Chasin' Chickens


You want Pain?
of course not ...

You want Love?
of course you do ...

You want a love with out pain?
of course that's almost impossible

If you have seeked love
to no avail ...

you have been looking for
'a forest song'

Bull frogs bellow a baratone groan
while a wood pecker pecks a rapid beat
Song birds sing enchanting whistles
while a felvis black bellied whistling tree duck,

A hawk shrills a lone solo note
over a babbling brooks back ground onsomble
crickets and grasshoppers fiddle away
then a brown breasted wilson snipe sang
out of key

The loons in tune with a ballat water dance
as s distant thunder rumbled
while the wind symbolled the leaves to rustle
an audience of black birds and crows
cackled aloud

a lone doves elegant solo sang
wild geese tuba'd in a distant sound
a drum roll wittled over wind blown grain
as a coyote let out a maonful call
a forest song
Aquatic Fury

Water the element of change,
Molecule gymnastics, flowing opposites,
Light into dark twisting negative to positive.
Yin and yang of rain.

Liquids life of cycling dawns,
mystic mornings mist levitates and rises
molded, manipulated and drawn by gravity,
showering a sunset.

trees can't say to many things
that's why their wind blown sways
are them waving

they can't shave either
so long spragged moss brushing the ground
tells how long they have been around
a dripping faucet sets the tone
matched by time ticking away
like chiseling away at the bone
every breath measuring existence
while deaths shadow grows
like the setting sun dies
in hopes that the two of us will rise
like a grain of sand under the eye lid
reminding me that one day death
will look me in the eye
it is the fullfilled that have not a tear
on the lips of their last breath
those who thrust themself upon deaths sword
feel the pain of the daggers twisting
those who hold loves strong bond
bask in memories
till the last threaded strand unravels
life is skimming stones across the water
the splash is coming
but how did you sail
Aquatic Fury

Water the element of change,
Molecule gymnastics, flowing opposites,
Light into dark twisting negative to positive.
Yin and yang of rain.

Liquids life of cycling dawns,
mystic mornings mist levitates and rises
molded, manipulated and drawn by gravity,
showering a sunset.

Sodden gray clouds fill the horizon,
Creator’s cerebrum exposed heavy with thought,
liquid wisdom plummets to a thirsty earth,
parched Tellus swills in cerebellar milk.
this is not set in stone the parts in read are subject to change

Du Lac said:
Aquatic Fury

Water the element of change,
Molecule gymnastics, flowing opposites,
Light into dark twisting negative to positive.
Yin and yang of rain.

Liquids life of cycling dawns,
mystic mornings mist levitates and rises
molded, manipulated and drawn by gravity,
showering a sunset.

Sodden gray clouds fill the horizon,
Creator’s cerebrum exposed heavy with thought,
liquid wisdom plummets to a thirsty earth,
parched Tellus swills in cerebellar milk.

Pelting droplets are shot from above
Thunder rumbles and lightening fingers streak
cold and warm clouds mesh and mingle
the brewing mix releases the rain
The Temples of time

Swet drops on granite chiseled by calas hands
building a 'Temple' with just a mans hands
between his forehead temples he lives
housing thoughts on 'tranquilities plain'


Worshiped Temples lay in crumbled stone
abandoned and shattered as time rolled on!
New Temples stand with flags of bold
the minds constant changing as we grow old!

build our own worlds worship spiritual thoughts....
but all temples of stone and mind crumble in time
but another is built as a child cries taking its first breath
and placing it's first the temple of the mind
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~Aquatic Fury~
....liquid zen...

Water the element of change,
Molecule gymnastics, flowing opposites,
Light into dark twisting negative to positive.
Yin and yang of rain.

Liquids life of cycling dawns,
mystic mornings mist levitates and rises
molded, manipulated and drawn by gravity,
showering a sunset.

Sodden gray clouds fill the horizon,
Creator’s cerebrum exposed heavy with thought,
liquid wisdom plummets to a thirsty earth,
parched Tellus swills in cerebellar milk.

Pelting droplets of water descending,
Thunder cracks, rumbles, lightening fingers reaching
raindrops splattering, dividing, multiplying, saturating
scent of the cleansing.
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~Aquatic Fury~
....liquid zen...

Water the element of change,
Molecule gymnastics, flowing opposites,
Light into dark twisting negative to positive.
Yin and yang of rain.

Liquid's life of cycling dawns,
mystic mornings mist levitates and rises
molded, manipulated and drawn by gravity,
showering a sunset.

Sodden gray clouds fill the horizon,
Creator’s cerebrum exposed heavy with thought,
liquid wisdom plummets to a thirsty earth,
parched Tellus swills in cerebellar milk.

Pelting droplets of water descending,
Thunder cracks, rumbles, lightening fingers reaching
raindrops splattering, dividing, multiplying, saturating
scent of the cleansing.

Gliding towards soil in hopes of healing,
shattered against man's crust of poisoned tar,
Anguished shock and fury! Recoiling in horror,
A crippled crawl over the edge. . . soaking mother’s breast.

the droplet rolls back to you..
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My Erotic Tale said:
The Temples of time

Sweat drops on granite chiseled by callused hands(I fixed the spelling here)
building a 'Temple' with just a mans hands( you need to find another word for hands.. used twice as the ending for the first two lines)
between his forehead temples he lives
housing thoughts on 'tranquilities plain'


Worshiped Temples lay in crumbled stone
abandoned and shattered as time rolled on!
New Temples stand with flags of bold
the minds constant changing as we grow old!

build our own worlds, worship spiritual thoughts....(inserted comma)
but all temples of stone and mind crumble in time (use remember instead of but all? just a thought)
but another is built as a child cries taking its first breath (but another is awkward here... rhetorical change is needed)

and placing it's first the temple of the mind

This is excellent Art.. has the qualities of Zen and of Mystical writing.... very much touching on the Gnostic Gospels here... which I find to be close to the Zen thinking and Buddahism .... I hope you do not mind that I edited it some to help with the write.. just tell me to go fly a kite if you are offended lol...cold and rainy.. again.. cleaning and writing... this helped greatly in the start of my day~
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aw heck Du I never mind ya fiddlin with my tale <grin>
I honestly had those for where I wanted to go and
was tired so I placed them so I could recall the IDEA!


Du Lac said:
~Aquatic Fury~
....liquid zen...

Water the element of change,
Molecule gymnastics, flowing opposites,
Light into dark twisting negative to positive.
Yin and yang of rain.

Liquid's life of cycling dawns,
mystic mornings mist levitates and rises
molded, manipulated and drawn by gravity,
showering a sunset.

Sodden gray clouds fill the horizon,
Creator’s cerebrum exposed heavy with thought,
liquid wisdom plummets to a thirsty earth,
parched Tellus swills in cerebellar milk.

Pelting droplets of water descending,
Thunder cracks, rumbles, lightening fingers reaching
Each Fraternal drop joins the multitude and become the saturating
scent of the cleansing.

Gliding towards soil in hopes of healing,
shattered against man's crust of poisoned tar,
Anguished shock and fury! Recoiling in horror,
A crippled crawl over the edge. . . soaking mother’s breast.

The raging river's rising resurection,
Earths veins pulse and surge in a pounding destructive wake
clashing swells wave in rejoice of earthly dominaton
un-mercifully current drags every creature with it.

the droplet rolls back to you..
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bluerains said:
of de wondering now if any new books by him...going to library to check...the tapping to the dreaming tree was a good read...

other than realm being typo ...its ;)

Cool....Someone else that likes De Lint.
The moon is full
cause no ones looking
the lunar view is not a light
it is a portal to heaven

a telescope for gods eye
for nights he is watching
it is a crest of an eye lid

and fully exposing heaven
when no ones looking.
~Aquatic Fury~
....liquid zen...

Water the element of change,
Molecule gymnastics, flowing opposites,
Light into dark twisting negative to positive.
Yin and yang of rain.

Liquid's life of cycling dawns,
mystic mornings mist levitates and rises
molded, manipulated and drawn by gravity,
showering a sunset.

Sodden gray clouds fill the horizon,
Creator’s cerebrum exposed heavy with thought,
liquid wisdom plummets to a thirsty earth,
parched Tellus swills in cerebellar milk.

Pelting droplets of water descending,
Thunder cracks, rumbles, lightening fingers reaching
Each Fraternal drop joins the multitude and become the saturating
scent of the cleansing.

Gliding towards soil in hopes of healing,
shattered against man's crust of poisoned tar,
Anguished shock and fury! Recoiling in horror,
A crippled crawl over the edge. . . soaking mother’s breast.

The raging river's rising resurection,
Earths veins pulse and surge in a pounding destructive wake
clashing swells wave, rejoicing in earthly dominaton
un-mercifully dragging every living creature with it.

My Erotic Tale said:

She lightly lays her fingers at it's base
opens her mouth for the awaiting blast
to capture the liquid that'll quench her desires
life giving wetness gushes a streams

tongue extended ready to lap the stray
buttons pushed for the cumming spray
red lips that thirst what the hands cohurst
the throat soaked when the wetness explodes

closing her mouth with a grin thats wicked
Licking her lips and a finger swiping drip

quenching her thirst at the fountain of lust

in a massive field
a zillion flowers yeild

how many steps?
I don't know
before I knelt
to a flowers glow

of all the flowers
in the world
I plucked one
to view and twirl
~a flying tiger~

mesmerizing orange
lightly burnt brown
lusturous soft <felt > aluring
over white velvet
in silken wave and sway
cotton puff feline fur
in a magnificent stride
muscle in tone
sleak glide and rise
trailing tail
in light whipping waves
ivory revealing
in low grumbled growls
two golden pebbles on fire
from cush padded paws
extract sharpness in rips
several hundred pounds
of motivated flesh
driven by instinct
running ...
charging ...
lunging ...

eye to eye
with a flying tiger~
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My Erotic Tale said:
ZMP~flowers in a field

A patch of color
In a massive field
as I walk along
a zillion flowers yeild

How many steps?
'I don't know'
before I knelt
to a flowers glow

Of all the flowers
in the world
I picked one
to view awhile

beautifly poetic
flourishing bright
I basked in words
trying to describe

It's the beauty
of a flower
that catches
our eyes

in it's shadow
yesterdays flower
that was dimmer
wilted and dried

that which gave life
to what now glows
lays in the balance
of a new tomorrow

a zillion flowers yield
in a massive field
that many and more
in the shadowed floor


Can you remember
when it was all we could ever do
was to get outta bed on these long
cold winter mornings?
All we wanted to do was cuddle
and snuggle the morning through.
What has happened to our love I ask myself...

Days turn into months,
months into years.
Children, jobs, other obligations.
When did we loose ourselves,
into time an other people?

I miss you Honey.
As I know you miss me.
I can feel it in the looks
you send me across the breakfast table.
In the car on the way to soccer.
At night when you have to take that "one last" call.

So I sit here Baby.
The rain is hitting the tin roof.
Playing our song.
Will you come tonight,
an ease this ache I have.
For only you.
Or will I still be here
till morn light
again waiting...

Hey Art thought you would have a laugh at this one...When I told Morgan about all the low votes I get all the time with no PMs of why the "ticks" with no tongues do not like my poetry ... he wrote this lol.. hope you have a good laugh
This is a warning to all of you turds.
Who's bile and evil is heard in your words.

There are people like me a lurking around.
Who'll bust open y'ass and give it a pound.

Your nasty and putrid and cold as wet stones.
Your slime trail is nasty and so are your bones.

Never assume you are safe from my wrath.
My justice is swift out here on my path.

A glare is my warning first time you spew vile.
The next time you plunder there will be no trial.

So mind your behavior and shut your pie hole.
Fuck with my friends and I'll rip out your soul.

Next time you leave asphalt and step in the wood.
You better be holy you better be good.

So run to the market and get you some pill.
To give you some manners, some kind of good will.


A heathly way to vent the anger... lol..du~
hello cupids gurl

read your poem and commented on it <grin>
welome to chaisn chickens a

hey Du

hehehe now that was funny...
I like this tiger..hehehe
sounds like me...<grin>
thanks for the laugh Du, Du take care and don't work to hard...
ddouble ddogg ddare mme too

I get it from the front
I get it from the ... other side,
dddouble dddog dddared ... to!

You think I like gettin' 'bitch slapped' in the face
with a wiff of cunt cake and not get to eat it too,
You got PMS (Personal Message Sexy)!

want-tons of wit n viz-n-triple X's
hungry and the cookie jars full
your just fishin' to be pulling on my ... pole,

Ain't too many got ones long enough
to be call a third leg ... I just call mine a tale!
Well that ain't my pistol in my pocket, or yes it is.

A 'one eye'd snake' rolls out of my jeans
you don't smoke it, release the hammer ...
licking your lips and call it ..."vittles."

chuck wagon triangle chimed, 'come and get it'
that ain't tube steak baby,
it's the leaning tower of pee-zilla

takes two hands to handle a whopper
you better get a couple more body parts
and one of those blood pressure arm bands

blow it up all the way and hold the pressure
turn it loose and watch the fire works fly
or rather milk-of-mans-jizza everywhere

like a lap puppy lapping up a bowl of 2%
and better than 'Hoover' hunni
a wet vac by a vix while I eat a cookies-n-cream

I see you brought your very own dilly do
what do you mean that's for me, "oh no!"
back waddlin' faster than a cat can lick it's ass

Should I mention pussy with a double dog orgy
since your a wolf desguised as puss n boots
I am a Tiger wearing ... nothing!

See the thing about my donkey kong sling thing
is ...that it's like a fountain, my cup runneth over
So ... you know what I would Du?

I ddouble ddog ddare you!
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I got screwed a few times in life
in quite a few ways

want'a screw
I have one
... a screw
for everyday
in my pocket

Lucky charms I don't believe
but reminders are no mystery

all species screw one another
a lioness catches a gazel
only to be run off
by the King of Beasts
for an easy feast,
later that night
he'll be wanting ...
to screw!

Remember when
we split the sheets
I was fixing
the toilet paper roll despenser
putting the screws to it
... how Ironic

I still have the screw
that you gave me.
a cup full of air
and a pocket full of rocks
my bill-fold's pictures
makes me richer

an empty box
and a bag full of sand
I have my health
I'm a wealthy man

Holes in my socks
and busted soul shoes
finding harmony
in singing the blues

My unicycle's tire is flat
must've been the fifty pound back-pack
a walk thru ... heaven
making tracks!

It's not that
problems arise
it's looking on
the bright side.
My Erotic Tale said:
hello cupids gurl

read your poem and commented on it <grin>
welome to chaisn chickens a

hey Du

hehehe now that was funny...
I like this tiger..hehehe
sounds like me...<grin>
thanks for the laugh Du, Du take care and don't work to hard...

Thank you Art.. I will try my best to stay rested but it is hard! Yes you and Morgan are so alike sometimes it scares me lol... you would be very good friends.. I loved this poem myself.. (that damsel thing I like to try on every once in a while lol..)
be well