Chasin' Chickens

templeminded said:
SHE IS! here we go again :)
i still have his last one in our second house. lol
have a good day babe LOL

kids having kids...kiddo~
ref: Blue Bellie Blazes


Hey you....

Just had to tell ya I like how this one is going.
Very imaginitive and fun.
Your ryhming is beyond compare. *grins*

More Please~!!!!

RhymeFairy said:
ref: Blue Bellie Blazes


Hey you....

Just had to tell ya I like how this one is going.
Very imaginitive and fun.
Your ryhming is beyond compare. *grins*

More Please~!!!!


hey lil ryhme

glad to see ya back (~_*)
A Scarlet Rose:
Chapter 4~
"Divided together"

blue skies and grey clouds
molded together
whipping winds in hurried waves
lazy summer of dixie days.

Scarlet hair waved in flow
through the town shops she'd go
non-silant in her steady pose
dressed in delight a Scarlett Rose.

"Miss Scarlett," Sergeant Sylvester delighted
Scarlett turned slightly acting frighted ... "Oh."
hugs exchanged in gusts of glee
ushered into the shadows as not to be seen.

"The Yankees have taken over the town
what in Gods name are you doing around ..."
Kissing pressed to quiet some lips
"Here?" she blurted, hands on her hips.

"I had to see you, us Reb's are hidden down river,"
Miss Scarlett felt uneasy and began to shiver
"Don't come to town tomorrow...okay"
Sergeant Sylvester hoped she'd obey

"Miss Scarlett? Is that you?"
asked a voice from out of the blue
Turning to see who called her name
her heart beat twice the same.

"Captain Doodle," Scarlett proclaimed
looking back to see Sylvester had scrammed
"How are you?" She asked in a hurried haste
The Captain captured her around her waste.

"Where are you going ...
who were you talking to?"
asked the Captain, dress, uniform blue
tightly gripping eyes focussed new.

"If you were a woman, you'd not need to ask,"
Scarlett's jerked free grin reaching pulling sash,
her bare legs glare adjusting her garter there in the road
a cunning fox of southern charm, a Scarlett rose.

"I apologize Miss Scarlett but there's been rumors
that Reb's are about, I have to check everyone out."
The Captain said while gazing deeply up her leg
"That's alright Captain, I forgive you, " Scarlett said.

A tipped hat and curtsy to bid a good day
each went their seperate and divided ways
the iminant dangers that have arose
for a certain Miss Scarlett Rose
Bumping humping and waiting ...........

My Alaska love has ridden the silver bird back to the wild west... my time is free again... he does deserve all my attention when here lol.... now filled with creative nectar (wink wink....) skin cools and I await for the next challenge...
miss you tons Art....hope your happy and well dear friend
Earth: Solid zen~

A star spew a spark from itself,
born an ecliptic flame, encircled to spin around it's parent
Inferno fury entangled in rivers of molten lava swirling
Volcanoes spew into cold winds, maturing

Pregnant darkness flowing from chaotic energy,
Steam blooms from liquid fire,
burning womb birthing Obsidian spirits
frozen gems of a first breath.

Red and black planet swirls within itself,
fire fighting form, retreating to the core of it's lair
Smoldering gaseous fumes swirl and rise
valiant winds drift in trails, hardening all but red rivers.

A burning junkyard of Nova wreckage,
turtle's shell cools below a spinning moon,
Water nativity: recycling furnace delivers pools . . . ripened oceans,
Adam's ale breathes life into a cell.

Ice began to nip at mountain tops,
as the twirling hot rock shot across the cold stars,
leashed and locked into a spinning that began to cycle.
Liquid pooled and swell under condensated clouds.

Tiny roots float within liquid air,
timeless travel of placenta dreams,
thrust upon open space,
Survival: slender fingers laced into soil planting life anew.

Leaf-lets grew and lay over leaf-lets,
a line in the sand at the water's surface.
Microscopic breaths in deep blue seas.
Tiny imprints track across a white beach.

Infinity churns, dancing thru growth,
Primal and wild no mind with a plan,
Perfection's zest brews in evolving cycles,
Beast, man and plant relentlessly savor Nirvana.
will continue to work on it....
Du Lac said:
My Alaska love has ridden the silver bird back to the wild west... my time is free again... he does deserve all my attention when here lol.... now filled with creative nectar (wink wink....) skin cools and I await for the next challenge...
miss you tons Art....hope your happy and well dear friend
Earth: Solid zen~

A star spew a spark from itself,
born an ecliptic flame, encircled to spin around it's parent
Inferno fury entangled in rivers of molten lava swirling
Volcanoes spew into cold winds, maturing

Pregnant darkness flowing from chaotic energy,
Steam blooms from liquid fire,
burning womb birthing Obsidian spirits
frozen gems of a first breath.

Red and black planet swirls within itself,
fire fighting form, retreating to the core of it's lair
Smoldering gaseous fumes swirl and rise
valiant winds drift in trails, hardening all but red rivers.

A burning junkyard of Nova wreckage,
turtle's shell cools below a spinning moon,
Water nativity: recycling furnace delivers pools . . . ripened oceans,
Adam's ale breathes life into a cell.

Ice began to nip at mountain tops,
as the twirling hot rock shot across the cold stars,
leashed and locked into a spinning that began to cycle.
Liquid pooled and swell under condensated clouds.

Tiny roots float within liquid air,
timeless travel of placenta dreams,
thrust upon open space,
Survival: slender fingers laced into soil planting life anew.

Leaf-lets grew and lay over leaf-lets,
a line in the sand at the water's surface.
Microscopic breaths in deep blue seas.
Tiny imprints track across a white beach.

Infinity churns, dancing thru growth,
Primal and wild no mind with a plan,
Perfection's zest brews in evolving cycles,
Beast, man and plant relentlessly savor Nirvana.
will continue to work on it....

Green meets blue, while white covers dark,
rivers ripple with fish that flow
valleys filled with gigantic creatures that roam
in the skies of heavenly something soars new.

Ill tweak it...
The Wall

we all have walls we hide behind
walls we tell ourselves
that are not there
no don't look
its invisible
no one will ever know
tis not possible to see

we go about our days
and nights
that one day
we can let the walls disappear

we can finally be our true selves
the person we were meant to be
the one who laughs all the time
calls out to friends
sings in the shower
runs through the flowers
sprays everyone with the water hose

one day my friend
i will no longer need this wall
until then
pleases don't look
don't ask
and whatever you do
don't touch the wall

tis invisible
no one can see it
tis not there i tell you

free thinking read a poem about walls
and this came to mind
needs some work i think~

RhymeFairy said:
we all have walls we hide behind
walls we tell ourselves
that are not there
no don't look
its invisible
no one will ever know
tis not possible to see

we go about our days
and nights
that one day
we can let the walls disappear

we can finally be our true selves
the person we were meant to be
the one who laughs all the time
calls out to friends
sings in the shower
runs through the flowers
sprays everyone with the water hose

one day my friend
i will no longer need this wall
until then
pleases don't look
don't ask
and whatever you do
don't touch the wall

tis invisible
no one can see it
tis not there i tell you

free thinking read a poem about walls
and this came to mind
needs some work i think~


coming from someone who is told all the time that they keep a brick wall
up around them......I LOVED IT!
nin :rose:
in the works.............

Terra of my core

Hallowed essence of all to be,
Terra of my core suckling
tears of vapid ease
Simple moments of fulfilled living
Toffee crunch bliss….

World on fire
More than I can handle
Emptiness that floats thru me
Wipes away our sun

Terra of my core

Hallowed essence of all to be,
Terra of my core suckling
tears of vapid ease
Simple moments of fulfilled living
Toffee crunch bliss….

World on fire
More than I can handle
Emptiness that floats thru me
Wipes away our sun

Perspective lost while spiraling into hell
My mind a desert shriveling with thirst
Your voice my water in which I drown
Craving draught of music and rain
Terra of my core

Hallowed essence of all to be,
Terra of my core suckling
tears of vapid ease
Simple moments of fulfilled living
Toffee crunch bliss….

Dreams on fire
More than I can handle
Emptiness that floats thru me
Wipes away our sun

Perspective lost while spiraling into hell
My mind a desert shriveling with thirst
Your voice my water in which I drown
Craving draught of music and rain

This Ache~

this ache consumes me
countless days and nights
i reach you and your not there

breathing a fire through my loins
corrupting all it covers
exhaling as
flakes of ash erupt
all that is left
burning embers of longing

tunneling through to the other side
grime and smut cover me
small hiccups of arsenic spasms
rush forth
singeing all in its path
surrounding me
strangling me
with its ever present

nailing me in this casket
called life
without you

stifling shrieks
heartbroken sobs
tears rolling down
covered cheeks...

RhymeFairy~ :rose:
RhymeFairy said:
this ache consumes me
countless days and nights
i reach you and your not there

breathing a fire through my loins
corrupting all it covers
exhaling as
flakes of ash erupt
all that is left
burning embers of longing

tunneling through to the other side
grime and smut cover me
small hiccups of arsenic spasms
rush forth
singeing all in its path
surrounding me
strangling me
with its ever present

nailing me in this casket
called life
without you

stifling shrieks
heartbroken sobs
tears rolling down
covered cheeks...

RhymeFairy~ :rose:

one word.....AWESOME
templeminded said:
one word.....AWESOME

Thank You~!!!

I have not written in such a long time.
Am kinda spreading my wings again.
I have only posted one poem. The others I write I put on the boards. I really appreciate the encouragement. If ya see one ya really like let me know. I have no clue anymore what to actually *post* and what not. It seems I am very rusty and need a brushing off.
Kinda do not trust my judgement any more.
Know what I mean?

((((((((Templeminded))))))))))) :D

This came about from another thread.
About a lil bird.
I gave it my own twist you could say.....

Teach Me~

pet me sweetly
show me kindness
whisper words of love
in my lil ears

pet me some more
let me feel
your fingers
upon my skin

nuzzle me
let me learn your voice
your touch
your command

encourage me
to do your bidding
praise me
with your admiration
cover me
with your liquid desire

show me how
to fly high in your arms
touching the sky
to bring back stardust
within my fingers
for you...


just a thought~

Originally Posted by Du Lac
My Alaska love has ridden the silver bird back to the wild west... my time is free again... he does deserve all my attention when here lol.... now filled with creative nectar (wink wink....) skin cools and I await for the next challenge...
miss you tons Art....hope your happy and well dear friend
Earth: Solid zen~

A star spew a spark from itself,
born an ecliptic flame, encircled to spin around it's parent
Inferno fury entangled in rivers of molten lava swirling
Volcanoes spew into cold winds, maturing

Pregnant darkness flowing from chaotic energy,
Steam blooms from liquid fire,
burning womb birthing Obsidian spirits
frozen gems of a first breath.

Red and black planet swirls within itself,
fire fighting form, retreating to the core of it's lair
Smoldering gaseous fumes swirl and rise
valiant winds drift in trails, hardening all but red rivers.

A burning junkyard of Nova wreckage,
turtle's shell cools below a spinning moon,
Water nativity: recycling furnace delivers pools . . . ripened oceans,
Adam's ale breathes life into a cell.

Ice began to nip at mountain tops,
as the twirling hot rock shot across the cold stars,
leashed and locked into a spinning that began to cycle.
Liquid pooled and swell under condensated clouds.

Tiny roots float within liquid air,
timeless travel of placenta dreams,
thrust upon open space,
Survival: slender fingers laced into soil planting life anew.

Leaf-lets grew and lay over leaf-lets,
a line in the sand at the water's surface.
Microscopic breaths in deep blue seas.
Tiny imprints track across a white beach.

Infinity churns, dancing thru growth,
Primal and wild no mind with a plan,
Perfection's zest brews in evolving cycles,
Beast, man and plant relentlessly savor Nirvana.
will continue to work on it....

Green meets blue, while white covers dark,
rivers ripple with fish that flow
valleys filled with gigantic creatures that roam
in the skies of heavenly something soars new.

Okay Art Thank You I Will Work On The Next Stanza
Hope You Are Well And Doing Good Babe

good to see you doing good...hope all is well on your front! I read your story you did a good job looking forward to your next babe.. lol.. I call everyone babe kick back from my waitresssing days....
Earth: Solid zen~

A star spew a spark from itself,
born an ecliptic flame, encircled to spin around it's parent
Inferno fury entangled in rivers of molten lava swirling
Volcanoes spew into cold winds, maturing

Pregnant darkness flowing from chaotic energy,
Steam blooms from liquid fire,
burning womb birthing Obsidian spirits
frozen gems of a first breath.

Red and black planet swirls within itself,
fire fighting form, retreating to the core of it's lair
Smoldering gaseous fumes swirl and rise
valiant winds drift in trails, hardening all but red rivers.

A burning junkyard of Nova wreckage,
turtle's shell cools below a spinning moon,
Water nativity: recycling furnace delivers pools . . . ripened oceans,
Adam's ale breathes life into a cell.

Ice began to nip at mountain tops,
as the twirling hot rock shot across the cold stars,
leashed and locked into a spinning that began to cycle.
Liquid pooled and swell under condensated clouds.

Tiny roots float within liquid air,
timeless travel of placenta dreams,
thrust upon open space,
Survival: slender fingers laced into soil planting life anew.

Leaf-lets grew and lay over leaf-lets,
a line in the sand at the water's surface.
Microscopic breaths in deep blue seas.
Tiny imprints track across a white beach.

Infinity churns, dancing thru growth,
Primal and wild no mind with a plan,
Perfection's zest brews in evolving cycles,
Beast, man and plant relentlessly savor Nirvana.

Green meets blue, while white covers dark,
rivers ripple with fish that flow
valleys filled with gigantic creatures that roam
in the skies of heavenly something soars new.

working and bumping so I may finish

My Erotic Tale said:
A Scarlett Rose:
chapter 5~

'Flirtatious grin'

Red white and blue banners wave
in a light breeze across southern days
Towns people gathered as the day grew
Miss Scarlett was busy with shopping to do!
A Scarlett Rose:
chapter 5~

'Flirtatious grin'

Indian Paint Brushes turn a field red
While pale blue skies hang overhead
A buck-board buggy now makes it's way
down the road of the blue and the gray.

Red, white and blue banners wave
in a light breeze across southern days
Towns people gathered as the day grew
Miss Scarlett was busy with shopping to do!

The Sun cast a shadow under this town
as rebels were hiding and sneaking around.
The Union soldiers marched the streets,
as children raced for something sweet.

At the edge of town was the 'blue bellies' camp,
in the shadows, confederate TNT lay crimped.
Captain Doodle on the sidewalk's boarded row
when he bumped into Miss. Scarlett Rose.

They collided like two sheets on a line
Captain Doodle held her for a long long time.
"I have something for your father," Doodle blew
"Back at the camp, I'll will escort you."

"My, My, Captain Doodle... you Do,
take a girls breath away," She coo'd.
He extended an arm in Gentleman charm
and Miss Scarlett smiled then took his arm.

They teased a talk while they were walking
of the dance that was coming up on Sunday.
Soldiers saluted hands at hat's rim
Miss Scarlett shy'd a 'Flirtatious Grin'

They did stroll to the tents set in rows.
Out jumped a rebel, yelling, "No!"
That was when the Union camp explode
knocking to the ground, Miss Scarlett Rose.

Coughing and hacking in a cloud of smoke
Captain Doodle charred, felt Scarlett's throat.
"She's not breathing," He sat in panic
no pulse was found, as he removed her bonnet.

He pressed on her chest three or four times
breathed a breath into her then listen for a sign.
Pumping her heart then air in her lips
he felt Miss Scarlett begining to kiss.

Her arms wrapped around him tight
Captain Doodle did not take flight.
His lips kept pressing, nose to nose
Kissing with passion, the Scarlett Rose.

"What happened?" Scarlett asked
Doodle replied, "There was a blast."
They lay together, eye to eye
hearts pounding as desires rise.

A buggy ride home under a blue arm
Kisses mingled with country charm
Horses gate slow down spanish moss row
Winds of change 'Blue' for a Scarlett Rose.
Earth: Solid zen~

A star spew a spark from itself,
born an ecliptic flame, encircled to spin around it's parent
Inferno fury entangled in rivers of molten lava swirling
Volcanoes spew into cold winds, maturing

Pregnant darkness flowing from chaotic energy,
Steam blooms from liquid fire,
burning womb birthing Obsidian spirits
frozen gems of a first breath.

Red and black planet swirls within itself,
fire fighting form, retreating to the core of it's lair
Smoldering gaseous fumes swirl and rise
valiant winds drift in trails, hardening all but red rivers.

A burning junkyard of Nova wreckage,
turtle's shell cools below a spinning moon,
Water nativity: recycling furnace delivers pools . . . ripened oceans,
Adam's ale breathes life into a cell.

Ice began to nip at mountain tops,
as the twirling hot rock shot across the cold stars,
leashed and locked into a spinning that began to cycle.
Liquid pooled and swell under condensated clouds.

Tiny roots float within liquid air,
timeless travel of placenta dreams,
thrust upon open space,
Survival: slender fingers laced into soil planting life anew.

Leaf-lets grew and lay over leaf-lets,
a line in the sand at the water's surface.
Microscopic breaths in deep blue seas.
Tiny imprints track across a white beach.

Infinity churns, dancing thru growth,
Primal and wild no mind with a plan,
Perfection's zest brews in evolving cycles,
Beast, man and plant relentlessly savor Nirvana.

Green meets blue, while white covers dark,
rivers ripple with fish that flow
valleys filled with gigantic creatures that roam
in the skies of heavenly something soars new.

Wild grasses trampled by thunderous feet,
From dust evolved a majestic miracle,
Father above, Mother below,
Their children play on the terra in-between.

hmmm as usual I need editing............

Du Lac said:
Still in the works.............

Rich, ripe and full,
Sodden breasts with leaking nipples,
A feast lies before the starving,
Last supper of an aura.

Insincere groveling of empty souls,
Malnourished and reeking of death,
Suckling tongues, clamping teeth,
Draining a naïve presence.

on the thoughts of what I call energy vampirism..
bumping for working on.........