
Cliquey Plug

Most of the entries for the National Nude day contest are from regulars in the Authors' Hangout.

Maybe we are cliquey because we are authors. We are a minority in Literotica's membership.


PS. Don't read "Beach Protest". I am aiming for oblivion and the lowest score while writing a credible story.
after Ogg

See, this thread itself shows how it works, whether you call it clicky or whatever. It's fun, Doc. Where'd you go?


I am encountering severe problems with finding anything erotic about public nudity. :rolleyes:

Of course, that may be because I live alone with a full length mirror. :eek:
Yeah. It's not just me. It has become a fatuous gasbag venting station.

I expressed myself badly. When I complained about cliques, I didn;t mean so much the inevitable formation of groups of friends. It's this cutesy cheek-kissing and chin-chucking that's the kind of thing I meant. The kind of insufferable gassy chattiness you see on the general boards, like:

A: Hey B! The weather's great over here!
B: Yeah, here too! Stinks were C is though
C: Oh yeah?
A: Yeah!
B: What A says, C!
A: How're the piles, C?
C: They look like you, A!
B: Busted, A!
C: !!!

Crap like that.

Doesn't that stuff belong on the General Boards in the first place?
I mean, MG always going to post her one-liners and crap, but this place is a fucking embarrassment. At least to me, and I don't embarrass easily.

Wait: I just realized too, that I've taken to holding my literary discussions in PM's just to avoid what happens to posts over here. It really is execrable.

I don't agree at all DrM. Admittedly sometimes the chatting gets a little overbearing here, but it's better than a dry motionless board. People do come here to talk about sensible stuff too; just look at WSO's exercise threads and some of the things we end up talking about there. If you want to talk about writing, start a thread about writing yourself, rather than whinge about no-one talking about sensible stuff.

It is better to be proactive and see what happens than to do nothing because you fear what might.


The Earl
I think it comes down to the same discussion we were having last week about the actual use of the authors hangout and peoples different interpretations of such.

I like posting here, don't get me wrong, I enjoy the serious threads and i even occassionally chuckole at the silly added in bits..but other times i feel like it's sort of know

"this is a thread in the authors hangout someone better say something authorly and funnily obscure quick!"

maybe i'm just bitter because most of the time i just don't get it.

Dr M sweetheart, if this place annoys you so much maybe you should stay away...thats not a request (you know i love ya!) but maybe it'd be better for your stress levels ;)
It seems to me that when you start a thread complaining about the general fatuousness on the board and then the posts become obviously fatuous, that your point has been made.

I've no objection to niceness and chummy hugginess in moderation. In excess it makes me crave insulin injections.

To everyone I will make this offer: I will keep my complaints off your fatuous threads if you will keep fatuousness off my serious threads.

I think that's fair enough.

dr_mabeuse said:

I've no objection to niceness and chummy hugginess in moderation. In excess it makes me crave insulin injections.

WHO'S been offering you "chummy hugginess," Dr_m? :eek:

WE'LL sort him out! :mad:

i'm not an author, i'm not even very clever, i come here occasionally because i've friends here, not a clique of suedo friends talking on one subject only and ignoring strangers with an 'obvious cold shoulder' as the more high-brow members of a/h do mostly.

but a few friendly intelligent people of higher calibre than you find on the general board normally, (one point i agree with dr_mab. on is the g/b's constant childish crap)
mg's one liner's would be lost on the g/b, it would be over most of their heads.

this board would degenerate into a three post a week very boring meeting of about 4 people without the more light hearted threads and friendly banter that goes in between the serious bits.

i agree with you english lady, a lot of the stuff in the serious bits is beyond an appropriate instant response from me, but i do like to contribute when i can, i'm genuinely interested in some of it.
this is when the real clique of the a/h springs into action, no matter how many serious replies people like me make, the regular clique of high-brows will shut up shop and refuse to even acknowledge our existence, let alone have the common courtesy to enter into dialogue in reply.

Now where did I learn that expression?

Hi Lorri, love. Thanks for speaking up. I really haven't seen you on the AH til recently, hope you visit often.

Are you an English lady too? ;)

cheers, Perdita :kiss:

hiya perdita, nice to see you here. just fancied a chat so i thought i'd post something sensible'ish for a change.

yes i'm english too, but i don't know about the lady bit so much, giggle.

love lorri:D
Re: hiya

LorriLove said:
hiya perdita, nice to see you here. just fancied a chat so i thought i'd post something sensible'ish for a change.

yes i'm english too, but i don't know about the lady bit so much, giggle.

love lorri:D
aHem, if that's you in the AV, you are a lady! That cliques with me.
English Lady said:
It's nothing new love,I still don't feel I really belong here.
Like someones told a joke, everyone's laughing but i just don't get the punchline...

I feel that way, too...of course, I have social issues and can't fathom the idea that anyone would accept me. I even feel uncomfortable around my kitties...

In all the boards there seem to be cliques - but I think it's mostly just "regulars" - the feel of people belonging to a group together is just that we have read other things those people have said and make references to them. Like I said, I don't feel like I'm a part of any group.


ps Dr M

1) I'm really sorry that your thread has been taken over
2) this is exactly why I was pushing for a new AH forum.
dr_mabeuse said:
Been away for a while.
Has it always been so cliquey here and I just never noticed? Or is this something new?

Dear Dr M,
You start a thread with the above. Then you complain that the replies on the thread are fatuous. What sort of profundities did you expect in response to your statement? It's hardly an invitation to deep introspection and literary exposition.

I'll continue my "one liners and crap" because I can't put together coherent, cogent paragraphs as can you. We aren't all so gifted.
Ps. Poor, sweet baby.
Pps. It wasn't me, Quaz.
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Chicklet..maybe we could form our own clique? :D

(was that a quippy and one-liner enough do you think?)

Oh and i think Dr M's post was meant to make us THINK. I don't think it was an accusation or an invitation for deep was an expression of an observation.

funny how guilty consciouses work....

*EL notices its near midnight and drags herself off to bed*
Chicklet said:
I feel that way, too...of course, I have social issues and can't fathom the idea that anyone would accept me. I even feel uncomfortable around my kitties...

In all the boards there seem to be cliques - but I think it's mostly just "regulars" - the feel of people belonging to a group together is just that we have read other things those people have said and make references to them. Like I said, I don't feel like I'm a part of any group.


ps Dr M

1) I'm really sorry that your thread has been taken over
2) this is exactly why I was pushing for a new AH forum.
There are cliques, but not all are just "regulars". I too, have experienced the rather blatant egnoring of my posts by some of those "regulars".

Some posters tend to gang up on someone, if they don't follow the path of the clique "regulars". I am even taking a risk by mentioning this. I have suffered the wrath of cliques here, before.

It is mainly an unspoken thing, because you can be ostresized rather quickly, if the finger is pointed.

I don't think it is really an organized thing, but that is worse, if it isn't organized and still happens. That means someone is controlling others with out their knowing.

Sure, this sounds unreal, but I'm telling the truth. Actually, the wrath I experienced wasn't on this forum, but there was a crossover effect by what I experienced.

I don't know if I am talking about the same thing as dr_mabeuse, but if I am, the seperatist cliques do exist.

But, I do think it should be allowed to snag a thread here and there, or even that could be seen as a clique by others. The social atmosphere should be allowed to be, or a nasty high brow atmosphere will take over.

Granted, I don't think a few should take over a thread and chit chat about something completely unrelated to the thread, but a sidestep here and there should be OK. Just so it doesn't get out of hand.

OK, have I completely de-cliqued myself, never to be noticed again? I would hate to see the same thing happen again as did back then.

Oh, cliques can be dangerous, too. Check out the plagiarism thread, if you wonder. Guilty or not, when one person takes a side, others tend to blindly follow. God help anyone who hinders! :eek:
You're not obliquely referring to the soapy hosing thing again, are you? That wasn't clique, that was just really bad manners on your part followed by really bad manners on my part. I agree, I would hate to see the same thing happen all over again. These sorts of spats tend to escalate in a big flame war way where people take sides.
Re: Nothing new

Croctden said:
I got there were cliques within five posts of getting here. The cliques are why there was some talk of breaking up the board into a serious authors and more community type board a while back.

That assumes... Oh, wait, I'm being drawn off-topic aren't I?

Cliques: English Rose; I certainly assumed you were in it.
I think it highly likely doc that this is a cyclic thing. A year ago when I joined the site I recall that there was a fair amount of quite ponderous discussion of weighty matters.

As other people joined (or joined in when they saw the chance) the wheel turned towards more chattery stuff.

I've no doubt that as interest waxes and wanes the majority of threads will become more serious again.

Just a matter of time.

English Lady said:
... even occassionally chuckole at the silly added in bits..

I only hang around here because it of the silly added in bits, especially as the serious threads are usually absurdly so or peter out very quickly. Also I am far too anal to be able to read many threads with spelling and grammatical mistakes without getting a headache. Most people in AH can at least spell.
Re: hiya

LorriLove said:
i'm not an author, i'm not even very clever, i come here occasionally because i've friends here, not a clique of suedo friends talking on one subject only and ignoring strangers with an 'obvious cold shoulder' as the more high-brow members of a/h do mostly.

but a few friendly intelligent people of higher calibre than you find on the general board normally, (one point i agree with dr_mab. on is the g/b's constant childish crap)
mg's one liner's would be lost on the g/b, it would be over most of their heads.

this board would degenerate into a three post a week very boring meeting of about 4 people without the more light hearted threads and friendly banter that goes in between the serious bits.

i agree with you english lady, a lot of the stuff in the serious bits is beyond an appropriate instant response from me, but i do like to contribute when i can, i'm genuinely interested in some of it.
this is when the real clique of the a/h springs into action, no matter how many serious replies people like me make, the regular clique of high-brows will shut up shop and refuse to even acknowledge our existence, let alone have the common courtesy to enter into dialogue in reply.

Yea, what she said!!

Hey who the fuck are you anyway lady, and how dare you intrude on our forum.:D
