Chasin' Chickens

holding wishes, dreams alike
pampering those to whom I cherish
carrying around heartfelt passion
giving unto the one, I love

wishes come on pillows rest
transforming the minds want, to need
embers of life, taking the crossroads
appearing only, when its shown the light

dreams spinning, afloat in the air
touching all, with a magical glow
giving to each, special treasures
fingertips touch, bubbles of delight

wishes, dreams are worth the wait
hold out your hand, time will come
giving strength to accomplish every one
glorious accomplishment, in the end
Snake Watchin'

They snake in the tunnels of darkness
for their souls are twisted in hopes of a death
to end their mental anguish they grasp
the innocent and meek for they have no spine.
Running through the desert sands like a scorpion
to sting those who have found a better life
out of the shadows of their mentally chained existance.

The dark ages of modern times
is in the spiritual mind that gardens deaths wake.
there is no honor in deciet to smile and shake the hand
of the man that will escort you to hell when the hull
of life cradles in a coil of singed flesh that smells
better than the soul of a person who puts any stock
in a ficticious scribles and crins that filled your minds void
and set the soul a fire with visions, not facts.

It is hard to ask a snake to stand and fight like a man.
Instead they wait in the shadows tremble and they shake with fear
for they have not intellect, they have dreams. They are not
allowed to think rational for then they would not be a serpent.
The fangs only touch the innocent and easy prey, a cowards bite.
That's my words and I'll take my stand, please lock me in a room...
with the taliban.

I can tell the swimmers to watch for sharks
and that the eagle soars and the afgan barks.
But most of all I say to you, mustard up some courage
and hone your wits too, load your shells with powder from hell
because the war on terrorism will, be fought by me and you.
We are now the sentries for our country's sake,
Sittin on the front porch rocking, watching for snakes.

I slam the Moo's lamb and spit in the snakes eye
A lot of, a lot of, alas a lot of lies. May thunder bolts peirce your
wreck'tem walls, ala know is that this injustice shows the yellow
stripe down the serpents back and dishonor that shrouds a mind
with any connection with being lower than a snakes belly.
With honor and love we rebuild what was chipped by the inflicted,
discontent and zealous.
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Filled with passion Art!!! This is bigger than the war honey... this speaks about life overall... when you feel that you are at your lowest having been beat down and conquered by the snakes that slither through everyday life looking for the ones who trust and love unconditionally. Wisdom takes time... and sadly innocence fades... some fall to the side and die... and the true light holders pick themselves up and mustard up the courage to face another day........
Du Lac said:
Filled with passion Art!!! This is bigger than the war honey... this speaks about life overall... when you feel that you are at your lowest having been beat down and conquered by the snakes that slither through everyday life looking for the ones who trust and love unconditionally. Wisdom takes time... and sadly innocence fades... some fall to the side and die... and the true light holders pick themselves up and mustard up the courage to face another day........

Bravo~ Art :catroar:
Well said Du~ :)

Such passion for a worthy cause. I salute your poem, and your brilliant mind. I can never say, what I feel, unless I am in a tither about something. I loved this poem.
I agree it leans more toward life in general, but I love your sentiments on the war cause. Just left me speechless Art... And that's sayin alot..*grins*

Lotz more from both of ya~!! :catgrin:

Oh Du... I loved your latest poem * Dream* here. Just never had a chance now to send ya *Congrats* ~~ I did bounce off of it a lil. Wonderful wording there gurl~!! :D

*Clappin Hands ~Loudly*
Bravo~!! :rose:
Wings spread wide in a thermal glide
the Eagle still soars the 'blue' skies
over the smoke that bellows low
the last act of a darkened soul.

I challenge Ala to show his deranged face
or any of his islamic, muslim or mental mistakes
your religion is false and fake and a grail to raise
to justify your ignorant acts of cowardest deeds.

Men of honor fight face to face and bow with respect
for anothers life and way, but I bow not
to a snake in the grass, or religious killing cult.
I challenge the smut that hides in the shadows
that I know so, well being a shadow warrior who has seen hell

religion is for those who fear death
not to fund the rifle and bayonet
ever stood in a pool of blood? Of course not
you lay in a pool of blood for ignorance of the religion.
Allice in wonderland has more reality than the koran.

I step on your toes and spit in your eye
if you have anything to do with the terrorism that resides
It is time we took things into our own hands
and feed the gators, islamic muslims

I fear not the man with a bomb in his hand
for justice and freedom will reign and grow
what I fear is that the worlds minds filled with illusions of religion.
Focus the mind on reality and forge a brighter and enlightened world
allow us the shadow warriors to deal with this rebelious breed
and exterminate this religious seed.
Like a kid with new tennis shoes
my mind springs to a new venue,
electrified with mental images
feeding the soul a reason to live.

To Tell the Tale I lived in my mind
paint it with words gripping in ryhme.
Like a cheetah in a very small cage
yearning for an opening to run with my rage.

Lay a title typed across the top of the page
ready in white-ness it still spread laid.
If fingers could run a long distance marathon
when they cut loose, I am sure they would've won.
Du Lac said:
Fire: Transformation Zen

Burning, licking, swirling and twirling,
powerful dance of life and death,
cradled in the heat
of a tiny flame.

Energy of light illuminates
taunting a scorching touch
reflective flickering in dancing silouettes
for darkness runs from fire.

Look above and see the truth,
cleansing fury bringing life to our world.
Generations away with influence so strong,
dependence floats on a solar wind.

hmmm just a lil thought....
might need some work....
whatcha think?



flowers bow as you take your debut
circle slowly, down by the creek
riding the wind on fairy wings
tasting heaven upon the breeze

weeping willow tree, begs a dance
watching your flight, admiration askew
buzzy lil bees whispering kindness
butterflies flowing far behind

time has come for your big day
flight of flowers we all must take
to meet, the fairest queen of the land

she is the mother, we all hold dear
luminously, she glows from afar
she can see ... knows all
perfection envies our fairy queen

planting poppy pulp, with painted pansies
sowing stripped, scalloped susies
growing gazillions, of gigantic gardens
everything she touches, earthly euphoria

soulful sighs, of avid admiration
for you my dear, lil fairy queen
next queen in line, we honor you today
meeting of the older, to the new

rows of animals keenly watch
plants, trees, not a blinking eye
amidst all that glitters, bright beauties fly
two queen fairies meet, circle complete~

:rose: :confused: :eek:
Floating and timeless traveling through space
close to heaven and far from hell
a soul peacefully floating on the milky way

Power held in love bearly touched
skies filled with reminders of rapture
twinkling stars capturing universal truth

Burning bright touching lives from afar
a thousand wishes dance along the night winds
kissed by the stars joy

All too soon the light fades
a solid mass lost among the Nova wreakage
destined for unknown fate

Existing and eternal one moment believed
touched by atsmospheric tongues
bursting into the cleansing flames

Time grabs the tail riding the comets blaze
shooting and startling across the pure night sky
Wish my children as the burden of life fades

To know once love is worth the pain
Tomorrow will come regardless the struggle
Face the night skies filled with the rapture

Breathless the streak of fire and light
Forever remember this shooting star night
Burnt out in seconds a piece of my soul.

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Calling on Scarlett O'Hara

Circling forces greater than known
breathing ruin upon my terra.
Surrender and courage lost down deep
When all is hopeless
I call on Scarlett O'Hara.

Littered field of shattered future
Dreaming realist save my soul
Roots of strength watered with faith
plunging into the soil of survival
I call on Scarlett O'Hara.

to be continued
Originally Posted by Du Lac
Fire: Transformation Zen

Burning, licking, swirling and twirling,
powerful dance of life and death,
cradled in the heat
of a tiny flame.

Energy of light illuminates
taunting a scorching touch
reflective flickering in dancing silouettes
for darkness runs from fire.

Look above and see the truth,
cleansing fury bringing life to our world.
Generations away with influence so strong,
dependence floats on a solar wind.

Devouring fury in crackling fangs
of black and red hot coal, soul.
Limbs that bite in a burning grasp
melting the physical world into it's soup of existance

looking good Art..
let me know when it is a sure thing so I can work off it
My Erotic Tale said:
simpler days

Is there such a thing
as simpler days?
My mind races to remember a few
Like sitting on a creek bank
watching the water and world roll by


The rainy day I stayed indoors
watched the idiot box
play a movie
made some pop corn
and became a couch potatoe


Racing the wind on a bicycle
with a popcycle grin
drawing in the sand
making castles that wash away
simpler days

Pulled this outta the closet ...
Great imagery, sliding back into simpler times~ :catgrin:

I keep reading this over and over..
Devouring fury in crackling fangs
of black and red hot coal, soul.
Limbs that bite in a burning grasp
melting the physical world into it's soup of existance

the red line does not work for me...
does not make sense.. .. soul I get but still seems out of place

just my thoughts babe..
Originally Posted by Du Lac
Fire: Transformation Zen

Burning, licking, swirling and twirling,
powerful dance of life and death,
cradled in the heat
of a tiny flame.

Energy of light illuminates
taunting a scorching touch
reflective flickering in dancing silouettes
for darkness runs from fire.

Look above and see the truth,
cleansing fury bringing life to our world.
Generations away with influence so strong,
dependence floats on a solar wind.

A devouring fury with crackling fangs
consuming that which gives it life.
Limbs that bite in a burning grasp
melting the physical world into it's soup of existance.

hows that?
chewing nipples like bubble gum
squeezing breasts like I pump gas
sure to drop not a drop
spreading cheeks and kissing ass

licking lips that is flavored red
Socializing? ... I guess a mans gotta now and then!

I saw your mother the other day
she was hard on the road she lay.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news
but later, I saw your sister there too.

Easy, I'm just folding the bag I carried with me
now that I fed you and it is empty.
I will bring some apple-pie tomorrow.
I'll leave it over by your burrow.

I caught another possom in the trash can
I let'em out and 'boy' you should have seen it ran.
They are smart enough to get in, no doubt.
But they aint bright enough to get themselves out!

You stay away from those mean streets
and Mr. Johnson's chickens down by the creek.
They got traps laid along the ridge top way
Red fox pelts are bringing in top knotch pay.

I remember when you was just a pup
back when you was afraid of a pick-up truck.
It aint normal you and me on this river bend,
a man and a fox going on two year friends.
My Erotic Tale said:
Socializing? ... I guess a mans gotta now and then!

I saw your mother the other day
she was hard on the road she lay.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news
but later, I saw your sister there too.

Easy, I'm just folding the bag I carried with me
now that I fed you and it is empty.
I will bring some apple-pie tomorrow.
I'll leave it over by your burrow.

I caught another possom in the trash can
I let'em out and 'boy' you should have seen it ran.
They are smart enough to get in, no doubt.
But they aint bright enough to get themselves out!

You stay away from those mean streets
and Mr. Johnson's chickens down by the creek.
They got traps laid along the ridge top way
Red fox pelts are bringing in top knotch pay.

I remember when you was just a pup
back when you was afraid of a pick-up truck.
It aint normal you and me on this river bend,
a man and a fox going on two year friends.

I thought I protrait the conversation pretty well,
but I got one vote and it was a 1, 1.00 rating,
I must think differently from others <grin> cause
I thought it was a better poem than I had been posting <grin>
oh well I didn't write for points <grin>

Well I got the poem all too well Art and I loved it. I just have not voted on poems today busy cleaning house and soul. Meditation is a wonderful tool. No worries doll on the bad meanie voters out there.. as you know they hate my stuff.. and now I say What ever!
love ya
Du Lac said:
Well I got the poem all too well Art and I loved it. I just have not voted on poems today busy cleaning house and soul. Meditation is a wonderful tool. No worries doll on the bad meanie voters out there.. as you know they hate my stuff.. and now I say What ever!
love ya

Here I stand with a bow on my head
holding a box
wrapped shiney paper 'red'
and a card in an envelope
if you ask if it's hallmark
I will say, "Nope!"

You sit down and I sit too
I hand you the box
my present to you.

You unwrap it with a delicate touch
I say, "Tear it, be rough!" <grin>
You reach into this box
and pull out a letter 'N' from the alphabet.
You look at me with a patronizing smile.
Please continue, just for a little while.
So you reach back into the box
pulling out the letters 'D' and 'E'!

"Den? or End?" I look at you and say,
"Continue to dig inn."
You reach into the box
and pull out the letters "F" "R" and "I"
I place them in order and look you in the eye.


But that's not all, "No sir ma'am!"
I hand you the envelope
'how forgetfull I am.'
You open it and pull out the letters
"M" and "Y" "Why?" Because they go before friend!


But thats not all 'no sir ma'am,'
Here is my gift to you
I pull out a post card
that is mostly ocean blue
and hand it to you.
You have a puzled look on your face?
There is a boat on the post card.
No, I am not giving you a boat, silly.
the ...'SHIP'​
Dreamers and Dreams

started slow ... easy going
talking ... notes back and forth
slow smiles leading to more telling
of tails ... whoppers they be

two people ... lost in a world
forging together, a bond quiet unique
telling dreams, life's' lil secrets
souls swapping scandalous thoughts

a poem ... a dream
life's lil ... funny things
did you hear ... other such stuff

one day ... passes
another ... takes its place
dreams ... reality
its all the same here

an acquaintance, turns to friendship
a dreamer .... a dream
friend .... friendship
as dreamers .... dream


Thank You Art~
Friendship is to valued
pampered even ...
Hope all is well
Thank You again for all your support ...
friendship ~!!

RhymeFairy said:
started slow ... easy going
talking ... notes back and forth
slow smiles leading to more telling
of tails ... whoppers they be

two people ... lost in a world
forging together, a bond quiet unique
telling dreams, life's' lil secrets
souls swapping scandalous thoughts

a poem ... a dream
life's lil ... funny things
did you hear ... other such stuff

one day ... passes
another ... takes its place
dreams ... reality
its all the same here

an acquaintance, turns to friendship
a dreamer .... a dream
friend .... friendship
as dreamers .... dream


Thank You Art~
Friendship is to valued
pampered even ...
Hope all is well
Thank You again for all your support ...
friendship ~!!


Thank you sweetie, how wonderful~
I am proud to announce that ...
"Chewing Gum for the Mind!" Volume One
By Art ...has been excepted for review for publishing. <grin>
I submitted a small sample to Lit, but the illustrations
seem to be causing a delay in posting. That or there are a
lot of submissions these days. Now the dreaded 6-8 weeks
for the reply.

So I need to build material for volume two, please send me PM
any "unique and un-common knowledge" of GUM facts,
body illusions, zen tales, and or brain teasers.
(Mental 'work-out' Manual volume two .,..
Chewing Gum for the Mind! The 2nd gumball)

Thanks Art~
ZMP~ Ivy in the sky

Ivy Knows
which way to go
in order to get to heaven.

Climbing to the sky
it will grow and rise,
seeking the tallest tree living.

Its life is in order
when it clings to another
with hopes of reaching the sky.

Will an Ivy be
discontent and grieve,
if it only reached fence post high?

Some have thorns
and some are poison I warn.
Roots touching hell is a given.

While others climb
on tree bark they rise
Till they reach the heavens.