Commentary on the forum

Oh dear

I put my foot in a puddle of outside observer pooh. That means shit in a sock. Just like shit any where else. Useless.

Fuck off OO. You have all the charm of of of of of a flea bite.


Ps Sorry everybody else
Hi Pierced,

You said,

Oh dear
I put my foot in a puddle of outside observer pooh. That means shit in a sock. Just like shit any where else. Useless.

Fuck off OO. You have all the charm of of of of of a flea bite.

Respecting your upset, flinging shit, even flinging shit *back* contributes, does it not, to a shitty atmosphere? And of course no one ever thinks they started the exchange.

When flamers are flamed, one is led towards a general incineration. Wouldn't you agree that the alternative of 'moderator's intervention' or lacking that, ignoring, is the way to go?
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<disapproving, conceited tone> Newwwbies!

LOL... just teasin ya pierced.

PBW "Skipping the rap about ignoring them since I've already typed something up on the subject previously"
Pure and PBW

Pissed, on two counts. One was a nice lager, the other well....

Background not excuses

OO there must be a place for you so no need to fuck off.

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I just finished reading this novella o poo...much of it I missed after putting many of the (now fallen) fighters on iggies.

Wierd shit, some of it.....

Lancecastor said:
Wierd shit, some of it.....


I think I must have been drunk to even reply to the original bait. Once in a while, it's good to get snookered into acting the fool, I suppose. At least, that's my theory and I'm going with it! :)
RisiaSkye said:

I think I must have been drunk to even reply to the original bait. Once in a while, it's good to get snookered into acting the fool, I suppose. At least, that's my theory and I'm going with it! :)

I made a foolish post once too, I think.
Lancecastor said

I made a foolish post once too, I think.

Yes, I think I saw it. ;-) It was where you said you might have made a mistake.

In retrospect it's hard to see why the criticisms of OO against the forum, which were hardly radical or venomous, aroused such furor. My speculation is that certain folks wanted to fight, others to vent hostilities. OO 'merely' threw a match onto the oily rags.

Once started, of course the various cyber machisma's and machismo's kick in, literal or figurative dick swinging to see who's toughest, who has the cleverest put-down.

Pure said:
In retrospect it's hard to see why the criticisms of OO against the forum, which were hardly radical or venomous, aroused such furor [/B]

I stand by everything I said. So there.

Pure said:
In retrospect it's hard to see why the criticisms of OO against the forum, which were hardly radical or venomous, aroused such furor [/B]

I stand by everything I said. So there.
RisiaSkye said:

I think I must have been drunk to even reply to the original bait. Once in a while, it's good to get snookered into acting the fool, I suppose. At least, that's my theory and I'm going with it! :)

I disagree. I think that sometimes you have to call an a-hole an a-hole.


Since outside observer is a "guest" I will be polite! ONE, people DO come and go here and that is their business, not ours. SECONDLY, I love the job the moderator is doing. THIRDLY, if you don't like this forum move on! Yes oo, you do have an opinion and that is all you do have, an opinion.
Hello fallon2,

It is good to see you post.

I hope you will drop in again soon.
