Chasin' Chickens

"Portal of the Vixen Planet" is now officially published <grin> and available next week <bigrin> Does that make arthur and author?
poking a finger at me

sit me on a lap
or stand

I can fix errors
or place them perfectly
in order
to make it

I'll mark it
just because I'm a ...

need a key
to work me



( a key board )
Under wear over head

Under wear over head
that's what I meant.

I normally
put them lower


using an element
to get them hot

ever put on
warm under wear?

out went the dryer

I hung them higher

next to the socks
that are pinkish red

hangs my
under wear over head​
Last edited:
a star so far
but reaching anyway

there is magic
in a sparkle
in the night sky

just a dot
in the vastness
thats shines a glimmer
of hope

a star so far
means there's more
sin shoe all
met a four

when two
make one

silent words
come alive

hE rot it
poe eat tree

<working on it>
The Hurdle

lost since the moment I fell into your eyes,
swimming the currents of exhilarating thoughts
consumed in your radiant warmth
and burning with the pain of knowing
beyond this Hurdle is where my heart lives...
I never seem to take that leap.

the constilation of family and roots make my feet heavy
gazing in the distance for the light that shines
warmed by nothing more than a dot in the night sky
the memories that warm like a home movie
brushing off the chill of the distant miles between us
even when we sit together are minds are jumping

hands grasp each other in arms that wrap like a bow around you
tieing your focus to my lips movement
pulling each other into an exchange of pressing kisses
that run deeper than a body's length rooted into yesterdays
your body feels as though it is in my lungs....
taking my breath away.

I have the flowers that I hold now and then
the thoughts that are as different as the stars in the sky
a spectrum of emotions from images
cob webs grew on a few, making it hard to see clearly
blinded by my feelings has always been an obsticle...

...once again I stand at the 'Hurdle'.
My Erotic Tale said:
"Portal of the Vixen Planet" is now officially published <grin> and available next week <bigrin> Does that make arthur and author?

spin off words
razzle them with
a tale of art.
brazenly painted
by strokes
within strokes
of inconsequential
yours ... mine
we are
all tha same.
to tell our tales
while we shake
our tails
to the beat
of spinning

Just a lil thought ~

why does a man stand on the edge of the sidewalk
wiggling his toes in the grass
looking into the woods as if it were home
while leaning against a speed limit sign

tucking in his shirt and fixing his collar
reaching down and plucking a flower
just for a closer view
whistling at beauty as though it were fresh meat
as a hunger arose

to look in the forest with eyes of a lion
then down the sidewalk purring like a kitten
slipping back on his shoes and walking into the woods
just to let his zipper fall
I man the dam
like a beaver in a stream
spending most of my time
gathering and placing barriers
insuring stability and strength
of that which will contain
a flooding of feelings

Memories spill and trickle
like a swollen pool of water
some pose no threat
for they're simple drips a thought here and there
but others press against the wall
with force and pressure
the dam of emotions
Ribbons of lights in straight thin rows
in a plaid formation of crisscrossing patterns
over looking the city of Lost Angels
from star speckled lights of garages and hollywood gardens on a hillside

Head tillted backward looking upward
marveled at the towers of New York's buildings scraping the sky
sitting in a jam of metal and rubber watching pedestrians stroll by
I got out of the cab and ordered a pizza then crawled back in the same cab
some times a New York Minute can take an hour

Jumping corn stalks is not hard even though they are so tall
simple allow the stalk to bend when you crash through it
playing in the corn fields of the mid-west that is actually more east.

The one thing that can make you feel so small
is a drive over the grand canyon
while dealing with the desert heat as if it were fanned in by a rising phenox

Fishing the keys and jumping florida gators
while 'whiffin' a cuban cigar
dancing at the Mardi Gra all the way to tejas coast line
eating the friuts of the valley

Chasing grizzlys in the alaskan mountains and shaking hands with the polar bear
netting salmon as they jump upstream
pictures rarely convey the true awe of a mountain mirrored in a lake.

The distance is freat between the pacific and atlantic
from canada to mexico's back door
in habited by those that work this land
those taking pride in being an american
My Erotic Tale said:
Ribbons of lights in straight thin rows
in a plaid formation of crisscrossing patterns
over looking the city of Lost Angels
from star speckled lights of garages and hollywood gardens on a hillside

Head tillted backward looking upward
marveled at the towers of New York's buildings scraping the sky
sitting in a jam of metal and rubber watching pedestrians stroll by
I got out of the cab and ordered a pizza then crawled back in the same cab
some times a New York Minute can take an hour

Jumping corn stalks is not hard even though they are so tall
simple allow the stalk to bend when you crash through it
playing in the corn fields of the mid-west that is actually more east.

The one thing that can make you feel so small
is a drive over the grand canyon
while dealing with the desert heat as if it were fanned in by a rising phenox

Fishing the keys and jumping florida gators
while 'whiffin' a cuban cigar
dancing at the Mardi Gra all the way to tejas coast line
eating the friuts of the valley

Chasing grizzlys in the alaskan mountains and shaking hands with the polar bear
netting salmon as they jump upstream
pictures rarely convey the true awe of a mountain mirrored in a lake.

The distance is freat between the pacific and atlantic
from canada to mexico's back door
in habited by those that work this land
those taking pride in being an american

Seems to be leaning a bit toward Whitman. You been reading "Leaves of Grass"?

A bit of a spell check hopefully before you post it...

Might want to try some pruning too, but then you might loose some of the Whitman feel. Depends upon what you want there.

jim : )

Green leaves flourish over twigs under the trunk that conceals you
rugged brown bark biting into my thoughts
exposed roots sinking into the depths of earth's tones
the wind mingles the colors then leaves like memories of you

I know you are blue but your standing in front of an ocean
or on a mountain top and blending with the sky
I can't see you and don't know why
you have a chameleon personality

you easily become lost in a crowd with your celebrity status
and when were alone I see only parts of you
your passion, your Grey and the same Ole pattern
patches of our lives painted to blend with our terrain

if you were standing on a field of snow, I would then know
for red blends best with a sleeping bag of painted leaves and limbs
grasping each other like vines hold a tree, wrapping and gripping tightly
and other times you're there but I just can't see all of you because...'re camouflaged.
the Rode

The asphalt whispers broken horizons, while driving toward another tomorrow, distorting reality with waves of heat that rise like the emotions of that which you left down... the Rode.

Just a pebble in the mix of concrete solutions that once a hatchling sprouts its wings it will fly, looking to the hills like a calling of the wild holding tight to apron strings while heading... down the Rode.

So many have set sail on a trail long before your time, they paved the way but it is still your feet, today on the highway, living day after day, always looking down... the Rode

Do you give thought to those you pass racing time doesn't always allow for concideration. Whisping by old men playing cards with poker faces more worried about when they will be going down the Rode.

Construction zone and trees in piles, paving the way for tomorrows load. You're in it for the long haul with both hands on the wheel, staring towards the rest of your life while driving down...

...the Rode.
The Sign~

Do you heed a sunburned sign
weathered, scar'd and blind?
Cracks run to the finish
like wrinkles,
in time
to this minute.

Standing in the heat without shade...
is the sign obeyed?

Behind this wobbly standing sign
a cobweb-ed transparent mind
mindless finger pointing the way
mouthless metal
with so much to say

Withstanding long cold nights ...
a sign neon bright

Misty morning dew runs down its face
a tear for those caught up in the race
passing by without a glance
blasting a wake of
silent cadence

along the road's white line...
stands a sign

a faithful, weathered and worn guide
stading in grass knee-high
'Caution' is fading away
another day

the tell tale heart of time...
a sign​
My Erotic Tale said:
a star so far
but reaching anyway

there is magic
in a sparkle
in the night sky

just a dot
in the vastness
thats shines a glimmer
of hope

a star so far
means there's more

can you see that star,
right ... there. It shines for you baby
just, for you.

cuddled close, feeling
but motherly love
pouring, sinking
every crevice filled with warm
cotton candy treats, snow cream licks
filled with

he wants me to give him
tha moon.
ask me nightly,
mommy, can I have it,
No baby, we have to share.
Tha moon
is for everyone,
to fill us all,
with peace
n love.

But ... Mommy
I want to touch it. No baby
it cannot be, for you see
it shines above, every single night
for all to see.

covers up to chin
that smell,
his baby smell.

I hold n rock,
a mothers dream.
every night
every day,
to hold my child
n wish tha moon
for him,
tha stars
each one
for him ...

she left foot prints on the ceiling
her panties on the bed post
and lip stick on my collar,

she left carpet burns in the carpet
her bra hung from the ceiling fan
spinning around
and around
and around
till I took it down

she left the shower all wet and steamy
went out the door and said I was dreamy
I opened my eyes
then shut them
and went
to sleep
sausage and sourer crout strands
neaded by soft warm hands
plump peaches squeezed
strawberry nipples mashed
suckled and sipped
a pornacopia <grin>
My Erotic Tale said:
sausage and sourer crout strands
neaded by soft warm hands
plump peaches squeezed
strawberry nipples mashed
suckled and sipped
a pornacopia <grin>


puts a whole new spin on preparing thanksgiving dinner
I only read the first one.

lol that was pretty funny. i like how it all went together well in the end. nice rap up! :cathappy:
Breasts, thighs and long legs
toma-toes beet red
cucumber salad
with creamy dressing
melons ripe tested
with squeezing and mashing

With sweet peaches
and pump-kin's seeds
deep throat bananas
drinking grapes squeezed

fingering pudding
licking American pie
wiggles fleshy cranberries
and cornbread rised

corn on the cob
and cunt-alope
and spanish fly hopes

you painted my world
with colors of love
like the blue that is so you
and the reds
still dance in my head

and each green leaf
that eventually leaves
leaving trees bare
I remember you standing there
in your beautiful white flesh
untouched by the yellow sun

we danced
in the dark black shadows
together without fear
for we had each other
kissing each brown freckle

I am still moved to this day
I think
by the pink
you walk around
then lay down

up again in a daily spin
then sleeping

you grasp a moment
then dream something

eat, drink and sleep
the cycle's complete

dreaming of sunny days
working when you wished you could lay

stretch and yawn
then slumber from dusk till dawn

sprawling out on the sheets
for another day is complete

swept away by the current of love
then sucked under the bridge of our forever

Hunger has been stolen from his eyes
so he lays fat and sassy
a yawn replaces his fierce roar
sprawled out
before an open cage door

a majestic and feared beast
simply rests
on a fresh straw nest

I wonder if he ponders his youth
his days in the jungle
back when he sought to kill
now he searches for a freindly hand's feel

I recall the tiger
as I ride a train home from the battle fields
anxious to have my hunger stolen from me
as I roar with the pain of where I have been
the bright darkness~

The Darkness shines Bright
from images in our minds
peering into nothing we see everything
and yet still know it not at all

Reaching into the blackness of the shadows
grasping nothing but enlightenment
a handfull of compassion
for all our tomorrows are clear and bright
as the shield of darkness

even in the sun with wide eyes we are blind
like a moonless night in the caverns of our minds
our ears still hear the ticking away of life and time
in the darkness, our fears climb,
calculating the day we will forever lay

on a 2 am kitchen raid with the lights off
our days are the same way
running till we stub our toes
then coming to life and our pace is slowed
in the darkness we become bright​