Come vs. Cum - Judges' ruling?

KillerMuffin said:

Going is leaving. Come is moving toward. I'd fall flat on my ass.


Yes, but would a character's grammatical sensibilities be as delicate if she were actually in the middle of an orgasm..? "I'm going to come" may be silly, but the contracted form "I'm gonna come" doesn't sound as strange (to me) even though it means the same thing.
I don't see the big deal with using "cum" as a noun or verb. It clearly identifies what the author means. "I'm coming!" and "I'm cumming!" mean two completely different things to me. Just based on the dictionary, "coming" would be an incorrect usage of the word if referring to an orgasm.

Words are words, including slang. As George Carlin says, there are no bad words. Bad thoughts, bad intentions ... and words.

I read a story this weekend here at lit where "come" was used in place of "cum". I had to stop and read it again each time I "came" across it. ;) I hope I don't cum across to many stories where a man comes on a chick's face, that would hurt I would think. ;)
Hi again

Can be mistaken I suppose, the two forms of 'come/cum'

A young boy was walking with his dad, they came upon a dead bird, (feathered variety),

"Oh daddy, why is that birdie laid like that?" Asks junior.

"Laying like what, how do you mean son?" Dad enquires.

"Like that with his legs up in the air, you know on his back and all." Junior continues.

"Oh I see." Dad replies beginning to look for the get out clause in his brain without being too direct and upsetting little Johnny.

"Well actually Johnny the birdie has passed on and is waiting for God to lift him into heaven, see how birdie is holding his legs up for God to take him by the feet." Dad explains, hoping he's answered Johnny and defused the situation a little without upset.

"Oh I see dad, Hmm, I understand it all now." Johnny replies.

They continue their walk in the woods, such a lovely spring day, all the birds are singing, well the live one's are anyway.


"Yes Johnny."

"Mum nearly died last week, nearly passed on like, to God." Junior whispers nervously.

"What, how, how do you mean son, died." the man asks, very confused.

"Well you know when the school heating packed up and we had to go home early last week."

"Yeess Johnny."

"Well when I got home mummy was laying on the kitchen table with her legs right up in the air like the birdie, and she was shouting 'Oh God I'm coming, I'm coming'. But for Mr Jones the postman holding her down so firm I think we'd have lost her".


:D :D
OK, but then,...

KillerMuffin said:
Come is dictionary definition for me.

... the past tense "he came" should be unacceptable as well (by the same argument).
So, what would you use, "he cummed?"

There are stories where "come" seems to me to fit in more naturally and others where "cum" is the better choice. It depends on the story and style?

TheEarl said:
In Japanese, the correct translation is "I'm going!" which obviously prompts the answer of "What? No, not yet!"

The Earl

That's usually just what I say when he sais "I'm comming" lol
TheEarl said:
In Japanese, the correct translation is "I'm going!" which obviously prompts the answer of "What? No, not yet!"

Apologies again to whoever said that first. I just like it.

Cum is acceptable, but I dislike "cumming" (no jokes please). And cummed should never even be considered.

I tend to actually avoid using the word. IMHO you should be able to tell that my characters have come without me actually saying so. Then we get back into the sea metaphors.

The Earl
I see it a bit differently Earl. Of course it's a given the guy is going to ejaculate, no need to tell me he's filled her full of his cum, like a dozen or so times in fifteen minutes.

What I need to know, at least with 90% of the stories(yours not included in that number) here at literotica, is if she's going to cum, or is cumming or can possibly cum. Maybe I'm easily confused but with most of these stories I can't see how she can have an orgasm, which means you'd better tell me she's cum, or about to cum or is in the process of cumming. Maybe even that she cummed thirty two seconds after he started to fuck her, or ten seconds after she saw his big cock.

I'd also like to know how she's cum a dozen times in the three minutes of sexual bliss her man has given her.

Diane, the one looking for an orgasm

PS. Even more confusing is what cum refers to. If it’s a man then I’ve got it all figured out, if he’s filled me with his cum(semen), he’s had an orgasm. At least I assume he’s had an orgasm, with some men that isn’t real evident, other then it, it being his penis(cock), gets soft.

What is confusing is that if cum refers to my vaginal lubrication then I may be wet with both my own and his cum but I haven’t actually cum.
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SexyChele said:
The, "Oh God, I'm cumming" always reminds me of a chat room, and I always get a bit agitated when I read it. And I agree with The Earl: "cummed" is absolutely HORRID! I try to "cum" as a noun sparingly. I prefer to try to find some other word that might do just as well, if not better. However, sometimes in dialogue, it just fits well.
I’m not so sure about using cum in dialogue. I can’t remember a time during sex that I’ve heard or used the words, cum or cumming.

I’m sure I’ve never heard a man announce he’s "cumming" or even "about to cum", although many times I’ve wished he hadn’t cum so damn soon.
a third meaning

'I am just coming!' has another meaning altogether when uttered by my wife.

She normally says it when we are about to go out and are already behind schedule. She will have forgotten something and will have gone upstairs to find it. I will ask her how long is she going to be and she will tell me she is just coming.

That means she will be at least another five minutes!

Re: a third meaning

Octavian said:
'I am just coming!' has another meaning altogether when uttered by my wife.

She normally says it when we are about to go out and are already behind schedule. She will have forgotten something and will have gone upstairs to find it. I will ask her how long is she going to be and she will tell me she is just coming.

That means she will be at least another five minutes!


Dear O,
Your wife has an orgasm before you go out together? My, my. Where is it you're going on those occasions? Sounds kinky.
Pookie_grrl said:
I read a story this weekend here at lit where "come" was used in place of "cum". I had to stop and read it again each time I "came" across it. ;) I hope I don't cum across to many stories where a man comes on a chick's face, that would hurt I would think. ;)

LOL, I do that too. If I see come instead of cum my mind is immediately off and running thinking about where he/she are coming from exactly and did they have to hurry so they could get there in time for the sex.

As for my own writing I usually use cum, except with one naive little character that I think would shy away from the that spelling in her mind. I don't use cumming (at least I don't think I ever have) not because I'm opposed, but because by the time my characters get to that point they aren't really capable of stringing words together to make a sentence.

I would like to be able to use cum and cumming, but I'm not sure if I can. The double 'm' in 'cumming' with it's echo of a satisfied "Mmmm" does make it sexier than 'coming', but it also reminds me of those dumbed-down spellings like 'fuk' and 'nite'

But there's a new problem on the Horizon!!!

I've been seeing a lot of references to a man's "sac" meaning his testicles, or "sack" I believe. As far as I know "Sac" referes to a tribe of American Indians living in Southweatern Wisconson.

Why should 'sack' mean a bag, but 'sac' be used for the fleshy container of a man's testicles? Is 'sac' sexier than 'sack'? More French? Might we soon expect to see 'fuc' rerplace the usual spelling?


dr_mabeuse said:
But there's a new problem on the Horizon!!!

I've been seeing a lot of references to a man's "sac" meaning his testicles, or "sack" I believe. As far as I know "Sac" referes to a tribe of American Indians living in Southweatern Wisconson.

Why should 'sack' mean a bag, but 'sac' be used for the fleshy container of a man's testicles? Is 'sac' sexier than 'sack'? More French? Might we soon expect to see 'fuc' rerplace the usual spelling?


Dear Dr M,

In biology, the term "sac" refers to a pouch within the tissues. It usually contains a fluid. These are small structures, some even microscopic.

I really don't think "sac" is a proper term for a scrotum, but it seems trendy to use it.

Diane, The Biologically Enlightened
Re: a third meaning

Octavian said:
'I am just coming!' has another meaning altogether when uttered by my wife.

She normally says it when we are about to go out and are already behind schedule. She will have forgotten something and will have gone upstairs to find it. I will ask her how long is she going to be and she will tell me she is just coming.

That means she will be at least another five minutes!


From The Viz Sexist Book Of Records


At 6.08pm on Saturday 14th January 1988, Mrs Maria Cartwright (GB) went upstairs to get ready to go out for a nice meal with her husband Nigel at their home in Pitlochry, Perthshire (Scotland). She finally pronounced herself ready and came downstairs at 8.34pm the following Thursday, 5 days, 2hrs 26mins later. During her marathon preparation Mrs Cartwright had tried on and rejected 14,783 different combinations of clothing, jewellery, make-up and shoes. Her husband spent the entire time standing at the bottom of the stairs in his suit, jingling his car keys. He later estimated he had shouted up to ask if she was ready at least 750 times, to which he had received the response "Yes nearly" on every occasion.


Lovely, gauche!

And then there was my rhetoric professor who was calling for a student to turn her exam in to him. She continued to write furiously, while calling out "I'm coming! I'm coming!"

To which he replied, "I don't care what you're doing, if you don't turn in your blue book now, I'm not going to accept it!"
