Chasin' Chickens

reading poetry
eyes scan the words
in total focus ...

fantabulous ...

like 'cracking a safe'
one word at a time
finding the tumblers
by keen sense of feel
and sound, wit and eye
the next word is ...


mental magnifying glass
inspecting the meanings
to unravel the emotions
to sense the writers tone
another tumbler 'clicks'

day before today ...

crackin the safe
finding the meaning
relating or not
reading on

Stupindous ...

jig saw puzzle pieces
placed in their place
finding deeper meanings
for words misunderstood

romantictastic will-bes ...

but the read was fun
the safe still locked
secrets of the poem
still locked away
for another to try...

...the day after today!
~Aquatic Fury~
....liquid zen...

Water the element of change,
Molecule gymnastics, flowing opposites,
Light into dark twisting negative to positive.
Yin and yang of rain.

Liquid's life of cycling dawns,
mystic mornings mist, levitates and rises
molded, manipulated then drawn by gravity,
showering a sunset.

Sodden gray clouds fill the horizon,
Creator’s cerebrum exposed heavy with thought,
liquid wisdom plummets to a thirsty earth,
parched Tellus swills in cerebellar milk.

Pelting droplets of water descending,
Thunder cracks, rumbles, lightening fingers reaching
Each Fraternal drop joins the multitude and become the saturating
scent of the cleansing.

Gliding towards soil in hopes of healing,
shattered against man's crust of poisoned tar,
Anguished shock and fury! Recoiling in horror,
A crippled crawl over the edge. . . soaking mother’s breast.

The raging river's rising resurection,
Earths veins pulse and surge in a pounding destructive wake
clashing swells wave in rejoice of earthly dominaton
un-mercifully current drags every creature with it.

// <<<< Du

(solitude in a single drip of water
a chiseled splash across stone and time
the falls in the river of life and tranquil pools
quench thirsty souls.) <<toying
There must be thousands
of Angels flying over head
for the ground is white
from feather particles shed

Tomorrow the white will be gone
leaving a sopping wet ground
the Angels gather them back up
stuffed in their bed pillow clouds

swaying trees and sailing leaves
invisible angels disguised as a breeze
new angels are sent, causing a tornado
as they rush through, heavens portal

The howelling winds mornfull cry
another angel fell back to the sky
the coming winter telling us all
angels shed and white particles fall
~Aquatic Fury~
....liquid zen...

Water the element of change,
Molecule gymnastics, flowing opposites,
Light into dark twisting negative to positive.
Yin and yang of rain.

Liquid's life of cycling dawns,
mystic mornings mist, levitates and rises
molded, manipulated then drawn by gravity,
showering a sunset.

Sodden gray clouds fill the horizon,
Creator’s cerebrum exposed heavy with thought,
liquid wisdom plummets to a thirsty earth,
parched Tellus swills in cerebellar milk.

Pelting droplets of water descending,
Thunder cracks, rumbles, lightening fingers reaching
Each Fraternal drop joins the multitude and become the saturating
scent of the cleansing.

Gliding towards soil in hopes of healing,
shattered against man's crust of poisoned tar,
Anguished shock and fury! Recoiling in horror,
A crippled crawl over the edge. . . soaking mother’s breast.

The raging river's rising resurrection,
Earths veins pulse and surge in a pounding destructive wake
clashing swells wave in rejoice of earthly domination
un-mercifully current drags every creature with it.

Mother cradles precious cargo along vaulted river beds,
River sonata, a flowing lullaby of building tempos,
Licking, tasting, devouring fresh soil of lusting meadows,
Water husbandry , a give and take, recession complete.

(solitude in a single drip of water
a chiseled splash across stone and time
the falls in the river of life and tranquil pools
quench thirsty souls.) <<toying
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My Erotic Tale said:
There must be thousands
of Angels flying over head
for the ground is white
from feather particles shed

Tomorrow the white will be gone
leaving a sopping wet ground
the Angels gather them back up
stuffed in their bed pillow clouds

swaying trees and sailing leaves
invisible angels disguised as a breeze
new angels are sent, causing a tornado
as they rush through, heavens portal

The howelling winds mornfull cry
another angel fell back to the sky
the coming winter telling us all
angels shed and white particles fall

I love this one Art. Very tranquil, the imagery is awesome. Brings so many things to mind.

Inspires and sets sail to the heavens
the swaying of time..
Angels feathers an particles afloat
in the evening wind~


CupidsGurl~ :)
Fishing For Your Love~

Fishing for your love is all I want to do.
Baiting my hook with sweet things for you.
Casting all my love into the sea of eternity.
Waiting patiently for you to see my allure.

I shall shimmy and shake
my body in your direction.
Hoping like hell you are paying attention.
Slowly, seductively I will dance around.
Can you smell all of me?
Taste me yet?

Running my fingers
through my short golden hair.
A my breast lift,
and get perky for you.
Licking my lips now.
For I can taste you so well.
Fluttering my lashes.
As I watch you from desire filled eyes.

Oh now I'm really wet.
And sinking so low.
Teasing you as I taste.
Honey you make my pudding drip.

Now I have to swim away just a lil.
Mmm yes Baby,
I see I do have your attention now.
Come on Big Boy.
Come and get me.
Swim with me.
Make me yours completely.
For if you do not know by now.
Let me tell ya a lil secret.

I started out just fishing for your love,
in this lil poem of mine.
But now Darling,
I am truly caught.
For as it turns out.
It's you who has caught me.
Now, whatcha gonna do about it?
A fisherman always mounts the best catch <grin>
guess I'll have to mount ya <chuckleboned too>

got my 6 foot pole all wet and ready
to cast in to the pool of delight
love those bobbers...<grinin'>

Need need need
This is all I think.
Am I so greedy that all I do is need?

Time goes by.
Fight my need day after day.
Night after night.

I am sure you know how I feel.
I sense it-feel it- know it.

For 'tis you I need.
My every want is of you.
My every thought is you.

Can you feel my every breathe
As I feel yours
My heart beats and clatters,
thumps and rolls,
aches and cries mournful wails,
for you.

Whole body tingles.
Craving your touch.
Your tasting
Your masterful commanding.

My fingers beg to touch your face.
Trace your sexy lips.
Entwine and capture you.
Just all of you.

Lips seeking yours.
Longing to kiss every inch of your sweet seductive body.
Dance across your amorous skin.
Taste your taste.
My lips knowing they have finally found their home.

Yes, My Love, I need you.
Like a flower needs nourishment.
Dessert needs water.
Stars need the sky.
Ocean needs the sand.

For you truly are my one true love.
My one thought
My other half.
You are my home.
You are my one and only need.
World Of Love~

Intoxicated by our exquisite love.
Blissfully floating in our world of one.
Soaring high above the clouds.
Snatching every taste, smell, thrust, and grind.
As we scream wails of passion.
Each penetrating that outer shell,
and sinking into the others inner being.

We are one, as we should be finally.
Exhausted fingers fumble.
Sweaty saturated bodies still entwined.
Raspy breaths constantly murmuring our love.
Mouths consuming, dancing, and tasting our juices.
Falling deep into our world of love.~
Tribute To My Love~

All I want to do is love you.
You are my Hot Lovin' Lover.
Your Voice carries me away
into another time.
From our slow sweet love.
To the naughty perfection.
I forever feel in your arms.

I am your Lil Vixen.
Whispering into your ear
"Come Love Me Now."
Hurry back my love.
I want just a lil taste of you upon my lips.

I want to have my desire fulfilled with you.
On the beach as I go fishing for your love.
I want to give you timeless kisses.
As we give into the temptation of another night of loving.
As only we can share with each other.

I long for the day,
when I am waiting for you no more.
I have all the faith in the world
that we shall soon be together.

I need you with me.
Throughout it all.
I want you Baby.
Feeding my soul
and loving the me,
that only you know and feel deep inside.

Only you My Love,
loving me as I love you.
Eternally as One~


ok now I am finished with this day, I think~~ Grins~
Had to post some of these here.
Have no clue if I will post any of these poems in the new poems.
What do ya think?
The above one is a mixture of my titles I made into a poem.* Tricky*
huh~~ giggles~

Have a great one ya'll~~~~ * :kiss:
hey little zen,
had a great week end
catcha around the next bend
under the hot sheets
waiting until, our bodies meet.
love, nin
Ninja Nookie said:
Kissing Art's cheek
waving to Du

hey blue ...


missed you Ninj.. hope all is good Wink Wink..
be well and happy
CupidsGurl said:
All I want to do is love you.
You are my Hot Lovin' Lover.
Your Voice carries me away
into another time.
From our slow sweet love.
To the naughty perfection.
I forever feel in your arms.

I am your Lil Vixen.
Whispering into your ear
"Come Love Me Now."
Hurry back my love.
I want just a lil taste of you upon my lips.

I want to have my desire fulfilled with you.
On the beach as I go fishing for your love.
I want to give you timeless kisses.
As we give into the temptation of another night of loving.
As only we can share with each other.

I long for the day,
when I am waiting for you no more.
I have all the faith in the world
that we shall soon be together.

I need you with me.
Throughout it all.
I want you Baby.
Feeding my soul
and loving the me,
that only you know and feel deep inside.

Only you My Love,
loving me as I love you.
Eternally as One~


ok now I am finished with this day, I think~~ Grins~
Had to post some of these here.
Have no clue if I will post any of these poems in the new poems.
What do ya think?
The above one is a mixture of my titles I made into a poem.* Tricky*
huh~~ giggles~

Have a great one ya'll~~~~ * :kiss:

cupids gurl...
feel free to post your poems and create all you want to here <grin>

thats what this thread is about...sharing and creating
OH no here we go again..........

Another Mary

Matthew 27:61 - And there was Mary Magdalene, and the other Mary, sitting over against the sepulchre

Just a hint to what my next write is about

here we go again..............
Love ya
PS lol.. I just have to laugh at this point someone is out to get me!!!! Low votes and now all my little H's are gone but one... oh well easy come easy go..........
three time loser
full of doubts
down and out
just one more chance
one more swing
the thing is
I know

I know

I know
it's a matter of waiting
for the moment
to present itself

see it coming
eyes open
ready to spring
swing hard
hit long
be strong

the rewards are worth
the preparation
the loss unbearable

so I wait

I wait

I wait
Du Lac said:
missed you Ninj.. hope all is good Wink Wink..
be well and happy

thank you DU.......all is going great (smiles big) .....real happy at the moment. thanks, hope you are to.....wink wink :)
She wrote him love poems for his pleasure
Each word for him a special treasure
Every word he read and stored
With every verse his love soared
Until it grew beyond measure
A gusty storm
tore two birds into
the lost and confussed
each seeking shelter
their distance grew

hearts summoned throats
to cry for their love
better weather days
they each searched
the sky, high above

survivng the days
and cold lonely nights
two birds that found
new ways not to cry
busy staying alive

a small clearing
where grain abound
local birds huddled
for shuckled left shells
elbo to elbow feathers

beak to beak
two love birds meet
that was lost long ago

tie two birds together and though they have four wings they cannnot fly
sorry Du,

I got busy this weekend <bigrin>
I'm ready to roll, we doing 10 stanzas or 12 or 14?
how many more you need? I may need at least one more after
this one........okay I'll gey busy

Aquatic Fury~
....liquid zen...

Water the element of change,
Molecule gymnastics, flowing opposites,
Light into dark twisting negative to positive.
Yin and yang of rain.

Liquid's life of cycling dawns,
mystic mornings mist, levitates and rises
molded, manipulated then drawn by gravity,
showering a sunset.

Sodden gray clouds fill the horizon,
Creator’s cerebrum exposed heavy with thought,
liquid wisdom plummets to a thirsty earth,
parched Tellus swills in cerebellar milk.

Pelting droplets of water descending,
Thunder cracks, rumbles, lightening fingers reaching
Each Fraternal drop joins the multitude and become the saturating
scent of the cleansing.

Gliding towards soil in hopes of healing,
shattered against man's crust of poisoned tar,
Anguished shock and fury! Recoiling in horror,
A crippled crawl over the edge. . . soaking mother’s breast.

The raging river's rising resurrection,
Earths veins pulse and surge in a pounding destructive wake
clashing swells wave in rejoice of earthly domination
un-mercifully current drags every creature with it.

Mother cradles precious cargo along vaulted river beds,
River sonata, a flowing lullaby of building tempos,
Licking, tasting, devouring fresh soil of lusting meadows,
Water husbandry , a give and take, recession complete.

Raging rivers mingle with vast Ocean swells,
The surf's arm grasps handfulls of beach in each waves reach.
Aquatic feast of Soil and Sand in the Art of errosion,
Desert canyon walls lay in a deep bellied sea.

roll the dew drop back to Du~
this is not set in stone...but close
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In Prowling strides
hips sway and swing
deep riddled eyes
on a hunting spree

Claws in retract
adorned with charms
tiger striped nighty
bare swinging arms

a feline glide
brushes the legs
nudging them apart
lowering her head

a hunger's thirst
she lick lapped lips
knelt downward
between his hips

A Tigress feast
for the night
quenching her
lustfull apetite
shadowed depths of a tangled webbed soul
still burns the fire of lusts hunger
some are called victums
some are called ...
lucky one!
Dance of the Two Headed Dragon

She sway in motion
like ocean swells,
he is gravity
holding her down,
driving her warmth
to steaming heights,
with the force of
the burning sun's
riviting rays.

Light moans whispered
like a gentle breeze swirls,
pressing into
rythmic waves pulsing
tight grasping fingers resemble
knarled exposed tree roots,
embedding in clashing flesh
like the surfs
repetitious poundings.

Light rumbled growls
marks the beasts awakening
and hungers satisfaction,
unknowing it's true urge.
Two bodies purge
to melt as one
in repeated thrusts
into one another,
souls driving
becoming one.

Hot breath on necks
and lapping licks
of two mouths
over tightened muscles
in short chanting pants
meshing together
in locking holds
the bodies meld
as two lovers kiss

reproductions, ancient ritual,
"The Dance of the ...Two Headed Dragon!"
ZMP~ drifting wood

The river of life's current flows
reguardless of thought,
but the quality of thought
makes for a more fullfilling ride.

A drift in life like a drift woods fate
never knowing where it will end,
around each bend a new view of life,
excepting the pace of anticipating winds.

Lodged in a logpile for quite awhile
then set free by a storm and born again.
Some join together a drift in the world
sharing the river's ride, in sun and rain.

A drift like drift wood in a raging river of love
or tossed about in sopping wet chilling agoney,
some turn to face where they will go
others look backwards to holding memories.

The River of life will flow forever
but a drift wood's life is only slightly,
but for a few that make it to sea
drift on the river of eternity.

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