Chasin' Chickens

now take a heart :heart:
and imagine you coud pluck it from the page
hold it delicately in your hands
swivel it on the axis of your wrist
and pear at the top
ever noticed it looks like a butt?

even the most amazing love
can be a pain in the ass
in the vault

A Kid was perched up on the top of a house, and looking down
saw a Wolf passing under him. Immediately he began to revile and
attack his enemy. "Murderer and thief," he cried, "what do you
here near honest folks' houses? How dare you make an appearance
where your vile deeds are known?"

"Curse away, my young friend," said the Wolf.

"It is easy to be brave from a safe distance."
CrowSingsOver said:
now take a heart :heart:
and imagine you coud pluck it from the page
hold it delicately in your hands
swivel it on the axis of your wrist
and pear at the top
ever noticed it looks like a butt?

even the most amazing love
can be a pain in the ass

Especially after the first couple
of Spankings ~!!

;) :catroar:

CrowSingsOver said:
now take a heart :heart:
and imagine you coud pluck it from the page
hold it delicately in your hands
swivel it on the axis of your wrist
and pear at the top
ever noticed it looks like a butt?

even the most amazing love
can be a pain in the ass

That which is held close
like a rose
may prick the hand
but not the heart
till it has wilted away
and sorrow then grows
Here ya go Art ~ here's a tale of someone that's truly in charge, knows what she wants, and gets it...........

She Came

The night she came into my life
The cold hard mist was driven;
And it pierced the naked skin
Like an endless maelstrom of daggers.

She glided to my door that night
As her shadow danced from wall to wall.
Wrapped tightly in her fur coat,
Stared me down with eyes unblinking.

Came in my place to check things out,
The mark of a true professional;
For she'd not be seen in squalor,
So I'd wait to see her verdict.

She seemed well pleased at the bookshelves,
No dust, well read;
The kitchen seemed adequate,
No pile in the sink;
The bath and bedroom she gave a cursory look
As if she'd seen enough.
Satisfied with my domestic skills,
She headed out the door once more.

And there she stayed for months on end
Where I kept her fed, until one day
My little stray guard cat was no more;
For she'd decided to move on.

LeBroz said:
Here ya go Art ~ here's a tale of someone that's truly in charge, knows what she wants, and gets it...........

She Came

The night she came into my life
The cold hard mist was driven;
And it pierced the naked skin
Like an endless maelstrom of daggers.

She glided to my door that night
As her shadow danced from wall to wall.
Wrapped tightly in her fur coat,
Stared me down with eyes unblinking.

Came in my place to check things out,
The mark of a true professional;
For she'd not be seen in squalor,
So I'd wait to see her verdict.

She seemed well pleased at the bookshelves,
No dust, well read;
The kitchen seemed adequate,
No pile in the sink;
The bath and bedroom she gave a cursory look
As if she'd seen enough.
Satisfied with my domestic skills,
She headed out the door once more.

And there she stayed for months on end
Where I kept her fed, until one day
My little stray guard cat was no more;
For she'd decided to move on.


that's cute as hell...lured and reeled in...
I have a black cat named shadow and he come home yesterday after a three day lurk, and left with out telling me where he was going <laughin> now all he does is 'meow' he's hungry.
cock-doodle do
that cocka doodle crow

when the sun went down
this morning
while I slept
to the music
of a cock a doodle doo

The big blue sky holds a lone star
still shining
crashing waves 'patting' shores
in a breeze blown strongly

The big pines of the wooded thickets
filter the sun
blue bonnet filled meadows spread
greeting rivers that softly run

"Remember the Alamo" and the mountain star
of El Paso
from the space center to wide open spaces
salt grass gently flows

Armadillos, Amarillo and Pan Handles
cajun style
margaritas in teralingua
cattle pastures for hundreds of miles

Barb wire, cactus beds and sinderos
Rio Grande roll
open range shielded by mesquite
the cold waters of the frio

Island breeze, palm trees and open seas
red river valley
Indian treasures and tee pees stand
concrete jungle alleys

Deer, hog and antelope roam
a cliff's crest
a mexican Eagles nest
can I tell you something...honestly..

My Erotic Tale said:

The big blue sky holds a lone star
still shining
crashing waves 'patting' shores
in a breeze blown strongly

The big pines of the wooded thickets
filter the sun
blue bonnet filled meadows spread
greeting rivers that softly run

"Remember the Alamo" and the mountain star
of El Paso
from the space center to wide open spaces
salt grass gently flows

Armadillos, Amarillo and Pan Handles
cajun style
margaritas in teralingua
cattle pastures for hundreds of miles

Barb wire, cactus beds and sinderos
Rio Grande roll
open range shielded by mesquite
the cold waters of the frio

Island breeze, palm trees and open seas
red river valley
Indian treasures and tee pees stand
concrete jungle alleys

Deer, hog and antelope roam
a cliff's crest
a mexican Eagles nest

before U..the lone star...was GWB...
and I thank U4 grounding me in
facts about Texas..
true...I am in a view of my program...
but,, I find I like the astros very much..amen...
thank you blue...

I take it you liked the poem ? <grin>
GWB is one star in the night sky compared to the many that shine, brighter! <grin>


'take the bull by the horns'
and you stand a snow balls chance in hell
of winning that tuggin' match

Cow tipping contest are outlaw'd
but you can still pull on their nipples
and don't cry over spilt milk

so who you calling "heffer?"
bull balls are mountain oysters
long horns are not always cattle

brown cows do give chocolate milk
it's just that it is white chocolate
pink cows would give strawberry flavored
fish net stockings catch my eye
nose dive into a mental ride
tasting my lips
watching her hips

sensually rounding a curve
she hit a passionate nerve
slighting a smile
high heels over tile

slid into a chair like a dove landing
gentlemen were standing
long hair swirls
that's my girl
Jabber 'Naut' Doodle

non 'shilaunt' jabber 'naut'
with muffin ear'd thoughts
moon walking

going to be a star
twilight eyes and 'dizzy' grin
mental whirlwind

tackling thunder 'thunks'
while running 'nakie'
through cactus 'gal-ax's'

Tinkerin' with projection
'dang' that rocket erection
spinning on axis

'shootin' fo' the moon
show down high noon
the void of space

like the vortex of a black hole
sucked into lettering's flow
imagining jabber naut 'doodle'​
on the monkey bars
how many kitties can you fit in a small car

Alien invasion
a herd of wanton vixens
take me to your leader, she said

Ghosts are kinky
rattling chains and under a sheet
rarley do they play sweet
zmp ~ rose

The moon sat on a branch
of an oak tree for awhile

then rose

A leaf landed near by
watching me then took to the sky

it rose

a morning glory folded with-in
feeling the sun it open

and rose

brilliant colors of a morn
as the sun grew warm

when it rose

beauty in color and smell
watching it open and swell

a rose​
~~fishing for zen~~~

"Reel 'em in."
"I am."

"Get the net!"
"got 'em?"

"What's it say?" a black bass is raised into the air.
"I can't make it out!"
"Let me see!" Two guys in a boat looking at the side of the bass, reading!

"I think this one says...why!"
"Well what in tar nation does that mean?"
"I don't know!" the bass is released back into the river. The two begin fishing again. One of them catches a fish immediately.

"Get the net!"
"Reel 'em in"
"I am."
"Got 'em" pulling a fish from the net and holding it up. Two men look along the side of the fish. The black zig zag design of a southern black bass.

Yep, looks like it says ....Ask!" the fish is thrown back. The two begin casting.

"Why and Ask! what does that mean?" one man asked.
"I aint sure, I could understand ...Ask Why, but I just don't get...Why Ask!"
"I think we should ask the zen question again and fish for the answer!."

"Holy toledo batman, I got one. Get the net."
"Reel 'em in."
"I am."
"I got 'em." The man holds the fish up and the two of them read the side of the black bass. The checkered design slightly appears to be jumbled words.

"Yep, it looks like it says...Why!"
"Why...again!" the bass is released into the water.

"Why ask Why! Do you think that is the answer?"
"I suppose! You want to try again?"
"Sure," the man stands up and takes his hat off and looks to the sky. "Zen gods, we are just a couple men wanting to know the meaning of life and well....we're just a couple men fishing for answers." Then man sat down and started casting again.

"I got one."
"Reel 'em in."
"I am. Get the net."
"Okay, I got 'em." The man holds the fish up and the two men read the side of the bass.

"yep, looks like it says...why!" the fish is released.
river of tears

If a day should ever come
with out you dear

That will be a day
I cry a river of tears

And if I should pass
before you love

I'll wait at the gates
in heaven above

I recall the days
we laughed dear

and I recall the days
we cried a river of tears​
Strawberry Wine

We had to stop the truck
about five times
to release our passion
the night of
strawberry wine

Finally we got there
and all were drinking beer
except us
whom was
laughing tears

we went to the bathroom
and you wanted to
try the broom
I looked at the washer
and you turned it on

we made it with motions
I had never felt before this time
spin cycle extravaganza
multiple orgasms
as we made love

the night of

strawberry wine​

Paths take you
to many places
trails that lead
to your destination

Perhaps a foot
or perhaps the mind
both paths traveled
in due time
My Erotic Tale said:

Paths take you
to many places
trails that lead
to your destination

Perhaps a foot
or perhaps the mind
both paths traveled
in due time

I wanna cross your
path, again
yes ... again.

take your hand,
leading, following
'tis all the same.
we travel this world,
yet, not.

hearts intertwine,
minds expand,
taking that gentle
smile. locking it
within my soul,
for harder,
without you
... times.


congrats my friend
... on your Greattttt News ~!!!

An Open-End Series

Here you go Art ~ here's the start of an open-end series. Us guys don't fare too well though ~~

A Man and A Woman - I

When first they met
How the sparks flew;
He was so thoughtful
Their relationship grew.

Wanting perfection
They took their time;
She was so cautious
Til asked, "Please be mine."

Their magic day came
Walked down their dream aisle;
His for free nookie
And hers for a child.

And with their I Do's
Get their wishes delight;
As they are pronounced
First child and wife.

So far I've got notes on 5 more parts to the series, dealing with Childbirth, Sensitivity, Awareness, Novelty,and Stress. And like I said, guys don't fare too well here - a woman gets married and voila, she's got a fully grown child for whom she'll care. Enjoy!

LeBroz said:
Here you go Art ~ here's the start of an open-end series. Us guys don't fare too well though ~~

A Man and A Woman - I

When first they met
How the sparks flew;
He was so thoughtful
Their relationship grew.

Wanting perfection
They took their time;
She was so cautious
Til asked, "Please be mine."

Their magic day came
Walked down their dream aisle;
His for free nookie
And hers for a child.

And with their I Do's
Get their wishes delight;
As they are pronounced
First child and wife.

So far I've got notes on 5 more parts to the series, dealing with Childbirth, Sensitivity, Awareness, Novelty,and Stress. And like I said, guys don't fare too well here - a woman gets married and voila, she's got a fully grown child for whom she'll care. Enjoy!


hehehe great points and flow amigo...never a speed bump one.

I once read a sci-fi story back yonder year and it was based on social structure that the parents had kids to have a leader for they were pure of thought and innocence to the wicked ways of growing old. I don't know why I thought of that reading your 'surmise' (ending note)

the poem is a very good topic and I know you'll paint a wit or two as you do, but so so so true amigo...

I have a tad probablem writing good erotic....women do better but I have read some great ones from men so it can be you said once, I recall... practice makes perfect <grin>
Begining the new book

Return to the Portal of the Vixen Planet

collecting "similies" <grin>

you know..."he is dumber than a box of rocks" or " she is no artist, she couldn;t even draw a bath" <grin><
My Erotic Tale said:
Begining the new book

Return to the Portal of the Vixen Planet

collecting "similies" <grin>

you know..."he is dumber than a box of rocks" or " she is no artist, she couldn;t even draw a bath" <grin><

Her ass is so tight
.... she squeaks when she walks ~

