Chasin' Chickens

My Erotic Tale said:
Hey Ryhme,
the red "H" factor has to do with 4.50 or better and 10 votes +
but lets say your old flame (for example, not that you have one <grinin>) gets mad at you, or a disgruntled poet <I know a couple> will go to your list and vote "not so favorably" on of course the ones with red "H"s and one vote is sometimes all it takes to bring it down below the 4.50. which automaticlly removes the red "H". The additional problem with this is "I" and those who have the thread.... "dang what was that thread????? Ill find it are gathering information and ideas to fix the problem but it aint easy the government, nothing changes with out a dang good reason. and it is a voting system where one vote per person, 1-5 is allowed. It is the full 'Spectrum' as they say, then there are the numbers watchers, oh yes it get's weird. <grin> my poem ZMP ~ Ivy to the sky..... hit the top list. But I knew it would fall, they always do. They tend to wait a few days with their voting and target the poems in the top percent to keep theirs high on the list. Why? I don't know for the end of year awards I think. So I advise you to not be concerned with the numbers. Before Lit and the rating you wrote because...???? "You Love It" and share it with comments and feedback and hope for a break from the one bombing. Where a one bomb helmet helps. The helmet is to not let it affect you, for their insanity is a disease that will infect ya and make you discontent. I say immune your self with why you write in the first place.

Du Lac, bless her soul, had the perfect poem. I mean I think it is one of the top five poems I have ever read. (Medusa's Chant) And some four or five line riddle got a green "E" I was sick, I realized then that the editor has different taste than we could ever figure out.

The zen of it all...
So in some way I hope you see that the problem inside YOU. Expectations warrant discontent when things don't go as expected <grin> the key to tranquility is exceptance. What IS......IS and what aint yet, can be <grin> And Ryhme,,, Du's the Wise one,....I'm the wise ASS <bigrin> blue is blue <grin> and you are a lil darlin <chuckleboned>


OK My friend I get it. I was not so worried with the H's as I just did not understand it.

I agree, I write for me.
I *purge* ~ *ramble* ~ *inspire* ... all of me ...

Thank you for the help and the great info. Do not worry with trying to fix it. Tis not broke, just *hinged* ~ :eek:

I also Totally agree on your views of Du ... ~!!!!! :D

Tha LilDarlin ya know an love ~ still present an accounted for~ *winks*
My Erotic Tale said:
A Pecos Rose: The cards get laid ~

A Piano's up beat playing and dresses swaying
as the 'Ladies' danced up on stage.
Kicking up their heels while the dealer deals
and the Cowboys spend their hard earned pay.

Lady Lilley was making her casual rounds
trailing her finger across a sea of men.
Showing her legs, flirting and strolling
A Pecos Rose wearing her seductive grin.

She spied a Handsome Cowboy dealing
a gambler with a smile that struck a cord.
Lady Lilley made her way to his table
Like a cat after a mouse across the floor.

"I thought I knew all the Gamblers in these here parts,"
Lady Lilley said, her cleavage grin displayed.
"I thought I knew a beautifull ... Woman,"
The Gambler said while the cards got laid.

"Can I buy in," she said with a grin.
"Here Ms. Lilley, I was just fixin' to go."
An old man got up and offered his chair.
Sitting across from the gambler was Pecos Rose.

The cards reshuffled and shot out in a deal
four players putting on their faces to play.
The cards were dealt out like a wheel
hands, cards and the players gaze.

A large stack chips was lifted and placed
a tower of beting was put in the tables center.
Every one matched it one by one.
Quickly, their piles were considerably thinner.

Lady Lilley was proclaimed the big winner.
The Gambler was game for another round.
Two players left as the stakes got bigger.
A Pecos Rose dealt the cards down.

"What can I offer as an alternative wager,
my funds are depleted or lay on the table"
A smile went across Lady Lilleys face that glow
The Gambler smiled back at a Pecos Rose.

A Pecos Rose: The Gamblers Bet
RhymeFairy said:

OK My friend I get it. I was not so worried with the H's as I just did not understand it.

I agree, I write for me.
I *purge* ~ *ramble* ~ *inspire* ... all of me ...

Thank you for the help and the great info. Do not worry with trying to fix it. Tis not broke, just *hinged* ~ :eek:

I also Totally agree on your views of Du ... ~!!!!! :D

Tha LilDarlin ya know an love ~ still present an accounted for~ *winks*

You two just made me cry... thank you so much. I needed that. To come on and see that others see good in you when you least expect it but need it is a gift that is so precious it can only come from the breath of the creator. Thank you both
ZMP ~ Ripples

My Mind is like
a pool of water,
sometimes my thoughts
are clear and calmer

My emotions show
by the ripples that grow.
when words or thoughts,
mimic a stones throw.

When words are thrown
like a hand full of pebbles
the splashing and crashing
creates a lot of ripples.

Eagerness to calm my mind
you would think is simple
like using my hands
to try and stop the ripples.

It seem to make more
the more I tried,
to stop the waves
but they multiplied.

It would have been better
to let them subside
on their own they die
eventually with time.

Reflect the stillness
when it can be done.
But thoughts and words
like stones are thrown.

There is beauty in
fibrant waters dimples,
thoughts are living circles
passionate waves and ripples.​
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My Erotic Tale said:
ZMP ~ Ripples

My Mind is like
a pool of water,
sometimes my thoughts
are clear and calmer

My Emotions show
by the ripples and grow.
when words or thoughts,
mimic a stones throw.

When words are thrown
like a hand full of pebbles
the splashing and crashing
creates a lot of ripples.

Eagerness to calm my mind
you would think is simple
like using my hands
to try and stop the ripples.

It seem to make more
the more I tried,
to stop the waves
they would not subside.

It would have been better
to let them subside
on their own
eventually with time.

Embrace the stillness
when it can be done
But thoughts and words
like stones are thrown.

Find the beauty in
a fibrant waters ripple.
Waves that are encircled
by thoughts that are simple.​

beautiful Art.. beautiful my full admiration
My Erotic Tale said:
ZMP ~ Rippled waters

My Mind is like
a pool of water,
sometimes my thoughts
are clear and calmer

My emotions show
by the ripples that grow.
when words or thoughts,
mimic a stones throw.

When words are thrown
like a hand full of pebbles
the splashing and crashing
creates a lot of ripples.

Eagerness to calm my mind
you would think is simple
like using my hands
to try and stop the ripples.

It seem to make more
the more I tried,
to stop the waves
but they multiplied.

It would have been better
to let them subside
on their own they die
eventually with time.

Reflect the stillness
when it can be done.
But thoughts and words
like stones are thrown.

There is beauty in
fibrant waters dimples,
thoughts are living circles
passionate waves and ripples.​

okay, I think I am done now <grin>

thanks Du,
how are you?

You are the 'Wise one' and 'sweet'
like a ... white chocolate and candy cream owl, yummy <bigrin>
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my heart is not mine
i have sent it away
to run ... laugh ... play

over the dry dreary dessert
even topping the highest
monstery mountains

no ice can touch
another cannot break

fire resides
passion rides high
overfilling eagerness

like a puppy with a bone
my heart has found
its eternal ... home

deep inside
sultry souls intertwine
far away it flew
wild ... free

i was left ... behind

this is my wish
my lasting want
keep my heart close,
my love.

sheltered from rain
all the pain,
we must endure.

when the time
is right
bring it back

then our life
we can begin
anew ...

Hmmm just a live write.
Needs work me thinks~ :confused:
RhymeFairy said:

OK My friend I get it. I was not so worried with the H's as I just did not understand it.

I agree, I write for me.
I *purge* ~ *ramble* ~ *inspire* ... all of me ...

Thank you for the help and the great info. Do not worry with trying to fix it. Tis not broke, just *hinged* ~ :eek:

I also Totally agree on your views of Du ... ~!!!!! :D

Tha LilDarlin ya know an love ~ still present an accounted for~ *winks*

Heya gurl,

the same thing has happened to me before and it sucks BIGTIME, losing an H is okay in itself, but losing them to troll voting is shitty and it pisses me off!

I wouldn't worry though coz a poet as talented and erotic as you will get them back in no time! and wont that just piss the troller off! lol.

Huggs to ya babe

keep writing, your too good to stop!
Jennifer C said:

Heya gurl,

the same thing has happened to me before and it sucks BIGTIME, losing an H is okay in itself, but losing them to troll voting is shitty and it pisses me off!

I wouldn't worry though coz a poet as talented and erotic as you will get them back in no time! and wont that just piss the troller off! lol.

Huggs to ya babe

keep writing, your too good to stop!

well said from the lady in red <grin>
A Pecos Rose: A Gamblers bet

The Gambler smiled over a full house
while the Queen of hearts look flushed.
The two players held their poker face
Jennifer C said:

Heya gurl,

the same thing has happened to me before and it sucks BIGTIME, losing an H is okay in itself, but losing them to troll voting is shitty and it pisses me off!

I wouldn't worry though coz a poet as talented and erotic as you will get them back in no time! and wont that just piss the troller off! lol.

Huggs to ya babe

keep writing, your too good to stop!

I am very Honored to have good Friends such as you all.
I do not believe I have ever had so much support ~!!

Huggs Back at ya~!!

Thanks Again~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:

I will Always write,
let'm stick that in his pipe'n smoke it ~ :p

Bigg Huggs an coffee all around~
Happy Writing My Friends~

Me~ :rose:
You're more than welcome hun, I value your friendship too and all the support, reads, votes and comments you have given me, it's much appreciated :rose:
ZMP~ Pine cones say

In a tall tree of pine,
the pine cones open,
and out the seeds fly.

Like words off a tongue
or thoughts sprout and spun
before me they lie.

Be it seeds or be it words
that which will occur.
Will they sprout and grow?

Spreading thoughts to seed
like a pine cones release
the words seem to unfold.

It takes a long time
for a pine tree to rise
like ideas of yesterday.

The tree is the result
of what seed and grew out
of what the Pine Cones say.
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Two Towers of Pride

Dare I say, I struck a cord ..............when I spoke a sour note.
So now I bow and walk my...............head, towards where I go.

I say not a little but more like...........a rumbling of a silent prose,
for not to let my tongue step ..........on any sore or expossed toes.

I will seal my lips not for I must.........still eat and fill my thirst,
I will retain my inner thoughts ..........but listen to my words burst.

I gave my love to open arms ............and sultry flesh that part
Now I have empty hands and ...........memories always felt.

Tempting touches by memories .........of when we use to ride.
Now we are as distant as two ...........towers of pride.

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My Erotic Tale said:
Two Towers of Pride

Dare I say, I struck a cord ..............when I spoke a sour note.
So now I bow and walk my...............head, towards where I go.

I say not a little but more like...........a rumbling of a silent prose,
for not to let my tongue step ..........on any sore or expossed toes.

I will seal my lips not for I must.........still eat and fill my thirst,
I will retain my inner thoughts ..........but listen to my words burst.

I gave my love to open arms ............and sultry flesh that part
Now I have empty hands and ...........memories always felt.

Tempting touches by memories .........of when we use to ride.
Now we are as distant as two ...........towers of pride.

you have to post this one~!!!
I love it. Very heartfelt and emotional.
You are soooo good at this.


Makes me wanna write,
till I can no longer see ...
or even care if I see.
For I *see*
with my minds eye.

Lovely poetry
for the heart.
Wonderful prose
to start my day.
Leggy spice
to end my night.

Care to take a ride.
Show all those emotions
on high.
Take my finger,
just the tip.
Let us go,
away we shall fly.

Taking in
all the sights.
all the roads,
of what can be.

Thirsting no more.
Inhaling such magic.
Feeding off the words.

those pictures
only others
such as we,
can *see*

Our trip to beyond.
So much.

Yet we know,
we have yet
to *see* it all ...

Have I weirded ya out yet? lol
Had to be said .. corny I know.
Was fun~ :D
Thank you ladies,

I submitted it, "Two Towers of Pride"
I believe I have set off a bomb on my self
with my submissions page. I submitted the
ZMP ~ rippled waters / illustrated and boy did it ripple the water
I pulled it out of illustrated due to uncertain copyrights
and now all my story posts are screwed up. They say pending with
approved color and unable to access them. Chewing gum for the mind does say in blue rejected but doesnt go to the normal rejected page? Does a loopty loop with my submissions page. I now have three poems fixing to unfold at the same time for the last three days submissions.

Bottled up and constipated, hope they don't all come out at once <grin>

that did the same thing to me on racing engines..wouldn't let me fix it...and started looping...and riven ..I tried to work more on it today and it loops around also..must be a
ZMP~ the smallest flower

I saw the smallest flower today
it was about the size of glitter

I leaned over to view this gem
because it was so very little.

It was the prettiest blue hue
that I think I have ever seen.

There was so much beauty
in something so very tiny.

All around others blossomed
and largely they towered.

But I found so much delight
in the smallest flower.
My Erotic Tale said:
Thank you ladies,

I submitted it, "Two Towers of Pride"
I believe I have set off a bomb on my self
with my submissions page. I submitted the
ZMP ~ rippled waters / illustrated and boy did it ripple the water
I pulled it out of illustrated due to uncertain copyrights
and now all my story posts are screwed up. They say pending with
approved color and unable to access them. Chewing gum for the mind does say in blue rejected but doesnt go to the normal rejected page? Does a loopty loop with my submissions page. I now have three poems fixing to unfold at the same time for the last three days submissions.

Bottled up and constipated, hope they don't all come out at once <grin>

Aww Art.

I love your work.
All will be well. Have Faith~~~ :D
calling all poets~

I have a story I am writing where I may/need a handfull of poems to add to it, the challenge/ theme=

Charactor Sandy, strawberry blonde hair, petite and pretty recieves poems from an anon.

I need some short poems (no more than four stanzas) to keep focus.
About "Roland" writes poetry to his secret love Sandy. She recieves these poems by e-mail, one every night and one at her office during the day... for several days.

If the story ever flies I will share the glory, I just know most of you write better poetry than I when it comes to romance and good poems <grin> I have a couple already but this novel is riddled with poems, so I need a few more grin.

Have any questions feel free to pm me and I will ellaborate, but I am keeping the punch line a secret <grin> "Well Du knows" <grin> where the story is heading.

gracious mi amigas e' amigos this what you have in mind

My Erotic Tale said:
I have a story I am writing where I may/need a handfull of poems to add to it, the challenge/ theme=

Charactor Sandy, strawberry blonde hair, petite and pretty recieves poems from an anon.

I need some short poems (no more than four stanzas) to keep focus.
About "Roland" writes poetry to his secret love Sandy. She recieves these poems by e-mail, one every night and one at her office during the day... for several days.

If the story ever flies I will share the glory, I just know most of you write better poetry than I when it comes to romance and good poems <grin> I have a couple already but this novel is riddled with poems, so I need a few more grin.

Have any questions feel free to pm me and I will ellaborate, but I am keeping the punch line a secret <grin> "Well Du knows" <grin> where the story is heading.

gracious mi amigas e' amigos

Roland likes to prostitute poetic verse
Sandy, being his current little e-kitty prey
anoints his keystrokes with naughty verbiage

Rolands an internet adulterate with alliteration
germinates words of decadence filling substratum
storage in Sandy’s hard drive

Both are climatic online receivers
deceiving reality with starlight bliss
without ever giving each other one kiss....
bluerains said:

Roland likes to prostitute poetic verse
Sandy, being his current little e-kitty prey
anoints his keystrokes with naughty verbiage

Rolands an internet adulterate with alliteration
germinates words of decadence filling substratum
storage in Sandy’s hard drive

Both are climatic online receivers
deceiving reality with starlight bliss
without ever giving each other one kiss....


I am the shadow, behind you the rainbow
the soil below the polished the stone.

In the depths of darkness that is in my soul
love has mushroom, flowered and grown.
