all to use...

Now.. Eve is fettered to Adam and God in the same way.. a prisoner in Eden. Her other half is Lilith hence why she always hears the painful madness of the metal on metal... calling to her...

How I get there I don 't know... and what Medusa has to do with it I don't know... it is a vision that is coming lol... I love Medusa and her background... I feel that Medusa is Pain... living a tortured life as a demon... not her true self... that when she is beheaded she is freed... this is all tied into the Eve/Lilith myth also I feel needs to be written about. Women condemned.... living a veil of false truth that has been blanketed upon their souls.... deep deep du lac... and NO this is not a feminist poem lol.. it is about the entrapment of both genders .... because of the comdemned views of these trapped mythical women... how I get there who the hell knows... more meditation will bring about the vision... MORE to Come lol..
ty babe for the help..
Du~ :catroar:

My Erotic Tale said:
WOW I like that Du~

humming a chant in her mind like rattle chains or strands of melodys?
hell I aint sure where the painting is in your mind to help ya <grin>

but I like~
wow Du, you are so cool,
isn't medusa the lady with snake hair?and a tail...
I like the tale <grin> well that perked my attention...

I killed a poem
it was my own un-doing
a few great lines
I hid with the shine

like an acorn
I place it in its own rehlm
under the oaks near the elms

I tossed a bunch of leaves
to splatter more realism there
I hung the moss to filter the suns glare

A victum walked by I snagged,
"See that acorn poem in all its glory?"
They said, "I see no acorn or poem, sorry!"

I had to retrieve the acorn and said,
"See, a beautiful acorn," as they were going
I killed a beautiful acorn poem
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Love the mind who can create such interesting weaves in the rug of time...
nice write and moral here Art..

My Erotic Tale said:
I killed a poem
it was my own un-doing
a few great lines
I hid with the shine

like an acorn
I place it in its own rehlm
under the oaks near the elms

I tossed a bunch of leaves
to splatter more realism there
I hung the moss to filter the suns glare

A victum walked by I snagged,
"See that acorn poem in all its glory?"
They said, "I see no acorn or poem, sorry!"

I had to retrieve the acorn and said,
"See, a beautiful acorn," as they were going
I killed a beautiful acorn poem
Medusa's Chant

Metal on metal singing through the air,
closed eyes of Eve now open to see,
Haunting madness of the shackled song,
incessant humming of her mind. (A small change there)

Medusa’s bones chant to Paradise's prisoner,
Eve cries to a God of banished beliefs,
Darkness circling, buried suffrage
echoing within the labyrinth of stone hearts.

Screams pour forth from the night,
Peebles line the sacred circles,
Reflective pasts of beating hearts,
Lilith's song a fettered memory.

okay there is some more???? this one is a wee bit at a time... Barney is coming forth and I started work on the novel Morgan and I are writing... plus work ... and some research lol.. and new areas of business coming forth.. Help.. in the meantime what the fuck is up with this SNOW????
Du Lac has a way with words i see

i put a poem in the list that i got from our conversation about a fish and then the revibrant stir of Haiku come over me. Its for you and Du Lac

hey sweetie~

I haven't looked yet but will ...<grin>

Medusa's Chant

Metal on metal singing through the air,
closed eyes of Eve now open to see,
Haunting madness of the shackled song,
incessant humming of her mind. (A small change there)

Medusa’s bones chant to Paradise's prisoner,
Eve cries to a God of banished beliefs,
Darkness circling, buried suffrage
echoing within the labyrinth of stone hearts.

Screams pour forth from the night,
Peebles line the sacred circles,
Reflective pasts of beating hearts,
Lilith's song a fettered memory.

wow your a zen master of poetry Du
Is this real, or fantasy or a dream of eves?