Chasin' Chickens

My Erotic Tale said:
"Into the Woods; erotic fairy tales and other stories"
will be available on 9/25/05 <grin>

Not only does this book have Five of my stories in it ...I was told it has an excerpt and page highlighting their next project and new debut author and publishing of ..."Portal to the Vixen Planet" by Art Campbell due out in October. <Big grin>

Way to go big guy!! Passed the info on to Laura - looking forward to the planet portal. :D
Sparkling images shine
tumultuously through.
Glitter laced clouds
come whispering

Carrying me away to
the beauteous land
of love. Withholding
nothing of my
glimmering angelic

Wispy wings of fortunes
hand placing me softly,
upon the golden throne
of lovers landing.

Starlit heavens opening
up, thousands of diamond
like shells daintily dance

Pearly pillow clouds drifting
by, showering feathers of
slow sensual kisses.

Enshrining this golden goddess
within perfect petals of
lavender lace.

RhymeFairy said:
Sparkling images shine
tumultuously through.
Glitter laced clouds
come whispering

Carrying me away to
the beauteous land
of love. Withholding
nothing of my
glimmering angelic

Wispy wings of fortunes
hand placing me softly,
upon the golden throne
of lovers landing.

Starlit heavens opening
up, thousands of diamond
like shells daintily dance

Pearly pillow clouds drifting
by, showering feathers of
slow sensual kisses.

Enshrining this golden goddess
within perfect petals of
lavender lace.


very nice write.... RF
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Roller skate behind a parade of horses
doing push ups over a pile of nails
dancing with an armful of TNT

bathing in watermelon
sliding over peaches
and running through syrup

shooting the moon
shielding the sun
a life on the run
Not much to say
when it's been said before.
Closing eyes tightly
with a closing door.

Not much of a smile
when no smiling's needed.
Heart pounding hard
as it lays harden, bleeding.

Not much of a tear
when all tears are cried.
Eyes searching corners
just needing to hide.

Not much of a word
when there's no words spoken.
Love remains silent
when a heart remains broken.

A sweet lil ride, ridden on the knees
of the swallow. Taking one's time,
tasting the wine. Nectarous love
sliding down, passions spurts,
tongue bound ...



Honey123 said:
Not much to say
when it's been said before.
Closing eyes tightly
with a closing door.

Not much of a smile
when no smiling's needed.
Heart pounding hard
as it lays harden, bleeding.

Not much of a tear
when all tears are cried.
Eyes searching corners
just needing to hide.

Not much of a word
when there's no words spoken.
Love remains silent
when a heart remains broken.


how you been? long time no hear writing?

thanks RF~
She laid on the bed
her hair red
and legs spread

fondeling thoughts

Her fingers trail
over her body bare
settling in pubic hairs

'Off' with pink cotton socks

long finger dips
in warm wet drips
pulling at her lips

finger tip kiss

Her eyes closed
totally exposed
curling her toes

licking her wrist
My Erotic Tale said:
She laid on the bed
her hair red
and legs spread

fondeling thoughts

Her fingers trail
over her body bare
settling in pubic hairs

'Off' with pink cotton socks

long finger dips
in warm wet drips
pulling at her lips

finger tip kiss

Her eyes closed
totally exposed
curling her toes

licking her wrist

Why does this * look * familiar?
very sexy and sinnnnfulllllll !!
I like the imagery and the pictures
you have painted here my friend.
Yummmm says me. hehehehe


thinkin you might have actually
off my av. WooHoo.

RhymeFairy said:
Why does this * look * familiar?
very sexy and sinnnnfulllllll !!
I like the imagery and the pictures
you have painted here my friend.
Yummmm says me. hehehehe


thinkin you might have actually
off my av. WooHoo.


thanks RF

I find erotic hard to write unless I am in the mood <grin>
My Erotic Tale said:
thanks RF

I find erotic hard to write unless I am in the mood <grin>

If thats the case.

Then I am In The MOOD ALL the time ~ :eek:

Meowwww ~!!!

heheheehehe~ ;)

huggs to ya my friend,
and I loved that poem, just so ya know.
Thinkin you kinda got that clue anyway.

RhymeFairy said:
If thats the case.

Then I am In The MOOD ALL the time ~ :eek:

Meowwww ~!!!

heheheehehe~ ;)

huggs to ya my friend,
and I loved that poem, just so ya know.
Thinkin you kinda got that clue anyway.


laughing hard

oh my...hehehe frisky?

I feel like writing EROTIC <ha ha ha>
My Erotic Tale said:
laughing hard

oh my...hehehe frisky?

I feel like writing EROTIC <ha ha ha>

my tale ...


*da bang ...


bouncey bounce
I wanna bounce
come back and play.

bouncey bounce
I wanna bounce
with My Erotic Tale ....

I shall play
and bounce
all day long
night time too
only please will you
let me play,
with My Erotic Tale.

I love to watch
it swish and sway.
I can play jump rope,
today. Tonight,
well I can tie ya up with it. ;)

I wanna play,
I wanna bounce
Come back
come back
and play
with My Erotic Tale ....


:devil: :nana:

RhymeFairy said:
my tale ...


*da bang ...


bouncey bounce
I wanna bounce
come back and play.

bouncey bounce
I wanna bounce
with My Erotic Tale ....

I shall play
and bounce
all day long
night time too
only please will you
let me play,
with My Erotic Tale.

I love to watch
it swish and sway.
I can play jump rope,
today. Tonight,
well I can tie ya up with it. ;)

I wanna play,
I wanna bounce
Come back
come back
and play
with My Erotic Tale ....


:devil: :nana:

BOUNCE BOUNCE in a chinesse swing
play with a tale
u got male
oh what the hell

bounce bounce pounce and grin
I'll be back again
there is a star in the twighlight
a moon in sliver
that smiles
while the day dawns
greeted with a yawn
"Stand right there" Billy said, "And don't move."

Jethro stood frozen as a pop cycle with a burlap bag in his hand.
while billy and mildred snickered off behind the wide oaks and down the trail.

"How long do I wait?" Jethro asked while still crouched down a bit and holding the sack. The night was lit up by the portal to the vixen planet, the full moon. And for there to be no one around there was sure a lot of sounds.

The wind blew slow enough to moan while shaking the trees wickedly creating a rattling of the leaves. Then some crawled across the forest floor making sounds like creatures running behind trees.

"Hello?" Jethro said slightly lower than the winds howle afraid to be heard. Shaking in his tennis shoes with eyes bigger than half dollars. Looking anxiously for there reward, there bounty, their prize they wish to capture this night. 'A Wood Nymph'

"Nympho's are sexy women of the woods with nothing but sex on their minds," That was what Mr. Bill had told them the old man in town that sat around doing nothing more than being the vocal history book of the community. A quick lesson on how to capture one and the gang was into the woods faster than a flopping titty.

"Here comes one!" Billy yelled out and Jethro got ready. He heard them running towards him and saw mildred's shadow flicker between trees as they ran Jethro's way. Jethro pulled the burlap bag open wide with readiness.

A fast sailing light come around the tree and shot right into Jethro's burlap bag. He quickly closed the opening and held it up before him in pure utter shock for he really didn't believe the story and to have caught one in his first attempt, was pure lucky.

"I got' her," Jethro yelled out as billy and Mildred came running up out of breath and panting.

"You sure?" Billy asked.

"I saw a light go into the bag," Jethro said so he shook the bag and a buzzing humming come from the inside of the bag. "SEE!"

All three smiled and took pride in their catch as they began walkingg out of the woods. Jethro held the bag tightly. It wasn't till they were halfway out of the woods when Jethro stopped and just had to ask,

"How do you have sex with something the size of a pea?" All three were now as curious as puppy's to a new home. They gathered around the bag and agreed to peak and see this Nymph a tad better in the light. Billy shined the flash light in the bag as Jethro opened it and they all nose dove in for a peek.
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My Erotic Tale said:
there is a star in the twighlight
a moon in sliver
that smiles
while the day dawns
greeted with a yawn

aww I love this.

Sensual and light, almost feel it crawling
over my skin ... mmmmmmmmmmm :rose:

I will have to bounce it ya know.
Be back a lil later. :D

Fall cleaning calls my name,
in the form of ...
Oh Mom pluhh-- eezzz, I dont wanna do it ...

RhymeFairy said:
aww I love this.

Sensual and light, almost feel it crawling
over my skin ... mmmmmmmmmmm :rose:

I will have to bounce it ya know.
Be back a lil later. :D

Fall cleaning calls my name,
in the form of ...
Oh Mom pluhh-- eezzz, I dont wanna do it ...


cool beans~


A pastor wanted to raise money for his church and on being told that there
was a fortune to be made in horse's decided to purchase one and enter it in
the races. At the local auction, however, the going price for a horse was so
high that he ended up buying a donkey instead.

He figured since he had it, he might as well go ahead and enter it in the
races, and to his surprise, the donkey came in third. The next day the local
paper carried this headline:

Pastor's Ass Shows

The pastor was so pleased with the donkey that he entered it in the race
again, and this time it won! The local paper read:

Pastor's Ass Out Front

The bishop was so upset with this kind of publicity that he ordered the
pastor not to enter the donkey in another race. The next day, the local
paper read:

Bishop Scratches Pastor's Ass

The bishop was fit to be tied He ordered the pastor to get rid of the
donkey. The pastor decided to give it to a nun in a nearby convent. The
local paper, hearing the news, posted this headline the next day:

Nun Has Best Ass in Town

The bishop fainted. He informed the nun that she would have to get rid of
the donkey, so she sold it to a farmer for ten dollars. The next day, the
paper read:

Nun Sells Ass For $10.00

After the bishop was revived, he ordered the nun to buy back the donkey and
lead it to the plains where it could run wild. The next day the headlines

Nun Announces Her Ass Is Wild and Free

The bishop was buried the next day

breath mingles breath
in closeness and closing

eyes peer into eyes
as eye lids fall slowly

lips placed on lips
pressing then pulling

tasting and kissing
as desires begin growing

tongues that dance
in a rhythm that's flowing

tasting and savoring
excitement awakened and showing

pressing and grasping
bodies momentum in honing

Kissing with passion
expressed in light moaning

lips feasting on lips
engulfed in the joining
cluckin shuckin chicken feathers
trying to catch a chicken
just gettin feathers teathered

dust is flying and hovers above grond
while that yard bird
keeps running around

squawking and flapping it's short wings
trying to run is useless
for fried chicken is what are supper will be
My Erotic Tale said:
A River Rose:

Curves that bend in an alluring way
dances with the wind and water that sway
soft to touch and refreshing to kiss
whispered emotions on passion's lips

Eyes will trail her shape and form
caught by temptation in a swarm
engulfed in her with body and soul
swelling with thirst as a river rose.

Swimming in currents like a lover's heart
pounding the shores lightly not hard
hardwood protrudes the wet surface
piercing the sky with pointing purpose
A carousel rose

She pulled her blouse back and exposed her breast
the crowd was swirling in a massive bliss
she puckered her lips and blew a kiss
closed her blouse and wiggled her hips

I sat unsettled and moved to move
I was growing in length and shuffled a shoe
I licked my lips like I wanted to lick her
I saw her shift as if she was stirred
My Erotic Tale said:

breath mingles breath
in closeness and closing

eyes peer into eyes
as eye lids fall slowly

lips placed on lips
pressing then pulling

tasting and kissing
as desires begin growing

tongues that dance
in a rhythm that's flowing

tasting and savoring
excitement awakened and showing

pressing and grasping
bodies momentum in honing

Kissing with passion
expressed in light moaning

lips feasting on lips
engulfed in the joining

bathing in feelings
like hearts thunder growing

tongue over tongue
in unison they're rolling

two melt as one
kissing the unknowing