Chasin' Chickens

A Fisherman's Will

I have caught fish for...
many years

I have eaten catfish in more ways than one
bass blackend is not over done
trout over a grill with butter basting
crappie balls fried are really tasty

I have had days I caught more fish than I could contain
then there were days I didn't get a bite and it rained
memories of Dads and trips where we bonded
caught some prizes that I have had mounted

Romance and fishing go together well
poles and pools on days hotter than hell
I've never been a fisherman of men
but I have found fishing gives me a grin

so when I die I ask of thee
put my body in a river or sea
let the fish eat me,
to return the favor you see

of sound mind I say this for real
this is my request, a fisherman's Will
Riding into a new day
sailing into a new light
floating on thoughts of yesterday
soaring into my emotions
coasting by by worries
trailing down the path of life
moving into a new moment
sliding over danger
dashing happily in the arms of love
tip toeing past dark feelings
running to work <grin>
The Great Hall of Poetry

The Great Hall of Poetry is lined
with lines
throughout time

rambling through sense and rubbish
of the bindings of the published
searching for a soul savoring
literary dish

something I can sink my mind into
where I can come out feeling new
in the worded breaths I drew

the list of names is long
those who have sang a poetic song
to think I could sit here
and read words so dear

moved so deeply I run home to write
then told it is not written right
I hold fast to the vision in sight
for it is my vision
my feelings
my right
to write

I lean against a big oak tree
basking in a cooling breeze
a pencil riddles what I see
inspired by

the Great Hall of Poetry​
Poetry Road​

I travel down Poetry Road
everyday, near bout's

I also travel down the Author's Highway,
Family Circle, Labor Lane, River Road, Karate Korner, computer covosack and Romantic Blvd. A road map full of avenues in life, everyday.

I have seen the word poetry 'community' more than twice this week. well, welcome to Mayberry <grin> and I am Barney with my one bullet <I thought you'd like that> Some complain that the police gave them a ticket yet they will call ole barney the minute trouble arises. But lord look out if he should ever start quoting or writing poetry <grin> or the mayor will remove your street light (posts) okay to the point>>>>

So a community got worked up when a red neck moved into the Country club! <beverly hillbillys> and I bounced off the wall of rules a few times till I learned them. But ole Jed's a smart cookie he sent Jethro to the Poem Academy and boy you should have seen the eyes roll. His head was harder than a concrete slab, they couldn't even jack hammer the knowledge into that boy <laughing>
this was written on the thread
"Come and play with me"
placing it here in my vault

you placed a tear drop
with your words
on my finger tips

I held it there
deep in thought
in a fixed stare
unaware that it was there
because you cared

I felt that tear drop
create another
when wet trails
found the crest of a cheek
and tickled while running
under my chin

I took my finger
with your tear drop
and wiped mine
from my gin
that was when
our tear drops
Queen of the Coop De Ville

she was big breasted
with trim thighs
strut when she walked
like a model down the runway

two scrumptious legs
up to her nest egg
wiggles in her tail
all she had was charm
and she knew how to wing it

princess crown
and wish bone smile
pecking out
some ground moving

now she could make a cock
crow like a rooster
all the way till dawn
feather light
with out a scratch

she knew how to pullet
like shear poultry
she was the
yard bird Hen
Queen of the coop de ville
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I am searching
my mind
for that calm place
a storm has come
with in my mind
and I know it will pass

but I would like
to wait it out
in the calm place
inb my mind
I know it is there
I have been there before

Hurricane winds
blow my thoughts
so it is hard to see
that I would be better
off in a place
not so mind windy

I am looking for that place
in my mind
where I can think
in the calm
but I cant
I am caught
in a hurricane
in my mind

there is no rain
nor no tears
just a swirl of serarching
for a calm
in my minds
Here ya go guy, a light little piece ~ distracted me from the fisherman's resting hole.......


She stands erect,
dressed in fluorescent pink;
and in her heart ~
flecks of pure gold;
she's healthy as can be.

Tall and lean,
man's roving hand is scorned;
a smaller man is called upon
to help her desperate need.

And there upon a petal,
passionate pink inspires;
two ladybugs conjoined
to make more aphid eaters.

BTW, I checked with Don (dc) and he's not heard from L~ of late either.
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LeBroz said:
Here ya go guy, a light little piece ~ distracted me from the fisherman's resting hole.......


She stands erect,
dressed in flourescent pink;
and in her heart ~
flecks of pure gold;
she's healthy as can be.

Tall and lean,
man's roving hand is scorned;
a smaller man is called upon
to help her desperate need.

And there upon a petal,
passionate pink inspires;
two little ladybugs conjoined
to make more aphid eaters.

BTW, I checked with Don (dc) and he's not heard from L~ of late either.

thanks leon... an inspirational lady bugs <grin>

I feel a need to send those marines to check on her? L~

okay amigo, did you post this...guess I will see tomorrow

nite (~_~) bows humble
Your pond scum
I saw something on the bottom of my shoe
and it reminded me of you

I saw a bum
picking through a trash can
for something to eat
I ain't sure what he started feasting on
but I yelled out "Hey 12"
and yep, you waved back

you know
I have awards for skeet shooting
I was there the other day
and I normally say "Pull"
and a clay target flys
they were curious why
I never said "pull" all day
I said "Twelve"

I pulled the cottage cheese
out of the fridge
it was out of date
12 01
all I can say is that number

a trash truck pulled up
license plate was 1201
man that truck stunk
and the driver
had a name tag
anonamouse was his name

I was taking a shit
and thought of you
of course I did
assholes and shit
and you come to mind

I heard on the police scanner
that a male bitch slapped a woman
I just knew it had to be you
who else is that low
10-4 1201
My Erotic Tale said:
Your pond scum
I saw something on the bottom of my shoe
and it reminded me of you

I saw a bum
picking through a trash can
for something to eat
I ain't sure what he started feasting on
but I yelled out "Hey 12"
and yep, you waved back

you know
I have awards for skeet shooting
I was there the other day
and I normally say "Pull"
and a clay target flys
they were curious why
I never said "pull" all day
I said "Twelve"

I pulled the cottage cheese
out of the fridge
it was out of date
12 01
all I can say is that number

a trash truck pulled up
license plate was 1201
man that truck stunk
and the driver
had a name tag
anonamouse was his name

I was taking a shit
and thought of you
of course I did
assholes and shit
and you come to mind

I heard on the police scanner
that a male bitch slapped a woman
I just knew it had to be you
who else is that low
10-4 1201

that's write art I am just like pond scum, rise or sink to the level of the pond. glad you are showing your TRUE ZEN COLOURS here, seem to remember similar attacks. Here is are writing close to home, assholes and shit. As for "bitch" - I don't think so, seems to me, step out side your small pond, you'd be squeeling like a pig.
Bucking for the sympathy vote - didn't work
Bucking for the macho vote now? I don't think so.
10-4 liddle buddy
My Erotic Tale said:
Your pond scum
I saw something on the bottom of my shoe
and it reminded me of you

I saw a bum
picking through a trash can
for something to eat
I ain't sure what he started feasting on
but I yelled out "Hey 12"
and yep, you waved back

you know
I have awards for skeet shooting
I was there the other day
and I normally say "Pull"
and a clay target flys
they were curious why
I never said "pull" all day
I said "Twelve"

I pulled the cottage cheese
out of the fridge
it was out of date
12 01
all I can say is that number

a trash truck pulled up
license plate was 1201
man that truck stunk
and the driver
had a name tag
anonamouse was his name

I was taking a shit
and thought of you
of course I did
assholes and shit
and you come to mind

I heard on the police scanner
that a male bitch slapped a woman
I just knew it had to be you
who else is that low
10-4 1201

I could only hope that this was a vent and not a submitted poem. That I feel would be crossing the line MET. I do feel for you situation and this individual is a sick mind. Therefore I suggest you leave them to their madness as the indians do for crazy or lunatic settlers in them old cow poke days.
Well, I've already sent in an edited version of the "Rose." When I read it as actually posted, the word "little" used to describe the ladybugs seemed extraneous. It's funny how, after tweaking, chopping, reading and rereading, it suddenly looks different after it's posted.

Well, I've got a new one ready to post tonight. This one's pure satire. Leave it to Pat Robertson to stir things up; first with Katrina being God's punishment to the sinners of New Orleans; now he's calling the latest earthquake in India/Pakistan {along with last year's tsunami} as harbingers of the end times. What's next - the flu as a plague to punish mankind? And meanwhile his coffers keep growing. Oh well, logic & religion will never match.

So, here are the "End Times?"

End Times ?

Hurricanes come and ravage the land,
they all foretell of punishment due;

so saying says Minister Pat
it's time to pray, and pray a lot.

Tsunami and earthquakes strike over the world,
they all foretell of an end that's near;

so saying says Minister Pat
it's time to pray, and pray a lot.

Birds are ill, yes chickens too,
they all foretell of impending doom;

so saying says Minister Pat
it's time to pray, and pray a lot.

The earth's in pain, death stalks the land,
they all foretell of end times nigh;

so saying says Minister Pat
it's time to pray, and pray a lot.

Salvation's near, it can be yours,
call us now and make your pledge;

so saying says Minister Pat
it's time to pray, and pray a lot.

Well, watcha think? satiric enough? BTW, the structure's dictated by the way he keeps jumping in with his periodic absurd pronouncements.
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Very simple but so is the subject Minister Pat... lol... he does not get it at all honey.. it is not the God that is pissed.. more like the Terra of our homeland... Mother Earth, Gaia, Tellus... whom ever you would like to call this earth a living soul that has had enough of the fools that run around thinking they have all the power...(oh those fools? Mankind....did I just call humans the fools of this universe... yes I did.. a worm has more sense than we do many times...... :rolleyes: ) so she sends us little reminders to put us in our place... too bad we all do not have the ears to hear and eyes to see what really is taking place and who is to blame.
Du :rose:

LeBroz said:
Well, I've already sent in an edited version of the "Rose." When I read it as actually posted, the word "little" used to describe the ladybugs seemed extraneous. It's funny how, after tweaking, chopping, reading and rereading, it suddenly looks different after it's posted.

Well, I've got a new one ready to post tonight. This one's pure satire. Leave it to Pat Robertson to stir things up; first with Katrina being God's punishment to the sinners of New Orleans; now he's calling the latest earthquake in India/Pakistan {along with last year's tsunami} as harbingers of the end times. What's next - the flu as a plague to punish mankind? And meanwhile his coffers keep growing. Oh well, logic & religion will never match.

So, here are the "End Times?"

End Times ?

Hurricanes come and ravage the land,
they all foretell of punishment due;

so saying says Minister Pat
it's time to pray, and pray alot.

Tsunami and earthquakes strike over the world,
they all foretell of an end that's near;

so saying says Minister Pat
it's time to pray, and pray alot.

Birds are ill, yes chickens too,
they all foretell of impending doom;

so saying says Minister Pat
it's time to pray, and pray alot.

The earth's in pain, death stalks the land,
they all foretell of end times nigh;

so saying says Minister Pat
it's time to pray, and pray alot.

Salvation's near, it can be yours,
call us now and make your pledge;

so saying says Minister Pat
it's time to pray, and pray alot.

Well, watcha think? satiric enough? BTW, the structure's dictated by the way he keeps jumping in with his periodic absurd pronouncements.
My Erotic Tale said:
Your pond scum
I saw something on the bottom of my shoe
and it reminded me of you

I saw a bum
picking through a trash can
for something to eat
I ain't sure what he started feasting on
but I yelled out "Hey 12"
and yep, you waved back

you know
I have awards for skeet shooting
I was there the other day
and I normally say "Pull"
and a clay target flys
they were curious why
I never said "pull" all day
I said "Twelve"

I pulled the cottage cheese
out of the fridge
it was out of date
12 01
all I can say is that number

a trash truck pulled up
license plate was 1201
man that truck stunk
and the driver
had a name tag
anonamouse was his name

I was taking a shit
and thought of you
of course I did
assholes and shit
and you come to mind

I heard on the police scanner
that a male bitch slapped a woman
I just knew it had to be you
who else is that low
10-4 1201

thanks art... what do you call this, an inspirational read? Oh, I forgot, Zen maybe?
how about quasar? LeBroz? what do you call it? Get Real.
LeBroz said:
Well, I've already sent in an edited version of the "Rose." When I read it as actually posted, the word "little" used to describe the ladybugs seemed extraneous. It's funny how, after tweaking, chopping, reading and rereading, it suddenly looks different after it's posted.

Well, I've got a new one ready to post tonight. This one's pure satire. Leave it to Pat Robertson to stir things up; first with Katrina being God's punishment to the sinners of New Orleans; now he's calling the latest earthquake in India/Pakistan {along with last year's tsunami} as harbingers of the end times. What's next - the flu as a plague to punish mankind? And meanwhile his coffers keep growing. Oh well, logic & religion will never match.

So, here are the "End Times?"

End Times ?

Hurricanes come and ravage the land,
they all foretell of punishment due;

so saying says Minister Pat
it's time to pray, and pray alot.

Tsunami and earthquakes strike over the world,
they all foretell of an end that's near;

so saying says Minister Pat
it's time to pray, and pray alot.

Birds are ill, yes chickens too,
they all foretell of impending doom;

so saying says Minister Pat
it's time to pray, and pray alot.

The earth's in pain, death stalks the land,
they all foretell of end times nigh;

so saying says Minister Pat
it's time to pray, and pray alot.

Salvation's near, it can be yours,
call us now and make your pledge;

so saying says Minister Pat
it's time to pray, and pray alot.

Well, watcha think? satiric enough? BTW, the structure's dictated by the way he keeps jumping in with his periodic absurd pronouncements.

I think it is facts <grin> true to the words and well I can't pick it apart, I have no credentials <grin> my opinion <submit it> thanks leon

My Erotic Tale said:
Riding into a new day
sailing into a new light
floating on thoughts of yesterday
soaring into my emotions
coasting by by worries
trailing down the path of life
moving into a new moment
sliding over danger
dashing happily in the arms of love
tip toeing past dark feelings
running to work <grin>

work work
we gotta go.

first sleep
then coffee,
for me thee.

slow tongue
long gasping
tan skin
no bacon for me
I guess.

no more,
of glittering

knocked the moon
right outta tha sky.

work ... work
awe screw it,
I'm stayin home ... ~

;) :devil: :catroar: :kiss:
RhymeFairy said:

work work
we gotta go.

first sleep
then coffee,
for me thee.

slow tongue
long gasping
tan skin
no bacon for me
I guess.

no more,
of glittering

knocked the moon
right outta tha sky.

work ... work
awe screw it,
I'm stayin home ... ~

;) :devil: :catroar: :kiss:

It appears that somebody got their muse back <grin>

Knocking the moon right out of the sky ? <I like>...

Swinging wildly at the moon
with my long handled broom
hoping to knock it into space
that will darken the night place
so that I can sleep much better
the moon's no warm sweater
comfort of light in the night
knock the moon out of sight
Elizabetht said:



chicken or egg
egg or chicken
the age old dilemma
of who

a no-bariner, baby
the egg, of course

probably from a sparrow
squeezing out
an extra
penitent and contrite
the novitiate bows humble
for looking and not seeing
how his "Rose"
should spell fluorescent.​

Next time I'm taking an extra day - still no guarantee - but it might help me catch such silliness in the first place. And that's another bubble popped - not even one pm pointing out my spelling faux pas - not even a rude or crude one making loud noises on a pc. This place couldn't possibly be developing civility now, could it? It certainly isn't happening in society at large.

Got to run - need to send dcpoet a note - Wanton Vixxxen resurfaced late last night - or more like early this morning.
O ~ "Bouncing Balls"~ O

Simple ~ ............... O

Keep the Ball bouncing~... O

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ O

Round and Round
it bounces down

words like a ball
in poetic sound

bouncing O

.........bouncing O

..................bouncing O

Down~ O
My Erotic Tale said:
Simple ~ ............... O

Keep the Ball bouncing~... O

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ O

Round and Round
it bounces down

words like a ball
in poetic sound

bouncing O

.........bouncing O

..................bouncing O

Down~ O

Playing with your balls again, Arto?

I tossed a ball
and I watched it bounce.
Higher it went
each touch to the ground,

bouncing, bouncing, bouncing, down,

seranade said:
Playing with your balls again, Arto?

I tossed a ball
and I watched it bounce.
Higher it went
each touch to the ground,

bouncing, bouncing, bouncing, down,


Hey you nut~

You aint out bouncing around on a friday night?
You sick? <grin>

Bouncing around
cause alby's downtown

bouncing O
......Bouncing O
.........bouncing O
Oh My ~!!

My Erotic Tale said:
Hey you nut~

You aint out bouncing around on a friday night?
You sick? <grin>

Bouncing around
cause alby's downtown

bouncing O
......Bouncing O
.........bouncing O


.... Bouncing

Me balls,
is ah bouncing !!

Catchm' quick
says me !!

Watching them
hit da ground,

like ball
on a string,

Higher up
they FLING.


Me balls are
Flying so





da eeye ~
