Chasin' Chickens

By the water's rippled edge,
"I Love You," I should have said.
I should have held you 'Oh' so close.
While the water beat the Dock's posts.

But my thoughts were chained by Pride,
When I walked away I know you cried.
The Water's swells raged from a storm,
Dark clouds circled and formed.

I felt the rip go through my chest,
realizing my life was such a mess.
I turned to see your 'Smiling' face,
I felt my blood boil and race.

Pelting rain thus began
soaked up by the shoreline sand.
A wave goodbye from your hand,
Down your cheek the water ran.

Thunder cracked and lightening flashed,
I turned my head and away I dashed.
I should have said "Goodbye" that day,
I left you standing in a stormy way.
Please don't eat Daisy

Dana won't do it but her sister would
make my pecker hard as wood.
Her round rump that swings with pride
curls up close sittin by my side.
Fingers talkin' and tongue a walkin'
Dana sittin' over there a squawkin'

Went to the Drive-in picture show
Daisy's eyes would start to glow.
Rub my muscle and made it grow
parked along the back row.
Turn the radio way down low
open the door and told Dana to "go!"

I raced Daisy to the back seat
she let me win because she's sweet
Then she jumped into my lap
started unfastening the flap
My hands grasp her rippened fruit
she yanked off my brand new suit

Just like a cap of a soda 'Pop'
one quick jerk and off with her top.
Then she gave her Bra a sling
dove into my manly thing.
Ravished my pride with warm wet lips
Then she came up for one quick kiss.

As she went to engulf me again
I heard the window 'tapping'
It was Dana who had forgot her purse
her timing couldn't have been worse.
I tossed it to her through the window
Then laid back to let Daisy blow.

Her anxious lips bobbed and dipped
My fingers reached for her slit and clit.
My fingers fondeled passed her panty line
Hers jerked my cock for a short time
Then back in her mouth it quickly slip
She was moist and wet and ready to drip.

I felt the urge to explode
was just about to release my load.
When Dana came and crawled up front
Shut the car door in a 'Huff'
Daisy never even stopped
She licked and sucked at my cock

My Cum was Daisy's Drive-in treat
I was in ecstasy in the car's back seat.
Daisy fell back and spread her legs
licking her fingers as if to beg
I was eager and willing to please
got down on both my knees

"Are Ya'll gonna' do that with me in the car?"
Dana spat, she sounded far.
We never quit our dance of love
In her deep my tongue I shove
Rubbed her pussy with sensual glides
licking and lapping between her thighs.

Dana shouted and then screamed
well that certainly ruined things.
She said she saw a rat run by
but I think that's a lie
I said, "Dana you are so crazy!"
She said, "Please don't eat Daisy."
Woody the pecker inspector

Woody Woodrow
the pecker inspector
knows all there is to know
about peckers
With his magnifying glass
bent over
with a pouched out ass.
the hard stiff wood
with his pointer
poking at the tiny hole.
Then demanding
another load.

Some say Woody
has a thing for peckers.
Been pecked himself
I suppose.
But to the head he leans and stares.
Gives the stiff wood
a glare.
Then his hands raised in the air.
"Hold the load"
he shouted "There."
Pointed his finger at a hole.
Seeping, slimey, sappy, goo!
Drip down the hard wood.

A bunch of pecker heads
gathered round.
While Woody Woodrow
leaned way down,
Then he came
up in a gush.
"This pussy willow's been pecked by peckers."
He reached in his coat
and pulled out a stamp
of black and yellow checkers

Woody 'stamped'
the wood condemned
Then pushed his way through
the small crowd of workmen.
"Back to inspecting again."
Woody had a rather big grin.
Walking towards a pile of Double Decker's
Woody Woodrow
the wood pecker
Last edited:
Keyster Nailer

Klondike was a Keyster Nailer
since way back when
he was a sailor!

Men would run
and start to scream
if they saw him come,

Klondike was
a robust man
how he like to hum

while in the shower
he would stand
waiting for a victim.

The dreaded drop the soap
in the shower
Klondike could only hope

It's been said
he nailed a Keyster for two
No one admits it...Would you?

For Klondikes not known
for his wit or charm
His manners are those
of 'raised on a farm.'

He proudly proclaims
with out shame
He don't own a suit
thats been taylored.

For he don't paid
till the coffins laid
Klondike the Keyster Nailer.
Wendy's Bitchin Broom!

Wendy was at
the "Ye ole Shoppe,"
a morning of
shop till you drop.
She bought a second hand
broom and a mop.
'She needed them'
she thought.

With her arms full
she walked home
along the road.
She said,
"I could use some help, I suppose."
Then her broom
came to life and arose.
Looped her bags
and carried her load.

"This is Bitchin!"
Wendy said.
As she curiously
scratched her head.
Walking along
a floating broom.
That carried her things
to her room.

The broom kissed the mop
as it laid it down.
Scattering 'goodie' bags
all around.
Wendy was amazed
at what she had found.
Tired from shopping
she decided to lay down.

The broom zoomed beside her
and laid down as well.
Wendy figured
the broom's under a spell.
She rolled over
and fondeled the tiny bristles.
The Broom began to hum
and then whistle.

Then like a hummingbird
it flew about the room.
Wendy shouted,
"Are you possesed little broom?"
The broom shot to Wendy
with a quick zoom!
The coo coo clock chimed
that it was now noon.

That sound sent the broom
into a heated frenzy.
Spread out it's bristles
that were tathered and frizzy.
The long wooden shaft
swelled and then grew.
Till it look like a penis
Wendy began to coo.

The broom knew
where to put it in.
It stabbed at Wendy
again and again.
The broom shaft changed
till it fit her size.
Filling her fully then
spread a bit wide.

Wendy laid back
and relished in it's pleasure.
This new gift
that was obviously a treasure.
She felt her jucies flow
and come in a gusher.
Giving her an orgasim
that was un-measured.

She laid back
with a smile like a coon.
The broom laid beside her
in one quick zoom.
Back to hard wood and bristle
whistling a tune.
Her new bed buddy
Wendy's, Bitchin Broom!
Happy, Jack, Frowning and Grin

Happy, Jack, Frowning and Grin
were sittin' around the patch of pumpkin.
It was late summer and early Autumn.
Just sittin' around doin' nothing.

Then they heard a truck door slam.
Sounded close, like a loud 'Bam'.
Harvested, loaded and then truckin'
was Happy, Jack, Frowning and Grin.

With out eye's pumpkins can't see
So when some were created these four were pleased.
Then placed on a porch all they could see were knee's.
Happy, Jack, Frowning and Grin were now without seed.

Cleaned out and used to make pies
where Happy, Jack, Frowning and Grin's insides.
But they sat proudly where they now reside.
On the front porch, outside.

When night finally fell
Their candles were lit and they could see well
They glowed, brightly and 'swell'
But Frowning was still unhappy you could tell.

"What's wrong Frowning?" Jack asked aloud.
Happy asked, "Why aren't you proud?"
Grin shouted, "That man's well indowed."
Happy, Jack and Grin peered through the curtain's shroud.

Frowning started grinning and grin was now a frown.
Happy was stunned and Jack was glaring round.
As this man was undressing through the shroud
Happy, Jack and Grin were looking up at the night clouds.

"Aw heck," came from Frowning
As they all looked at what he was sounding.
A woman walked in with out any clothes.
Happy, Jack and Grins noses glowed.

These four watched as the couple made love
Then came the wetness from up above.
Happy then moved from a hard nudge.
His candle went out in a wet sludge.

A dog was wizzin' and lifting it's leg.
"Don't...stop!" Jack began to beg.
Happy didn't have his big cut out smile.
the dog could be heard barking for more than a mile.

Frowning was now Happy and Happy had a frown
as they all watched the woman put on an evening gown.
The couple got in their car and headed to town.
Happy, Jack, Frowning and Grin looked around.

Ghosts and gobblin's walk the streets
Then came the kid with his kleets.
smashed poor Grin with a stomp of his feet
Because no one was home to give him a treat.

Another grabbed Frowning and gave him a throw.
Jack could hear the pumpkin say, "Oh No."
In a million pieces now in the road.
Frowning's candle never more glowed.

When the couple came home they saw the demise,
and quickly cleaned up outside.
They didn't really seemed concerned.
For they still had one Jack-o-lantern.
Dr. Heckle and Mr. Pride

Dr. Heckle was very old man
he could hardly walk
much less stand.

When the 'knock'
came at the door
Dr. Heckle hobbled
across the floor.

"Trick or treat
smell my feet
give me something good to eat."
rang out from some neighborhood kids.
As Dr. Heckle did the Halloween biz.

He dropped some candy in their sacks.
Then reached to hold his old back.
The kids ran off happy with glee
Dr. Heckle shut the door to the screen.

As he hobbled back to his chair
'Poof' came a sound
then smoke filled the air.

There before him
stood his fairy god-mother
Dr. Heckle thought she was an Angel
and said "Oh Brother."

As the fairy flew and then hovered.
"Am I going to heaven? or will it be hell?"
Dr. Heckle asked as he almost fell.

"Neither Heckle." The fairy replied.
"I'm here to give you, a night to come alive."
Dr. Heckle let out a sigh.

The Fairy waved her glistening wand
began chanting some unknown song
Dr. Heckle changed, he grew young and strong.

"Now be home by the stroke of two,
or you'll be an old man stuck out in the blue."
Then away the fairy flew
she had things, she had to do.

Dr. Heckle gleamed with pride
Feeling young, strong and revived.
He went off dancing along the drive.

He came upon a pub that was filled with cheer.
Thought he'd go in and have a beer.
Soon he was chatting with a lovely dear.

Her big eyes and robust smile
Dr. Heckle charmed her for awhile.
With his new appearance and his strong style.
Till the empty glasses were in a towering pile.

"By the way, my names Mr. Pride."
Dr. Heckle blurt his age he did hide.
The lovely lady
moved close to his side.

"Want to go to my place?"
She asked with a grin.
They started walking
she was tall and thin.

When they got to her house
she took off her clothes.
Soon Dr. Heckles manhood rose.

The two began kissing
in the bedroom with passion.
Dr. Heckle fucked her
as she was thrashing.

Their orgasims were many
as time slipped away.
Dr. Heckle was enjoying his day.

The clock rang out that it was two.
Dr. Heckle's head jerked up
what was he to do?

Then came the scream
from his new queen
Dr. Heckle thought his old self had been seen.

But as he turned
he saw his new love grow old.
Then his body grew chilly and cold.

He began to hobble
as he tried to run away.
The old woman smiled
and said, "Stay."

"We must have had
the same Halloween treat."
The woman said.
"The fairy must have known
that we would meet."

Dr. Heckle crawled back in bed
the woman soon was giving him head.
Dr. Heckle no longer
wished he was dead.

Their aniversary is now Halloween
Dr. Heckle and his new queen.
Mrs. Pride's favorite thing
Licking Mr. Prides trick or treat cream.
The Hollow

Get off your ass
and pursue your dream.
Make it your focus
your only thing.
Or it will be nothing more
than a mental image
of wishing.

Is it your dream
that drives you here?
on this huge Earthly sphere,
or are you on a break?
From you pursuit in life!
For wishing is done
while awake
or are you reading
while eating your cake?

Did you get side tracked
from your wanting desires?
Or is this where you want to be?
Sitting there...reading me?
This fuels your fires?

Funny as it may sound
this is where I can be found.
Reading poems and a tale or two
searching for
an inspirational muse.
A line of words
that'll lite my fuse.

I enjoy being moved by words,
certain feelings being stirred.
So what really has accured
is that you have a dream,
But your on a different
path, for now it seems?

Then found yourself
reading these words.
So since you took the time
to read my poems lines.
Let me see if I can move you.
Please don't think me crude.

But ...Get off your ass
and pursue your dream.
Make it your focus
your only thing.
Or it will be nothing more
than a mental image
of wishing.
The Hollow

Brisk wind
that blows through
leafless brances
in The Hollow, howl
a mornful cry.
While dark clouds roll
across sunless sky.
I peer with squinted eyes.

Rustling leaves sound
through wilderness
As my Pony snorts
from uneasyness.
His hot breath steamed
in the cold air.
My collar half covered
my frost nipped ears.

I heard the thunder
not of this Earth
I felt useless
of little worth.
With wide eyes
I peered through trees
The saddle rubbed
my shaking knees.

A loud drumming
pounded turf
energetic sound
of a fast paced heart
Appeared a black steed
in distant mist
I tried to turn my pony
but it rared and hissed.

I fell to the ground
with a heavy thud
sitting in wet
knee deep mud.
My pony bolted
in a frieghtened flee.
While the black steed
beared down on me.

It's neck outreached
with wild waving mane
The rider was driving
as if insane
A thrash of it's whip
while kicking the flank
Vigorously shaking
at the bit and the shank.

Cape whipping
with 'snap'ing sounds
as the fabric
'crack'ed out loud.
This dark image
that grew closer
As I reached
for my holster.

I found it empty
and fear struck me
I searched through the mud
that was gritty and yucky.
A bellowing roar
came from the black steed
as it leaped
and rose above me.

Leather streatched girth
screached under stress
As the horse sailed
then it's hooves rest.
An explosive sound came
as it touched down
Then the rider wheel'd
the Horse to turn around.

My fingers pinched
through the wet earth.
To find my pistol
rapidly they searched
Then they clutched
the hardened steel
Raising it till
the trigger I could feel.

Up before me
I pointed the gun
as the steed
was back to a run.
It's shoulder clipped me
trying to run me down.
Fire from the barrel
rang out a sound.

I shot the rider
dead in the chest
I saw the destruction
of part of it's vest.
As I fell
back in the mud.
Splashed and crashed
with a mighty thud.

I looked up
and saw my pursuer
and I swear
no words are truer
this horse's rider
had no head
I knew it must be
the living dead.

The horse was wild eye'd
of foam and lather
Black as night
fifteen hands or better.
Ridden by
a ghostly sight
there in the Hollow
on Halloween night.

The Rider was caped
up to it's collar
Even without a head
it screamed and hollared,
"Let no man dare
to cross the Hollow,
You must leave
and do not follow."

Then spun the Black steed
and galloped away.
I was spared
to tell of this day.
Needless to say
I did not follow
The Headless Horseman
down in The Hollow.
Cindy's Scare Crow

Down the rows
in a field of corn
Cindy can be found
practicing porn

It's her dream
to be a porn queen
so she acts out
her favorite scene.

With no man around
Cindy has found
the scare crow won't
let her down.

Raising her hand
to her forehead
Cindy dramaticly
begins to beg.

"Fuck me scare crow
and fuck me hard.
You know what I want
to be a porn star."

She unbuttoned her blouse
slow and sensual
Licking her lips
at the scare crows potential

Cupping her breast
she nipped at her nipples
Then let the blouse
fall sexually simple

She brushed back her pigtails
and curled a farm girl smile.
Cindy's shorts fell
now the clothes were in a pile

Naked she strolled
towards the stacked man
With her strap-on
in her hand.

She fastened it to
the still scare crow
shaking the penis
as if it would grow.

Then wrapped her arms
around the straw man
Hiked a leg
and soon began humping.

"Oh Yes,"
she blurted out
Then kissed him
as if he had a mouth.

Driving thrusts
she pumped at it
Her strange lover
that had a nice fit.

"Fuck me scare crow,
fuck me hard."
Cindy screamed
reading her script card.

Pulling straw
in feverish grasps
she pretended
he had a nice ass.

Jerking and thrashing
at the scare crows post.
She pressed harder
to get the most.

Then she quiverd
and started to cum.
Down her leg
her juices run.

Hugging scare crow
with a death grip
cindy's hand
reached to her slit.

Savoring her flavor
then offered him some.
Cindy smiled
tasteing her cum.

She took the strap-on
and back to her clothes
then said to him
as she arose.

"Tomorrow I'll
put you back together,
and maybe we
will play with a feather."

Then she snickered
and blew him a kiss.
as she began
to get dressed.

She walked to the house
down the corn's row
thinking about her lover
The Scare Crow.
Re: Cindy's Scare Crow

My Erotic Tale said:
Down the rows
in a field of corn
Cindy can be found
practicing porn

It's her dream
to be a porn queen
so she acts out
her favorite scene.

With no man around
Cindy has found
the scare crow won't
let her down.

Raising her hand
to her forehead
Cindy dramaticly
begins to beg.

"Fuck me scare crow
and fuck me hard.
You know what I want
to be a porn star."

She unbuttoned her blouse
slow and sensual
Licking her lips
at the scare crows potential

Cupping her breast
she nipped at her nipples
Then let the blouse
fall sexually simple

She brushed back her pigtails
and curled a farm girl smile.
Cindy's shorts fell
now the clothes were in a pile

Naked she strolled
towards the stacked man
With her strap-on
in her hand.

She fastened it to
the still scare crow
shaking the penis
as if it would grow.

Then wrapped her arms
around the straw man
Hiked a leg
and soon began humping.

"Oh Yes,"
she blurted out
Then kissed him
as if he had a mouth.

Driving thrusts
she pumped at it
Her strange lover
that had a nice fit.

"Fuck me scare crow,
fuck me hard."
Cindy screamed
reading her script card.

Pulling straw
in feverish grasps
she pretended
he had a nice ass.

Jerking and thrashing
at the scare crows post.
She pressed harder
to get the most.

Then she quiverd
and started to cum.
Down her leg
her juices run.

Hugging scare crow
with a death grip
cindy's hand
reached to her slit.

Savoring her flavor
then offered him some.
Cindy smiled
tasteing her cum.

She took the strap-on
and back to her clothes
then said to him
as she arose.

"Tomorrow I'll
put you back together,
and maybe we
will play with a feather."

Then she snickered
and blew him a kiss.
as she began
to get dressed.

She walked to the house
down the corn's row
thinking about her lover
The Scare Crow.

Lol hun only you could come up with this one ;)
The Trolls

I was just strolling along, whisteling a lil' song.
When all of a sudden I was hit, with a 'One Bomb'

I looked about to see, who this could be
but they were well hidden, while I had been smitten'

The rumors roared around, this literary town
that Trolls could be found, doing the dirty down.

"Trolls?" I asked, a bit curiously
"They bomb ya, and then they leave?"

I had heard of ghost and gobblins, leprichauns too,
Gremlins and some gargoyles, but trolls were something new!

Seems Trolls are more selective, of whom they will abuse
"Better not say nothing, or you will lite their fuse."

Of Faults I may have many, but one that I endear
Is that I live my life, with out the feeling fear.

Monsterous Trolls with long talons, red eyes that glow?
Are they half a man or woman, who really knows?

Then I felt another, 'One Bomb' come in.
Like mischievious children, I shook my head and grin.

They're lower than the hind end, of a hyena
they scurry under rocks, to be hiding from Ya'

Waiting and watching, for their next victim
Never do they worry, that you might catch'em

Cause from they're smaller bodies, comes a smaller brain
Obviously they're actions, shows that they're insane.

Like the rats in New York, you could never drive them out
It does no good at all, to just sit and pout.

So I devised an armor, immunity you might say
To the 'One Bomb' Bombers, crazy crazy ways.

I removed ambition, it is the Shaolin way
Not to be bothered, by what people say.

Adhear to my Vow, to help troubled souls
To except these gouls, know only as ...The Trolls.
Another SCAREY poem!

I know what you did last summer!
When you killed 'Ole Eli'
Ran over him at the coulvert
and really watched him fly.
You wanted an erection
from someone who was dead.
You didn't want to go to prison
and sleep in some dykes bed.

Then came along Freddy
his shirt was blood soaked red.
He had really long fingers
that you wanted instead.
You fucked his frightful face
Then poked him in the rear
You woke up from dreaming
and washed it away with beer.

I knew that you were kinky
when you said you liked Jason's mask.
You set out to screw him
I know this was your task.
You just had to know
what was underneath his robe.
I heard that you found out
down by Devils Cove.

Most people fear the day
Friday the Thirtenth rolls around
But not you, you wicked woman
if you miss one you will frown.
Shiney steel in the moonlight
seems to turn you on
Let a man show you his sickle
and I know that you'll be gone.

So I'm leaving you this note
so that you will find it and see
I'm leaving you you Bitch
wiping tears with my sleeve.
I found another woman
who SCARES me as much as you.
Her name is Elvira
Mistress of you know who!
The Bride of Franken-weeny

In a damp, dark dungeon
feverishly works Franken-weeney
To revive his dead wife
who was known as a meanie.

On a table she was covered
with a blood soaked sheet
Outside was lightening and thunder
the rain had turned to sleet.

Dials, knobs and selectors
strung along one wall
then there was his computer
it was at least eight feet tall.

He pulled on a lever
and opened up his roof
then took a shot of whiskey
made of 90 proof

Then he raised his rod
high above the house
then he went beside
his lifeless spouse

Fingers ran across a key-board
to start his experiment
in case things went wrong
an e-mail was sent.

Then the lightening struck
Franken-weeney's rod
Electricity was sent
down to a large pod.

He rapidly selected
turned and dialed the knobs.
pushed and pulled at levers
that work the thingy-kabob.

Then Franken-weeney
went to his Bride
Pulled back the sheets
in hopes she'd come alive.

Jolts went through her body
She thrashed and lashed out.
then when she settled
Her tongue come out her mouth

Licking her lips
that were parched and dry
slowly she began
to open up her eyes

Franken-weeney smiled
like a proud Groom
as his bride looked
all about the room.

"Why am I alive?"
asked his sleepy bride
"Because my dear..."
Franken-weeney replied.

"You fell over dead
at our wedding about noon.
We haven't had
yet our Honeymoon."
I am a Horny Devil

Just because I like to spank
or my cock that I yank
You call me a Horny Devil?

Just because I've looked at porn
you narrow your eyes and scorn
and call me a Horny Devil?

Well just remember this my dear
you get horny when you drink beer
then who's the Horny Devil?

Do you recall the pool table balls
and the things we did along the wall?
We were definetly Horny Devils.

I can't help that I get turned on
by the sight of a woman in a thong.
I turn into a Horny Devil

Something is to be said
about a woman in red
is she a Horny Devil?

Watching you suck my cock
Your in that lingerie that I bought
I'm a Happy Horny Devil

I have a cock that likes to rise
I guess I proclaim my demise
I am a Horny Devil
Can I move you with just my words?

Just becasue I say..."Get out of my way."
That doesn't mean you will obey.
Of course I could say "please."
and you'll move with a slow tease.

I could say, "I love you."
You would wonder, "Does this guy mean me?"
The brain would search for answers
You wouldn't be moved, "Know what I mean?"

I could yell out, "Fire." Then you'd look about
Realize I'm Lieing then you'd probably pout.
Even if there was flames all about our heads
it wouldn't be me that moved you with what I said.

But if I praised you for Literature that you've done.
The words you put together and by you they were strung.
Across your face, a smile would slightly rise
what I meant was to move you down between your thighs.

Things like sultry summers with a woman of wild desires
Grasping and gripping as she bounced higher
driving her wet pussy upon a hardened cock
Breast rapidly slapping as she rides on top.

Till her juices flow and the sloshing sounds are heard
Then she slowly settles as he knows what just acured
She slides down to him and gently pulls his dick
then she engulfs him and gives him long wet licks

Fingers wrapped around his stiff hot rod
she continues to bob on his monsterous knob
slurping and sipping her tongue makes wet sounds
His fingers search and fondle till her clit is finally found

He moans out in pleasure as he starts to cum
down her tender fingers his sperm slowly runs
Lapping up his flavor she relishes in his taste
she didn't let any protein go to waste.

And if I haven't moved you in any certain way
I still want to bid you a nice and pleasant day
Now click the exit, this page disapears, into a blur
Can I move you...with just my words?
Riverside Tx

Radiant colors
grace the sky
by the river
that ribbons
around the bend.
Mezmerizeing water
in hypnotic stare
by wilderness
by sandy shore
The stumps are
monumental timbers
reaching from it's depths
like hands to the heavens
caressed for now
by the rivers edge.
Quinching thirst
are deer and fawn
where they belong
as bird songs fill the air.
Touched by
a lite breeze
that toys
at loose leaves.
Coon and nutra
scamper about
squirrel and dog.
Pelicans that fly
in circles
slight stinch
of watery bog
mixed with
This is where
I reside
along the
River's side.
Bambi's Tears

Rolling rubber
and Country Road
thru thicket
and wilderness
with new beginnings
at every bend.

Pointing fingers
smiling eyes
and throttle release.
Jerking head glances
natures majestic beauty
oh so deer.

Long perked ears
and poka-dots
attentive and cautious
as the car stops
fawn motionless
still as wood
till white tail
like a flag

Sqeaking door
with helpfull intent
for youth
energeticly not
feet carry closer
leather boots
to an alert ear's

Watery eyes
sniffling nose
of a fawn
slightly spooked
but glued
next to it's mother
that was down
down a country road.
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Karate's Might

With Serpent speed
The Dragon fires

With Tigers Claw
The grip of Death

With Leapords leap
the stance of a cat

With Grace of a Crane
Evasive flight

With an opponent that learned
Karate's might!

Sultry silkin fabric
caress smooth skin

Inticing alluring adornment
visually tantalize desires

Stimulate suggestions
with provocative frill

against bare flesh
electrified sensual feel

weapon of seduction
or spice for the meat

Lingerie is a
visual treat!
Shaking My Fist at Heaven~

...kicking dirt into Hell~
by Art

My heart thundered and cracked
like the seals of armagedon
I went off half cocked and storming
after laying the telephone down

I was Paramount at Mt Olympia
throwing stones at Zeus
taunting him to throw his thunder bolts
for life had already given me a jolt.

In the valley of the shadow of death
I rang the bell to Hell
come out you devil if you dare
I'll put your fire out
with my cold heart's blank stare

I marched up the steps of the stairway to heaven
beat my fist bloody at the pearly gates
challenged Michael, god's warrior Angel
to do battle with me today
for I'm frustrated in the worst way

I have a few stripes on a belt of black
but today I lost my passive way
looking for vengence not justice
my mind was merely bliss

I pulled the tail of the tiger
and at the dragon I hissed
for I've never been a man of fear
but today, they lost someone
that I will never hear

I tossed a bible at Budda
with his one finger raised up high
I gave him the finger in return
as I started to cry

Ala and I
don't see eye to eye
in fact he needs to clean up his act
or on his back he needs to strap
some bombs and be blown away

Shaking my fist at the Heavens
while kicking dirt into hell
I challenged who ever
rules this worldly sphere
as down my cheek ran a tear

my anger raged and emotions high
for my heart was heavy and torn
wanting to know who gave the order
for the Grim take a New Born
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an Escutcheon smile

Dimpled smile
shrouds emotions
like tranquil waters
smooth as glass
mirrors blue sky
hiding deep blues

depths of the soul
high as a ceiling fan
swirls the mind
out of reach
blowing thoughts
chilling cold

Doors open
with tender hand
hidden motives
covered sincerly
by shielded heart
an Escutcheon smile
oblong poem

neonurotic lights
Wickedeve smile
she was a terrible Liar~

annaswirls across the sheets
I was tonguetied
get some of that

"Uncle Pervey"
she patted the bed seductively
I heard echoes_s
It was twelveoone
Drinking Champagne 1982
and Chilledvodka

There was crumbs in the bed
we had robbed the

I put my BlackTulips
to hers and Tristesse
and teased Lildarlin

just a hippiedude
and her at the hotel
maria2394 street

Boomerengue our position
watching dennis hale
on pay perview
about being templeminded

Raindear prints on pillow cases
SoundsErotica ?
with Cremebruel

You ain't seen nothing yet...
she said...
rolled me over for more!

Honey123 we went again

"Wait till Angeline
hears about this"
the night I had to bamagirl
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enigma cost

Seductively poised
with a red dress and cigarette
I pulled up with a turtle neck

When she said
it will be 'grand'
I didn't understand

she uncrossed her legs
No Pool No Pets
in the Motel we sat

Luscious lips
and driving hips
loves moisture sipped

I was spent
to say the least, I tease
when she said
the money please

She gave me
the enigma squeeze
my empty wallet
went between her knees

I felt like a million bucks
it didn't cost me a grand
smiling man
enigma cost~
enter the dragon

Flying Cranes grace spackled wall
snake strung paper lights glow

Bamboo curtain shields monkey chatter
appears a dove in search of loves lather

silken skin of emerald garnish
alluring slit serpents up thighs

chinesse eyes seductively grin
lotus lips tastey invite

long black hair brushing hips
mantis touch fires desires

submissive pleasures
china pearl treasures

Bonsai bed in a garden of stone
temple of lust skills are honed

nipples perched on breasts of gold
tiger purs pawing tail bold

feverish feast of the stabbing
Enters the Dragon