Chasin' Chickens


I figured it would be fine but thought I'd ask. Sometimes I feel like I'm interrupting a conversation by just jumping in a thread so I started asking.

Choosey chicken chasers chide the chokers and the chucklers.

this poem spawned of itself, there is no other!
It just grew like a flower on a wicked vine <grin>
perhaps self theropy <bigrin>


Narry a knuckle to unbuckle
as fingers frizzle the cloth
to put one's whole
into what it devours
even love tainted sour
to feed the need
to grasp and hold,

To hold nothing
as if it were something
as the jig saw of dreams
replaced reality.
I plant my feet and
lean on what I shudder
to be with

I see my path ahead of me
but know not what lay
in tomorrows mind.
For it grows with a new dawn
like flowers greeting the sun
standing next to

Pulling memories,
like changing channels
adding up my nintey nine sense.
Finding the one
to make a whole.
Untill I am no longer
I'll find joy in
Those critters are fast and running from me
Still I always pursue them relentlessly

Grabbing at air with an empty grasp
It's my chest that I clutch and I heave a loud gasp

Ducking under the leaves, maybe hidden below
The chase continues in danger I know

Running downhill is a pure graceless skill
But I've gone far beyond common sense or good will.

Rocks jutting up cutting into my knees
Disaster is born as I'm launched in the breeze.

I took time for the roses sweet smell and soft sigh
I wanted to stop but went on hurtling by

Best I could manage, finding the bright side of this
were blackberry and locust I happened to miss.

In my freakish freefall parallel to the hill
Seemed to be in slow motion but sadly no still

Suffering was waiting at the rock ledge down there
so were the treasures I chased through the air

A perpetual perilous path I pursue
chasing just the right words to bring thoughts into view.

Gravity tugged at my weight but I learned
following birds just ahead my new courage returned

Reaching out, finding form to glide on the air
Finding the words were with me and not all down there

Had I not tripped chasing words tumbling by
I'd never had learned that I'm able to fly.

The take-off is easy with hardly a glitch
but I bet the landing's a real son-of-a-bitch.
My Erotic Tale said:
this poem spawned of itself, there is no other!
It just grew like a flower on a wicked vine <grin>
perhaps self theropy <bigrin>


Narry a knuckle to unbuckle
as fingers frizzle the cloth
to put one's whole
into what it devours
even love tainted sour
to feed the need
to grasp and hold,

To hold nothing
as if it were something
as the jig saw of dreams
replaced reality.
I plant my feet and
lean on what I shudder
to be with

I see my path ahead of me
but know not what lay
in tomorrows mind.
For it grows with a new dawn
like flowers greeting the sun
standing next to

Pulling memories,
like changing channels
adding up my nintey nine sense.
Finding the one
to make a whole.
Untill I am no longer
I'll find joy in

This is nice and effortless to read.

Sometimes it does seem like the puzzle pieces don't cooperate.
I'm going to plant my butt in this thread. With Art and rumi here it's a great place to hang out. :)
Welcome Rumi and Cookiejar..
this is a great thread and we have a lot of fun here!
Du Lac said:
Welcome Rumi and Cookiejar..
this is a great thread and we have a lot of fun here!

Thanks for the welcome. I'm still not sure how much is enough and what bit becomes too much here in the way of conversational comment. Reading your sigline reminded me of all the seagull wisdom I managed to forget. I'll have to dig that back out.
ruminator said:
Those critters are fast and running from me
Still I always pursue them relentlessly

Grabbing at air with an empty grasp
It's my chest that I clutch and I heave a loud gasp

Ducking under the leaves, maybe hidden below
The chase continues in danger I know

Running downhill is a pure graceless skill
But I've gone far beyond common sense or good will.

Rocks jutting up cutting into my knees
Disaster is born as I'm launched in the breeze.

I took time for the roses sweet smell and soft sigh
I wanted to stop but went on hurtling by

Best I could manage, finding the bright side of this
were blackberry and locust I happened to miss.

In my freakish freefall parallel to the hill
Seemed to be in slow motion but sadly no still

Suffering was waiting at the rock ledge down there
so were the treasures I chased through the air

A perpetual perilous path I pursue
chasing just the right words to bring thoughts into view.

Gravity tugged at my weight but I learned
following birds just ahead my new courage returned

Reaching out, finding form to glide on the air
Finding the words were with me and not all down there

Had I not tripped chasing words tumbling by
I'd never had learned that I'm able to fly.

The take-off is easy with hardly a glitch
but I bet the landing's a real son-of-a-bitch.

cool beans...<grinin>

hey... ruminator, Du, blue
Ryme fairy and COOKIE!

I been busy like a 'mouse' on a 'pad' ed wheel.
Tokyo Rose: A Geisha Grin

Red maple over tranquil pools
koi color depths while gardens bloom
arched bridge rise over babblng brook
words spoken under soft looks.

"Do you enjoy what you do?"
The Shogun cocked in royal blue
"Yes, I do," responded shyly Kiko
A Tokyo Rose in a red Kimono.

"He who love what they do
work not one day in life."
The Shogun cast out of the blue.
Almond eyes smiling new.
My Erotic Tale said:
Some times you'll find
yourself in the rain,
with out an umbrella
when the showering,

Some people are books
and others are water,
it's just not a good idea
to put them together.

Facts are facts
and that's that,
let it be like water
off a Ducks back.

Breakfast is served
but I forgot the milk
I ran so quickly
on the way back it was

Your running late
the kids are screaming
you blow out a tire
and wish you were dreaming

Facts are facts
and that's that,
let it be like water
off a Ducks back.

Water off a ducks back,
smoothly drips, takes the quack.
Duck squawks, stomps.
feathers fly !
Ducks in a tizzy fit...

Come fly away with me.
Together we can see it all.
No more childish tantrums,
flat tires to fix.
Come on baby,
I need a fix.

Beautiful spring morn.
All abloom
Bee buzzing by.
Rainbows go forever,
as we fly to the clouds.

Fish jumping in the pond.
Skinny dippin with my darlin one.
Sun tanned skin, wet with sweat.
Ice tea glass drizzlin with dew.

Playin horse shoe at the days end.
Water fights over the car, clean as new.
Playing hide-and-seek in the fields.
Tumbling down the hill. did you PUSH me?

No more duck fits
Childish "What I want's"
Car fixed. What a wonderful sight.
Baby and I, renewed...

*mmmmmmm sighs*
Fire: Transformation Zen


Fire: Transformation Zen

Burning, licking, swirling and twirling,
powerful dance of life and death,
cradled in the heat
of a tiny flame.

here we go Art... seems we both are busier than a den of beaver in a flood! the fires of summer are beckoning to my soul as I try to balance life and writing.. Miss you tons my friend hope all is well
Du Lac said:

Fire: Transformation Zen

Burning, licking, swirling and twirling,
powerful dance of life and death,
cradled in the heat
of a tiny flame.

Energy of light illuminates
taunting a scorching touch
reflective flickering in dancing silouettes
for darkness runs from fire.

She reveals more than she normally would,
like a shoulder strap fallen.
For she has been hot for awhile now.
My eyes follow her curves, crawling.

Naked and facing the world.
Wishing for rain while wading a river
I just had to finger a touch
for she is a lover and a giver.

Embrace her scent on a summer breeze
Her warm wetness I did feel
scooping up a hand full of her
On the dry banks of the river I did kneel
Kneel by the river, drinking your fill.
Serenading her temple, of endless giving.
Suckling the ripe, fresh melon of natures garden.
Gushing juices dripping, trailing down your chin.

Her fingers comb through, the golden forest,
of your hair. Passing to you, a kind, soft wanting.
Hunger pangs within your melons cup, glide...
swirl upon your spearing tongue of need.

Revealing your shaft of lightening heat.
Drizzling generous sheets of liquid delight,
transfuses together. Combining natures garden,
with forces of electrical winds.

Giving, taking, contributing to each
others desire. Swapping shiverous lustiness,
for the nectarous waterfalls of passions fruit.

Together absorbing eons of natures oneness.
Freeing the winds of time, changing the rain,
slicing the sun. Spectacular storms, of typhoidal
electricity, shimmering within the forest.

Redistributing the course of giving ... taking.
Into a oneness for eternity. Together they fly,
sharing all of natures garden, with the forces
of electrical winds.

Kneeling at the river of time. Embracing
all that is good, giving. Taking her
by the hand, we walk, into the sunset
as one~

*salutes ya Art~ ur too good for a gurl like me, lol...
Thanks again my friend~ :kiss:
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My Erotic Tale said:
She reveals more than she normally would,
like a shoulder strap fallen.
For she has been hot for awhile now.
My eyes follow her curves, crawling.

Naked and facing the world.
Wishing for rain while wading a river
I just had to finger a touch
for she is a lover and a giver.

Embrace her scent on a summer breeze
Her warm wetness I did feel
scooping up a hand full of her
On the dry banks of the river I did kneel

Kneel by the river, drinking your fill.
Serenading her temple, of endless giving.
Suckling the ripe, fresh melon of natures garden.
Gushing juices dripping, trailing down your chin.

Her fingers comb through, the golden forest,
of your hair. Passing to you, a kind, soft wanting.
Hunger pangs within your melons cup, glide...
swirl upon your spearing tongue of need.

Revealing your shaft of lightening heat.
Drizzling generous sheets of liquid delight,
transfuses together. Combining natures garden,
with forces of electrical winds.

Giving, taking, contributing to each
others desire. Swapping shiverous lustiness,
for the nectarous waterfalls of passions fruit.

Together absorbing eons of natures oneness.
Freeing the winds of time, changing the rain,
slicing the sun. Spectacular storms, of typhoidal
electricity, shimmering within the forest.

Redistributing the course of giving ... taking.
Into a oneness for eternity. Together they fly,
sharing all of natures garden, with the forces
of electrical winds.

Kneeling at the river of time. Embracing
all that is good, giving. Taking her
by the hand, we walk, into the sunset
as one~

*salutes ya Art~ ur too good for a gurl like me, lol...
Thanks again my friend~

(I don't know about that ..)
cool write lil fairy <grin>
My Erotic Tale said:
Kneel by the river, drinking your fill.
Serenading her temple, of endless giving.
Suckling the ripe, fresh melon of natures garden.
Gushing juices dripping, trailing down your chin.

Her fingers comb through, the golden forest,
of your hair. Passing to you, a kind, soft wanting.
Hunger pangs within your melons cup, glide...
swirl upon your spearing tongue of need.

Revealing your shaft of lightening heat.
Drizzling generous sheets of liquid delight,
transfuses together. Combining natures garden,
with forces of electrical winds.

Giving, taking, contributing to each
others desire. Swapping shiverous lustiness,
for the nectarous waterfalls of passions fruit.

Together absorbing eons of natures oneness.
Freeing the winds of time, changing the rain,
slicing the sun. Spectacular storms, of typhoidal
electricity, shimmering within the forest.

Redistributing the course of giving ... taking.
Into a oneness for eternity. Together they fly,
sharing all of natures garden, with the forces
of electrical winds.

Kneeling at the river of time. Embracing
all that is good, giving. Taking her
by the hand, we walk, into the sunset
as one~

*salutes ya Art~ ur too good for a gurl like me, lol...
Thanks again my friend~

(I don't know about that ..)
cool write lil fairy <grin>

this is just hot and beautiful... nice work you two

Thanks Du....

I am afraid I jumped the gun. Art had put a lil of his poem here. I *bounced* off of it. He had yet to really finish. I feel so stupid. I just wander around lookin for inspiration. I was a bad gurl...

Thanks again Art for being so gentlemenly about the whole thing...

I love his writing and I always look to see what he has posted, so I can write whatever comes to mind. I do that quiet a bit. Will try and reign in my passion,

Huggs and Happy writing~

RhymeFairy said:

Thanks Du....

I am afraid I jumped the gun. Art had put a lil of his poem here. I *bounced* off of it. He had yet to really finish. I feel so stupid. I just wander around lookin for inspiration. I was a bad gurl...

Thanks again Art for being so gentlemenly about the whole thing...

I love his writing and I always look to see what he has posted, so I can write whatever comes to mind. I do that quiet a bit. Will try and reign in my passion,

Huggs and Happy writing~


no reigning RF.... I am sure Art does not mind... we are working on a poem together actually a series and it is fun and exciting to work off another persons mental and emotional writing.... I love what you wrote... and it is a great poem
Fire: Transformation Zen

Burning, licking, swirling and twirling,
powerful dance of life and death,
cradled in the heat
of a tiny flame.

Energy of light illuminates
taunting a scorching touch
reflective flickering in dancing silouettes
for darkness runs from fire.

Look above and see the truth,
cleansing fury bringing life to our world.
Generations away with influence so strong,
dependence floats on a solar wind.
Du Lac said:
Fire: Transformation Zen

Burning, licking, swirling and twirling,
powerful dance of life and death,
cradled in the heat
of a tiny flame.

Energy of light illuminates
taunting a scorching touch
reflective flickering in dancing silouettes
for darkness runs from fire.

Look above and see the truth,
cleansing fury bringing life to our world.
Generations away with influence so strong,
dependence floats on a solar wind.

my tirn <grin> I just found out today I may get the weekend off, if so I will have time to spin this into an inferno, if not I will add my lines <smile> now let me see....the zen of fire....oh yea....SEX <lol>
My Erotic Tale said:
my tirn <grin> I just found out today I may get the weekend off, if so I will have time to spin this into an inferno, if not I will add my lines <smile> now let me see....the zen of fire....oh yea....SEX <lol>

Laughing out loud .. Barney looking puzzled... take your time Art... I took mine on Earth zen... in the meantime I will try to remember that fire you mentioned lol.... :rolleyes:
Pickle flavored lollipop
and BBQ style bubble gum.
Peanut butter over eggs
tuna in a cinnamon bun.

Shrimp flavored Ice Cream
and raspberry pinto beans
these are just a few things
that I had in my dream.
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blow those bouncin bubbles
smack that fluff of tail
swing your prancin partner
jump back lil blue Bell

circle around, slowly sensually
dip down, dragin your dude Dewy
whirl that skirt, skiddy de do
pounce'm real soft, off your lil kaboo

slide up close, real personal like
shimmy an shake those hips lil Blue
softly spank her lil dainty derriere
fluff it up, as you shake her down there

here comes the crunch my carnival pals
throw your arms around, all of them gals
kiss'r right smart, make her toes curl up tight
if ya curl'm right, she might go home with ya t'night

*grins* it was worth a shot, :eek: lol

Something wicked floats in a dream
Small and dark
Crushing hope and faith
Leaving shards of stardust breathing
In the jetty of black living

A personal atmosphere filled with shards
Shooting stars trailing through life
Grasp a tail
Hold on and breathe
Faith found in a dying meteor.

as usual to be worked on.........
Something wicked floats in a dream
Small and dark
Crushing hope and faith
Leaving shards of stardust breathing
In the jetty of black living

A personal atmosphere filled with slivers
Shooting stars trailing through life
Grasp a tail
Hold on and breathe
Faith found in a dying meteor.

Full force feeling
a moment of entry
dull lifeless floating
bursting into passionate flames
streaking wishes across the sky
a burden burning out before your eyes
Who will hold the wishes of doubtful dreams?