Chasin' Chickens

we develope a shade
or color
in our stretched growth

when we write
we express our hue

we may never know
the color we own
that others see
the man
is a few marbles shy of a full sack!

although the alternative may be;
he displays enough intelligence
that it would appear that he has in fact
has more marbles than his cranium
colored pouch will allow

so leave the man alone
while he plays with his marbles
The sun and the moon
solid and strong
over a man
singing a song
to keep the storys
living on

The clouds come and go
white and then grey
over a man
writing of his day
to keep the songs
above the clay

Tall timber slats made
a plane for the play
under a man
with acoustic say
to keep the words
of ancient praise
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Scarlet's Web I

The drizzle glistened in a million diamonds
that spalshed along the street
washing the world, a sinful city
that cares not of hearts that bleed

she wore deep red in a shallow cut
mini skirt and halter smut
long high heels that killed her feet
under an over hang she rubbed her foot

her long fingers wrapped around a pole
long hard steel support
replacing her shoe and let out a sigh
she felt a few dollars short

A car pulled up and the window went down
on the corner of a dirty town
umbrella in hand
seductive walk to his words sound

"I am looking for a little romance,"
"You have come to the right place."
Scarlet climbed in
and away the sports car raced
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With love blossoming in the season. I came across this in my morning reads and thought that I would share yet another great poet with you Art. They are the best teachers of all.

Bright Star, Would I Were Steadfast as Thou Art

Bright star, would I were steadfast as thou art—
Not in lone splendour hung aloft the night,
And watching, with eternal lids apart,
Like nature's patient sleepless eremite,
The moving waters at their priestlike task
Of pure ablution round earth's human shores,
Or gazing on the new soft-fallen mask
Of snow upon the mountains and the moors;
No—yet still steadfast, still unchangeable,
Pillow'd upon my fair love's ripening breast,
To feel for ever its soft fall and swell,
Awake for ever in a sweet unrest,
Still, still to hear her tender-taken breath,
And so live ever—or else swoon to death.

~ John Keats
quasar said:
With love blossoming in the season. I came across this in my morning reads and thought that I would share yet another great poet with you Art. They are the best teachers of all.

Bright Star, Would I Were Steadfast as Thou Art

Bright star, would I were steadfast as thou art—
Not in lone splendour hung aloft the night,
And watching, with eternal lids apart,
Like nature's patient sleepless eremite,
The moving waters at their priestlike task
Of pure ablution round earth's human shores,
Or gazing on the new soft-fallen mask
Of snow upon the mountains and the moors;
No—yet still steadfast, still unchangeable,
Pillow'd upon my fair love's ripening breast,
To feel for ever its soft fall and swell,
Awake for ever in a sweet unrest,
Still, still to hear her tender-taken breath,
And so live ever—or else swoon to death.

~ John Keats

oh, getting ready for Valentines?
Scarlet's Web Part I

Diamonds glisten in a million droplets
a sultry shower dances on the street
washing the world of a sinful city
that cares not of hearts that bleed

Scarlet wore deep red in a low cut
wild hair, mini skirt and halter smut
long high heels that killed her feet
under an over hang she rubs her foot

her long fingers wrapped around a pole
long hard steel supporting sensual sways
replacing her shoe and let out a sigh
she felt a few dollars short in many ways

A car arrives and the window went down
at the intersection of shame and lust
umbrella in hand under enlightened lamps
seductive walk across a wet wind's gust

"I am looking for a little romance,"
He bellowed with a big honest smile
"You have come to the right place."
Scarlet replied in a tantalizing style

She opened the door crawled inside
"Money in hand and your my man,"
Scarlet said as she had for so very long
seeing his green wallet, the car door slams.

She reaches for his trousers as he sped away
feeling for his passion to arise and want to play
zipper steel slides as lips mold and form
driver jams a gear while wiggling his pants away

luscious lips and long lapping tongue glides
another tastes the jaws of Scarlet's pride
long fingers wrapped in piston jerking strides
another payment made for Scarlet's carpet ride
My Erotic Trail said:
Scarlet's Web Part I

Diamonds glisten in a million droplets
a sultry shower dances on the street
washing the world of a sinful city
that cares not of hearts that bleed

Scarlet wore deep red in a low cut
wild hair, mini skirt and halter smut
long high heels that killed her feet
under an over hang she rubs her foot

her long fingers wrapped around a pole
long hard steel supporting sensual sways
replacing her shoe and let out a sigh
she felt a few dollars short in many ways

A car arrives and the window went down
at the intersection of shame and lust
umbrella in hand under enlightened lamps
seductive walk across a wet wind's gust

"I am looking for a little romance,"
He bellowed with a big honest smile
"You have come to the right place."
Scarlet replied in a tantalizing style

She opened the door crawled inside
"Money in hand and your my man,"
Scarlet said as she had for so very long
seeing his green wallet, the car door slams.

She reaches for his trousers as he sped away
feeling for his passion to arise and want to play
zipper steel slides as lips mold and form
driver jams a gear while wiggling his pants away

luscious lips and long lapping tongue glides
another tastes the jaws of Scarlet's pride
long fingers wrapped in piston jerking strides
another payment made for a Scarlet ride

Scarlet's Web Part II

Brake lights disolve as the car sped away
Scarlet on the curb in sultry summer rain
Umbrella opens wide as a shield from the wet
looking for another customer she hasn't met

She walked along the sidewalk in a seductive way
from one spot light untill the next night bright ray
shadows snored echoes of the rain's lone song
Scarlet felt a hand and knew something was wrong

It pulled her backwards and slung her in the air
crashing into crates, trash cans and boxes in pairs
Two hands grabbed her and tore at her purse
extracted her bills and tossed it in the wet dirt

away walked a shadow with a cross for an earring
"Stop! Please stop," Scarlet yelled, begged and plead
her tears mixed with rain as mascare run in trails
she began crying and rising as she noticed a broken nail

She addressed her skirt and picked up her purse
finger brushed her hair and figured it could be worse
she walked to the road like a cat to the water's edge
no one was there so she started walking with fear

a bright red car pulled up and honked its short horn
"Hey baby, you working?" A man asked with a tigers roar
Scarlet replied, "Money in hand and your my man."
The door opened and Scarlet was working once again
Scarlet's Web Part I

Diamonds glisten in a million droplets
a sultry shower dances on the street
washing the world of a sinful city
that cares not of hearts that bleed

Scarlet wore deep red in a low cut
wild hair, mini skirt and halter smut
long high heels that killed her feet
under an over hang she rubs her foot

her long fingers wrapped around a pole
long hard steel supporting sensual sways
replacing her shoe and let out a sigh
she felt a few dollars short in many ways

A car arrives and the window went down
at the intersection of shame and lust
umbrella in hand under enlightened lamps
seductive walk across a wet wind's gust

"I am looking for a little romance,"
He bellowed with a big honest smile
"You have come to the right place."
Scarlet replied in a tantalizing style

She opened the door crawled inside
"Money in hand and your my man,"
Scarlet said as she had for so very long
seeing his green wallet, the car door slams.

She reaches for his trousers as he sped away
feeling for his passion to arise and want to play
zipper steel slides as lips mold and form
driver jams a gear while wiggling his pants away

luscious lips and long lapping tongue glides
another tastes the jaws of Scarlet's pride
long fingers wrapped in piston jerking strides
another payment made for a Scarlet ride

My Erotic Trail said:
Scarlet's Web Part II

Brake lights disolve as the car sped away
Scarlet on the curb in sultry summer rain
Umbrella opens wide as a shield from the wet
looking for another customer she hasn't met

She walked along the sidewalk in a seductive way
from one spot light untill the next night bright ray
shadows snored echoes of the rain's lone song
Scarlet felt a hand and knew something was wrong

It pulled her backwards and slung her in the air
crashing into crates, trash cans and boxes in pairs
Two hands grabbed her and tore at her purse
extracted her bills and tossed it in the wet dirt

away walked a shadow with a cross for an earring
"Stop! Please stop," Scarlet yelled, begged and plead
her tears mixed with rain as mascare run in trails
she began crying and rising as she noticed a broken nail

She addressed her skirt and picked up her purse
finger brushed her hair and figured it could be worse
she walked to the road like a cat to the water's edge
no one was there so she started walking with fear

a bright red car pulled up and honked its short horn
"Hey baby, you working?" A man asked with a tigers roar
Scarlet replied, "Money in hand and your my man."
The door opened and Scarlet was working once again

Scarlet's Web Part III

Misty vented air trailed in slivers from the dash
Scarlet was straddled in a new customer's lap
she rocked with her back against the steering wheel
weaving a car in park while kicking off her high heels

His hands held her waist with a tight grip grasp
colliding flesh pressed as hips ground and mashed

to be cont....
Scarlet's Web Part III

Misty vented air trailed in slivers from the dash
Scarlet was straddled in a new customer's lap
she rocked with her back against the steering wheel
weaving a car in park while kicking off her high heels

His hands held her waist with a tight grip grasp
colliding flesh pressed as hips ground and mashed
stick shift cocked as bucket seats recline
Scarlet was riding for more than nickles or dimes

Heated kisses with gasping breath exchanged
driving her body upon him caught up in the game
His handsome grin fueled her eratic rythme
she felt fluids explode from the ride she was giving

The car door jerked open and a hand reached in
grabbed Scarlet by the hair and pulled her dragging
"Fucking bitch, where's my money?" A man refrain
as he drug her half naked from the car into the rain

"I want my money!" the man yelled again only louder
as the car drove off and chivilry left in screeching tires
"My purse," Scarlet screamed as the car disappeared
sitting on the wet concrete at this man she peered.

"Damn it Mac, My purse with all my money was in that car."
Scarlet said angry, she stood and fixed her clothes for war
"I want my money, bitch," He said while feeling her pockets
Scarlets heart sank as she pulled from her neck a locket.
My Erotic Trail said:
Scarlet's Web Part III

Misty vented air trailed in slivers from the dash
Scarlet was straddled in a new customer's lap
she rocked with her back against the steering wheel
weaving a car in park while kicking off her high heels

His hands held her waist with a tight grip grasp
colliding flesh pressed as hips ground and mashed
stick shift cocked as bucket seats recline
Scarlet was riding for more than nickles or dimes

Heated kisses with gasping breath exchanged
driving her body upon him caught up in the game
His handsome grin fueled her eratic rythme
she felt fluids explode from the ride she was giving

The car door jerked open and a hand reached in
grabbed Scarlet by the hair and pulled her dragging
"Fucking bitch, where's my money?" A man refrain
as he drug her half naked from the car into the rain

"I want my money!" the man yelled again only louder
as the car drove off and chivilry left in screeching tires
"My purse," Scarlet screamed as the car disappeared
sitting on the wet concrete at this man she peered.

"Damn it Mac, My purse with all my money was in that car."
Scarlet said angry, she stood and fixed her clothes for war
"I want my money, bitch," He said while feeling her pockets
Scarlets heart sank as she pulled from her neck a locket.

Scarlet's Web Part IV

The night reeked of drowned perfume and wet dirty streets
Tears were mistaken for rain that had left a black streak
Mac became more impatient and huffed his emotions aloud
Scarlet hung tightly to her charm as if chanting a vow

A car pulled up and the window went down, "Scarlet!"
a familiar customer happened by, by chance or luck
Mac didn't say a word but bowed up his chest proudly
"Money in my hand and your my man," Scarlet said loudly

She turned on the sexy charm like a flashing neon light
strolled to the car in a high heel stepping sensual flight
as she neared the window she pointed at Mac behind her
"Pay him and I'll just slide into the seat as a passenger."

As Scarlet closed the car door the man payed Mac
"This 'just' buys you more time," Mac yelled at Scarlet
The driver rolled up his window and asked, "Which way?"
She point forward, the gentleman drove on into the rain

"What'll it be to make you happy," Scarlet said sensually
"There's a motel just up ahead," the man said grinning
The car took a hard right and pulled into a flea bag dive
Quick as a wink, key in hand, he was ready for a scarlet ride

Heated kisses met at the door as it opened to a dark room
grasping for one another as desires grew, ready to bloom.
"I'm going to freashen up lover keep the motor running,"
Scarlet went to the bathroom and left his passion burning.
My Erotic Trail said:
Scarlet's Web Part IV

The night reeked of drowned perfume and wet dirty streets
Tears were mistaken for rain that had left black streaks.
Mac became more impatient and huffed his emotions aloud.
Scarlet hung tightly to her charm as if chanting a vow.

A car pulled up and the window went down, "Scarlet!"
A familiar customer happened by, by chance or luck.
Mac didn't say a word but bowed up his chest proudly.
"Money in my hand and your my man," Scarlet said loudly.

She turned on the sexy charm like a flashing neon light
strolled to the car in a high heel stepping sensual flight.
As she neared the window she pointed at Mac behind her,
"Pay him and I'll just slide into the seat as a passenger."

As Scarlet closed the car door the man gave a Ben to Mac.
"This 'just' buys you more time," Mac yelled at Scarlet.
The driver rolled up his window and asked, "Which way?"
She pointed forward, the man drove on into the rain.

"What'll it be to make you happy," Scarlet said sensually.
"There's a motel just up ahead," the man said grinning.
The car took a hard right and pulled into a flea bag dive.
Quick as a wink, key in hand, he was ready for a scarlet ride

Heated kisses met at the door as it opened to a dark room
grasping for one another as desires grew, ready to bloom.
"I'm going to freashen up lover keep the motor running,"
Scarlet went to the bathroom and left his passion burning.

Scarlet's Web Part V

Spackled walls and cracks like aged vines stretching
Musty scent of air freshener and pine sol to drown the stench.
A man lay on the bed ready for a marathon of love.
Scarlet emerged from the bathroom bare as a dove.

She walked to the bed like a model on a run way.
Sat next to the man and began spider finger fumbling.
He pulled Scarlet closer and kissed her red lips wildly
She was submissive and returned his kisses shyly.
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My Erotic Trail said:
Scarlet's Web Part V

Spackled walls and cracks like aged vines stretching
Musty scent of air freshener and pine sol to drown the stench.
A man lay on the bed ready for a marathon of love.
Scarlet emerged from the bathroom bare as a dove.

She walked to the bed like a model on a run way.
Sat next to the man and began spider finger fumbling.
He pulled Scarlet closer and kissed her red lips wildly
She was submissive and returned his kisses shyly.

His hand graspped her breast and molded to its shape
he layed her down and kissed her nipple, neck then nape.
Crawling over her with heated breath and eager muscles
His squeezing hand and pressing body was rather hustled.
Scarlet's Web Part V

Spackled walls and cracks like aged vines stretching
Musty scent of air freshener and pine sol to drown the stench.
A man lay on the bed ready for a marathon of love.
Scarlet emerged from the bathroom bare as a dove.

She walked to the bed like a model on a run way.
Sat next to the man and began spider finger fumbling.
He pulled Scarlet closer and kissed her red lips wildly
She was submissive and returned his kisses shyly.

His hand grasped her breast and molded to its shape
he layed her down and kissed her nipple, neck then nape.
Crawling over her with heated breath and eager muscles
His squeezing hand and pressing body was rather hustled.

Hastily he over took Scarlet with a tight grips thrust
driving himself into her in feverish strides that seemed rushed.
She moaned strained of his tight hands grip and pressing
filling her fully with every inch of his passion's lust spilling.

Biting her neck and twisting her nipples excited in the moment.
Flowing from quivering muscles and tight grips release, spent.
"That was great," he said as he rolled off of Scarlet
She lay in silence releaved it was over and wanted rest.

"I have to go. The rooms paid till tomorrow, thanks."
He got dressed, kissed her and gave her ass a spank.
Out the Motel door he went as fast as he had cum.
Scarlet wrapped up in the sheet, glad that he was done.
My Erotic Trail said:
Scarlet's Web Part V

Spackled walls, plaster and cracks like vines stretching
Air freshener and pine sol to drown out the musty stench.
A man lay on the bed ready for a marathon of love.
Scarlet emerged from the bathroom bare as a dove.

She walked to the bed like a model on a run way.
Sat next to the man and began spider finger fumbling.
He pulled Scarlet closer and kissed her red lips wildly
She was submissive and returned his kisses shyly.

His hand grasped her breast and molded to its shape
he layed her down and kissed her nipple, neck, then nape.
Crawling over her with heated breath and eager muscles
His squeezing hand and pressing body was rather hustled.

Hastily he over took Scarlet with a tight grips thrust
driving himself into her in feverish strides that seemed rushed.
She moaned strained from his tight hands grasp and pressing
filling her fully with every inch of his passion's lust spilling.

Biting her neck and twisting her nipple excited in the moment.
Flowing from quivering muscles as he went limp, spent.
"That was great," he said as he rolled off of Scarlet
She was releaved it was over, covering her breast.

"I have to go. The rooms paid till tomorrow, thanks."
He got dressed, kissed her and gave her ass a spank.
Out the Motel door he went as fast as he had cum.
Scarlet wrapped up in the sheet, glad he was gone.

Scarlet's Web Part VI

A sun beam trickled through a weaving curtain
the air conditioner was blowing cold air for certain.
Scarlet awoke and stretched into her new day.
She went to the bathroom for a make over parade.
Scarlet's Web Part VI

A sun beam trickled through a window spider web
air conditioner blowing cold air over the bed.
Scarlet awoke and stretched into her new day.
She went to the bathroom for a make over sharade.

Out the Motel door she's refreashed and revived
Scarlet walked the corridor in sensual strides.
A door blasted open in front of her blue eyes.
Two men were fighting in swinging fist drives.

Riveting knuckles flew to a head target demise.
hitting the ground and rolled away was the prize.
a lunch sack, dollar bills pouring from its mouth
Scarlet picked up the sack and started heading south
M &Ms
reeses pieces
bubble yum
candy cane
white chocolate
milky way
bon bons
cherry stick
3 musketeers

The Teacher's Apple

a mischievous grin places
an apple on the teacher's desk

slender hips sway
as chalk talks to the board
her fingers twirl unspoken lessons
rice white Blouse pulled slightly
exposing a strap, lap black

lost in the geometry
of her physical educated body
calculating the physics
in her biology
contemplating sex education
one on one

Johnny's Apple seed's need
reading St. Valentine's tale
Tom Saw-her and Fuck Sin
shake's spear; roam-your-o and jiggle-it
gone with the wind

stern eyes peer through spectacles
on naked knees and sockless shoes
behind her desk smiling
knowing that I moved her
with the teacher's apple
resurrecting hunger

she had more breasts than brains
and wore sexy like whip cream titties
her smile drew seduction
like breaths on a nape

every crevice as alluring as cleavage
visually magnetic romping round hips
tantalizing tongue lip licks
and flirty eyes

trading glances in secret thoughts
swaying back and forth non-shilant
a dance without movement
resurrecting hunger
When the Sailors stopped singing

Damn the mast is broken
and the anchor dragging
I hate when the sailors
sing a song in rhyme.

Their hearty tune
sung in unison
while dropping the sails
and repairing the spline.

Canons blast another round
at our ship that is sinking
'Return fire,' I yelled aloud
and the canons were firing

A crashing blow exploded
as the splinters sailed
and the ship sunk
when the sailors stopped singing
she holds my thoughts
soft as the glow

finger tips wrapped
around my soul

perched in seduction
romance blooms

a lady sits holding
the radiant moon

(for an illustrated poem)
Minute Poetry
The Minute Poem is rhyming verse form consisting of 12 lines of 60 syllables written in strict
iambic meter. The poem is formatted into 3 stanzas of 8,4,4,4; 8,4,4,4; 8,4,4,4 syllables.
The rhyme scheme is as follows: aabb, ccdd, eeff


They pressed into each other
holds shuddered
grasping madly

They hit the floor rolling
on top ruling
the other under
haste ushered

driving tight muscles to mesh
rough caress
limbs in flight
two men fight
The radio is playing a sad song
about a lost love
watching a rose petal fall
like a tear

the cat is in my lap
purring in content
wishing I was with you
purring like this

the wind howeled words
I thought it was you
you left this world
and the vines are now
high along the wall

"they need trimming"
you would say
I say let them live

the sky is pretty
but it is blue
pat the cat a time or two
glad the radio is playing a new tune

still sitting here
thinking of you
telling myself it is not a callased heart
but a cautious mind

sitting here
at the edge of an ocean of tears
wishing you were here
slapping the cliche from lips
I missed

your valentine kiss

yet the thoughts remain
the same
every song requested by you
and your cat is still purring

on another day
without you
my valentine