Chasin' Chickens

When a dew drop falls heaven!
(rough draft) for the Du~

When a dew drop falls?
that's not it at all!

It races to the edge
of a leaf or a rim
holds for a moment
calculations on a whim

Then dives with delight
embracing the splash
the deathly collide
dew and soil clash

a dew drop is smart
and knows natures Art <grin>
the smaller it becomes
the first to rise to the heavens

on an early morning mist
lies the secret dew wish
when the sun and earth kiss
arrives the dew drops lift

when a dew drop falls...
to heaven!
A Yellow Rose

when the santa anna winds blow
across the streets of san antonio
midnights linger in a candles glow
cowboys holding a Yellow Rose
A Cherokee Rose: (chapter 1)
'Dreams Catch her'

Indian summer in a babbling brooks trickle
lightly fingers trail a pools surface to ripple
Paint brushes flower by the blue bonnets pose
bare in the waters cleansing, a Cherokee Rose

A noisey chatter from ducks that come quacking
from the bank to the water they came a splashing
a few waddled across the widest part of the river
on the other side they shed the wettness in shivers

'Little Deer' watched with a river wide smile
into the water she dove, dipped and subside
bursting the surface in a hair swinging splash
standing and rising her body and sun meshed

Fingers trail the valley leading to lustful spirits
thinking of a him and how his spirit stick gets
deeper her hand finds her passionate soul
one hand vibrantly rubbing the other nice and slow

"Excuse me Miss?" a deep voice lightly said
startled and embarresed she turned Indian red
she sank into the water clear up to her nose
caught were lusftfull dreams of a Cherokee Rose

"How deep is this river?" A cowboy on a horse asked
Little Deers head shook slightly making a small splash
"Not deep at all, please be gone," Little Deer replied
she scampered for cover and a place she might hide

The Cowboy kicked flanks and the horse took to water
in only a moment and a splash they were both swallowed
for the river was deep and only a hat floating was seen
the horse and cowboy emerged paddling and splashing

"I thought you said this river wasn't deep," cowboy spat
dripping wet he crawled up on the opposite bank and laughed
Giggles from a cherokee rose behind drifting wood
they both would stop laughing if only they could

"Honest mister, a handfull of ducks just walked across,"
the cowboys horse strutted up wet from under the moss
glances between the two watched passions grow
Little Deer out of the water, a Cherokee Rose~
Medusa's Chant

Metal on metal singing through the air,
closed eyes of Eve now open to see,
Haunting madness of the shackled song,
incessant humming of her mind. (A small change there)

Medusa’s bones chant to Paradise's prisoner,
Eve cries to a God of banished beliefs,
Darkness circling, buried suffrage
echoing within the labyrinth of stone hearts.

Screams pour forth from the night,
Peebles line the sacred circles,
Reflective pasts of beating hearts,
Lilith's song a fettered memory.

Medusa's tears plummet from the sky,
Chalices overflowed with sacred rain,
hardened souls of drunken men
swilling the salty nectar.

okay still working on this one.. lol.. hate writers block!!
perfection strived, this is awesome, I would like to know a bit more about the charactors that move this masterpiece, I know there's a story here deeper than the ritual of being ancient poetic marvels,

Du Lac said:
Medusa's Chant

Metal on metal singing through the air,
closed eyes of Eve now open to see,
Haunting madness of the shackled song,
incessant humming of her mind. (A small change there)

Medusa’s bones chant to Paradise's prisoner,
Eve cries to a God of banished beliefs,
Darkness circling, buried suffrage
echoing within the labyrinth of stone hearts.

Screams pour forth from the night,
Peebles line the sacred circles,
Reflective pasts of beating hearts,
Lilith's song a fettered memory.

Medusa's tears plummet from the sky,
Chalices overflowed with sacred rain,
hardened souls of drunken men
swilling the salty nectar.

okay still working on this one.. lol.. hate writers block!!
Character history...

Art just for you.. since you asked..(ty by the way) here is some history behind each character...



Paradise Lost... Eve (full text of the poem) LONG!

So here is some history for you... don't get to bored lol.. with my dry research this is just a small spot of learning for where my vision takes me.. hope it helps..

PS ty how did I miss the beautiful poem for me? Don't know how I inspired it but happy I did..ty dear friend
Du~ :catroar:
Du Lac said:
Art just for you.. since you asked..(ty by the way) here is some history behind each character...



Paradise Lost... Eve (full text of the poem) LONG!

So here is some history for you... don't get to bored lol.. with my dry research this is just a small spot of learning for where my vision takes me.. hope it helps..

PS ty how did I miss the beautiful poem for me? Don't know how I inspired it but happy I did..ty dear friend
Du~ :catroar:

simply by being the Du~

and a converstaion we had after you asked who wrote that~ about a mental brain fart spew out I had about a dew drops perspective <grinin>
A Cherokee Rose
'Hunting Hearts'

gray smoke sliver from buffalo and deer skins
up to a crimson sky the new days awakening
stiring of a kindled fire long black hair unbraided
churns a lustful desire She fans a flame created

A brave awakens with wide outreached arms
she begins baking, the mornings filling charm
His fingers find, a tit toy to tug
pulls her back, to the bear skin rug

Like a painted pony ridden, in the hot sun
fast as a tomahawk slung, the brave was done
he gathered his buckskins and began his dressing
A cherokee rose was, still smiling and waiting

"Where are my moccosins," the brave searched harder
Little Deer reached up and pulled down her garter
"They will return tomorrow you'll have to stay home."
looking across her nose, a gleaming cherokee rose

"I am a hunter and hunting I will do,"
the brave replied and out the door he slew
The T-pee seemed colder even center flamed
Little Deers passions were a fire un-tamed

She made her daily journey to the cleansing pools
Hottest part of the day it helps her to get cooled
Stepping at the rivers bank she shed her clothes
dove into the chilling waters then A Cherokee Rose

"Hello," came a voice familiar yet be stranged
there down river was the Cowboy from yesterday
"I have been waiting for you," the cowboy replied
Little Deer was breathless taken a bit by suprise

"For me? I am cherokee and your white man?"
Little Deer was confused and didn't understand
"You are a beautiful woman and I am a man,"
The cowboy said honest to the indian maiden

She felt her soul stir and new yearnings brew
for the cowboy was handsome, his passion new
She walked out of the water, nude and exposed
desires flamed and grew in a Cherokee Rose
A Cherokee Rose
'Indian Summer'

The forest filled with trees, limbs and vine
passion boils with moans and groans chimned
carried on the winds of an Indian Summer
two hearts that beat like a fast drummer

Lips mashed hard with pants and hot breath
rough rugged hands squeezed swollen breasts
filling her desires with each driving thrust
holding a stranger to fullfill her deep lust

hair pulled in tightness and grasping the wild
each took turns pleasing each other for awhile
A cowboy from Texas west of old San Antonio
and Little Deer, a Maiden, a Cherokee Rose

"Come with me to texas, I have land on a ranch,"
asked a Cowboy laying naked on a soft clover patch
stroking long black hair along little deers bare back
Little deer lay wondering where her mind was at

"I have a man, but he is not my husband,"
Little Deer confessed to the cowboy man
both were already gathering and dressing
"You are not married? What a blessing!"

her memory lane strolls in mind and foot
homeward bound off a trail she miss took
left a cowboy at the river that had just proposed
and yet to feel the thorns of a Cherokee rose

Indian summer, proving to be hotter than most
she now sat cooking a venion stewed roast
across the fire were flaming tomahawk eyes
her brave sat in silence a simmering demise

when the flames burned out from a tight grasp held
silently little deer lay mentaly screaming and yelled
'The white man held me like a dainty gentle flower,
this brave grabs me like the wolf about to devour."

She wrestled her thoughts while the coyote called
her man, her brave, slept restless and sprawled
she slipped silently to see the moons magic glow
thinking about her two trails, a Cherokee Rose
Medusa's Chant

Metal on metal singing through the air,
closed eyes of Eve now open to see,
Haunting madness of the shackled song,
incessant humming of her mind. (A small change there)

Medusa’s bones chant to Paradise's prisoner,
Eve cries to a God of banished beliefs,
Darkness circling, buried suffrage
echoing within the labyrinth of stone hearts.

Screams pour forth from the night,
Peebles line the sacred circles,
Reflective pasts of beating hearts,
Lilith's song a fettered memory.

Medusa's tears plummet from the sky,
Chalices overflowed with sacred rain,
hardened souls of drunken men
swilling the salty nectar.

A keening squall marinates crag hymns,
clamorous cries of silent voices,
Medha's masks shattered,
blood spills forth, banishing synthetic creeds.

hmmm don't know... still working lol
Last edited:
Du Lac said:
Medusa's Chant

Metal on metal singing through the air,
closed eyes of Eve now open to see,
Haunting madness of the shackled song,
incessant humming of her mind. (A small change there)

Medusa’s bones chant to Paradise's prisoner,
Eve cries to a God of banished beliefs,
Darkness circling, buried suffrage
echoing within the labyrinth of stone hearts.

Screams pour forth from the night,
Peebles line the sacred circles,
Reflective pasts of beating hearts,
Lilith's song a fettered memory.

Medusa's tears plummet from the sky,
Chalices overflowed with sacred rain,
hardened souls of drunken men
swilling the salty nectar.

A keening squall marinates crag hymns,
clamorous cries of silent voices,
Medha's masks shattered,
blood spills forth, dissolving false truths.

hmmm don't know... still working lol

this is some heavey metal shit Du~
the special effects people will have a hey day
making this movie >>> grin<<<

awesome visuals
new last stanza

A keening squall marinates crag hymns,
clamorous cries of silent voices,
Medha's masks shattered,
blood spills forth, banishing synthetic creeds.

Inspired by the Du

a pair of fangs for every serpent
a snake at the end of every strand ..
of hair on the head of lady Medusa
a toungue that slithered in every breath
a venomous kiss upon her lips

My Erotic Tale said:
Inspired by the Du

a pair of fangs for every serpent
a snake at the end of every strand ..
of hair on the head of lady Medusa
a toungue that slithered in every breath
a venomous kiss upon her lips

how did I move from the muse of a dew drop to the Gorgarian demon of morbid lust?
very nice Art
Du Lac said:
how did I move from the muse of a dew drop to the Gorgarian demon of morbid lust?
very nice Art


I think it was clash of the titans or something
like that where the lady was part snake and
her hair was snakes and she slithered in a cave
or lair rather, and everytime I see the word 'medusa'
I think of that snake haired lady <grin>

may not even be the same but you know mental image
selection and word corolations <bigrin>
My Erotic Tale said:

I think it was clash of the titans or something
like that where the lady was part snake and
her hair was snakes and she slithered in a cave
or lair rather, and everytime I see the word 'medusa'
I think of that snake haired lady <grin>

may not even be the same but you know mental image
selection and word corolations <bigrin>

laughing also.. for that is the same vision I have... oh poor Medusa got a bad rap!

One halloween about 5 years ago I dressed up for my neice and nephew as Medusa.. green/silver skin and let my hair go wild (it is curly) and tied snakes in it all over the place... some standing straight up... painted my eyes red and wore a long flowing toga... to represent her essence of Athena... scared the be jesus out of the kids... lol... they loved it. handed out stones for candy lol (pop rocks ha!!!) from my own private stash (wink wink... guess what was under the toga?)
just had to share that little memory!
Peanut butter Rich

Lying in the sun,
peanut butter slathered Ritz,
No cares in the world,
God am I rich.

Old worn lounge chair,
one who has seen better days,
hand me down from a sister,
who I thank for her ways.

Primal and naked,
clothes lie thrown
a struddled path
on my outdoor livingroom.

Slowly I feel the thoughts
from my head.
Happy for now
just to be.

Vulnerable and free,
only clothing
oil on my skin
Apollo licks white sodden breast.

Barney beside me,
serene and so silent,
tiny dog ears lie flat,
airplane wings ready for flight.

Simple joys,
peanutbutter and ritz,
freedom from thinking
and sun on my clit!

dlt April 10 2005
I want some
that was cute poem...yummy

now thats an eye opener..<grin>

'clittining' sun ,<<<<

I will not rhyme ...I will not rhyme
I'll say it a thousand and one ...

I have been told I have a desease
I need some help pretty ...

My poems all seem to want'a Rhyme
I seem to write these poems all the ..

There is no cure I have been told
nothing short of good ole self-

I plan to tackle this problem I have
then my poems won't be so darn ...
ninjas shadow

Blood red is black in the shadows
silver blade sparkles a glisten tucked
dripping to gravities whim
an unseen pool sounds
blood soaked soil

"The Emperor is dead!"
some one sounded the alarm
why battle pawns and knights
Centuries scamper all about
past walls and a shadow

heart beat heard over breaths
a ninjitsu shadow dashed
Steps mesh with wind and leaves
cloaked by the nights shroud
running was a black cloud
My Erotic Tale said:
I want some
that was cute poem...yummy

now thats an eye opener..<grin>

'clittining' sun ,<<<<

hehehe.. the sun has done me good.. writing again as I should!!! you are on a roll babe.. keep going..
Du~ :catroar:
Medusa's Chant

Metal on metal singing through the air,
closed eyes of Eve now open to see,
Haunting madness of the shackled song,
incessant humming of her mind. (A small change there)

Medusa’s bones chant to Paradise's prisoner,
Eve cries to a God of banished beliefs,
Darkness circling, buried suffrage
echoing within the labyrinth of stone hearts.

Screams pour forth from the night,
Peebles line the sacred circles,
Reflective pasts of beating hearts,
Lilith's song a fettered memory.

Medusa's tears plummet from the sky,
Chalices overflowed with sacred rain,
hardened souls of drunken men
swilling the salty nectar.

A keening squall marinates crag hymns,
clamorous cries of silent voices,
Medha's masks shattered,
blood spills forth, banishing synthetic creeds.

From afar Lilith whispers the name covertly cradled,
boundless garden Eden bane of restrictive gates.
Casually Lilith strolls, Eve awaits her embrace,
labyrinth swoons as the souls of adamant men wake.

Du Lac said:
Medusa's Chant

Metal on metal singing through the air,
closed eyes of Eve now open to see,
Haunting madness of the shackled song,
incessant humming of her mind. (A small change there)

Medusa’s bones chant to Paradise's prisoner,
Eve cries to a God of banished beliefs,
Darkness circling, buried suffrage
echoing within the labyrinth of stone hearts.

Screams pour forth from the night,
Peebles line the sacred circles,
Reflective pasts of beating hearts,

Lilith's song a fettered memory.

Medusa's tears plummet from the sky,
Chalices overflowed with sacred rain,
hardened souls of drunken men
swilling the salty nectar.

A keening squall marinates crag hymns,
clamorous cries of silent voices,
Medha's masks shattered,
blood spills forth, banishing synthetic creeds.

From afar Lilith whispers the name covertly cradled,
boundless garden Eden bane of restrictive gates.
Casually Lilith strolls, Eve awaits her embrace,
labyrinth swoons as the souls of adamant men wake.

war and man awakening
the ancient gateways
of the feminine
as linege of one
accepts the opposite
of the other
both feminine rebels
pouring forth the truth
about beliefs and false
creeds created by
man’s need for laws
and religion...
I totally enjoyed
( Medusa's tears plummet from the sky,
Chalices overflowed with sacred rain,
hardened souls of drunken men
swilling the salty nectar.)
it creates quite an impact...

and sends a powerful message of the earth mother...great pen...
WOW thank you blue you totally got what I am writing about... it is not done I have been working on it now for a while when ever a vision hits me for the next part... I see the end of it but I have not poetically put it to pen... ty blue for your help~
much appreciated du~

bluerains said:
war and man awakening
the ancient gateways
of the feminine
as linege of one
accepts the opposite
of the other
both feminine rebels
pouring forth the truth
about beliefs and false
creeds created by
man’s need for laws
and religion...
I totally enjoyed
( Medusa's tears plummet from the sky,
Chalices overflowed with sacred rain,
hardened souls of drunken men
swilling the salty nectar.)
it creates quite an impact...

and sends a powerful message of the earth mother...great pen...