chit chat anyone?

Miss Oatlash said:

ty hun :kiss:

i'm only took 2 interviews..well i could have had the first one too but i would have had to lift some stuff..screw pampered ass couldn't go that route.:p
BlueskyBeauty said:
ty hun :kiss:

i'm only took 2 interviews..well i could have had the first one too but i would have had to lift some stuff..screw pampered ass couldn't go that route.:p

Yo pampered ass don't need to be liftin' nuthin'...take the easy job whenever possible!
Miss Oatlash said:
Yo pampered ass don't need to be liftin' nuthin'...take the easy job whenever possible!

Hah, I just took a second job working the warehouse at UPS.

...easy job. bah.

Miss Oatlash said:
Yo pampered ass don't need to be liftin' nuthin'...take the easy job whenever possible!

i did..i'm selling insurance policies to workers of companies like ups who injure themselves lifting heavy shit!:D :p
BlueskyBeauty said:
i did..i'm selling insurance policies to workers of companies like ups who injure themselves lifting heavy shit!:D :p
"Excuse me, Nurse? I wondered if you could assist me. I have to use the Men's Room and the doctor told me not to lift anything heavy."
The Mutt said:
"Excuse me, Nurse? I wondered if you could assist me. I have to use the Men's Room and the doctor told me not to lift anything heavy."

BB, you have my permission to slap him...
Miss Oatlash said:
BB, you have my permission to slap him...

I may be new still...comparatively...but wouldn't that be what he wants? <grin>

and do you need an witnesses?<wink>
Remec said:
I may be new still...comparatively...but wouldn't that be what he wants? <grin>

and do you need an witnesses?<wink>

how about you slap him..and i'll watch:eek:
BlueskyBeauty said:
how about you slap him..and i'll watch:eek:

How about Miss Oatlash gets all of you in a room together, naked before me, and I spank all of you with my trusty crop????

Miss Oatlash said:
How about Miss Oatlash gets all of you in a room together, naked before me, and I spank all of you with my trusty crop????


you're too funny..tuffy!:p

:kiss: :kiss:
BlueskyBeauty said:
you're too funny..tuffy!:p

:kiss: :kiss:

Funny 'ha, ha'? Or funny 'strange'?

Why aren't you out selling insurance???? YIKES! Why am I not cleaning the paper off my desk????

Miss Oatlash said:
Funny 'ha, ha'? Or funny 'strange'?

Why aren't you out selling insurance???? YIKES! Why am I not cleaning the paper off my desk????


we have major flooding going on here..most of asheville is shut ones even at the office..i'm suppose to start my classes friday to get my license but the college is closed til monday..i'm getting snow days without even living in the

i left minnesota with tornado warnings..charlie haulted our plans for florida, rain caused flooding in mississippi..washed out 40 feet of road we were to take leaving to come here..

we get here..i'm thinking, the mountains right..should be pretty safe:p

i wouldn't advise anyone to invite me for a visit!:D
BlueskyBeauty said:
we have major flooding going on here..most of asheville is shut ones even at the office..i'm suppose to start my classes friday to get my license but the college is closed til monday..i'm getting snow days without even living in the

i left minnesota with tornado warnings..charlie haulted our plans for florida, rain caused flooding in mississippi..washed out 40 feet of road we were to take leaving to come here..

we get here..i'm thinking, the mountains right..should be pretty safe:p

i wouldn't advise anyone to invite me for a visit!:D

Weather trouble seems to follow you! My wish for you is that you have no other troubles in your life. :)
double post...why doesn't this site let me delete double posts???
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