chubbie subbies

morninggirl5 said:
It's wonderful to see you back, Lil.

Thank you. i have been gone so long i didn't think anyone would remember me.

::happy grin::

It's been a wild ride these last few months.
You know, I see this thread sitting here, just begging for comment. As much as I tried to ignore it I just can't. One of the reasons I came to Lit was to learn to appreciate and accept myself for who I am and to come to terms with how that effected my sexuality.

I am BBW, or a chubbie subbie as it was put. It's really ok by me if that does not appeal to someone. I understand that we have different tastes and I am not going to be offended by it (as long as no insults are intended, that is). But I am proud of who I am becoming. I know I have a beauty about me that I would love to share with others. If someone can not see that side of me then it is in both our best interests that they just pass me by.
Good for you, Red. You can't please everybody, so you might as well please yourself.

If one man doesn't want you because of your weight, they'll be 10 others in line waiting to take his turn.
Rubyfruit said:
Good for you, Red. You can't please everybody, so you might as well please yourself.

If one man doesn't want you because of your weight, they'll be 10 others in line waiting to take his turn.

Thank you Ruby. I am finding that is true.
redelicious said:
You know, I see this thread sitting here, just begging for comment. As much as I tried to ignore it I just can't. One of the reasons I came to Lit was to learn to appreciate and accept myself for who I am and to come to terms with how that effected my sexuality.

I am BBW, or a chubbie subbie as it was put. It's really ok by me if that does not appeal to someone. I understand that we have different tastes and I am not going to be offended by it (as long as no insults are intended, that is). But I am proud of who I am becoming. I know I have a beauty about me that I would love to share with others. If someone can not see that side of me then it is in both our best interests that they just pass me by.

I wish I had had the nerve to post this.
red ... me too, me too.
i'm definately what has been termed a "chubbie subbie"

i'm 6' tall.... and large framed... big hands, big feet, so on...

when i first started out with my Dom.. i was afraid that this was going to bother him... the first time he told me to strip, i was mortified!! Usually, in my nilla relationships, my clothes would come off during the heat of sex, and i wasn't afraid of being "seen"... but here was this much smaller man, telling me to strip in front of him.. in broad daylight, and not use my hands to cover any part of myself.... i couldn't resist temptation, and folded my arms across my stomach, to which i got a hard smack from the paddle.... i was told to be proud of who i was, and that from then on, i was to be naked, awaiting his arrival.. and if i chose to use my arms to try to hide myself again, they would be bound behind my back, for the whole session... therefor leaving me totally exposed. Well, after all that, i came to appreciate him so much, and his disregard of my weight.. i figure now, if someone doesn't like the way i look, they don't need to look!!

just my opinion, and experience......
WillowPuss said:

I wish I had had the nerve to post this.
red ... me too, me too.

You know Willow - it doesn't happen over night. I am always changing and growing into a better person (I hope). I definetly have those moments or days when I am not so confident. But then I look at who I am. I am a loving mother - that is beautiful. I am a good wife (mostly) - that is beautiful. I am a caring friend - that is beautiful. I am an adoring daughter - that is beautiful.

I am strong, smart, funny, and resourceful - BEAUTIFUL.

I am sexual, sensual, and submissive - BEAUTIFUL.

redelicious said:

You know Willow - it doesn't happen over night. I am always changing and growing into a better person (I hope). I definetly have those moments or days when I am not so confident. But then I look at who I am. I am a loving mother - that is beautiful. I am a good wife (mostly) - that is beautiful. I am a caring friend - that is beautiful. I am an adoring daughter - that is beautiful.

I am strong, smart, funny, and resourceful - BEAUTIFUL.

I am sexual, sensual, and submissive - BEAUTIFUL.

very well said, red.. and from what i've learned of you from just your posts, you are certainly right!!