
Hey Doc, I was just trying to make light of it; you know, your dreaded secret and all- I thought it had verdant possibilities, i.e. "The Cask of Amontillado".

Depression is real, debilitating and terrible. I'm glad you've surmounted it. I've been there.

Pure said:
I find this excessively modest, if less than your usual good humor.
But, come, come, let's not try entirely to hide your credentials and accomplishments as an amateur author

Dear Pure,
You seem to have found out more about my stories than I know. I guess that's flattering. Thank you.

The word you use, "amateur," is the key to the whole thing. The point I was trying to make is that I have no aspirations to be anything more. I expect to make a considerable number of scientific publications, but that's comparing apples and mules.

I'm afraid that I have little interest in becoming a better writer, either. In fact, I think that I'm just about written out. Who knows what I'll want to do in the future. Maybe in twenty years I'll want to be a writer and regret not learning about it at an earlier age. For now, though, I'm happy being a rank amateur. I am a little sad, though, that I don't feel like writing anymore. It was fun, and I sort of miss it. I just don't feel like I have anything more to write. Strange.
A splenetic note:

It's total crap that the mental health of a critic of forum froth becomes an issue. Nothing shows a kind of establishment or complacent mentality, with its accompanying un-self conscious arrogance, than this way of dealing with a forum critic. Dr. M, is NOT by the way, someone who's *accused* some persons of stealing the Crippled Children's Church Fund; he said a few folks make superfical, self-congratulating postings to an internet forum

Get a grip clique-sters! Isn't the mental health counter-measure a bit of overkill?

Don't answer, Ms P, I know you're above it; but:

Friends consider: Is there a reason to prefer the views (about the forum) of the middle aged phlegmatic Ms P., to the middle aged splenetic, Dr. M?

Why is Dr. M's middle age relevant? more relevant than Ms. P's middle age?

Is this whole approach a lot of crap?

[a part of Dr. M's confessional narrative, given to dispel speculation]

Dr. M said
Perdita was good enough to help me through a truly life-threatening depressive episode I went through about a month or so ago, when I was actually hospitalized for a couple of days as being a threat to myself. When I needed someone to talk to and vent to, she was there, and for that I'll be eternally grateful. I think she might have literally saved my life. [...]

As to being angry and middle-aged, what can I say? I believe that no one sjhould criticized for those things they cannot change, and I'm sure Perdita didn't mean them as criticisms but as statements of fact, which they are. I run on anger and rage; it's what motivates my writing and my life and I pay the price for it. There's really nothing I can do about it. I think I do a pretty good job of toning it down here. Usually it's directed at myself: hence the hospitalization. No, I am not well-adjusted by any stretch of the imagination and I don't want to be.

And middle-aged? Yes. 57 years. I'm not happy about it, but there's nothing I can do about it, is there? (except lie which I often do).

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That's a little harsh Pure. I think she was trying to not comment on anything the Dr had talked to her about as I'd imagine those conversations were private. Pear hasn't actually said anything much, all of these 'revelations' were from the Doctor. Why should she make a comment about it. If you notice Dr M's post wasn't actually about any problems he had, but background on Perdita and his acquaintance on Lit.

The Earl

I have decided to behave in a cliquey manner.

The logic of much of the argument is circular.

I have decided, on my own, without consulting anyone, to ignore this thread and any similar ones that might occur because this is a waste of effort.


I suggest that anyone who feels offended by my withdrawal from this thread could reciprocate by ignoring any threads or posts from me.

*Just doing a small hi-jacking of this thread to make sure that even this one gets its share of my HP-babbling*
Harry, Harry, Harry!



You may now return to your regular bickering.;)
Hi Ogg >;)

I agree that things seem to have derailed somewhat, and naturally, there is an end to all discussions.

But come now- you could have elected to refrain from posting further simply by- well, refraining from posting further! I think that's a bit of a stab-n-twist, the "I withdraw".

I'm finding it hard to articulate exactly why it seems shabby- all I can think of is a friend of mine named Paul in high school who made a website called "the *Unofficial* Newport High School Homepage" and attached links to gay porn (as was his right, being gay and having done the website entirely on his own time)...

Bear with me-

Anyway, he had a 4.0 GPA and had been accepted to prestigious Columbia University- when suddenly, the Principal (a tight-kneed, clamp-thighed old harpy if there ever was one) stumbled across his (personal) website and absolutely tossed her croutons- I suppose because of the school's name in proximity to buggery. In any case, she suspended him (which the ACLU later decided she had no right to do) and sent a letter to Columbia "rescinding" her recommendation of Paul- which she would have had a right to do- if she had written him a recommendation in the first place! Since she never had, or been asked to, or been involved in any way with Paul's getting into Columbia, what she did was in essence to give a negative recommendation, an exceedingly unneccesary and vindictive act on her part, completely motivated by her own selfish opinions.

Paul was rejected ex-post facto by Columbia, and even though she and the district settled out of court in his favor, they could not get the University to reconsider.

I suppose my question is- what reason is there to inject a thread with your seal of disapproval and then flounce away? You didn't really even say anything except that you are always absolutely politik and stay to the maudlin middle. How do you benefit? Why not just stop posting? I notice a lot of people have.

mlle (not a seven-headed hydra, just curious)
MathGirl said:
The word you use, "amateur," is the key to the whole thing. The point I was trying to make is that I have no aspirations to be anything more. I expect to make a considerable number of scientific publications, but that's comparing apples and mules.
OK, what is this apples and mules bullshit?! I'm an amateur writer here, and I don't see myself as a mule. If I'm part of the apples, then I'm OK with that. But, if someone is thinking I'm a member of some mule team, they've got a fight on their hands.

What is this...some sort of clique?:eek:
Re: PS

oggbashan said:
I suggest that anyone who feels offended by my withdrawal from this thread could reciprocate by ignoring any threads or posts from me.


Right, that's it, I'm ignoring this oggie;)
Svenskaflicka said:
*Just doing a small hi-jacking of this thread to make sure that even this one gets its share of my HP-babbling*
Harry, Harry, Harry!



You may now return to your regular bickering.;)
Harry Potter lovers! Now there's a clique for ya'!

I already said that?

Although I'm convinced everyone has me on ignore anyway, save for Earl and Svenska...
I think I'm going to unsubscribe to this thread, too. Not that I have been adding anything of value to the discussion, or even taking anything away (aside from my apple or mule clique comment, perhaps?), but I don't read long posts on computer screens very well (bad for the eyes, you know) and some (but not all) of the posts have come to be just babbling. The only babbling I have grown to enjoy in these latter years of my life is a babbling brook. No, not the same thing, sorry.

But, I'm sure nobody will curse my leaving, more likely rejoice in it, and I do so like to make the masses happy, when I can. So, I bid you all adieu, and have a happy 4th.

(Notice I didn't say happy Independence Day, because I know there are British folks here who would see this. Not that they care we moved out of the house, but that tea thing might still be a concern with some. Personally, I don't drink tea, and I don't think any of my forefathers were acquainted with that incident. Actually, I'm of Irish decent. Yeah, that's it. Just in case there is a clique somewhere and I offended them).

P.S. See above for a pretty good example of babbling...

Ta-ta. Hope to speak to you all on another thread, in the future. :)
If they made smilie cukes and zuccini...

Hey Mlle:

:nana: :nana: :nana:

Prurient Perdita
MathGirl said:
Not me or the mules, I can assure you.

Now, is this a good thing or a bad thing?

At least I know that some part of the "clique" isn't ignoring me! ((can you feel the sarcasm?))
Just-Legal said:
At least I know that some part of the "clique" isn't ignoring me! ((can you feel the sarcasm?))
JL: I always thought you were part of the party, you just don't post as much as Flicka (no one does).

I love your AV almost as much as Pop's.

Perdita (aka Snapette) :cool:
Oh, yeah, Perdita? Wanna rumble? ;)

Take this:

:p :nana: :p :nana: :p :nana: :p :nana:

I don't feel at all hypocritical being so frivolous on a dead thread...Lord, have I been assimilated? *laugh*

Whatever. I just wanna watch the bananas dance...
MlledeLaPlumeBleu said:
Oh, yeah, Perdita? Wanna rumble? ;)

I don't feel at all hypocritical being so frivolous on a dead thread...Lord, have I been assimilated? *laugh*
Srta. Azul, oops, nevermind; I thought you were asking if I wanted to rhumba.

Everyone knows a dead thread is the best kind for frivolity.

BTW, sent you official feedback on your immensely pleasurable to read stories, and a new PM.

I don't know about the cliques and that sort but I've assimilated you quite easily.

La Perdita :rose:
MlledeLaPlumeBleu said:
Right into Siegfried's Pyre.....

or Norma's....
O, Mlle. of my musical heart, if you can sing anything from Norma (or Puritani), well I just can't say it publicly.