Chasin' Chickens

Du Lac said:
Another Mary

Matthew 27:61 - And there was Mary Magdalene, and the other Mary, sitting over against the sepulchre

John 19:25 (New International Version)
New International Version (NIV)
Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society

25Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother, his mother's sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene

Mark 16:9
9When Jesus rose early on the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had driven seven demons.

Matthew 27:55-61
55Many women were there, watching from a distance. They had followed Jesus from Galilee to care for his needs. 56Among them were Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Joses, and the mother of Zebedee's sons.
The Burial of Jesus

57As evening approached, there came a rich man from Arimathea, named Joseph, who had himself become a disciple of Jesus. 58Going to Pilate, he asked for Jesus' body, and Pilate ordered that it be given to him. 59Joseph took the body, wrapped it in a clean linen cloth, 60and placed it in his own new tomb that he had cut out of the rock. He rolled a big stone in front of the entrance to the tomb and went away. 61Mary Magdalene and the other Mary were sitting there opposite the tomb.

A Mother's Request
20Then the mother of Zebedee's sons came to Jesus with her sons and, kneeling down, asked a favor of him.
21"What is it you want?" he asked.
She said, "Grant that one of these two sons of mine may sit at your right and the other at your left in your kingdom."

22"You don't know what you are asking," Jesus said to them. "Can you drink the cup I am going to drink?"
"We can," they answered.

23Jesus said to them, "You will indeed drink from my cup, but to sit at my right or left is not for me to grant. These places belong to those for whom they have been prepared by my Father."

24When the ten heard about this, they were indignant with the two brothers. 25Jesus called them together and said, "You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. 26Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, 27and whoever wants to be first must be your slave— 28just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."

thinking thinking... funny how this is began with a MOthers request... is this linked to the way of the female? the story actually starts off with the woman... females to be great (for the lack of a better word..) must be the slaves of men.. servants... look at our society.. from old to now...thinking thinking... what is the connection.. Zebedee mother.. and the other Mary.. sister of the Virgin.. one in the same???? mentioned this way.. and why the start of the story and the message held within.. a code???? oh no here we go...........
just a wee bit of research to strech my mind..
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the magdalene line

Du Lac said:
Du Lac said:
Another Mary

Matthew 27:61 - And there was Mary Magdalene, and the other Mary, sitting over against the sepulchre

John 19:25 (New International Version)
New International Version (NIV)
Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society

25Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother, his mother's sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene

Mark 16:9
9When Jesus rose early on the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had driven seven demons.

Matthew 27:55-61
55Many women were there, watching from a distance. They had followed Jesus from Galilee to care for his needs. 56Among them were Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Joses, and the mother of Zebedee's sons.
The Burial of Jesus

57As evening approached, there came a rich man from Arimathea, named Joseph, who had himself become a disciple of Jesus. 58Going to Pilate, he asked for Jesus' body, and Pilate ordered that it be given to him. 59Joseph took the body, wrapped it in a clean linen cloth, 60and placed it in his own new tomb that he had cut out of the rock. He rolled a big stone in front of the entrance to the tomb and went away. 61Mary Magdalene and the other Mary were sitting there opposite the tomb.

just a wee bit of research to strech my mind..

is one of my passions to study also...along with~R~ my mentor he is obsessed by it..

we/ l find that Mary Magdalene may have acted within the tradition of the priestesses of Isis, who for centuries had assisted in the passages from spirit into life through birth and back into spirit through death. Might the gold, frankincense, and myrrh brought to Jesus' birth have come from this tradition? Might the spikenard have been one of these substances meant to smooth the transition to death? The Isis tradition was alive and well at this time in Palestine, as was that of the Hebrew forms of the divine feminine, in the form of Asherah and Ishtar...mush to ponder du...thanks dear/blue
bluerains said:
hey blue.. yes I have done many studies on the MM I actually have a msn group that holds many of my writings and research.... but right now I have an urge for this other Mary... I think she is more important that many think... there is a reason she is so cloaked in the passages... a ghost.... and if I follow the dots lol.. I hope to find out why... and hence another poem... this started actually over a year ago when I had a strong strong vision... I realized who I was in this vision... the other mary... and I feel it holds a clue to something... but what hell if I know yet hehhehehe hence why I dig... and have moved past the MM thing into this realm of the other Mary........
r u refering

Du Lac said:
bluerains said:
hey blue.. yes I have done many studies on the MM I actually have a msn group that holds many of my writings and research.... but right now I have an urge for this other Mary... I think she is more important that many think... there is a reason she is so cloaked in the passages... a ghost.... and if I follow the dots lol.. I hope to find out why... and hence another poem... this started actually over a year ago when I had a strong strong vision... I realized who I was in this vision... the other mary... and I feel it holds a clue to something... but what hell if I know yet hehhehehe hence why I dig... and have moved past the MM thing into this realm of the other Mary........

Mathew 27, 28

27:56Among which was Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James and Joses, and the mother of Zebedees children.

27:61And there was Mary Magdalene, and the other Mary, sitting over against the sepulchre.

28:1In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre.
bluerains said:
Du Lac said:
Mathew 27, 28

27:56Among which was Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James and Joses, and the mother of Zebedees children.

27:61And there was Mary Magdalene, and the other Mary, sitting over against the sepulchre.

28:1In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre.

yes!!!! as I said I had a vision a year ago strong as hell.. and the pieces keep slowly coming together with each poem.. I am wierd lol
but yes this is the mary I am referring... I think there is a code... what I don't know
but will keep going til I find out what it means to me
Du Lac said:
Du Lac said:
Another Mary


John 19:25 (New International Version)
New International Version (NIV)
Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society

25Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother, his mother's sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene

just a wee bit of research to strech my mind..

This apparent plethora of Marys' might be resolved to some extent if one reconsiders the translation

John 25 might be just as reasonably be translated as "standing by the cross of Jesus were his mother Mary the wife of Cleopas, his mothers sister and Mary Magdalene"

That of course has some problems for orthodox doctrine of the Virgin but it needs to be remembered that the translation you refer to was made well after the primitive churches obsession with female chastity particularly St Jerome (translator of the Vulgate) and other obsessionists such as Origen and Tertullian.

You can see that there is a degree of ambiguity in the version you have quoted too. Another point is why was John who is generally regarded as the only gospel writer to have actually been a witness even mentioned Cleopas when he crops up nowhere else at all in Johns' narrative .

It is not unreasonable that if Mary was a widow that she might have remarried. Eusebius the first Christian historian clearly says that Cleopas was a brother of Joseph and quoting Ian Jones "Joshua the man they called Jesus"

"Eusebius also says that Simon who succeeded Jesus's brother James the Just as leader of the jerusalem church was the son of Cleopas and we assume the 'other Mary' .Gospels identify this Mary as being the mother of Jesus's disciple James the Youngerwho according to some translations has a disciple brother called Judas.They also say she has a son called Joses(Mark 15/40, Luke6 15/16, 24/10, Acts 1/13. It seems very odd that mary the mother of jesus should also have a sister called Mary and that they should have 3 or 4 sons with the same names. Could Mary the wife of Cleopas and Mary the mother of Jesus be the same person- Cleopas becoming her husband after the death of Joseph?"

Lso consider Cleopas's legal obligations under Jewish Law to his deceased brothers widow. - interesting . :)
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ishtat said:
Du Lac said:
This apparent plethora of Marys' might be resolved to some extent if one refers to the earliest Greek Bibles or the Masoretic texts

John 25 might be just as reasonably be translated as "standing by the cross of Jesus were his mother Mary the wife of Cleopas, his mothers sister and Mary Magdalene"

That of course has some problems for orthodox doctrine of the Virgin but it needs to be remembered that the translation you refer to was made well after the primitive churches obsession with female chastity particularly St Jerome (translator of the Vulgate) and other obsessionists such as Origen and Tertullian.

You can see that there is a degree of ambiguity in the version you have quoted too. Another point is why was John who is generally regarded as the only gospel writer to have actually been a witness even mentioned Cleopas when he crops up nowhere else at all in Johns' narrative .

It is not unreasonable that if Mary was a widow that she might have remarried. Eusebius the first Christian historian clearly says that Cleopas was a brother of Joseph and quoting Ian Jones "Joshua the man they called Jesus"

"Eusebius also says that Simon who succeeded Jesus's brother James the Just as leader of the jerusalem church was the son of Cleopas and we assume the 'other Mary' .Gospels identify this Mary as being the mother of Jesus's disciple James the Youngerwho according to some translations has a disciple brother called Judas.They also say she has a son called Joses(Mark 15/40, Luke6 15/16, 24/10, Acts 1/13. It seems very odd that mary the mother of jesus should also have a sister called Mary and that they should have 3 or 4 sons with the same names. Could Mary the wife of Cleopas and Mary the mother of Jesus be the same person- Cleopas becoming her husband after the death of Joseph?"

Lso consider Cleopas's legal obligations under Jewish Law to his deceased brothers widow. - interesting . :)

how interesting... I was reading through the gospels 2 weeks ago when I started this project and I thought that these two Marys may be one in the same but it never accorded to me that Mary may have remarried.....

this may be so... I will look further into it...
I have some other thoughts that I am looking up also.. all roads lead to knowledge lol..
The Path

a path in the grass
lay before me

the path in my mind
already in motion

one step then another
my journey begins

my thoughts are on
the distant quest's end

The body may sit
and rest for awhile

But not the soul
it's retracing the miles

All paths traveled
lead to a home

shall I follow this one
on an adventurous roam
Du Lac said:
ishtat said:
how interesting... I was reading through the gospels 2 weeks ago when I started this project and I thought that these two Marys may be one in the same but it never accorded to me that Mary may have remarried.....

this may be so... I will look further into it...
I have some other thoughts that I am looking up also.. all roads lead to knowledge lol..

Du , my apologies for the reference to the masoretic text .Obviously that was wrong!! but the case for less Marys is worth considering.

Unfortunately the Gospels themselves are not a huge help because we need to remember they were written with the intent of promoting a new religion by their writers - in my view the main cause of their internal inconsistencies.

A straightforward book which deals with the possible remarriage of Mary the mother of Jesus is "Joshua the man they called Jesus" by Ian Jones Lothian Press 1999 Not great scholarship but he does give a good summary of a lot of New testament problems.

A much better book on similar lines is Karen Armstrong's "The Gospel according to Woman" which is very good on the way the men of the early church re-created the role of women and consequently re-interpreted the scriptures to fit their model.

Both books re emphasise the Jewishness of Jesus and as a much more complex character than the bland good guy we learned at Sunday school. :)
thank you ist.. I will search forward...I want to write about the other Mary and the theories will come in handy.... you are a dream for your help
My Erotic Tale said:
The Path

a path in the grass
lay before me

the path in my mind
already in motion

one step then another
my journey begins

my thoughts are on
the distant quest's end

The body may sit
and rest for awhile

But not the soul
it's retracing the miles

All paths traveled
lead to a home

shall I follow this one
on an adventurous roam

every adventure takes you some place new, even if the place is old....
love always,
Timeless Kisses~

Amid the swirling winds of time.
You and I shall bath the heavens with our love.
Climb the highest mountain of our fantasies,
on velvet webbed wings of desire.
Resting only to look into true loves eyes.
Glimpsing the mirroring of our souls,
Echoing the beats of eternal glorifying,
worship of the other.

Wallowing in the cotton candy fields
of hours that have yet to be.
Basking in the rays
of double dipped, honey glazed minutes,
that we shall forever capture,
with one look into the others eyes.
Dreaming of lazy times together,
that kiss the moon and embrace the stars.
As we take flight to eternity
and beyond in each others arms.~

Crimson chair draped with my love.
Indulgence comes to mind.
Shaking ripples infiltrate my body.
Quivering with wanton delight.

Lush hot mouths meeting. Eagerness unleashed.
Tongues dancing with seductive anticipation.
Kissing long with intimate enchantment.
Purring mouths flowing-savoring abandonment.

Sinking upon my loves waiting lap.
Alluring sweet shivers racing through.
Pail nails trailing down to explore heaven.
Soft pants encounter arousing desire.

Pink nipples begging to be kissed.
Fingers dancing tantalizing adornment.
Squirming hot honey grinding.
Against hard heated flesh.~
templeminded said:
every adventure takes you some place new, even if the place is old....
love always,

If Days are like breaths
is this my last?

the call of the Dove
is a moving one

into a mirror
of the river
is the setting sun.

she knows that
some where
perhaps tonight

a loved one is missed
of all creatures
some never made it home

as the sun dims to the moon
a lonesome Dove
sings the blues.
An erotic breeze, by triple threes,
a little Texas tornado.

She's hell on heels, wiggling her rear
with a smiling glow.

She'll twist your mind, in double time,
with long red hair.

Dance on your thoughts, steaming hot
in a sexual flare.

She'll blow you a kiss, from lucious lips
winking an eye.

While she twists and whips a twirling bliss
between your thighs.

Clothes will fly in a tornado surprise,
wearing nothing but seduction.

She'll be throwing hair to the air
in a whirl wind of emotions.

Leaving a male, in her wind blown trail,
ridden, tattered and torn.

For riding winds as wild as sin
is very dangerous, I warn.

In her eye is the quiet side
passion's storm that blows.

She can't help but be her self,
A Little Texas tornado.
I like both of these.. serious one.. and fun one lol.. what a mix! wearing nothing but seduction now I like that line.. it stuck to me.. and stirred.. like a swilz stick in a fruity drink...
My Erotic Tale said:
An erotic breeze, by triple threes,
a little Texas tornado.

She's hell on heels, wiggling her rear
with a smiling glow.

She'll twist your mind, in double time,
with long red hair.

Dance on your thoughts, steaming hot
in a sexual flare.

She'll blow you a kiss, from lucious lips
winking an eye.

While she twists and whips a twirling bliss
between your thighs.

Clothes will fly in a tornado surprise,
wearing nothing but seduction.

She'll be throwing hair to the air
in a whirl wind of emotions.

Leaving a male, in her wind blown trail,
ridden, tattered and torn.

For riding winds as wild as sin
is very dangerous, I warn.

In her eye is the quiet side
passion's storm that blows.

She can't help but be her self,
A Little Texas tornado.

lmao is all i can say love you bunches........nin-

Aquatic Fury~
....liquid zen...

Water the element of change,
Molecule gymnastics, flowing opposites,
Light into dark twisting negative to positive.
Yin and yang of rain.

Liquid's life of cycling dawns,
mystic mornings mist, levitates and rises
molded, manipulated then drawn by gravity,
showering a sunset.

Sodden gray clouds fill the horizon,
Creator’s cerebrum exposed heavy with thought,
liquid wisdom plummets to a thirsty earth,
parched Tellus swills in cerebellar milk.

Pelting droplets of water descending,
thunder cracks, rumbles, lightening fingers reaching,
each fraternal drop joins the multitude and become the saturating
scent of the cleansing.

Gliding towards soil in hopes of healing,
shattered against man's crust of poisoned tar.
Anguished shock and fury! Recoiling in horror,
A crippled crawl over the edge. . . soaking mother’s breast.

The raging river's rising resurrection,
earthly veins pulse and surge in a pounding destructive wake!
Clashing swells wave in rejoice of earthly domination
un-merciful current drags every creature with it.

Mother cradles precious cargo along vaulted river beds.
River sonata, a flowing lullaby of building tempos,
licking, tasting, devouring fresh soil of lusting meadows.
Water husbandry, a give and take, recession complete.

Raging rivers mingle with vast Ocean swells,
the surf's arm grasps handfuls of beach in each waves reach.
Aquatic feast of Soil and Sand in the Art of erosion,
desert canyon walls lay in a deep bellied sea.

Simple complexity of Gaia’s blood,
healing destruction nestled in mystic motes,
ebbing breath floods extant entities,
Life: gushing baptism of birth exhales death’s thirst

okay Art here is my last stanza so finish it up baby!!!!! I did some editing look it over and see if it reads okay for you... mainly the use of capitals and some small word manipulation.... and spell checking lol.... I loved doing this! Earth next????
ps I checked no copyright on this image lol... it is free
My Erotic Tale said:
An erotic breeze, by triple threes,
a little Texas tornado.

She's hell on heels, wiggling her rear
with a smiling glow.

She'll twist your mind, in double time,
with long red hair.

Dance on your thoughts, steaming hot
in a sexual flare.

She'll blow you a kiss, from lucious lips
winking an eye.

While she twists and whips a twirling bliss
between your thighs.

Clothes will fly in a tornado surprise,
wearing nothing but seduction.

She'll be throwing hair to the air
in a whirl wind of emotions.

Leaving a male, in her wind blown trail,
ridden, tattered and torn.

For riding winds as wild as sin
is very dangerous, I warn.

In her eye is the quiet side
passion's storm that blows.

She can't help but be her self,
A Little Texas tornado.

kissing art everywhere (big smile)
waving hi to Du-
have a wonderful day with all that you do

hello snap dragon <grin>

Du Lac said:

Aquatic Fury~
....liquid zen...

Water the element of change,
Molecule gymnastics, flowing opposites,
Light into dark twisting negative to positive.
Yin and yang of rain.

Liquid's life of cycling dawns,
mystic mornings mist, levitates and rises
molded, manipulated then drawn by gravity,
showering a sunset.

Sodden gray clouds fill the horizon,
Creator’s cerebrum exposed heavy with thought,
liquid wisdom plummets to a thirsty earth,
parched Tellus swills in cerebellar milk.

Pelting droplets of water descending,
thunder cracks, rumbles, lightening fingers reaching,
each fraternal drop joins the multitude and become the saturating
scent of the cleansing.

Gliding towards soil in hopes of healing,
shattered against man's crust of poisoned tar.
Anguished shock and fury! Recoiling in horror,
A crippled crawl over the edge. . . soaking mother’s breast.

The raging river's rising resurrection,
earthly veins pulse and surge in a pounding destructive wake!
Clashing swells wave in rejoice of earthly domination
un-merciful current drags every creature with it.

Mother cradles precious cargo along vaulted river beds.
River sonata, a flowing lullaby of building tempos,
licking, tasting, devouring fresh soil of lusting meadows.
Water husbandry, a give and take, recession complete.

Raging rivers mingle with vast Ocean swells,
the surf's arm grasps handfuls of beach in each waves reach.
Aquatic feast of Soil and Sand in the Art of erosion,
desert canyon walls lay in a deep bellied sea.

Simple complexity of Gaia’s blood,
healing destruction nestled in mystic motes,
ebbing breath floods extant entities,
Life: gushing baptism of birth exhales death’s thirst

The Aquatic realm of creatures deep, strives.
That which gives life and death to us all in it's cycles.
Spied by a thirsty moon that died parched,
a huge drop of deep blue water that spins in space, Earth!

okay Art here is my last stanza so finish it up baby!!!!! I did some editing look it over and see if it reads okay for you... mainly the use of capitals and some small word manipulation.... and spell checking lol.... I loved doing this! Earth next????
ps I checked no copyright on this image lol... it is free

woohoo Du what you Du best... and yes I would love to do earth next, I will see if I can tie these intogether
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My Erotic Tale said:
hello snap dragon <grin>

woohoo Du what you Du best... and yes I would love to do earth next, I will see if I can tie these intogether

Loved it Art I am so happy with it!!!!! Great job partner
I liked the picture...very zen and beautiful! Perfect!

Okay, now what...Earth ?


Aquatic Fury~
...liquid zen....

Water the element of change,
Molecule gymnastics, flowing opposites,
Light into dark twisting negative to positive.
Yin and yang of rain.

Liquid's life of cycling dawns,
mystic mornings mist, levitates and rises
molded, manipulated then drawn by gravity,
showering a sunset.

Sodden gray clouds fill the horizon,
Creator’s cerebrum exposed heavy with thought,
liquid wisdom plummets to a thirsty earth,
parched Tellus swills in cerebellar milk.

Pelting droplets of water descending,
thunder cracks, rumbles, lightening fingers reaching,
each fraternal drop joins the multitude and become the saturating
scent of the cleansing.

Gliding towards soil in hopes of healing,
shattered against man's crust of poisoned tar.
Anguished shock and fury! Recoiling in horror,
A crippled crawl over the edge. . . soaking mother’s breast.

The raging river's rising resurrection,
earthly veins pulse and surge in a pounding destructive wake!
Clashing swells wave in rejoice of earthly domination
un-merciful current drags every creature with it.

Mother cradles precious cargo along vaulted river beds.
River sonata, a flowing lullaby of building tempos,
licking, tasting, devouring fresh soil of lusting meadows.
Water husbandry, a give and take, recession complete.

Raging rivers mingle with vast Ocean swells,
the surf's arm grasps handfuls of beach in each waves reach.
Aquatic feast of Soil and Sand in the Art of erosion,
desert canyon walls lay in a deep bellied sea.

Simple complexity of Gaia’s blood,
healing destruction nestled in mystic motes,
ebbing breath floods extant entities,
Life: gushing baptism of birth exhales death’s thirst.

The Aquatic realm of creatures deep, strives.
That which gives life and death to us all in it's cycles.
Spied by a thirsty moon that died parched,
a huge drop of deep blue water that spins in space, Earth!

By Du Lac & My Erotic Tale
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My Erotic Tale said:
I liked the picture...very zen and beautiful! Perfect!

Okay, now what...Earth ?


Aquatic Fury~
....liquid zen...

Water the element of change,
Molecule gymnastics, flowing opposites,
Light into dark twisting negative to positive.
Yin and yang of rain.

Liquid's life of cycling dawns,
mystic mornings mist, levitates and rises
molded, manipulated then drawn by gravity,
showering a sunset.

Sodden gray clouds fill the horizon,
Creator’s cerebrum exposed heavy with thought,
liquid wisdom plummets to a thirsty earth,
parched Tellus swills in cerebellar milk.

Pelting droplets of water descending,
thunder cracks, rumbles, lightening fingers reaching,
each fraternal drop joins the multitude and become the saturating
scent of the cleansing.

Gliding towards soil in hopes of healing,
shattered against man's crust of poisoned tar.
Anguished shock and fury! Recoiling in horror,
A crippled crawl over the edge. . . soaking mother’s breast.

The raging river's rising resurrection,
earthly veins pulse and surge in a pounding destructive wake!
Clashing swells wave in rejoice of earthly domination
un-merciful current drags every creature with it.

Mother cradles precious cargo along vaulted river beds.
River sonata, a flowing lullaby of building tempos,
licking, tasting, devouring fresh soil of lusting meadows.
Water husbandry, a give and take, recession complete.

Raging rivers mingle with vast Ocean swells,
the surf's arm grasps handfuls of beach in each waves reach.
Aquatic feast of Soil and Sand in the Art of erosion,
desert canyon walls lay in a deep bellied sea.

Simple complexity of Gaia’s blood,
healing destruction nestled in mystic motes,
ebbing breath floods extant entities,
Life: gushing baptism of birth exhales death’s thirst.

The Aquatic realm of creatures deep, strives.
That which gives life and death to us all in it's cycles.
Spied by a thirsty moon that died parched,
a huge drop of deep blue water that spins in space, Earth!

By Du Lac & My Erotic Tale

yes EARTH... looking forward to it... by Erotic Tale and Du Lac... that pic came from a zen site on water lol... who would have thunk... I saved it for further study.. you know me.... this exercise is good for me Art learning to work with another... very helpful thank you... and I really love this poem.. hope that my MYSTIC ways will not deter anyone from understanding it lol...
love ya mi amigo

A star spew a spark from itself, >>>(sun sperm)?
born an eliptic flame, encircled to spin around it's parent
Inferno fury intangled in rivers of molten lava swirling
Valcanos spew into cold winds, maturing.
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It was the dusty
or muddy road
along willows creek trail
where the House,
with that bordered picket fence
that rang out with stick clickin charm
held captive an old man
who grumbled and mumbled
For a life of a hermit is a quite one
'how sad he must be'
the children tell
of how they hear him yell
and he lives alone
except for a few
feline critters

The latest rumor being
he spat out loud:
"Be Quiet"
and no one was there
except his ...cats!
Big oak chatters
in his yard
from the squirrels
chasing each other
over acorns
cars going by
honk their horn

It's a small town
word got around
he was the proud owner
of a new litter of kittens
I was wishing
so I got a kitty

now I understand
how they can
turn folks into
rambling bitty's