Chasin' Chickens

My Erotic Trail said:
what? a minor wreck? where? How?

by the way, I am chatting with Du Lac <BIGRIN

On the road ya silly nut ~!!! :rolleyes:

I was ... sandwiched, but not in a good way, Grr~ :devil:

I am fine, no worries. Promise. :D

Tell her Hello and send her big hugs from me, k ~
Also, tell her how much we miss her and want her back, soon ~!! :cathappy:

:rose: :rose:
RhymeFairy said:
On the road ya silly nut ~!!! :rolleyes:

I was ... sandwiched, but not in a good way, Grr~ :devil:

I am fine, no worries. Promise. :D

Tell her Hello and send her big hugs from me, k ~
Also, tell her how much we miss her and want her back, soon ~!! :cathappy:

:rose: :rose:

oh god... I gotta ask...

what kind of sandwich <grin...
my ventalation system?
i blow hot air
into her ear
about my day
then whisper
about a cool breeze
that'll soon be
between her knees
My Erotic Trail said:
oh god... I gotta ask...

what kind of sandwich <grin...

:p You are warped ya know, lol ... Maybe that's why I get you so well, lmao ~ :rolleyes:

I was stopped at a red light. A caddy came barreling down the hill. Hit my car. I had my foot on the break BUT that caddy hit me so hard I hit the car in front of me. Knocked it a car length away, no joke. Can you say whiplash ... Everyone was ok but my car and I received ALL the damage. No, my children were not in the car. Thank goodness. * whew *

Was no fun and I do not want a repeat performance ... :mad:

So how was your week? :devil:

RhymeFairy said:
:p You are warped ya know, lol ... Maybe that's why I get you so well, lmao ~ :rolleyes:

I was stopped at a red light. A caddy came barreling down the hill. Hit my car. I had my foot on the break BUT that caddy hit me so hard I hit the car in front of me. Knocked it a car length away, no joke. Can you say whiplash ... Everyone was ok but my car and I received ALL the damage. No, my children were not in the car. Thank goodness. * whew *

Was no fun and I do not want a repeat performance ... :mad:

So how was your week? :devil:


a caddy sandwich
if that is like a BLT
What would it be?

was there a lot of mayo...

I went into the jungle... seen a gator bigger than the boat and had a hawk fly by close enough I could have 'almost' touched it. Paddled fish out of the way while deer drank along the shoreline and ducks noisely quacked at me <grin not much of nothing except the moon looked like a mime in the sky.
My Erotic Trail said:
a caddy sandwich
if that is like a BLT
What would it be?

was there a lot of mayo...

I went into the jungle... seen a gator bigger than the boat and had a hawk fly by close enough I could have 'almost' touched it. Paddled fish out of the way while deer drank along the shoreline and ducks noisely quacked at me <grin not much of nothing except the moon looked like a mime in the sky.

Lol. We have been searching everywhere for gator meat here locally. The big game is today and everyone who is anyone will be eating gator :eek: I personally have never had it but one of the women at work swears it ... taste like chicken ~ :eek: ;)

Love that image ... the moon looked like a mime in the sky *sighs*

Thank you Art for your beauty ~

RhymeFairy said:
Lol. We have been searching everywhere for gator meat here locally. The big game is today and everyone who is anyone will be eating gator :eek: I personally have never had it but one of the women at work swears it ... taste like chicken ~ :eek: ;)

Love that image ... the moon looked like a mime in the sky *sighs*

Thank you Art for your beauty ~


gator does taste alot like chicken...
you have to get a permit to hunt them, my brother-in-law has recieved 13 permits thus far. We only hunt with Bows so it is adventurous as well as dangerous. I always go with him and he keeps me stocked up in ...TAIL <GRININ
Highway Rose: a bud in bloom
(part one)

On the shores of an asphault river
long legs in spider web stalkings, grin
black leather boots over small gravel
halter top with her thumb in the wind.

A desert highway boils in the horizon
brake lights come like a hot wind blows
Her charming smile a camofluaged gun
a hitch-hiker called the Highway Rose

"Where to?" Asked Bud, in a wicked grin
the passenger door shut as in came a smile
then said, "Take me to your pleasure den!"
the vehicle began to race, mile after mile.

In a fake leather slide she prowled closer
His legs opened wider to an inviting hand
The engine pistons' stroked over and over
as Highway Rose fondeled her final plan.

Suggestions whispered a playfull game
Brake lights glowed to an off-beat road
lust boiled in the front seat, unrestrained
clothes fell like pedals from, Highway Rose.
Highway Rose: a rose's thorn
(part two)

heated passion simmer in an afternoon sun
on a desert road a whithered flower stood
long legs out a car door hustled in shear fun
Highway Rose now bent over the car's hood.

grasping wind blown hair and gritting teeth
driving in the dry desert with swetty palms
Bud spilled his lust in pumping, thrusting feats
Highway Rose mumbling a fake orgasim song.

Bud backed away zipping up his zipper
Rose fixed her skirt and stood up straight
"How was that?" came a seductive whisper
His smile was wide, saying, "That was great!"

She reached in her purse, pulling out a gun
she ordered him, "Take off all your clothes."
His fingers did what she said then he run
his wallet in her hands, stems a Highway Rose.

The car sprayed gravel on the concrete river
a trail of smoke behind wind blown hair's flow,
stole a man's pride and possesions, she shivered.
Bleeding horizon behind the thorns of Highway Rose
My Erotic Trail said:
Highway Rose: a rose's thorn
(part two)

heated passion simmer in an afternoon sun
on a desert road a whithered flower stood
long legs out a car door hustled in shear fun
Highway Rose now bent over the car's hood.

grasping wind blown hair and gritting teeth
driving in the dry desert with swetty palms
Bud spilled his lust in pumping, thrusting feats
Highway Rose mumbling a fake orgasim song.

Bud backed away zipping up his zipper
Rose fixed her skirt and stood up straight
"How was that?" came a seductive whisper
His smile was wide, saying, "That was great!"

She reached in her purse, pulling out a gun
she ordered him, "Take off all your clothes."
His fingers did what she said then he run
his wallet in her hands, stems a Highway Rose.

The car sprayed gravel on the concrete river
a trail of smoke behind wind blown hair's flow,
stole a man's pride and possesions, she shivered.
Bleeding horizon behind the thorns of Highway Rose

Highway Rose: call of the wild
(part three)

In a moon's glow a wolf's distant howel
as flames flickered from an off-road fire.
Highway Rose counts the money and growls
a long stem poised, setting her sites higher.

In the night she slumbered over fake leather
dreaming of a life on a sun and straw beach.
A cool wind blew and Rose woke in a shiver
rolling up windows she left, turning up the heat.

Under the stars the car sped down the road
head lights beemed across jeans and a smile
as Highway Rose pondered another days's spoils
she finally stopped and looked back at his style.

She knew better than to pick up a ride
the rules of the game to never play with fire
but her longing for a big score was her drive
or a chance to meet the man of her desires.

He came running up to the car in a huff
hopped in and smiled as the car door closed.
"Where to?" she asked in the car's forward gust
putting the pedal to the metal, Highway Rose
Highway Rose: the broken thorn
(part four)

A moonless night reflected two dark hearts
driving across the desert with cactus smiles
words seeped between them, like cupid's harp
getting to know each other driving for miles.

A motel gleemed in the distant neon lights
he offered to pay if she desired to go.
She thought of a hot shower to end this night
agreed was a weary and dusty Highway Rose.

They parked the car and entered the room.
She went for the shower and he went for her.
Kisses were exchanged while love began to bloom
under the falling water Highway Rose purred.

Embraced in each other and naked of deceit
they fell into the wall grasping their desires.
Each tasting the other where life is sweet
holding each other and churning lust's fires.

The door burst open and the police stormed in.
Rose reached for her pistol as sounds explode.
She found love on her death valley day's end
like a broken thorn she fell, Highway Rose.

(the end)

city kids chasin' chickens ;)

my daughter went to show our exchange student how to collect eggs from my father's chicken house. my daughter came back talking about the two roosters that were out there. my father shook his head and roared in laughter when she showed him (using her hands) what the roosters looked like. Her hands were flapping back and forth above her head and below her chin.

Apparently, there weren't any roosters within about a two mile radius of the hen house.
wildsweetone said:
city kids chasin' chickens ;)

my daughter went to show our exchange student how to collect eggs from my father's chicken house. my daughter came back talking about the two roosters that were out there. my father shook his head and roared in laughter when she showed him (using her hands) what the roosters looked like. Her hands were flapping back and forth above her head and below her chin.

Apparently, there weren't any roosters within about a two mile radius of the hen house.


frisky feathers <grin
thanks for that laugh wild~
Heaven's Rose: a demon in denial
(part one)

Long bare legs curl around a bar stool
sipping wine 'graciously' trying to look cool
She scans the room one more time
hoping to spy a sexual demon in denial

She poised herself with a stiff back drink
wiped her lips with a napkin and began to think
"Can I buy you drink," a stranger's voice echo
"Oh, sure," startled was a nervous, heaven's rose

She turned to face the man behind her
his eyes were kind and his smile even kinder
their small talk circled like rosery beads
closer they sat both looking to fill a need

a short walk brought them to a dim lit room
kisses were exchanged while clothes were removed
warm flesh messed in a sexual embrace
each other's lips hungry for love's taste

in a missionary position they joined souls
the beast alive in grunts as passion arose
within Rose, she felt his warmth explode
a demon in denial holding, Heaven's rose
stranger than socks on a chicken
more rare than hen's teeth
holding a cock and pull-it (female chicken)
mere chicken scratch
to a rooster that crows
chicken spheres 'sunny side up'
for hen's have a beard
now that is weird
Widow's Mite

The 'mite' of a widow
may have bought bread
for a man's last supper
but surely not fallen
into the hands of Ceasar,
for he left such dealings
with those that were taxing
curiously I then wonder
from what Widow did he
aquire such a term
for she has survived
long past her death
as I hold her in my hand
blood sucking mosquitoes
the size of dragon-flys
trillions swarm...
the sound of buzzing echoes
across the marsh
the feeling of needles
peircing the skin
slapping them
they explode blood red
a cackling pair of guineas
were squabbling over a penny
pecking at each other
like disgruntled sister and brother
when the coin slipped
from their tug of war grip
and fell into the water
both birds walked away
sayinf it wasn't worth the bother...

two colorful coi
swirled around their new copper toy...
The hands of time has a hold on me
rotating around the clock ever so slowly
carrying me into the unknown future
one second at a time

The hands of time pile minutes I've lived
like that of the sand in an hour glass
un-aware that when the upper glass is empty
I will be no more

The hands of time plays continual music
like a meter keeping time
ticking and clicking that I hear
telling me that I am still here
A Cowboy's Hell
(october's monthly challenge/poem)

The First Circle
Thunder rumbling across the open prairie; or rather, I thought it was
till lightening flashed and I could see them coming from a far.
Dark clouds rolling my way, under the hooves of a massive stampede
of red eyed steer from hell; barrelling across the heavens
whips lashed out like lightening from skeletons ridding coal black mounts.
Driving this herd straight into the bowels of hell as I watch in awe.
I restraint my steed by its harness as it became stricken with fear
it is not a tactic of the evil demon, Diablo; but rather a soul's internal alarm.
The sound of hooves pounding the sky was deafening and sparked the herd to run in every direction imaginable. I pulled the saddle horn to sit upon my stud, as a gust of black smoke engulfed us and we were drawn by the wind like the pulling tide of a surf. Fear grew like a weed in my heart as we: the horse and I, were pulled into Hell by the wake of the Ghost Riders in the Sky.
wanted to say bye and thank you for your friendship, kind words and guidance...

You're a good person...and an exceptional artist...stay that way forever...
Honey123 said:
wanted to say bye and thank you for your friendship, kind words and guidance...

You're a good person...and an exceptional artist...stay that way forever...

Congratulations on your Erotic poem, April's catagorie Nominee
where you going?

I plan to give my Sexy-tary a raise, a response; for what a vital muscle she is to this body of Co-Operations. She speaks the English Language, body language, other foreign languages, such as Aussie Arapahoe and she can French with a fluid tongue. Wearing sexappeal like a perfumed fragrance and usually has more then just a smile upon her lips when it is near lunch time when she uses her high heels for a paper weight.

Sometimes I think typing is nothing more than a finger excercise for her real talents; like when her hand reached, into my drawers and I felt as though I had been given a raise when, she pulled the 'white out.' I came with her back towards the rear and she asked if I wanted; "Coffee, Tea or Me!" I took a triple dose of the third and exercised the fifth.

She took my dictations with eagerness and did not mind when I tied her up with loose ends. She knows her way around
my desk, she has had her nose burried in it many times since. Yep! I plan to give my Sexy-tary a raise the next time she sits in my lap.