Christmas party at The Velvet Vulva

Señor Tanner, the tango is nothing if not arousing.

Perdita :rose: (rose in teeth)


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Oh dear, I knew I should not have taken that last coffee with the tiny glass of something or toher. See, cant' type stright anmoer.

Ha, Happy Christmas to y'all.

Cheesis onthe sideboard. Oops. Have to sidown forbit.

rhinoguy said:
hat size?waz a "7"? (inches?)

probably close to that.

PERDITA, I GOT RED SATIN BOXERS for Christmas! to go with your AV...heeeheee..HOHO! have to make a NE AV.

rhino-oh no!
Happy Christmas, all!

:D :D :D

I meant a number "7". God, the way these people think. It's unbelievable.
perdita said:
Señor Tanner, the tango is nothing if not arousing.

Perdita :rose: (rose in teeth)

Don't forget you are dancing with me too Dita :)

Are high heels a neccisity for this? ;)

Borrows Purty's rose :rose:

Like this?

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We just opened presents. My parents have been married almost 50 years and are still carzy, breathless, silly in love. It is so sweet. They gave each other a bunch of small gifts with silly little hint cards and it was a joy to see them smile and laugh. Hope all of you married folks end up the same way when you reach the Golden years :)

Now I have a large glass of egg nog, a full tummy and despite my doctors ban on it something to spice the nogg up :)

Oh joyus day!

Colly, it was nice to hear about your parents, gives me hope (well, I had to say that ;) ).

2" heels are sufficient for a tango. Only one of us can hold the rose (so as to pass it from mouth to mouth, aye aye aye!)

You brought me joy today, bless you.

Perdita :heart: :rose: :heart:
You Brought me joy too, I don't often get asked to dance :) Especially by a beautiful and thoughtful lady such as yourself.

:heart: :devil:

This party needs a basket of puppies!

(See what happens when I drink my annual glass of Bailey's?)

The puppy on the right looks exactly like my dog when she was eleven weeks old.
Eleven weeks is the optimum cuteness age for English Cocker Spaniels. It's when they're at their droopiest, and their feet are far too large for their gangly legs. Click here to smell virtual puppy breath and admire my virtual puppy - now eleven YEARS old.

P.S. My dog can burp the name, "Raoul." I have no idea why; maybe she was owned by someone named Raoul in a previous life. Maybe she was Raoul in a previous life.
I'm not as think as you drunk I am.

Here's the puppy basket. Merry Christmas.


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I have to leave the party for a couple of minutes to raise my 2nd Annual Glass of Baileys' with my SRP forum friends at Rick's Rooftop. We may end up posting several paragraphs of virtual sex, but I've practiced and it doesn't take me long.

Will someone please watch the puppies? The one in the middle has tiny, razor sharp teeth and has been looking at the phobia thread and smiling...

I'll be back with some cool whip in case Seattle drops by with that Safeway pumpkin pie.
Have fun Shereads :)

I will watch the puppies for a bit, just get back before Dee gets here :)

Hello, everyone. Just dropping in quickly to wish you all a merry Christmas. I would love to dance and have a glass of wine, but I'm not sure what's the legal age for drinking in cyberspace.
destinie21 said:
Merry Christmas :) all

You must be feeling better. Your feet look fabulous.

But just in case you're still under the weather, I mixed you a Sloe Gin Fizz with Tylenol Cold & Flu Liquid.

Drink it through one of these bend-y straws with the little Santa faces printed on them. I did, and I feel fabulous.
For tambourines, form a line to the left.

Kazoos, a line to the right.

Cymbols: there's only one set, but they're humongous brass ones. We'll draw straws, okay?
Suddenly realizing that it is possible to drink too much caffeine, I find myself needing to hear Alvin and the Chipmunks AND The Singing Dogs at the same time.

Stop me!
Until you feel the urge to watch a Teletubbies marathon while listening to The Dope Show on a loop, you can always have another cup. :D
Oh yeah? Go Dr. Mabeuse's X-Mas Presents thread and click on the "Donuts" link.

Gave me a flashback to drugs I've never even tried.

Lauren Hynde said:
Hello, everyone. Just dropping in quickly to wish you all a merry Christmas. I would love to dance and have a glass of wine, but I'm not sure what's the legal age for drinking in cyberspace.

I am sure your Legal sides, it's the holidays and no one is checking :) So throw on your dancing shoes and convince the DJ to put on something you like :)

Merry X-mas
It's time for the Stoner Poetry Reading and Poetry Trivia Challenge, a guaranteed party ender.

This one is by "Anonymous," one of my favorites:

::raising voice to be heard above the snoring and the sound of the janitor's Hoover Wet-Vac::

Tobacco is a dirty weed
I like it
It satisfies no normal need
I like it
It makes you sick
It makes you lean
It takes the hair right off your bean
It is a dirty, dirty weed
I like it.

Okay, who knows the name of the King of Kings whose works ye Mighty are supposed to look upon right before you despair?
shereads said:
Okay, who knows the name of the King of Kings whose works ye Mighty are supposed to look upon right before you despair? [/B]

I met a traveler from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert ... Near them on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its scupltor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed:
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.

-- Percy Bysshe Shelley