Chasin' Chickens

'Turn on the hose'
she said
'come on, I know you want to'

there was a zip
then a slip
then the hose was revealed

'hot weather days
were made for such play'
she said in her grinin' way

I pulled and pointed
the sprinkler head
and 'let her rip'
is what she said

she wrapped her fingers
around my hose tight
gripping and pulling
the liquid took flight

spray spray spray away
Shall I play 'a mouse trap' of Hamlet
to show you some wicked ways

It's hard to grasp the tongue of a Dragon
with fire being bellowed in say

Words can shrill like the octive note
that breaks and shatters glass

or soothe a soul like a summer rain
or an erotic breeze that pass

Words can mimick dogs that bark
or the constant faucet drip

or touch you deeply in your soul
and bring a quivering lip

If you handed out your words to another
like passing out a medication

would you be wreckless or careless
in their distribution

Is it nature to whisper sweetness
into the ear of your mother

then turn and shout, critic and judge
your closes friend or neighbor

some words stick like grains of sand
embedded under the eye lid

some words lift you to that plain
where it's easy to forgive

some spit words like bullets fired
uncaring of their harm

their hearts are cold and battered
anger keeps them warm

words can come across like sand paper
abrassive to the inner drum

or fill you with a sweet soothing melody
you uncontrolably hum

Words of truth can cut like a knife
be humble spoken, I plea

We are all armed with the sword of truth
and sheild of honesty
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Art, I never post here because I wouldn't attempt to write a poem, ever, but I absolutely adore this thread!

Thank you. :rose:
Love cannot endure indiffernce.It needs to be wanted.Like a lamp it needs to be fed out of the oil of anothers heart,or its flame dies out.

thanks bamagirl
The colors clash
the reds and blues
brown behind white

the clothes on the carpet
are a different color
if I wore the same color pants
shirt and socks as the carpet
then they would not clash any more

but then there would be a mound
pile of uneven
might make it difficult to walk
I have a lawn mower
what color should I paint it?
My Erotic Tale said:
The colors clash
the reds and blues
brown behind white

the clothes on the carpet
are a different color
if I wore the same color pants
shirt and socks as the carpet
then they would not clash any more

but then there would be a mound
pile of uneven
might make it difficult to walk
I have a lawn mower
what color should I paint it?

I dunno, me clothes always looked best tossed on the floor, ya know? ;)
Dream weiner
was dreaming
of ...

penis butter
and jelly jiggled breasts
a lustful apitite
this little head has

dancing for a muffin

sour cream and jive
fill the slice
"po-ta-toe "...
that means look out foot

His gift to a warm hug
white chocolate
usually melted
in or out of the box

easily miss-guided
this poor stiff is
one eye blind
and beatin' all the time

dream weiner dream
Dream weiners a dreamer

penis butter
and jelly jiggled breasts
a lustful apitite
this little head has

dancing for a muffin

her chin in palm
thoughts of how long
wiener dreaming
silent lust screaming

a gift to a warm hug
slippery silk
salted milk

lean cuisine
sour cream and jive
fills the slice
off a "po-ta-toe "...
that means look out foot

easily miss-guided
hangs with two nuts
this poor stiff is
one eye blind
and beatin' all the time

dream weiner dreams
of when he's grown
and hiding in a
warm wet hole
A French Rose
'The Art of Archery'

"The curved arch is embedded in a mind forever
the sensual swirls of grain and strand memorized
tied knots are an Art in woven perfection.
I should teach mi'lady a lesson"

A rally of laughter rang through the crowd
as Lord Flatterbush did a peacock strut
Tossing Jina a handfull of fear in spats
"Shall I remind you dear Lady of our wager?"

"No My Lord, I recall the agreement well."


Lady Jina rose her bow glaring the distance
watching the tree line for leaves that gust
field grass waves and hair in ghost dance blown
drew her line taught to her chin and nose ...

she let the line and arrow go!

The crowd hush in unison then cheered
"A bullseye?" Lord Flatterbush sighed a smile
"Never no matter, I win I get you for the night
you win, you get me for the night, isn't that right?"

Drew his bow and slug an arrow, into a furrow
a chuckle from the crowd yet Flatterbush still smiled
"Tis not a matter, what time shall I arrive to your bedroom?
Madam Mosel, I am all yours for the taking," he jest.

Lady Jina curtsy with formality smiling at her prize
"Sir, you shall have a date with my shovel and stables,
when ever your ready," Lady Jina lightly mumbled
The crowd rallied and Lord flattterbush grumbled.
My Erotic Tale said:
A French Rose
'The Art of Archery'

"The curved arch is embedded in a mind forever
the sensual swirls of grain and strand memorized
tied knots are an Art in woven perfection.
I should teach mi'lady a lesson"

A rally of laughter rang through the crowd
as Lord Flatterbush did a peacock strut
Tossing Jina a handfull of fear in spats
"Shall I remind you dear Lady of our wager?"

"No My Lord, I recall the agreement well."


Lady Jina rose her bow glaring the distance
watching the tree line for leaves that gust
field grass waves and hair in ghost dance blown
drew her line taught to her chin and nose ...

she let the line and arrow go!

The crowd hush in unison then cheered
"A bullseye?" Lord Flatterbush sighed a smile
"Never no matter, I win I get you for the night
you win, you get me for the night, isn't that right?"

Drew his bow and slug an arrow, into a furrow
a chuckle from the crowd yet Flatterbush still smiled
"Tis not a matter, what time shall I arrive to your bedroom?
Madam Mosel, I am all yours for the taking," he jest.

Lady Jina curtsy with formality smiling at her prize
"Sir, you shall have a date with my shovel and stables,
when ever your ready," Lady Jina lightly mumbled
The crowd rallied and Lord flattterbush grumbled.

hey cloudy, glad you like, if ya like the ROSE I have several series <grin> amarillo rose, a paris rose currently working on the french rose
and I have 10 for a scarlett rose coming out soon <grin> I ain't sure why but I love the little poetic tails <smile>
My Erotic Tale said:
hey cloudy, glad you like, if ya like the ROSE I have several series <grin> amarillo rose, a paris rose currently working on the french rose
and I have 10 for a scarlett rose coming out soon <grin> I ain't sure why but I love the little poetic tails <smile>

How 'bout one about a Cherokee rose? ;)
gray smoke bellow
from bear and skin
up to a crimson sky
days awakening eye

Little stir of a kindled fire
long black unbraided hair
churns a lustful desire
She fans a flame to grow

A brave awakens
with wide outreached arms
she begins baking
the mornings filling charm

His fingers find
a tit toy to tug
pulls her back to
the buffalo skin rug

Like a painted pony
ridden in the hot sun
fast as a tomahawk slung
the brave was done

he gathered his buckskins
and began his dressing
cherokee rose was
still smiling and waiting

"Where are my moccosins"
the brave searched harder
Cherokee rose
pulled down her garter

"They will return tomorrow,
today you'll have to stay."
she looked shyly across her nose
a gleaming cherokee rose
The antlers of mankind are worn
rubbing trees raw
stirring up termites
that we mirror
as an Earth full of holes
burrowing for diamonds
or greed

a tree is just a tree
but oil is deep in riches
Hiding the gold in the black
while waving
red, white, blue and green
tossing silver coins
while shooting stars of lead

as far back as the 'widows mite'
man has ripped through virgins
of flesh and land
on a scale that is truely grand
a dragonfly says
'the locusts don't lie'
a small theatrics
of future man
a stripped barren land
the hunger
of man!
'Time out'
hold the phone
stop the presses
desk cleared in one rake

Like the eyes of a skull
watching me
Your not here
but I feel your stare

My whole mental world
comes to a red light
when I think of you
my escalator stops

gazing into your pools
from memory
trying to see what
was at the bottom
of your deep water blue

recalling words
that stung like a slap
mixed with images
of you on your back

abstract smiling eyes
moon light on your thighs
moon pie titties squished
lapping hungry lips

rumped and rode
like a washing machine
cat claw rake and bite
wild hair on a full moon

I've looked down the barrel
of your intended words
daring you to shoot
so I could see your fire
there is still the smoldering

scooping from a muddy pool
and trying to throw water
back up to the falls
futile in a raining down pour
of memories

I can still feel the pain
of cupids broadhead
that tore through my heart
then you ripped my soul

The lights been green
for quite a while
but I have to take 'Time out'
when I think of you
My Erotic Tale said:
gray smoke bellow
from bear and skin
up to a crimson sky
days awakening eye

Little stir of a kindled fire
long black unbraided hair
churns a lustful desire
She fans a flame to grow

A brave awakens
with wide outreached arms
she begins baking
the mornings filling charm

His fingers find
a tit toy to tug
pulls her back to
the buffalo skin rug

Like a painted pony
ridden in the hot sun
fast as a tomahawk slung
the brave was done

he gathered his buckskins
and began his dressing
cherokee rose was
still smiling and waiting

"Where are my moccosins"
the brave searched harder
Cherokee rose
pulled down her garter

"They will return tomorrow,
today you'll have to stay."
she looked shyly across her nose
a gleaming cherokee rose

Absolutely beautiful, Art. I'm humbled. :heart:
My Erotic Tale said:
your welcome...I'll have to do a few more now to make a set

Are you going to post them? Let me know if you do, and when they're up, so I can put them in my favorites. :kiss:
A French Rose
posted today <grin>
A french Rose two tomorrow

so cherokee will probably be my weekend project <smile>
My Erotic Tale said:
A French Rose
posted today <grin>
A french Rose two tomorrow

so cherokee will probably be my weekend project <smile>

Oh, goody!!!

*jumps up and down, clapping my hands*
<grinin> happy cloudy <hehehey>
A French Rose 2 "Dueling Delima' posted today <smile>

A French Rose
'Maiden of the night''

Like a distant star, a lantern burned
on the balcony of the fair Lady Jina
a cloudless sky and wedding ring moon
quoting poetry she could remember

"Hello Mad'am, it is I, the poet you asked for,
what be your pleasure mailady, from Dante La'bo?"
The call came from the grounds below
Hearing a smile from a French Rose

Lady Jina walked out on the balcony
like a ship on a slight rolling oceans sea
Tossing silver coins like shooting stars
"Recite some poetry, Poet ...please!"

"Yes Milady, shall I come inside?"
"No, you can be poetic from right there,
I wish to be read to while I soak in a bath,"
Lady Jina let out a giggle then laugh

"Very well," Misier La'bo replied disappointed
"Began quoting poetry from Tristan:
'the Plaintes d'Acante et autres ouvres'
Lady Jina returned to her tub of luxury

The Poets words sailed over the balcony
Lady Jina slipped in to her watery dream
There in the pool of passions desire
was another throbbing heart a fire

"I just love poetry," a soft whisper kept
"As do I," the fair and pretty lady Jina replied
four legs messed in an erotic wet world
lay in the bubbles was two french girls

Their lips tasted wine then each other
Lady Jinas Maid was also her lover
slippery hands roamed over lathered breasts
intertwined in each others sensual caress

Fingers found moans and lips savored tongue
corset free 'bums' and clothes scattered slung
Their energy soared as the poet read more
Lord Flatterbush bursted through the door

Sword was drawn but things seemed wrong
"Where is this poet, I'll run my sword through him."
Lady Jina in the tub with her servant and maiden
Flatterbushs eyes were moon beams glazen

The poet kept reading some poetic words
Lord Flatterbush exclaimed, "This is obsurd!"
Lady Jina gave her maid a great big hug
for she was also Flatterbushs midnight love

"Flatterbush, I shall have your head
barging into the room of a lady," she said
"Unless an understand is met and agreed,
you should wed the virtues you took from Rosalie."

Flatterbush and Rosalie left to make plans
for their wedding and the ceromony of grand
Lady Jina lay wet inviting a poetic prose
the frolic of Dante La'bo and A French Rose
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A French Rose
'Passions Dance'

The Night slowly slipped into a haze
by words painted on a breath strange
Moon and lanterns lights danced together
Lady Jina soaking in literature feathered

"la France, a stage in play, a lovers stage..."
Dante La'bo continued his poetic say
"Misier La'bo, would you care to come nearer?"
A French Rose asked with an anticipated quiver

silence was broken when he knocked on the door
"Come in," she said, in a lady like roar
He entered the room as if it were a cage
Cradled his books and finger kept page

"Sit here and read, my dear," Lady Jina said
Seeing a Rose in the buff made his face red
stubbling to seat his feet tackled and stumbled
clumbsy, anxious and a clearing throat rumble

"Humm, Thy love is not a tower I see ...
but rather the perfume on a Pari' breeze.
My love is a candle that neads your fire
Illuminating moi's passions and desires."

Dante La'bo strung poems in a poetic pearl
mesmerized and entranced was a paris girl
Passion danced in flickers off walls and prose
tantalizing step out of the tub, a French Rose

She slid to his feet on a warm summer floor
bare as a bush she was begging for, "More!"
Stuttering pages fumbled as eyes weren't glue
fingers walking up a leg found a tower that grew

"Madam! Are you sure of what you do?" Dante spew
Her hand found a serpent that turned to wood and dew
"As long as you recite poetry my fingers will be here,"
Dante La'bos manhood on the tongue of a french dear

"How do I love thee ... let me count the ways,
Thy mouth is a river of words that you say ...
Your heart beats the tune that drives my love,
My love is a tower but thats not a white dove!"

Passion Danced for two in la france
bardelo of Lady Jina wrapped in romance
now only the moon light still glowed
till dawns prose ... a French Rose