Clean Up Time, Baby

Oh, Hell yes!

Fantastic thread, Gracie!


Perfect image, O Fuzzy One

Heyla, lady!

Yeah. I'm a bit of a hydrophile. I blame the teacher at my swimming lessons when I was a tadpole. And that itsy bitsy teeny-weeny yellow polka dot bikini.

Things are still... mmm... a bit sporadic under the Lone Star. So, I haven't been able to devote the time it would probably take to find it. (If it even exists on the infernal nets since it was "a sleeper.") But, Kelly Lynch did another movie that was released the same year as Road House I believe, "Warm Summer Rain" or something similar. And about half or maybe two-thirds of the way through, there was a... rather poignant sponge bath scene.

I'm not giving any other spoilers away, I don't think, to state that her character had attempted suicide by slashing her wrists since that was pretty well the premise of the movie and was stated on the VHS box. (Also probably the reason it was "a sleeper.")

And, yeah, yeah. I saw Kelly Lynch's nipples.

But, it was the look on both of their faces as, during her turn to lie on the table, he was cleaning her wrists, her scars, while she was watching his face and he looked up to meet her eyes... THAT is acting, people. When you can convey a whole world with zero lines (or any clothes) and nothing more than gesture and facial expression. But, I digress.

Any road, I know what I said about that long ago swim teacher with magnificent floatation devices, which yeah I was pretty well enamored off even as a tadpole with not much idea of the significance yet. But, the truth is, it was probably that sponge bath that triggered my fetish for washing her, tending her, caring for her, husbanding her. I wish I could find a screencap of that to share here.

(Although, I will admit that Love had to point out she was neither a pot nor pan early on. And a loofa was not a brillo pad. :eek:)


You did say you kind of liked CMnf...

And, you knows I'm always up for some good clean fun...