Chasin' Chickens

[Snap-Dragon; Part I

SnapDragon's bloom in a Geisha garden
Koi color a pool under a wooden bridge
Plush grass yeilds The Emporer, guarded
as SnapDragon kissed his lust's stiff ridge

Long slender fingers pull for his delight
milking his needs with a fan spread wide
Komono fallen and bare breasts in sight
wet fluids flow as her hand gently slides

She kissed his love and licked his muscle
tending to the job of releasing his tension
his final gasp of orgasmic pleasure tussels
Snap-Dragon smiles as the Emporer mention

In his delight and departure, tossing her yen
Snap-Dragon, a flower in the Geisha garden.

Snap Dragon Part II

The sun set low over the geisha garden
colors streaked across the sky in lure
a shadow darted across a shadow lawn,
SnapDragon sat before her vanity mirror

a scent before the shadow laid before her
an envelope with a wax seal from her village
snapdragon peered at him in the mirror
Ninjitsu shadow warrior's lust words spillage

"You must prevail at any cost. Understand?"
Snap Dragon nodded opening the envelope
Her orders; 'kill the Emporer as soon as you can.'
She looked into the mirror for a ray of hope

For a flower of beauty and lust became poison
Snap Dragon wrote the Emporer an invitation

SnapDragon part III

Guards bursted through the gate storming
followed by the Emporer walking abrubtly.
SnapDragon was waiting alone in the Garden
The Emporer approached with his lips smiling.

"When does a Geisha send for the Emporer?"
Snap Dragon bowed low and remained still.
He asked in a curious tone and drunken slur
SnapDragon part III

Guards bursted through the gate storming
followed by the Emporer walking abrubtly.
SnapDragon was waiting alone in the Garden
The Emporer approached smiling coruptly.

"When does a Geisha send for the Emporer?"
Snap Dragon bowed low and remained still.
He asked in a curious tone and drunken slur
Her komono fell softly and naked she kneeled

The Emporer stepped forward with a big grin
SnapDragon's fingers reached for his stiffness
she freed his passion into the nights slight wind
engulfed him fully within her mouth's wettness

Standing erect, the Emporer swayed with joy
She was working to engage her mission's ploy
My Erotic Trail said:
[Snap-Dragon; Part I

SnapDragon's bloom in a Geisha garden
Koi color a pool under a wooden bridge
Plush grass yeilds The Emporer, guarded
as SnapDragon kissed his lust's stiff ridge

Long slender fingers pull for his delight
milking his needs with a fan spread wide
Komono fallen and bare breasts in sight
wet fluids flow as her hand gently slides

She kissed his love and licked his muscle
tending to the job of releasing his tension
his final gasp of orgasmic pleasure tussels
Snap-Dragon smiles as the Emporer mention

In his delight and departure, tossing her yen
Snap-Dragon, a flower in the Geisha garden.


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SnapDragon Part IV

The moon was bright in a star filled sky
Shadows moaned with lust filled sounds

SnapDragon was knelt before the Emporer
losing my rhyme

I lose my rhyme
every time
I tell of how I lost
my virginity

She was older
I was younger
lost in sensual

night offers a feast
that fulfills lustful

when virgin lips
steal a steamy kiss
that taste like,
volcanically magic.

Losing restraint, following
her tongues volley
as our lips plunderingly
press against each other
in a passionate force
of glacial like gliding
sliding movements
across each other.

Fire works bursting
was only
my hearts vibrant pounding
in thunderous
rhythmic virginity,
the night I lost
my rhyme.
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My Erotic Trail said:
losing my rhyme

I lose my rhyme
every time
I tell of how I lost
my virginity

She was older
I was younger
lost in sensual

night offers a feast
that fulfills lustful

when virgin lips
steal a steamy kiss
that taste like,
volcanically magic.

Losing restraint, following
her tongues volley
as our lips plunderingly
press against each other
in a passionate force
of glacial like gliding
sliding movements
across each other.

Fire works bursting
was only
my hearts vibrant pounding
in thunderous
rhythmic virginity,
the night I lost
my rhyme.

thanks RF...
Don't imitate me

Don't imitate me;
it's as boring
as the two halves of a melon.

Translated by Robert Hass
Matsuo Basho
My Erotic Trail said:
My Erotic Trail said:
[Snap-Dragon; Part I

SnapDragon's bloom in a Geisha garden
Koi color a pool under a wooden bridge
Plush grass yeilds The Emporer, guarded
as SnapDragon kissed his lust's stiff ridge

Long slender fingers pull for his delight
milking his needs with a fan spread wide
Komono fallen and bare breasts in sight
wet fluids flow as her hand gently slides

She kissed his love and licked his muscle
tending to the job of releasing his tension
his final gasp of orgasmic pleasure tussels
Snap-Dragon smiles as the Emporer mention

In his delight and departure, tossing her yen
Snap-Dragon, a flower in the Geisha garden.

shooting it into the chute <grin
from rainbows
to deep dark holes
from the horizon
to the night time stars
from floating clouds
to blades of grass

I seek my friend
The Trail

Keys unlock
an opening door
escutcheon flicked
illumination awakes
a smile
a slipper

a blouse
ascending stairs
hose on the rail
another slipper
see a crack
in the door

the lair
candle lit
squeaky hinges
expose a rose
colored bra
and garter belt

across the sheets
ankles attached
to naked legs
to thighs

the end of...
the trail​
blind truth

two country boys
fishing for fun

jump a fence
racing to the pond
casting lines
and catching smiles

when they had more
than they could carry
they headed back
from which they came

the owner stood
by the fence
with dark sunglasses on

the boys saw him
and thought about
a quick escape

instead they shyly
went up to him
with a mountain
of apologies

offering their catch
to the man
who simply said

"No, you boys go ahead.
I was just enjoying
the warm sun."

His sunglasses
never moved
as the boys could see
...even Ray Charles
could see
that this man was

(working on it...ideas?)
shouldered sunshine
mason jar smile
reaching arms grasping air
darting into the day
with java fuel intake
snickered feet
and dashing thoughts awake
a new day
My Erotic Trail said:
blind truth

two country boys
fishing for fun

jump a fence
racing to the pond
casting lines
and catching smiles

when they had more
than they could carry
they headed back
from which they came

the owner stood
by the fence
with dark sunglasses on

the boys saw him
and thought about
a quick escape

instead they shyly
went up to him
with a mountain
of apologies

offering their catch
to the man
who simply said

"No, you boys go ahead.
I was just enjoying
the warm sun."

His sunglasses
never moved
as the boys could see
...even Ray Charles
could see
that this man was

(working on it...ideas?)

I see where this came from. great idea and flow. The last stanza needs a bita work. Do not know how, but that's where I think it needs it.Maybe approach it again from the mans * point of view* ?

RhymeFairy said:
I see where this came from. great idea and flow. The last stanza needs a bita work. Do not know how, but that's where I think it needs it.Maybe approach it again from the mans * point of view* ?


thanks Ryhme,

I know it needs work, I also agree the fianl stanza needs a more gripping ending. I don't know about telling it from the blind man's point of view, that would be... hard <grin but I am going to revise this, thanks for the ideas
My Erotic Trail said:
thanks Ryhme,

I know it needs work, I also agree the fianl stanza needs a more gripping ending. I don't know about telling it from the blind man's point of view, that would be... hard <grin but I am going to revise this, thanks for the ideas

I thought about this in bed last night, lol. Why not tell the blind mans
*view of the day as it progressed with the boys fishing and such. How he knew what they were doing by the his other senses. Like he heard the hook, hit the water. The boys laughter carried ... etc.
Climbing fences, skipping rocks. Just brought it all back to him and his childhood, maybe he also had a brother when he was smaller and shared these same things with ... maybe some memories.
Just a thought. Sorry I am chatting on.
Hugs and Happy writing, I love the beginning, make it happen !!!

RhymeFairy said:
I thought about this in bed last night, lol. Why not tell the blind mans
*view of the day as it progressed with the boys fishing and such. How he knew what they were doing by the his other senses. Like he heard the hook, hit the water. The boys laughter carried ... etc.
Climbing fences, skipping rocks. Just brought it all back to him and his childhood, maybe he also had a brother when he was smaller and shared these same things with ... maybe some memories.
Just a thought. Sorry I am chatting on.
Hugs and Happy writing, I love the beginning, make it happen !!!


wow...okay ...when you put it like that
I see what your saying
blind to sun shine
but not blind to its warmth

a hand reaches for a fence
like searching in the dark
in broad day light

hearing chidrens laughter
in a distant field
he leans against a post

"Oh no, the owner!"
kids scramble
grabbing fishing gear to flee

"He already saw us."
another said
both walk up
with bowed low heads

the kids walk up
to the blind man
for fishing on his land

blind smile grows
for wilds earth day challenge

a snow ball rolling down hill

Millions of years snow has fallen as have the rains
carving this earth and shaping its form rivers to become veins

feeding the world crystal clear liquids cities built upon its serenity
factorys progressed and sky scrapers rise the clouds of progress tricky

for now the ball rolls like a snow ball downhill eventually to melt into nothing
for if we stopped now it would be a hundred years then earth could survive safely.

but there is no stopping a snow ball that is rolling down the hill of the greedy
for they line their pockets in this life's here and now for our grandchildren will be weeping.

<rough form....first draft>
When hell freezes over

history repeats itself
cycled and come full circle
a water world
warmed by the sun
in the freezing vastness of space

grows warmer
as pollution wittles away
our ozone
melting the polar ice caps
and creating

tsunami, hurricanes
earth quakes and tornados
storms of massive destruction
that will reshape our world

when hell freezes over

there is no going backwards
once a ball is motion
tender turmoil

brings flesh alive
finger trails
with destinations
in mind

flooding the gates
of comprimise
and self control

pounding in unison
rapid driving force
tender turmoil
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"cut it off"
the man said
to his doctor

"I don't want a cock...
no more!"

"surgery can make
a man a woman."
Say the Doctor

"Perfect," the man replied
"now all I need...
is a lesbian lover."
The cherry picker

The cherry picker
grumbled along
picking cherries
one by one

big ones
little ones
red ones and

weaving its way
around the bark
a delicate maneuver
spreading limbs apart

some come willing
some come hard
some come easy
others do not

with its long shaft
it probed the bush
picking a cherry
with a gentle push