Chasin' Chickens

thanks RF...<grinin> I like!


The Indians couldn't catch him
so they always sat and watched 'em
the white horse of 'Enchanting Rock'

wild and free as golden blown meadows
chasing the wind across the marigolds
a ghost on hooves, a thundering 'Hoss'

Here's a fun little write I done writ ~ I suppose the PGA won't enshrine it...

A Masochist's Game?

Heard tale of a game
It really seems strange;
For I can do what's done
Without all that pain.

Reach in the cupboard
Pull out a cup;
Results seem so simple
I do it standing up.

Why ever would men
Take a club, long and stiff;
Beat on their balls
Pain must be intense.

The rules seem to limit
Who hits whose balls;
You can hit your own
But not the other fellow's.

To make matters worse
They walk hundreds of yards;
Place their balls in a cup
Buried down in the ground.

Must be a masochist's game.


So next time you surf the channels on a Sunday and keep coming up with televised golf games, just think of this write everytime you see a golfer preparing to putt and squatting.....
LeBroz said:
Here's a fun little write I done writ ~ I suppose the PGA won't enshrine it...

A Masochist's Game?

Heard tale of a game
It really seems strange;
For I can do what's done
Without all that pain.

Reach in the cupboard
Pull out a cup;
Results seem so simple
I do it standing up.

Why ever would men
Take a club, long and stiff;
Beat on their balls
Pain must be intense.

The rules seem to limit
Who hits whose balls;
You can hit your own
But not the other fellow's.

To make matters worse
They walk hundreds of yards;
Place their balls in a cup
Buried down in the ground.

Must be a masochist's game.


So next time you surf the channels on a Sunday and keep coming up with televised golf games, just think of this write everytime you see a golfer preparing to putt and squatting.....

thats funny... he he he

I will have to share this poem with a couple PGA wanna be's <grin>
I hope to see this one bloom <grin>

I always wondered about those cups
you can hardly hold them up
seems to me they would do more trophys
which leaves them even more ... money <grin>

A light breeze
through an open window
feather strokes curtains

the air is ...


flickers a candle
a sultry illumination
dances on the walls

making the flesh

by My Erotic Tail ©

Safari hat and field glasses
shoulder slung gun
Kilamonjaro plains
Ivory undone
Jumanji lions
gazelle's on the run
Outback gators
Polar's on the frozen
hanging prize posing

On the wall
trophy's hung
Antlers and feathers
fish and game
dogs used trained
rifle fever
Trophy, plagues
ribbons attack
Boone and Crocket

Wanted a white tail
sat at the bar's rail
Chased both beavers
dressed out breasts
Making the grade
getting laid
always on the hunt
letter jacket

Now I'm on a quest
pen in hand
for the illusive
green "E"
plain of poetry
Bifocal scan
on a Safar"e"​


I just had to dig this up <grin>
cause I been huntin' that cat a long time
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Old Coot

rattle nonsense

just like any old coot

charged with
watching the young ones
and disgruntled about it

playful chatter
and hen pecking each other
bundles of joy
in motion

old coot
for no reason
other than to excercise his authority
he yells out an alarming sound

a dozen mud hens
belly flop the water
feet paddling
wings flapping
across the surface
of the river

along the shore

Old Coot

<coots are known as Mud Hens <like toledo mud hens> a cross between a duck and a chicken> there are hundreds along the river everyday.
What the hell
it is Halloween
brush the cob webs
off the G-string

drive me batty
with witch'n switchin'
pumpkin pie fingered
in the dark kitchen

bob for treats
and do that trick
feeding me your flavor
with a bullet stick

chasing chocolate syrup
trails of ice cream
a naughty night
on halloween
circles are straight lines

I look across the horizon
a straight line
in the sky
from right to left or feft to right
as far as the eye can see
a portion of
a huge circle

we went in a straight line
to the outer reaches of our world
the moon
only to return
in an oblong circle

we are creatures
going in circles
but it maybe because when we're born
we are introduced to a circle
and we suckle
our first incounter to life
is a straight line
to a soft round

we live on a great big round ball
and think we see straight
while our thoughts

like our lives
we venture from home
on a course
straight to our destination
and return

we may live in a home
with corners
and square rooms
with-in we walk
in tiny circles

like a ball room floor
or king arthurs round table
or the oval office
intellects do not fool them selves
they understand
that straight lines
quickly become

a round head, breast or balls
long arms and legs
that move in circles

draw a straight line
across a page
only to have the eyes
start at the begining again
creating a circle

we are born helpless
and in need of care
as we grow old
the same is needed again
the cycle of life
where one may pass
as another
is born
life's cycle

what brought you to this page
will also be the way you leave
I hope you enjoy

the fall

I'll dew the fall
trading the hot summer
for a softer

braced for winter
gathering my nuts
feasting on turkey
on the

leaves change
I may not go
but oh ...
how my colors

always on a mountain
when comes the fall
like a snow ball rolling
straight to hell
wet as rain
I go the fall!​
what is it

what is it
when I look in your eyes
and feel the world move

or watch you sleep
in tranquility
only to awaken
to kaos

what is it
that makes a man
want a woman so

simple looks
stir bonfires of emotions
what is it
animal instinct
human traits

do you want me
for me
or to fill a need?
what is it?

can you find contemptment
in the arms of another
what is it
that makes you think of me?

what is it
the sex
the love
or the combination of both

that makes us look at ourselves
and what we want

extinguished in a moment
with a stranger

while warming ourselves
and sparking new flames
out of the constant
coals of love

home fires burn longer
but the candles of lust
a dim lit flame

what is it



Ahhhh, time to stretch a bit from my current write - a bittersweet wistful add to Man/Woman series.

My Erotic Tale said:
what is it

what is it
when I look in your eyes
and feel the world move

or watch you sleep
in tranquility
only to awaken
to chaos

what is it
that makes a man
want a woman so

simple looks
stir bonfires of emotions
what is it
animal instinct
human traits

do you want me
for me
or to fill a need?
what is it?

can you find contemptment
[assume you mean contentment~~but then again, contemptment??? Hmmm an interesting thought]
in the arms of another
what is it
that makes you think of me?

what is it
the sex
the love
or the combination of both

that makes us look at ourselves
and what we want

extinguished in a moment
with a stranger

while warming ourselves
and sparking new flames
out of the constant
coals of love

home fires burn longer
but the candles of lust
a dim lit flame

what is it


Raises some interesting questions, perhaps always waiting there for any couple.
writers cramp~

I got writers cramp
looking back
on a poem from yesterday

how I have come along way
drawn tight
to perfecting my say

good poets
must be
painfully gray

I saw a new poem
by a new poet
I thought was really really good

the critics chewed it apart
I knew in my heart
how this new poet stood

when they asked
"What do you call that?"
I said the only thing I could

"writers cramp"

I have sat at my desk
nodding off at the wrist
my lips moist and damp

a dragons tale swirling
in my minds caverns
a pen the only outlet ramp

I have swirled a pencil
of joys of the simple
until I got ...

writers cramp
LeBroz said:

Ahhhh, time to stretch a bit from my current write - a bittersweet wistful add to Man/Woman series.


Raises some interesting questions, perhaps always waiting there for any couple.

always an honor leon...thank you sir (~_~)
I appreciate the finger pointing
to making it BETTER <grin>

thanks leon
My Erotic Tale said:
always an honor leon...thank you sir (~_~)
I appreciate the finger pointing
to making it BETTER <grin>

thanks leon

Always a pleasure Art.

Finished up my latest little write - inspired by a Stossel bit on 20/20, about a couple coming home from work, the man settling into the recliner to unwind and the wife busy with kids and household chores. Having done them myself, I know they represent no challenge and handled correctly can be a great way to work off the stress built up during the day. So I thought, what if he spends all the years of the marriage "unwinding" in the recliner......

A Man and A Woman - II

Long day, home from work
Success chased to exhaustion;
She with mindless tasks to do,
Her therapy ~ dinner and laundry.
He in recliner with mindless ease
Drinks beer, slowly grows rounder.

Decades pass until one day
Heart's revenge, full measure paid.

Long day, home from work
Successfully exhausted;
With decades ahead
Still does mindless tasks,
Her therapy ~ dinner and laundry.
With day's final act folds stress away


LeBroz said:

Always a pleasure Art.

Finished up my latest little write - inspired by a Stossel bit on 20/20, about a couple coming home from work, the man settling into the recliner to unwind and the wife busy with kids and household chores. Having done them myself, I know they represent no challenge and handled correctly can be a great way to work off the stress built up during the day. So I thought, what if he spends all the years of the marriage "unwinding" in the recliner......

A Man and A Woman - II

Long day, home from work
Success chased to exhaustion;
She with mindless tasks to do,
Her therapy ~ dinner and laundry.
He in recliner with mindless ease
Drinks beer, slowly grows rounder.

Decades pass until one day
Heart's revenge, full measure paid.

Long day, home from work
Successfully exhausted;
With decades ahead
Still does mindless tasks,
Her therapy ~ dinner and laundry.
With day's final act folds stress away



awwww...the truths of truths
very clever and nicely laid out leon..

you have painted reality with words brushed lightly

bows (~_~) humble
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13 Crows

In the dead of night
I heard their flight
just above my head

13 Crows
landed in a row
gathering around the dead

stainless drips
the trick of the night
the color of blood red

13 crows
this night exposed
what they wanted fed

A shrilling call
beaks and eye balls
as 13 crows fled

a hallow eve
instructing my deed
what 13 crows had said

calling this night
the black birds flight
13 crows in my head

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My Erotic Tale said:
awwww...the truths of truths
very clever and nicely laid out leon..

you have painted reality with words brushed lightly

bows (~_~) humble
Thanks Art ~ especially pleased at the way I was able to coax a decent finish to M/W-II without it getting too preachy.

Except for a lone "1" vote, War's Vision seems to have been well received. When you're there and sleeping standing up, it just doesn't seem all that glorious. You put it in the corner of your mind as a job to get done, then move on.

Like those crows of yours - a bit of a macabre write in preparation for Halloween night?
LeBroz said:
Thanks Art ~ especially pleased at the way I was able to coax a decent finish to M/W-II without it getting too preachy.

Except for a lone "1" vote, War's Vision seems to have been well received. When you're there and sleeping standing up, it just doesn't seem all that glorious. You put it in the corner of your mind as a job to get done, then move on.

Like those crows of yours - a bit of a macabre write in preparation for Halloween night?

the crows didn't make it?

Excellent delivery of M/W-II I see a trail ahead for this train of thoiught that touches so many lives...thanks leon~


I noticed the ducks
floating down river
knowing they could fly
and be there in moments
instead they were rafted together
drifting down stream
going with the flow
Hey you two ~!!!

I am amazed by these writings.

I have already read a few that you * dug * up,
but I still love'm. As always funny and thoughtful !!
Love'm !! Oh .. the Sultry one ... needs to be posted on Free Thoughts I am gonna steal your word, as my next one ... if ya don't mind. Hmmm, if you do mind ... tooooo BAD !!!

:rose: :rose:

You are budding and blossoming. I love love love it !!! I knew you were a writer. Your commentary always had a turn of eloquence to it. Very sweet and even helpful. Umm OK ... ya did throw in a few hotties too, lmao. You go my friend !! So happy to see your muse has caught up with ya and spankin your booty to be uncuffed and free to write ~ ;)

:rose: :rose:

Happy writing, and do it all ...
Have fun, and enjoy those muses,
before they tie .. You two up. :devil: :p

:catroar: :D
RhymeFairy said:
I am amazed by these writings.

You are budding and blossoming. I love love love it !!! I knew you were a writer. Your commentary always had a turn of eloquence to it. Very sweet and even helpful. Umm OK ... ya did throw in a few hotties too, lmao. You go my friend !! So happy to see your muse has caught up with ya and spankin your booty to be uncuffed and free to write ~ ;)

:rose: :rose:

Hey there, RF, thanks for the big cheer. That fickle muse comes and goes. But my best comments were inspired by other better writers. And if I had a real live muse here whispering in my ear, I might not get any writing done at all! :eek:

She'd get me cuffed and leave me loving it!

Well now, with two little ones still in the queue, my muse has turned somber. Guess I'll go and wrap up 2 more War's Vision pieces, a tribute of sorts to Special Ops troops.

I have already read a few that you * dug * up,
but I still love'm. As always funny and thoughtful !!
Love'm !! Oh .. the Sultry one ... needs to be posted on Free Thoughts I am gonna steal your word, as my next one ... if ya don't mind. Hmmm, if you do mind ... tooooo BAD !!!

dont stick it out unless you share
go for it H~ my pleasure..."sultry"

I been motivated and mused, guess your muse come to visit again while you weren't writing...ty

fountain fishing

He sat with his pole
held tight in his hand

rugged and scruffy
just a simple man

pulling out another
and laying it to the side

fishing in a pool
casting without pride

a small fish tank net
used as a lure

fishing for coins
a peeny-less cure

a city fountain
coins are tossed with wishes

a man sits daily
doing his fountain fishing
Here you go Art - that sneak peek I mentioned on the Zen thread; couldn't put "War's Vision - 2" there, not after that calming piece of yours I read there...

War's Vision - 2

Special troop in silence waiting
Only night, their sure friend;
Their "Mikey" in a bad way
Stretched out, he lays too still;
Relief, birds finally show ~
Light one.

Flight home in silence
Rotors hushed in mournful passing;
No muted high-fives back this time
Their "Mikey" gone on;
No more his light innocence
To lighten perpetual war.

The word is passed
Joe Franks' bird is down,
Swallowed in blue deep;
Others from his flight plucked out
Joe Franks never to be seen;
Their friends, these Special troops now know
There'll not be one detail to perform but two.


These are the fictional backgrounds for these two; will be further displayed in WV-3.

His nickname's Mikey; you'd have to remember those LIFE cereal commercials. Mikey's talents were behind a telescopic sight; had been taking pre-med courses between missions.

Joe Franks, helicopter pilot. Had nearly completed doctoral thesis. Married, two girls.

One thought I want to put in is the idea that their positions can be filled, but they can never be replaced.