Chasin' Chickens

Valentine's Day is supposed to be romantic,
but when you have to work, weird things happen...

I am a waitress, and during the busiest time of lunch,
pouring a glass of tea with each hand, the one spills;
I reach to the floor to retrieve the glass, then realize the spout
that pours the tea is still open and spilling more tea everywhere...
The biggest mess you have ever seen! I peek around the corner to a
restaurant full of people and say, "I had an oopsie, be back with you in a moment!"

At least I got a few laughs!
Valentine's Day is supposed to be romantic,
but when you have to work, weird things happen...

I am a waitress, and during the busiest time of lunch,
pouring a glass of tea with each hand, the one spills;
I reach to the floor to retrieve the glass, then realize the spout
that pours the tea is still open and spilling more tea everywhere...
The biggest mess you have ever seen! I peek around the corner to a
restaurant full of people and say, "I had an oopsie, be back with you in a moment!"

At least I got a few laughs!

just goes to show you.........
no-one is perfect
but doesn't mean
you can't turn it all around
Valentine's Day is supposed to be romantic,
but when you have to work, weird things happen...

I am a waitress, and during the busiest time of lunch,
pouring a glass of tea with each hand, the one spills;
I reach to the floor to retrieve the glass, then realize the spout
that pours the tea is still open and spilling more tea everywhere...
The biggest mess you have ever seen! I peek around the corner to a
restaurant full of people and say, "I had an oopsie, be back with you in a moment!"

At least I got a few laughs!

reminds me of the commercial...
where the lizard drinks a sip
and then dances to THRILLER (~_~)
although getting up there in years,
he's still the biggest, strongest
man I know

always ready to lend a helping
hand, or give the shirt off of his
back if needed

I may be a grown up now
but in my heart I will always be
daddy's little girl
choke my chicken
make it howl
kitten I know
you are on the prowl

go for it
don't hold back
your man will thank you
and not get any flack

he'll be happy
and content
and in his eye
will be the glint
Two bodies "spooning"
still make one whole
we all know

When you sleep
back to back
you can fend off
any attack

I have your back
and you have mine
so in my home
you better.......
walk the line :rose:
in the words of singer "JERRY JEFF WALKER",
for each of us sees things in our own way.
you may not like things that I do just as I can say the same
but it is not our place to judge it is our place just to be and be happy to be alive to deal with every day problems.
2 things are certain in this will at least once pay taxes in one way or the other and you will certain die one day.
everything in between is a blessing
rather it be good or bad.........happy or sad
it is to each of us to make that choice...... heaven on earth OR hell in your spirit while you are here.
and in our learning process if we are lucky we will want to keep learning for as long as we are here. I know I am......sometimes the easy way and sometimes the hard way but all a lesson of something new that I know now that I didn't then and then I can use my new knowledge for good or bad.
my choice is good. so, none of us are perfect but I love the person that I am becomeing more and more every day.
promises can be made like a mother fixing a child's "boo boo" saying
it want hurt anymore mommy's going to make it all better but.....the "boo boo" is still there and hurts even afterwards.
enough then learn the REAL truth. but know it was all done out of love and that makes it all O. K.
hello world, I think I have lost you
between reality and truth
whatever is thown will be
deflected by sunshine
and the rain will be
vented by love
nothing but sunshine
brighting this day
nice and warm
after a snow filled day

but that's ok
kids enjoyed the play
and that is the reality
that is thrown from this way :cool:
Wanted to wish, a good morning to you,
and for a great day, that is way past due.
I'll be with you, where ever you are,
our hearts as one, even though you're far.
You are my husband, and my lover too.
Your bachelor days over, oh, don't be blue.
You never could find love, that's anymore true.
Then the love that, my heart holds for you.
So, have a good morning, and a great day too.

mrs. art campbell
always chasing rainbows,
looking for the pot of gold
at the end

never finding fulfillment,
but continuing still this
futile journey

other paths are known,
however choosing the right one
can cause pain

so instead,
we wonder aimlessly on the
path that leads nowhere
happy days are upon us
for the future is looking bright

no matter what others may do
our life is always looking forward

the past is only the past
tomorrow is our focus

marriage and kids and
love abounds in our home

that we will have soon
speaking of one who has lost their mind
guess you forgot he is still legally mine
for husband and wife we are
you are just sleeping with another
married man but then you are use to that

mrs. arthur L. campbell
I am sorry you have
so much anger inside
that you must try to hurt
any and everyone you can

regardless of what you say,
I will not succumb to your
negativity, so do what you must
to make yourself feel better
I do or say nothing
until someone goes after me
then I will protect myself and others
as you
should already see

mrs. art campbell
don't you think
three son's is enough
give him a little girl
to teach her his stuff (martial arts, and love I mean) :D
nighttime games are so much fun
maybe tonight we will make a son
but if we don't that is okay
each night together we
will get to play
bed time games are the
best most relaxing games there is
but while playing, instead of trying for a son
since three boys he has already,
shoot for that little girl
that he doesn't have any to call his own,
and let daddy have that little angle girl
and hope that she's
an exact clone :heart:
chasing chickens
is like chasing ourself
our spiritual and physical body
is like a book on a shelf
it is all one

tear a page out
even though the book
is still there
a big part inside
is dead and bare

but, when looking on the outside
the book you still see
and it looks
as fine as can be
then, open it up to read it
and see what you get