Chasin' Chickens

The Storm~

a hurricane of emotions
in the eye
of two lovers

wind gusts
in pants of pleasure
clashing flesh
like the surf's
swollen swells
pounding the shore
of romance

encouraging a storm
of desires
wrapped into each other
like a twisters

to be continued...
Star seeds~

We planted the star seeds late last fall
along the back edge of a pasture of rye grass
come late spring / early summer we were in awe
when the tiny stars 'hatched' and rose at last

I would never have believed that stars hatched
but there they were flying like butterflys with tiny flash lights
as the sun went down the stars arose, crisscrossed and dashed
in the night these baby stars were born and took flight

They danced around and hovered over the earth
before making the journey to the sky where they will lay
we felt blessed to watch these stars in their birth
they were fire flys but we relished the idea of stars being made
tasting temptation
on taboo lips

what was expected
to be a very light peck
turn wild and wet

I felt I was being eaten
yet I was hungry too

I was overwhlmed
in scents I smelled
body parts swelled
tongues that swirled

my taboo girl
a whales tale

The tall Pines filter the morning sun
placid waters turn golden
nature whispers colorful sweet nothings in my ear
like the red cardinal and the blue blue jay
turtles dive from their log perch's
to see who can make the loudest splash

a drift in a boat with a fishing pole in hand
soaking up life is a simple man
with limp line and patience
calmy resting, meditating
and general life debating
all the time in the world

gets twirled

when the line gets tight
life offers a fight
heart races as the mind trys to keep up
unable to see what causes this pulling of emotions
struggling to reel but focus prevails
as the line goes right
then it goes left
then straight down

holding on with all his might
wanting to win this struggle in life
raising the pole and seeing a tail
that splashed the surface
then sank to the depths of uncertanty
while gripping with a death grip

clinched teeth
swet on the brow
another splash
from a tail as big as a cow

to the left
then the right
this fish put up one hell of a fight
then the line snapped

it was over at last

the man sat down
with an enormous frown
that soon drowned
as he smiled
and sat back
thinking about
the whale of a tale
My Erotic Tale said:
tasting temptation
on taboo lips

what was expected
to be a very light peck
turn wild and wet

I felt I was being eaten
yet I was hungry too

I was overwhlmed
in scents I smelled
body parts swelled
tongues that swirled

my taboo girl

yes, I know that feeling ....


tastes like sawdust
that's been dried and parted.
feelings running the marathon
winning the race, only
to retry again n again.

tonight starts another night
of falling, in love n out
chasing visions of mirrors
of the minds memories
what once was.

coming back on the merry
go round. twirling around
with the musical lights
of carousal horses jumping
over fences, at the starting line ...
waiting to start the race, yet again

ready ... set ...


My Erotic Tale said:
there is no reverse
only forward on a one way street
called time

time ... it's all I hear
see, and feel. One
day time and I will go
rounds. Until that
can kiss my booty.

sorry had to get that out.

Hennesy the Tennesse Turkey

In the back woods of Tennesse
lives a turkey by the name of ...

She went to the creek
for a cool drink
and saw a hunter
sleeping under a tree
Curious as she was
she went for a closer look
the hunter had in his lap
a thanks giving cook book
Hennesy read just enough
to realze she was pushing her luck

She snuck away and headed home
when 3 crows came swooping down
in a squawking and cackling tone

"Why don't you ever fly?"
"Too fat I bet!"
"Have you looked in a mirror lately? Your bold!" The crows tormented Hennesy in their usual manner.

"You three are just jealous of my beautiful tail feathers," Hennesy said as she fanned her tail feathers to flair up quite spectacular.

"That is nice."
"Very pretty!"
"I want some feathers like that!"
The crows said in a row.

"I will sell you some of mine," Hennesy said very polite and kind.

"How much?"
"But, we don't have any money."

"You can pay me later," Hennesy nogotiated with the crows and they came to terms and she plucked out some feathers and put them in each of the crows tails till each had a large fan tail.

"Thank you!"
"Look at my new tail."
"Now we're pretty and your not." The crows said in a row.

"Now you have to strut in order to really appreciate having such a wonderful tail." Hennesy said and the crows all listened. "Walk into that meadow and show the world your new beautiful tails."

"Lets go."
"Me first." The crows all walked into the meadow with their new tails fanned out.

Hennesy the Tennesse turkey
headed for the hills
that she called home
whistling and singing till...

she heard a load 'Boom!'
quickening her pace to flee
"Hope they like dark meat,"
she said chuckling

Hennesy the Tennesse Turkey.
apple pies


that which will grow
in the anal halls
if written words are 'mauled'

more trees please

a fairy's fruit cakes
wicked brown hole apple pie
grapes made into raisin a tree
and a partridge in a pear of knees

the john
picking fruits
for cooking
or tossing into hoops
of ceramic bowls

was it a grasshopper that pee'd on a tree
making 'tha' Adams apple spiced
with fruits from 'tha' mental

what about sprinkled sweetness
sliced by knives of steal
then discarded in a moment of grunting

in 'tha' same place we grow our trees
fertilizing our words

all I can say is watch for the tooth picks (splinters)
and pass the fruit cake
strip tease

she moved like water soft and slow
standing before me in an alluring flow

swaying her hips while raising her arms
pulling her hair behind her head
then letting it fall as she leaned in
wearing nothing but a wicked grin

eyes painted dark to match the night
lips bright red a tantalizing sight
she'll spin like a whirl wind
and let her wild hair flare

dance a step or two in a seductive glide
sit in my lap and start to sway
hips that grind and find
movement in some sort of way

small of her back in my face
watching curves shift and sway
she spun around and then went down
her head between my knees
hands on my thighs

ascending nose to nose
hot breath on my cheek
as a kiss is laid
the music fades away
Kitty Kitty
please come home

you left the other night
on a Tom cat roam

I heard you call
last night's bright moon
kitty kitty
are you coming home soon

I put out a can
of salmon delight
then I seen
the neighbor's dog
eat every single bite

kitty kitty
I hear you pur
straight for the food bowl
"I guess no bird?"
Buford Puttlebutton

Buford Puttlebutton has been stealing for years
and there is nothing that any one can do about it

oh quite right
there is one thing
but then that would be committing a crime to stop a crime and the justice department will not let murder over ride theft.

It is not that Buford has a small mind like fly
its just that he chooses not to use it
of course Buford has brain farts like most people have hic-ups and who you going to blame for that?

I am sure that if you asked him
he would say that he is not a theif
it is free!

well then we might as well be at a 'Wake'
and the FREE food is gobbled up by
yep you guessed it...
Buford Puttle-button

there-fore the shear energy
that could have fueled some motivation, is wasted on a 'huge' waste line or maybe it is just enough energy for him to make it to the super market's free sample isle.

the word "free" and Buford Puttle-button ...

...well that is like the carpet coming to life
extending out a seductive stocking covered arm reaching out with a tantalizing, curling finger gesting him to come closer and closer till the carpet whispers seductively, "Clean me you big, handsome, vacumm cleaner. Free dirt, all you want. Suck me dry."

That is like offering him a lake to drink from
"its free"
so what does Buford do?
He takes a cupping hand and sips the water
then he 'pisses in it'
and you can't say that he is insensitive because he said he 'didn't want to kill the grass'
I said, "You know, you probably just gave somebody a golden shower, down stream."
and he said, "Well, I don't know about that... but that little minnow sure did run like hell."

and look
there he goes again
just sitting there
doing nothing
but breathing
not even thinking
his brain does not make adequit use of the oxygen that he takes in, gulping air and shooting it out his exhaust, creating a very fowl oder

there-fore the talk around town is that...
Buford Puttle-button is an enviormental hazard to the eco system and an oxygen theif and there is nothing anyone can do about it
when the maid cums

About one month ago
Hank told me I had a heart of Gold!
Just before he asked me for a place to live.

"What happen to you and your wife?"
"She's mad as hell and threw me out!"
Hank went home and I didn't hear from him till the very next day

"How is things with you and your wife?"
I had to ask.

"What do you mean? Everythings fine."
he acted like nothing ever happened.

a week later I get a call
Yep, it is Hank
"I need a place to stay for the night,
I am having a fight with my wife."

He never made it. I didn't 'wait up' either <grin>
next day at work.
"What happen with you and your wife?"
I had to ask.
"Nothing, we patched it up." He proclaimed.

A knock at the door late one night
yep it is Hank crying a puddle of tears.
"Okay Hank, I'll let you stay a couple days till you find a place
because I want my tranquility and serenity
I do not want a room mate

one hour later comes a knock at the door
"Hank here?"
"Sure, come in. You must be Mrs. Hank. Nice to meet you."
I just had to say."

"Oh, I am not mrs. Hank, I'm Bonnie. Nice to meet you too."
She had a smile that could suck a man into a dream.
Well she sucked Hank into the spare bedroom
and it sounded as though they were rearranging it

I was just about to knock and ask if I could speak with Hank
when a knock came at the door
I answered it and it was my maid 'Maria'

"Where shall I begin?" she asked while taking off her jacket
hanging it by the door and adjusting her ...
short, black french maid outfit.

"The bedroom," I said with a mischievious grin.
I explained my guest while on my quest
to the sea of satin sheets and love
'Maria' doesn't make a meal well in the kitchen
but in the bedroom she is 'Cooking'

The next day at work
Hank said he and his wife were back together
I said, "Better keep it that way because
I am having the spare bedroom, removed permenantly"

Life went back to normal
my tranquility and serenity restored
sitting here bored
writing a poem
waiting on saturday
when the maid cums
My Erotic Tale said:
Kitty Kitty
please come home

you left the other night
on a Tom cat roam

I heard you call
last night's bright moon
kitty kitty
are you coming home soon

I put out a can
of salmon delight
then I seen
the neighbor's dog
eat every single bite

kitty kitty
I hear you pur
straight for the food bowl
"I guess no bird?"

kitty kitty

no need to roam
I have a good,
warm home.

stay awhile
play awhile
go kitty cat wild

move your catty
clothes right in.
I even bought you
some din-din.

paint tha walls,
pretty kitty pink
mess up my home,
make a big stink.

fluff balls, fur balls
hair balls too.
please stay,
so I won't be
lonesome n blue ...

My Erotic Tale said:
Kitty Kitty
please come home

you left the other night
on a Tom cat roam

I heard you call
last night's bright moon
kitty kitty
are you coming home soon

I put out a can
of salmon delight
then I seen
the neighbor's dog
eat every single bite

kitty kitty
I hear you pur
straight for the food bowl
"I guess no bird?"

Oh My ... Lookie what I found, lmao ... heheeh

Baking with pets

1. Look in cookbook for cookie recipe.
2. Get cup of coffee.
3. Get cat off cookbook.
4. Find that special recipe.
5. Get ferret's nose out of coffee mug.
6. Go to fridge and get eggs.
7. Get dry ingredients from cupboard.
8. Break eggs in small bowl.
9. Sift dry ingredients in large bowl.
10. Answer the phone.
11. Dog ate eggs; toss dog outside and get more from fridge.
12. Get cat out of flour bowl and dust cat off.
13. Get Band-Aids for scratches on hands.
14. Throw flour out and get more.
15. Remove cat and ferrets from oven.
16. Preheat oven for cookies.
17. Flour the counter to roll out cookie dough.
18. Big crash in bathroom; run to see what happened.
19. Cat has TP all over floor; ferrets have spilled and knocked over
everything on top of bathroom counter.
20. Yell at pets. Ferrets fall in toilet bowl drags cat in with them.
21. Can sense cat is angry.
22. Take pets out of toilet to wash and dry them off.
23. Get bandages to cover more scratches on arms and legs.
24. Clean up bathroom.
25. Hear a thump in kitchen .... Oh sheeeiiii ... now what?
26. Get ferrets off floured counter in kitchen.
27. Try to pick out ferret and cat hairs from dough.
28. Step on cat's tail and get bitten.
29. Get coat, car keys, and go to store to buy cookies.

Cat checklists

For dealing with things.
Am I afraid of it? If so, run.
If not: can I eat it? If so, eat.
If not: can I play with it? If so, play.
If not: sleep until #1, 2, or 3 occur.

For dealing with people.
Is it my human? If no, walk away.
If yes: Are they feeding me? If yes, eat.
If not: are they petting me? If so, purr.
If not: stare at them with disgust until #2, or 3 occur.

RhymeFairy said:
Oh My ... Lookie what I found, lmao ... heheeh

Baking with pets

1. Look in cookbook for cookie recipe.
2. Get cup of coffee.
3. Get cat off cookbook.
4. Find that special recipe.
5. Get ferret's nose out of coffee mug.
6. Go to fridge and get eggs.
7. Get dry ingredients from cupboard.
8. Break eggs in small bowl.
9. Sift dry ingredients in large bowl.
10. Answer the phone.
11. Dog ate eggs; toss dog outside and get more from fridge.
12. Get cat out of flour bowl and dust cat off.
13. Get Band-Aids for scratches on hands.
14. Throw flour out and get more.
15. Remove cat and ferrets from oven.
16. Preheat oven for cookies.
17. Flour the counter to roll out cookie dough.
18. Big crash in bathroom; run to see what happened.
19. Cat has TP all over floor; ferrets have spilled and knocked over
everything on top of bathroom counter.
20. Yell at pets. Ferrets fall in toilet bowl drags cat in with them.
21. Can sense cat is angry.
22. Take pets out of toilet to wash and dry them off.
23. Get bandages to cover more scratches on arms and legs.
24. Clean up bathroom.
25. Hear a thump in kitchen .... Oh sheeeiiii ... now what?
26. Get ferrets off floured counter in kitchen.
27. Try to pick out ferret and cat hairs from dough.
28. Step on cat's tail and get bitten.
29. Get coat, car keys, and go to store to buy cookies.

Cat checklists

For dealing with things.
Am I afraid of it? If so, run.
If not: can I eat it? If so, eat.
If not: can I play with it? If so, play.
If not: sleep until #1, 2, or 3 occur.

For dealing with people.
Is it my human? If no, walk away.
If yes: Are they feeding me? If yes, eat.
If not: are they petting me? If so, purr.
If not: stare at them with disgust until #2, or 3 occur.


that is funny...hehehe thanks for the chuckle RF
Deer Lease

the add read;

roam the hills
and valleys
of exotic game

mounting available

happiness is a warm gun

be a dear and hand me your leash
My Erotic Tale said:
a frozen target
sippin' salt off the rim
licking Margarita's delight

slowly slipping
as I sip stars
from heavens cup.
tongue dangling
angling for
a lick
of the drip
slipping off
the lips
mmm, just for
one lil sip,
from one
lil drip
off the
of you ...

RhymeFairy said:
slowly slipping
as I sip stars
from heavens cup.
tongue dangling
angling for
a lick
of the drip
slipping off
the lips
mmm, just for
one lil sip,
from one
lil drip
off the
of you ...


swept away like the tinker bell dust that makes you fly
(was tinker bell a fairy?)

blue panties
sink panties
edible and cherry flavored

lamp hangers
floor riddled
and bed spread companions
lost till laundry day

suprise panties
usually found by a visiting relative
along with
"What are these" panties
if they have to ask, they are too young to know.
especially how they got there...

soiled and scented
aromatic and stained
and of coures the torn panties

when they say they don't wear panties
I figure because they left there last pair somewhere
most men mark their territory and I think women
mark theirs by leaving clothing
and most of the time
My Erotic Tale said:

blue panties
sink panties
edible and cherry flavored

lamp hangers
floor riddled
and bed spread companions
lost till laundry day

suprise panties
usually found by a visiting relative
along with
"What are these" panties
if they have to ask, they are too young to know.
especially how they got there...

soiled and scented
aromatic and stained
and of coures the torn panties

when they say they don't wear panties
I figure because they left there last pair somewhere
most men mark their territory and I think women
mark theirs by leaving clothing
and most of the time

green satin boy short panties.... ayep
Elizabetht said:
green satin boy short panties.... ayep

hello E~

green for lizzy <grin>

[Quote = My Erotic Tale]

blue panties
green satin
sink panties
edible and cherry flavored

lamp hangers
floor riddled
and bed spread companions
lost till laundry day

suprise panties
usually found by a visiting relative
along with
"What are these" panties
if they have to ask, they are too young to know.
especially how they got there...

soiled and scented
aromatic and stained
and of coures the torn panties

when they say they don't wear panties
I figure because they left there last pair somewhere
most men mark their territory and I think women
mark theirs by leaving clothing
and most of the time

Long ones
short ones
brown ones
and white

My Erotic Tale said:
(was tinker bell a fairy?)

Yes, she is a fairy. A mischievous Fairy that likes to * tinker* into
others peeps lives and make it ... fun. For her leastwise ... lol

RhymeFairy said:
Yes, she is a fairy. A mischievous Fairy that likes to * tinker* into
others peeps lives and make it ... fun. For her leastwise ... lol


tinker bell tinker bell
poppy cocks swell
sprinkling magic dust
flying high in the clouds
with tinker bell

Peter Man