Chasin' Chickens

wasted away
in the sound of ice bumbing into each other
as another drink quenches the feelings
cool liquid down a warm throat
swirling the ice to sing

playing with the condensating tears
making them run
just to have them drop
into the palm of my hands

mouth to mouth with a glass
that will magnify my life
so that I can analize my trail
while staring down the road
into tommorrow

drinking to yesterday
thinking about today
swirling the glass
entranced in the chorus
of the ice cube quartet
Cascading mountains and cold crisp wind
a twig 'snaps' which signifies the fallen
silent landing in the plush white snow
Nature living within the boundries of a fence row

Silvertips, a grizzled grey over bronze muscles broad
soft fur sways like waves of grains in their pods
projecting a future of more to come
but for now there is one Griz~ on the run.

Hot breath steams ahead of its snow trailing tracks
pawing up snow as each foot steps and packs
Panting lightly in a steady run
a grizzly one step ahead of the hunters gun

The babbling brook trickles along the hills of white
a nomadic kings choice of grounds to stand and fight
lapping a quick drink while watching the hill's rise
over the crest came two men running with wild eyes

The Griz stood tall and bellowed a roar
a shot rang out and metal soared
The king fell to his knees bellowing this day
scratching and clawing every inch of the way

Pack mules packed with meat and hide
the carcus is left for the wolves to stay behind
as they leave a trail from the red covered snow
Where 'No Hunting' is allowed and the Grizzly once roamed
The depths of the pool
lure sight by the blue
slivers wiggle by
of lights ripples
from an unsettle surface

a constant movement
of living color
the transparent blue
grasps the soul
mesmerizing sway
of thought and sight

feeling a color
is not hard at all
gazing into the pool
of your passion
sipping you
to quench my thirst

watching you
to fill my soul
with your beauty
and enchanting way
like the blue that sway
in you
she jet away like a bullet being shot
passing the wind and leaving a wake
hopeing that her senses catch up to her
before she gets to me

Her hair is red and might as well be flames
because she was as unpredictable as a wild fire
when she walked in her eye's said everything
but she sealed the thoughts with a kiss

that last two days and never went away
she left as fast as she came
her flames extinguished and smouldering
driving away with a wave and a smile
On the third day of christmas
my true love gave to me
three french grins
two fertile loves
and a party bitch on a pair of knees

I was feeling two fertile loves
with my soft red santa gloves
while the party bitch
still on her kneess
ravished me

In through the front door
came in three french maid whores
and when they say us playing
they smiled from ear to ear
and joined in grining
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This is my letter to the world,
That never wrote to me,
The simple news that Nature told,
With tender majesty....

Emily Dickinson
she left foot prints on the ceiling
her panties on the bed post
and lip stick on my collar,

she left carpet burns in the carpet
her bra hung from the ceiling fan
spinning around
and around
and around
till I took it down

she left the shower all wet and steamy
went out the door and said I was dreamy
I opened my eyes
then shut them
and went
to sleep
You must have a firm stance
or you do not have a leg to stand on
when writing poetry

or you could be like that of
a one legged man in an ass kicking contest

Ten syllables in a nice neat row
then you better have ten powerful toes
I looked down my short nose
at webbed feet and that just 'Quacked' me up

The only way to make a literary stance
is to stand flat footed
I have arches that bridge the balls
of my foot
so that made me nervous enough to wear out
two pairs of snickers standing in one place

cross your 'T's
dot your 'I's and
clip your toe nails

spell something wrong
and you'll catch hell
but no one cares about the freedom rung liberty bell
won by men with out the knowledge of a penmanship
I can only feel sorry for those that think like this.

because when my child writes a poem for me
it is excellent in every way
only time creates perfect poem days
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lay me down
angels of mercy
hold me till the morn
give me comfort
and keep me warm
till the dawn
a new day born
I knew I would loose you
like a tree holds to each leaf
till they have gone

I knew you would change
like the season that came
blowing cold brisk winds

I knew you would be happier
crawling from a grey covered valley
to living on a mountain

I knew I would loose you
like a pool of water in the hot summer sun
I await for the rains
There is a street before me
that brought me here
so many years ago

I have flown over oceans
and sailed over seas
till I settled
by the road before me

I recall those
mountains I climbed
and the valleys
where I thought I would die
I made it to here and now
where I reside
by the road before me

a river runs behind me
and a road stretchs out before me
a place where I have grown
I now call home

there are roads
to everyones lives
but the road to mine
is the road before me
I saw christmas in an ornament
that reflected the tree from which it hung
sparkling lights that took turns glowing
wrapped around a tree with imitation snowing
I saw christmas in an ornament today
that reflected the tree from which it hung
sparkling lights that took turns glowing
wrapped around a tree with imitation snowing

at the top of the peak of this tree's height
stood a star shining a radiant white
candy cane wishes and mistle toe bows
a red blanket wrapped around this tree's toes

there are boxes of presents stacked underneath
one of them is a 'special' Christmas reef
bouncing lights off the wall and the ceiling
is the tree decorated with christmas feelings
I cant stop a nova from exploding
or a student from learning
or a comet from cumming

just as I can't stop loving

I cant stop the earth from spining
or my heart rate of pounding
or the shade of the moon shining

just as I cant stop these feelings

I can't stop the wind from blowing
or the waves from crashing
or our lips from meshing

in my minds memories surfacing
of you!

I cant stop the eruptions
like volcanic explosions
of desires we share

when I am
with you.
what do you do
when staring down the blue
and the hammer is cocked and ready

for there are souls
that live off of what they have stole
they are prideless, shallow and petty

the key is not
when their pride was lost
but when will they gain it back again

thoughts grow narrow
looking down the barrel
of what a robber has in his hands
the cigar box

I keep my love
in a hand crafted 'premium' cigar box
I forget to dust it frequently
but every now and then I come across it
while looking for a check book or a bill
swirls of dust rise like long leafs lit
'Ashton' ambers swirl in my mind
causing a lump in my throat
choking tears

I'll take it down from the top shelf in my life
dust it off and open it, exposing its contents
the memories of the things I have loved
like the smell of a 'White Montecristo'
flowers that bloom for awhile then they are gone
they serve now as crushed out and pressed flowers
in the pages of my life
I keep my love in a hand crafted 'premium' cigar box

Your exhales saved on a tape and faded photos
a ring expressing the cycle of our life
'Medal of Honor', dog tags, ribbons
and an old handkerchief from 'Temple Hall'
a 'Bolivar' sea shell, guillotine and a 'Cuban bullet'
a 'Honduras Rose' wrapped in a 'Macanudo' smile
scented Garter belt wrapped around an old love letter
and a poem you wrote to me.

A torch still lights the fires of memory lane
I keep my love on the top shelf of my life
safely tucked away next to 'Nat Sherman'
engulfed in Spanish cedar slivers
'Tubos' so that the Dancing 'Diablos'
do not taint the 'Angels'

Lost in the vortex of a 'Helix'
thinking about 'Romeo and Julieta'
our lives were the same,
igniting our desires with fires

Life has given me a 'Punch' or two
re-memorabilia of when I was 'Champion' once
'Church hill' and 'Rothchild' rings interlocked
"Always smoke naked when in europe"
I was always over 'Bering' in 'Trinidad'
Ah, the memories the box brings
sitting in Autumn thinking about spring

Playing with the marisma memory trails
while flicking the ashes of my life
You wanted a 'Metropolitan' 'Banker' Man
but settled for a 'Back Woods' country boy
I asked if you felt your life was complete
as you closed your eyes forever, you told me
"A Match only burns so long,
some of us are the matches that bring candles to life."
I still have the book
only you didn't know it was a bonfire you lit
you're 'White Owl' wisdom still burns

I remember what love is now and again
when I come across the box that holds my love
a hand crafted 'premium' cigar box
on the top shelf in my life
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the river's bridge

from the water of the living we rise
swimming in the knowledge
of what we live and learn
playing along the banks of security
this side of the jungles edge

swept away by the current
the day our innosence is lost
drifting down river
searching for a lift up
dreaming of better shores

passing those that have rooted and flowered
beached where they sought to grow
for those that live on the river low
a rare few climb
long, far, or high enough

to cross
the river's bridge
My Erotic Tale said:
what do you do
when staring down the blue
and the hammer is cocked and ready

for there are souls
that live off of what they have stole
they are prideless, shallow and petty

the key is not
when their pride was lost
but when will they gain it back again

thoughts grow narrow
looking down the barrel
of what a robber has in his hands

taken for tha infamous ride.
walls melting
as traffic lights still blink.
sunrise inevitable as the
moons' glow, draws me in
'n time
All I did
was toss some words
in your face
It may only be a face
but it is still a flag
pole body perched

like a match in a ring
squaring off to be well rounded
which flag will fly?

end the end
the face lights up
rather you care
or you
'just don't give a shit'​
do you have a sloop for your mind
something to sharpen your wits?
Or does the thought of leather
create a vortex to a thought
of flesh slightly red
that sends your head
to grind on the wet stone
because if you stick your thoughts
in the back of an electric can opener
you'll definetly become dull
when we fall
we pick ourselves up
and brush ourselves off
but what do we do
when we fall
and don't get back up
the long haul to heal
seems like forever
as if were dragging around canon balls
by a chain
tied to our necks
wearing the canon balls down
the more we move around
dragging our balls
till they are nothing
and we are strong enough
to run with an empty chain
in the minds hand
still dragging our balls
the book...

myrtle dove into it like a high dive
margaret examined the book as it sat there ..its color bindings and size then open to read its insides
myrtle sped read and giggled then shut it and left
margaret read page by page laughing all the way then closed it and set it back on the shelf
both journey'd the same trail yet both absorbed it differently
I saw a face
without a smile
in the kitchen tile

on the wall
in the wood grain
seemed a road going a mile

a flower grew
from the cushions new
the shape was just right

in the darkness
I saw a star on the ground
then it took flight
Vanity's Death

It served her needs
on its knees
to keep her beauty

is she vane
when she proclaim
that "it is nothing
short of ugly"

time for a face lift
in-plant and re-model
beat with a hammer
the pains of beauty and glamour

modern hardware
european hinges
white maple grains swirl
new marble top; black pearl

dragged down the stairs
beaten to supress
rising to heaven in ambers
a vanity's death
pour me a glass of poetry
slow so the bouquet enchants the senses
swirl lightly to bring it to life
sip to introduce the taste buds to the words
savoring the intoxication of
the poetry in a glass