Chasin' Chickens

~Engima Cost~

Just loved that one~~!!!

What a tease ..
Yet not really.*Grins*
Now I know where to find ya..
More I say..
Think you are getting better and better..
Just thought I would mention that.
We all need to hear a lil praise at times.
Just wanted you to know the *Engima Cost * was Great~~!!

The Hermit's shell

Hermit in a shell
against ocean swells
bluer than the sea

Sandy trails bled
over mountainous dunes
beaten by a woman
with a broom!

Secluded rejuvenation
strengthened his legs
with weighted shoulders
carried his burden bed

Then picked up by a bird
carried across the burning beaches
to a merridian of kinship and word

Dropped on his head
stars circled above
a crack in the hull
from a helpful gull

The Hermit was crabby
found a new shell
there he dwells
but not quite yet happy

A big gust of wind
rolled him over again
his legs stuck up in the air

The rains poured down
and he nearly drowned
he thought it would end right there

The tide came in
and swept him away
he still lives to this day.

A time or two he may have fell
but he strives and doing well
the Hermit in his shell
Trembling fingers
in fidgidy hand
sheets like a beach
forever sand

castaway in a room
like a deserted island
uncertain course
like jaws of a lion

soft eyes whimper
an inferno's fire
hands grip tightly
like pinching pliers

burried into each other
like a stone thrown to sea
gentle kittens purr
scratching wildly

crashing waves dance
like a wild horse's mane
lovers feeling game
feels like a hand in the flame

two hearts together
like a hummingbirds wings
sandman calling
like water down a drain

flesh meld together
like a heated oven
all in the name
of a little bit of lovin

Think again you just keep gettin better. The metaphors in the above poem are great. Imagery is crystal clear. The flow is smooth a satin.. Just love the content and the whole poem in general. Tells a very sexy lil story. Its a keeper~~!!!!

Think you come here to this thread to hide out and write. Can't say I blame ya. Its a nice quiet spot..


LilDarlin said:

Think again you just keep gettin better. The metaphors in the above poem are great. Imagery is crystal clear. The flow is smooth a satin.. Just love the content and the whole poem in general. Tells a very sexy lil story. Its a keeper~~!!!!

Think you come here to this thread to hide out and write. Can't say I blame ya. Its a nice quiet spot..


Soft as sheets to a tired soul
sweetly greeted as the smell of a rose

tucked in the shadows not to disturb
making up erotic words

graced by a breeze gently falling
touched by the words of LilDarlin~
Temptress in black
by shackled and bound
pony tail flings
whip cracking sound
red whelp stings
lips gritting frown
sweet sweat springs
fondeling mound

Mistress in leather
hot breath near
demanding words
lust ignites fear
gentle glide purrs
wide eye'd peers
intentions blurred
trails of a tear

Lady in boots
with long high heels
desires unleased
clothes gently peeled
lovers feast
lips are sealed
priestess or priest
depends how she feels

Many Thanks~ :)

Again the poem is so perfect. It matches the thread, the greeting, and myself comin into your secret world. Thank you again for your kind words and your warm welcome.

Kind words spoken from a warm soul
welcoming... filling... making whole
in each our secret worlds we dwell
poetry..words... away we sail
into another time an place
leaving behind the cold rat race

well it is a start..
will have to finish..
Have a great night~~


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Safari hat and field glasses
shoulder slung gun
Kilamonjaro plains
Ivory undone
Jumanji lions
gazelle's on the run
Outback gators
Polar's on the frozen
hanging prize posing

On the wall
trophy's hung
Antlers and feathers
fish and game
dogs used trained
rifle fever
Trophy, plagues
ribbons attack
Boone and Crocket

Wanted a white tail
sat at the bar's rail
Chased both beavers
dressed out breasts
Making the grade
getting laid
always on the hunt
letter jacket

Now I'm on a quest
pen in hand
for the illusive
green "E"
of poetry
once again
on a Safar"e"
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The Prey

hunting all thru the night
searching for that elusive prey
looking all of my life
finding nothing but strife

deer, boars, and elk
have caught them all
still struggling for that one
the one who always evades
runs and hides, never stays
have a hunger deep inside

a thirst nothing else can quench
need to find this obsession
luck will one day be mine
will have that day of glory

can feel it creeping near
sensing its every fear
away I go and hide

still no sign
stomping my feet
into the ground
anger overcoming

trying so hard
waiting ~


wondering if you ever
feel as if you are that prey?
heart beating
eyes wide with fear
feet never touching the ground
always running
the fear set deep in your soul
eating you alive
praying for a way out

escape is the only way
hiding low
outta sight
praying one day to be free
free from being the prey
so you go and hide again
hoping one day this will all end~

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nice poem Lildarlin~

A Blizzard forever~

Blizzard blows
at a window pane
watching snow
build up
around the edges
lack of
anything better to do

little nose
against the glass
watching the cold
thinking back
chilly days
can't play
why there is
cold ways

Child knows
against the cold
his mind's
windows of pain
will always be
his parents flee

will he be
in a blizzard?

Wrap my arms
around him
he knows love
and smiles at me
but doesn't understand
not having
his mommy
and daddy

neither do I~

so uncle and aunt
are now mom and dad
but one day
he'll go into the world
wanting answers


for I can't answer
the chilling question
or understand
their cold ways
two nose's
against the glass
this blizzard would pass

dedicated to khristian, CJ and
Read a man's life...
by seeing his knife,
A tool of tools
that shows,
wisdom or fool
a man's knife
tells a lot
about how
he conducts his life.

steel and Flesh
don't mesh
ceasar would probably
ban the blade
stabbed in the back
verbal display
it's not a game
it's a shrade

Mother said,
"Don't play with knives."
Look in the kitchen
and see cutlery whelding wives
(just ask a bobbit!)
a must in the days
of the 'Hobbit'

Ask a woman
to see her brush
ask a man
he'll probably blush
or hand you a comb
the same way he
handles a knife
were all item prone

some are into
rings and watches
I personally like
pantiless crotches
ask a man to see his knife
but don't ask to use his wife
or the knife will rise
its just not wise
a man without a knife...
...may surprise you!

most men are cut
from the same cloth
Here are some tips
to tell a man's demise
or rather he is wise...

...You can tell alot
about a man's life
Just ask to see his knife!

the Test!

Ten ways to read
a man/woman with a knife
(My personel philosophy)

ask, "Can I see your knife?"

Where is it kept?

In their pocket? (thoughtfull)
On their hip? (bold)
Or the size of a small sword, (war lord)
or in their purse?
(beware a woman with a blade)

How is it handed to you?

gentle (kind),
whipped open (with intimidation in mind),
or tossed (with out care)

it's brand and style?

be it horn or if it's wood,
solid metal or pictorial flare.
(nothing more than their charactor)

Brand name (shows understanding of quality,
steel, stature and lasting durability)

five and dime ( dulls easily, rarely used,
or probably shouldn't have possesion
of such a tool, unknowledgable)

Size and shape?

Size doesn't matter...
shape truely does.
the best known cutting tool on the planet
is a one and half inch box cutter-blade (tool)
a deer/animal skinning knife is three inches
and rounded for best use.
Cutlery is for the kitchen...
any thing else is just plain wishing.

large or size of a sword...(harmful intent, insecure)
if your defending something chances are you'll
have a pistol. (or be Crocidile Dundee)

ask them what they use it for?
general purposes (good answer)
Cleaning fingernails...(use a nail clipper)
Tool? (they make tools for everything
from wire trimmers to chisels...this would
show their knowledge)

If they have a folded knife and hand it to you open,
(careless and accident prone) BEWARE!
If its a fixed blade and they hand the blade
side to you (how are you suppose to grip it?)
(If they hold the steel and hand it to you...
the blade side away from them,
well handled and knowledgable)

Sharp, new and unused, shiney
or beaten, dull, used alot?

Apperance is not the key here
the razor's edge is...

ask the man, "who sharpens his knife?"

Has the knife sharpened by a professional (wise)
sharpens themself (knowledgable)
Dull and beaten blade (not practical)

a knife without a stone (dull minded)
is like a gun without bullets
a car with out gas...
just doesn't last as long (foolish)

special curcumstances..
Survival knives (are for survivalist in the wild
not in the streets)
Never pit a knife against a gun (fool)
Daggers and switch blades (beware)
throwing knifes (stay back as far as you can)

any of these are men of stature,
(classical or monatary value)
History shows that civilizations rise
has knives shrinking
swords getting longer
and bayonets unnessicary
ask a marine to see his knife
he'll show you his sword
kata's preformed
long knives
bowie knives
wall collections

a mans knife may be his words...
sword of truth...shield of honesty
cuts you like a knife (spat)
cold steel and hot breath...
(dangerous, but some like it that way)
words are weapons of the pen...
he who fails to prepare...
prepares to fail!
to walk the path of enlightenment
is as narrow as a razors edge

(my personel favorite)
sharpen the knife,
like you hone the mind
each breath makes the mind sharper
sharpen the mind
train the body
enrich the spirit
zen of the blade

You can tell alot about a mans life...
just ask to see his knife!
Arthur's note:

Top knives
kershaw is rated number one
sharp brand
ginsu (also has the number one saw blades
due to the type steel used AND the teeth direction)
gerber is a well rounded knife but the handles
break easily.
old timer (classic)
ole henry (classic)
and several more...

diamond dust and ceramic are best
arkansas stones (you really need to know
how to sharpen a blade to use this.
(DON'T use the sharpener so commonly
put on the back of can openers (please!)
angle the blade across the stone consistantly
on both sides to ensure a true edge!

when purchasing a knife look at the type steel
stainlees steel is common (best)
but is it plated or solid?
pakistan steel won't hold an edge long
neither will china steel
but japanesse the ultimate un-matched!

(after writing this, inquiring minds wanted to know)

I carry a shrade... hip pocket held
(one of the top ten knife's made)
...and an old timer handed down from my deceased
father...a good luck piece, memorabilia!
and yes I own several stones!

I taught knife removal to law enforcment!
(removal of weapons from an oponent...
...including pistols)

this grew into a lesson from a poem
but I feel...
Zen of the blade, is poetic in it's own way!

as in anything in this world everything is subject
to opinions...this is mine!
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Read a mans life~

I loved this one..
I witty and thoughtful..
Very informative
Has a great steady flow
Imagery in abundance...
All around Purrfect~!!

I need a name for this??????

Dancing raindows radiantly burst
behind closed eyes desires lurch
flush red cheeks arose in gasps
flesh to flesh in soft steady pats

intertwined fingers like a morning glory's vine
grasp tightly tense but gentle and kind
holding dearly to the heat of the flame
whipping wildly an uncontrollable mane

savoring nector of passions promise
tongue tasting treats quinching lust's surprise
tip glides across the plane of pink flesh
with lips gentle kiss on skin is meshed

soaring in a body bound to this earth
a vessel that measures loves true worth
cast aside for a moment in bedded time
strides in unison rythym and ryhme

begging for more with out a single word
urgency's whispered in moans and purrs
river of love streams to a trickle
all in a moment of loves little tickle
Temple minded~

Worshiped Temples lay in crumbled stone
abandoned and shattered
as time rolled on!

New Temples stand with flags of bold
the minds constant changing
as we grow old!
one pole
two breasts
three holes
four hands
five finger grasp
six lips
seventh heaven
eight her out
cloud nine
ten minutes
equals one quickie
An onion grew
in the sunny sky
a knife's slice
brought teary eyes

Grew a rose,
a gift's surprise
just to see it
pressed and dried

in a dusty book
photos of
a past look

Bonded a
relationship grew
comes winds change
away it blew

Eternal sand poured
in an hour glass
measure the time
moments pass

Even the sun
is destin to die
affinity in a moment

Dew drops grip
on sun beamed leaf
silent flight
to an end it seems

pulled constantly
by gravity
no cry
for mercy

Open arms
in a free fall
fate's call
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Shimmering shoulders
and velvet thighs
entangled hair
and wild eyes

Hungry tongue
for fleshy sweet
Heart's racing
pounding beat

Skin grin and
tickling toes
hot exhale
nose to nose

Bare bottom's
bouncing pose
release cums
then a doze


I am in so much shock~lmao
I loved these poems.
Didn't know ya had it in ya..


WOW is all I can say.
They are great.
Imagery is Hotttt
Flow is smooth as satin an silk..
Very sexy lil poems here
KEEP'M Comin'~~!!!!!!

Would I be greedy if I ask for more?


Pendalum of passion
tight grip on desire
soft mounds kneeding
pillow case kissed
driving for satisfaction
overbent and ecstasy bound
knees to sheet
curling toe's sideways sweep
hips gripped and mashed
hand on silken back
ass slapped
hearts aflamed
wildly clashing
filling the slat
tap tap tap
grasping mane
tightly unrefrained
tighten the joining
pulling to quiver
swelling to exploding
endorphins moaning
calapse and holding
bodies molding
breaths regained
love tamed
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Slow Sweet Love~

I just love those
Taking me in your arms
Nothing can touch me here
Wrapping my arms
around your hips
Your sweet breath upon my cheek

Eyes looking
into the depths of my soul
Seeing your reflection there
Branded upon my heart
till eternity and beyond
Submerged in our love
Flying with you to the moon

Caressing lil laughs
Shimmying thru us
Wiggling all around
our essence as one


Playfully dancing
around the room
Being held in your arms
'Tis my every dream
Lightly humming
With the music
Echoing out from our minds
and hearts

Swinging thru the air
As you push me
in the tire swing
Feet grabbing air
Smiles lifting us up
Sailing as we go
Heaven couldn't be
so dear

Washing those never
ending dishes together
Bubble blowing
Hands meeting
Droplets of water
you threw
Silly love
Grinning anew

Picking flowers in the meadows
Such a beauteous sight
Your nose has
a touch of pollen
Rolling thru the meadow
we play
Bodies covered in flowers
Holding me so lovingly

Riding home from work
Down that old back road
Music flowing
Small talking
Hands entwined
Eyes caressing evermore

These are the times I love best
Our loving...sweet...times
Just taking the time to be

Such a slow...sweet love
we share
Always together
Just loving...laughing
and care~

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Tina got tongue tied

(This is best read aloud...<Grin>)

Pumping Paulie's penis pecker
pumped at Penny's pussy pie
licked at Tina's lips and labia
till it shot a slurpy suprise

Penny wanted to taste the pleasure
opened her mouth then sucked and savored
Touched and taunted Tina's titties
till the toying slightly subside

Penny pulled on Paulies pecker
wanting his protein pride to fly
both girls licked and lapped at Paulie
till he shot his load in Penny's eye

Tina turned her ass toward Penny
"Please put Paulie deep inside"
Tina said slightly taunting
titties slapping as she began to ride.

Penny's nipples pointed proudly
Paulie pulled them partially powered
by his puming Tina's pussy
pumping wildly while they sighed

All were spent and spat they loved it
laying loosely limp together
while they played with Paulies pool
of wet and warm and sappy goo!

Penny and Tina began licking and kissing
while Paulie watched layed out he lied
Two girls tasted each others flavor
till there tongues got twisted and tied
Re: Slow Sweet Love~

LilDarlin said:
I just love those
Taking me in your arms
Nothing can touch me here
Wrapping my arms
around your hips
Your sweet breath upon my cheek

Eyes looking
into the depths of my soul
Seeing your reflection there
Branded upon my heart
till eternity and beyond
Submerged in our love
Flying with you to the moon

Caressing lil laughs
Shimming thru us
Wiggling all around
our essence as one


Playfully dancing
around the room
Being held in your arms
'Tis my every dream
Lightly humming
With the music
Echoing out from our minds
and hearts

Swinging thru the air
As you push me
in the tire swing
Feet grabbing air
Smiles lifting us up
Sailing as we go
Heaven couldn't be
so dear

Washing those never
ending dishes together
Bubble blowing
Hands meeting
Droplets of water
you threw
Silly love
Grinning anew

Picking flowers in the meadows
Such a beauteous sight
Your nose has
a touch of pollen
Rolling thru the meadow
we play
Bodies covered in flowers
Holding me so lovingly

Riding home from work
Down that old back road
Music flowing
Small talking
Hands entwined
Eyes caressing evermore

These are the times I love best
Our loving...sweet...times
Just talking the time to be

Such a slow...sweet love
we share
Always together
Just loving...laughing
and care~


oh WOW!
golly when I grow up I want to write like you
On the thresold of Laura's

From brushy moon shadows
spurs, clank and chime
stepping to the threshold of Laura
two bits for a good time

Her candle flickered
brighten curtains red
meant she had no suitors
'come on and warm the bed'

Knocks on knotted wood
tips a hat and brushed back hair
boots a shuffle
a lonely mans desire's dare

Little 'creek'
two long fingered hands open the door
inviting smile in leather and cleavage
boot click smiles across the floor

Washington silver layed on a table
cupped fingers blow
stranding teathered hair curls fall on bare shoulders
red curtains lost it's glow

Dusty trail hand shed his leather
bed spread back with gentle taps
Two oil lamps lit in one tender touch
together in intertwined wraps

sheets prarie ridden
passion soothing soul
the other coin jingled grin
the warm wind blow

Haste ushered breasts
red candle's burning ora
cowboy smiles and sensuous "come again"
On the threshold of Laura's