The Official Authors' Hangout Summer Lovin' 2024 Contest Support Thread

Congrats all!

I thought my story was good for a 4.5-4.6. I'm very happy it got cleaned to a shiny 4.68.

There's always a lot of speculation about sweeps and how they work. Suffice to say, the general consensus is it's not perfect, but it's better than allowing trolls free rein.
Yeah, the swing upward is crazy. Mine is just barely above the H mark for most of the contests, but at the end it got cleaned all the way to 4.72. Not bad at all, considering that was my first attempt writing in Mature.

Congratulations to the winners and everyone who participated!
Big pat on the back to the winners, thoroughly deserved. There are no losers at the end, I've been introduced to author who's work has somehow slipped though my net, so having some great material to read has been a big win. The competition entries also allow me to read stories from genres I don't normally poke around in too!

As for my own entry, it's in the LW niche , quite pleased with the overall score it finally topped out at. It always feels like each story I publish there is no more than another Christian being tossed to the lions in a Roman arena!

Looking forward to meeting you all later for the next competition 😉
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Right. Kind of defeats the object for me though, if I have no idea how I did. My own dashboard says my story is on 4.9, the competiton says 4.86, which should have been quite competitive. I'm sure there's factors I'm not aware of, just wondering what they are!
That's a great ending score if it's your first story. Congrats. But as someone said, the end of the contest is like trying to make a decision in the middle of a horse race. How they end it, nobody knows, but I would assume they take a snapshot at a specific planned time.
For instance my story read 4.85 when the announcement came it was reading 4.92. I'm not even sure it that was the final because I wasn't on top of it instantly. As far as I know, voting, favs and comments are not shut off during the decision. I could be wrong.

4.92 13239 676 42 53 107
;)That's a great ending score if it's your first story. Congrats. But as someone said, the end of the contest is like trying to make a decision in the middle of a horse race. How they end it, nobody knows, but I would assume they take a snapshot at a specific planned time.
For instance my story read 4.85 when the announcement came it was reading 4.92. I'm not even sure it that was the final because I wasn't on top of it instantly. As far as I know, voting, favs and comments are not shut off during the decision. I could be wrong.

4.92 13239 676 42 53 107
First competition entry, not first story :cool:. I've no doubt all is above board, apologies if I sounded a little whiney yesterday. The whole thing was a bit of a rollercoaster for my poor ego - the week prior I'd watched my score dive from 4.85 down to 4.5 within five refreshes as I was one-bombed. So when I was suddenly 'back' after a sweep I was dreaming of glory.

Great work and congrats again to you, and all the participants. Think I'll have a long break before having another go myself :ROFLMAO:
That's a great ending score if it's your first story. Congrats. But as someone said, the end of the contest is like trying to make a decision in the middle of a horse race. How they end it, nobody knows, but I would assume they take a snapshot at a specific planned time.
For instance my story read 4.85 when the announcement came it was reading 4.92. I'm not even sure it that was the final because I wasn't on top of it instantly. As far as I know, voting, favs and comments are not shut off during the decision. I could be wrong.

4.92 13239 676 42 53 107
we must have been level pegging (no pun intended) as I floated 4.84 / 4.85 getting then 4 votes took me down to 4.82...
then as the announcement came 4.92...
and I lost 6 votes (9 overall in sweeps)...
Kudos to you as you had the views and votes.
well done...

I echo your sentiments, another great competition with some great authors coming through.
well done everyone.

May everyone's share of being on the list continue over the next months.

Congrats to the winners and to all those participating. I was happy I could submit a story I started to write when I saw the competition was coming and I want to again thank my editor Small Island for his quick editing work and his help in getting the story accepted after it was initially sent back because of some confusion over underaged sex (which was not the case). I'm happy also with the rating (4.62) though it probably doesn't mean much since I didn't get many votes except that those who did vote liked it.
Hoping to be posting again soon - working presently on an old story with too many 'impossible' things that I need to sort out. Only thing if I just post it like that and not in a contest, it probably won't get many reads.
Ok, I’m sorry, but I have to brag just a little. No, I didn’t win, not even close. My current rating for Camping With Courtney is 4.68, well out of the running for the Blue W. However, with 90.6K views and 153 Favorites, I’m at the top of those stats.

Gotta love the I/T category.
Freakn awesome stats! (y)(y)(y) Readership is the name of the game and you got that in spades! Congrats.
Congratulations to the winners.
My ramblings suddenly jumped 0.2 at the end, not hugely deserved, but 16 new Followers is an achievement for me - and hopefully they won't run away when I next post something queer or kinky, as they'll have seen my Crime story. (When I tried I/T, i got 70 new followers, over 50 of whom disappeared over the next few stories - took over a year to make the number rise back to that level again!)
Congratulations to the winners.
My ramblings suddenly jumped 0.2 at the end, not hugely deserved, but 16 new Followers is an achievement for me - and hopefully they won't run away when I next post something queer or kinky, as they'll have seen my Crime story. (When I tried I/T, i got 70 new followers, over 50 of whom disappeared over the next few stories - took over a year to make the number rise back to that level again!)
I was fortunate to get 69 new followers (up from 1!) 285 votes and a 4.75 score. Far above what I expected