Chasin' Chickens

Trailer Park Trash~

Trailer park trash?
I think not
I cleaned everything out to the parking lot.

The flamingos
that had leaned over all year,
well I straightened them up
and picked up those empty cans of beer.

I'll have you know
that Mr. Springer
said my trailer was a hum-dinger.
Back when we were on his show,
when I caught my wife with her brother, Joe.

I even bought new chairs
those lawn chairs were on sale in pairs,
sure they look a little ruff
I bought them at, "Rent a dent and stuff."

Trailer park trash indeed...please!
I don't even live in a trailer park,
I got mine parked
at the five and dime parking lot.
Yeah, in the summer its a bit hot.
But my wife ain't missed a sale yet,
and easy parkings a sure bet.

I lived in a trailer park before,
where those trailers are parked
almost door to door.
And you can hear your neighbor snore.
Not me, huh uh, not no more.
Bought myself a four by four,
now I pull my trailer, forevermore.

As I stand here and scratch my ass,
You can't call me trailer park trash?
Congradulations Sweetheart on your win in the April poetry contest for Goose on the Loose. :) :rose: :kiss: :heart:
Takes a Bow, "I am Honored...Thank You"

"But I must admit, it would not be the poem
it is with out that cute voice reading it and
that southern flare added...thanks Deb
AKA = Bamagirl

Poetry Catagory Winners
Erotic Poetry - Caramel Suite / Angeline
Illustrated Poetry - Hollow / neonurotic
Non-Erotic Poetry - Grown / tarablackwood22
Poetry With Audio - Goose on the Loose / My Erotic Tail

Congradulations to

And a congrates to ...
LadyShianne...for chain stories
Mirror Mirror Ch 02 ...marvelous...grin
My Erotic Tail said:
Takes a Bow, "I am Honored...Thank You"

"But I must admit, it would not be the poem
it is with out that cute voice reading it and
that southern flare added...thanks Deb
AKA = Bamagirl

Poetry Catagory Winners
Erotic Poetry - Caramel Suite / Angeline
Illustrated Poetry - Hollow / neonurotic
Non-Erotic Poetry - Grown / tarablackwood22
Poetry With Audio - Goose on the Loose / My Erotic Tail

Congradulations to

And a congrates to ...
LadyShianne...for chain stories
Mirror Mirror Ch 02 ...marvelous...grin

Thank You for letting me share in your wonderful poems :)
Congratulations Art Lee

I see you have many new friends.
wonderful dear,

Your words have always been magical:rose:

Go-fer this go-fer that
never any time to just sit and chat.

They should offer...
an award fer a Go-fer

Industries were built by them
the no name people like joe and kim.

always on the go
never doddle or slow

pointed finger of a boss
and the Go-fer is never at a loss
of things to do
usually the job fer the new

rarely seen in the car with a chaufer
the busy life of a Go-fer
Wiggle worm~

Wiggle Worm likes its Hole,
Wiggles around to deeply burrow,
long and lean,
is this wiggly thing.

Early bird gets its worm
as it wiggles and wiggles and then squirms
to bury into its moist hole.
Its been that way since the days of Ole'

As it wiggles in real deep,
deeper and deeper till it seeps,
moisture that is way deep down
wiggle worm wiggles around and around.
Nursing Home Blues~

As the early risers inch down the hall,
not getting any where fast at all.
Grey haired with sandels, slippers and shoes
they're faces show they've got the nursing home blues.

Gathered together to socialize,
chattin about where they reside
some of them don't even have a clue
they are living with the nursing home blues.

Many tell their life long tale
while others listen without fail
Someone will tell whats on the news
among the group with the nursing home blues.

Some get visitors and some will not
some are lonely cause they are forgot.
but always a joy for the nurses and crews
that help out those with the nursing home blues.

Nutritional meals and hidden snacks
some have bonded and made packs
shareing a picture a grandchild had drew
all at the place of the nursing home blues.

Early to bed and early to rise
knickers and gowns of all kinds and size.
each persons different when cared for its true
But all seem to get the nursing home blues.
Bull Ridin'

Straddled over a ton of tightened muscle
wrapping my hand in a hustle,
Sittin' easy as I lower low,
nod my head for the gateman to go.

Swinging wide the shoot then opens
Looking to ride for 8 seconds I'm hopeing.
Bull twists and turns and bucks up and down,
I see the darting of the arena clown.

Ass and spine clash on the beast
for just a few more seconds at least.
One hand tied while the other swings.
Riding live leather is one of my favorite things.

Then the buzzer sounds that I've timed.
unravel my hand and off the beast I climb.
Scramble for cover as the clown comes out of hiding.
Ain't nothing like the thrill of Bull ridin'.
Want to play?

(This was written for someone to do for
Poetry with Audio...HEHEHE)

Want to play some games you say?
Something to pass the time away.

You want to know about my toys?
The kind I turn on and they make noise.

I got long ones, short ones,
blue ones and pink ones.

One is long and slick
guess where I like for it to stick?

One even wiggles...
just a little.

I even got a little teddy bear
that I like to rub, down there.

I got feathers and nipple clamps...
and a toy that glows, without lamps.

I got one that's really long
the kind where girls share the slong.

Then theres the one that tickles the clit
and of course the ones that fill my slit.

I even got some whips and chains
or some long, hard, vibrating things.

I got teddys and nightys and lingerie.
Did you say you wanted to play?

So you want to play with my toys?
Come on over...big boy.
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The Blues

The long,

lonely sound

of a finger

sliding down

a catgut

or wound,

making vibrating


A slow,

toe tapping beat,

that floats

your thoughts

as you sway

in your seat,

your ears

eagerly greet,

each note

played so sweet.

A tune

that describes


how you feel.

When words

can't make it,

near as real.

A long

lonely sound

that can set

your mood

as if your floating

lightly down

on a cloud

to the ground.


that touch your soul

And your Heart

keeps the beat

with the rythym

sadly sweet.

So perfectly played,

that when its done

and the last note

still rings.

You long

to hear the sound

that filled your soul

while still hummin'

the song

that is through


the blues.
I heard a joke
that was funnier
than a chicken wearing socks.

I was rolling
on the floor

Giggled so hard
my tummy shook
like chilled jello.

Had me in stitches.

The last time
I laughed that hard,
the goat got that bonnet
stuck in its horns.

Or the time
that squirrel got stuck
in that glass, squirrel feeder
and couldn't get out.

Had a cat
that fell into the fish tank
glad they weren't parana.

Yep, funny stuff

Made a sling shot out of my mothers bra
froze my sisters panties I don't think
they ever did thaw.
Read my Dads playboys...
ok I lied..I never read them.
My buddies and I would have
beauty contest for the undergarment
models in the sears catalog.
My brother hid a bag of shrimp
(for fishing bait) in my Aunts panty
drawer and forgot about them...
My Aunt said she would never get
the smell out of them panties...
My uncle said they smelt the same.
My Aunt had a poodle that would hump
everything...the football, the pet skunk
we had and of course his favorite...
a human leg. Or the neighbors dog
a Doberman Pincher.
Back in the good old days before cable
(yeah right...hehehe) you had VCRS for movies
my Dads favorite ended with two pigs
fucking...and brother now thats funny.
the clothes line...

I wash my clothes and hang them on a line,
and seems they get bird pooped everytime.
So back in the wash they go again.
Listen for the machine to stop its spin.
then outside the clothes go again.
hung them out to dry...
then comes the birds to sit on the line.
seems to happen everytime.
I guess I should buy a dryer,
or pray the birds will fly higher.

Tinker toys and little boys
with cars and trucks that make loud noise.
For little girls its tea sets and dolls
with pink about and flowers on the wall.

Momma's got a "No No" drawer,
I seen what's in it and it roared.
Long and lean
a shiney...thing.

Dad's got his magazines,
He's read them all a hundred times it seems.
There locked up in a box of wood.
I would read them if I could.

Even the dog that will shake or beg,
always tries to hump your leg.
And everyone wants a pussy that puuuurs,
To stroke and pet it's soft fur.

These are just a few things...
that a smile brings.
(I mean't brings a smile)<snicker>

Does "Monosexual" mean alone.
Like a king on his thrown?
With no queen to moan.
Or does it imply,
That it's just me and I?

Is it masterbation...
or some relation?
Of sex with just one,
does it have to be the bullet
or the gun?

Or is it two that only have
sex with the one...
The dual relation,
that tends the sensation.
Sometimes causeing a creation. uno..
well I hope its more than
just knocking the snot out of my cock...
Does monosexual mean "Not Married"

When lunar shine cast's it's spell
and the shadows lurk while owls
hoot from their perch.
Willow trees sway and come alive.

When darkness is full and the moon is fuller
(FULLER: is that a word?)
creatures scatter as the mad get madder
(okay is this getting funny? madder:not listed)
for lunacy comes on the eve of the hallow.
First they lurk with bags of shallow

For tricks they "Scream"
and for treats they "Smile"
grouling creatures for miles and miles.
For if not for the "Ween"
there would not be such a scene.

But annual cycles, as the world turns.
From watery shores to mountains of fern.
The day of hallow is closing near.
For if you have candy there's nothing to fear.
Better stock up because...Halloweens
almost here.
Tail Tale Spin

Pudding and pie
with whip cream.
Shareing delights
with my dreamy dream.

Little whole cherries
one at a time.
Bounce along the tummy
about the size of a dime.

M&M's are exchanged
but the green ones are stashed
They were eaten then
passion came in a blast.

Chocolate syrup
is poured over slow.
As she licks it
my muscle grows.

Flavored flesh
and kisses mesh,
two bodies ravaging
and making a mess.

I didn't know grapes
could be hid so well,
after it was removed
every thing went swell.

Esctasy surged
like juice from a fruit
pulsing and prodding
hard as Gensieng root.

Ravishing another
and tasteing their flavor
With the filling being full
and deserts been savored

The licking one clean
starts it up again.
Getting caught up in
a tale tail spin.

Pudding and pie
licked all clean.
Shareing delights
with my steamy dream.

Little whole cherries
once upon a time.
Roll along the tummy
Now I can't find.

M&M's were exchanged
but the green ones are smashed
They were eaten then
passion cum at last.

Chocolate syrup
was poured and overflowed.
As she laps it
my muscle still grows.

No longer fresh
kisses with hot breath,
two bodies ravaging
and still making a mess.

I didn't know grapes
could be hid in a tail
after it was removed
another went in just as well.

Esctasy purged
like juice blasting from a fruit
pulsing and prodding
hollaring and letting out a hoot.

Ravishing anothers
licking forever
With the full being filled
and deserts been savored

The licking one clean
starts it up again.
Getting caught up in
a tail tale spin.

Want me to say it again?
(scroll to top) <grin>

Little Ducks walk in a row,
waddle waddle as they go,
where they go no body knows,
little duck playground, I suppose.

They quack me up when they chatter,
try to catch one and they all scatter,
prance around like nothing matters,
then stretch their wings with a flutter.

Fuck a duck I heard it said...
well my face is all red,
How could you ever do a duck in bed?
Unless the Mrs. ducks her head.

My feathered freinds come around here,
while flying south for half the year,
they gather in numbers that some may fear,
but they are really sweet and dear.

Is it seduction that you seek,
led a stray by a kiss on the cheek.
Roaming hands from another,
in sensual spots that make you shudder.

A pressing form that hovers close,
Feeling the stout like the sturdy fence post.
Caught between doing and pulling away,
yet driven by passion to stay and obey.

Led by a hand to pleasure's gate,
in a slow and sensual pace.
A close encounter generates a caress,
Then the feather feel of hot breath on flesh.

Lips suckle bare skin delight,
Passion and urges stir and ignite.
Emotions surge and thoughts take flight,
Bodies press together tight.

Paving the road to ecstasy,
when laid down easy.
Tongues toil and lips taste.
Fingers fondle below the waist.

Muscles swell and watery well
Hands roaming around the tail
Entering Just a slight little blushin'
exiting ...the Seduction!
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Eagles Head hung Proud~

Bombings, shellings, a Soldiers
marching steps,

Far away the tears
of a loved one's wept.

The proud Eagle
hangs it's head,

As more sand turns
a blackened red.

Be it ours
or be it they'res

Rockets, mortars,
hand-grenades and flares

The Eagle that soars in the air
is there,

His head may hang slightly
weary with despair.

But It's pride still shines
and it's heart still cares.

Wings outreached
and feathers a flare,

Strength shown in it's
Cry's out loud,

While the Eagles
head hung Proud.
Her Heart

She sat on a bench
she hadnt sat on hince,
thumbing her trinket in hand.

Sun bathed in warmth
she scanned the white fence,
with thoughts of a Man.

Recalling her passions
of what moved her so
From a Man of long ago.

Her fingers gently glided
across a Ribboned Medal
as her tears started to flow.

A Purple Heart
she had cupped in hand
blue the one in her chest.

For it was here
she waved goodbye
to a sailor in his vest.

She thought of love
like a bush and a rose
it intertwines and grows.

But one day it blooms
into a beautiful flower
then plucked and away it goes.

A seed was planted
in the heat of passion
but her love forever grew.

Now her childrens children
are still told of the hero
the grandfather they never knew.

Her Trinket in hand
is whats left of a man
She waved to years ago!

Standing right here
face full of tears
Watching her Heart go!

Its been so long
since she had been here
the scenery has changed too.

But the last place
she saw her Heart
it sailed into the ocean blue.
A Kiss

Lips that pucker
then press together
mashing hard
then light as a feather.

Tongues that seek
to taste and fullfill
brush each other
a sensational feel.

Hot breath close
from a long exhale
panting moans
and desires flare.

Licking lips
and long tongue twirls
eyes closed
as passion swirls.

Flesh savored
and tongues relished
taste of another
from a long hot Kiss.