Commentary on the forum

MissTaken said:

I made the big leagues if I got a laugh out of our resident jokester!


Miss *no anchovies* Taken

Actually, it's pretty easy to get me to laugh... :) But you did get a good laugh with that one.

PBW "When i was in 8th grade my nickname was: Smiley"

How dorky is that? LOL.
Alittle mood music... sway with me now

Oh, Sammie, Oh Sammie, when will those dark clouds disappear
Sammie, Sammie where will it lead us from here
With no loving in our souls and no money in our coats
You can't say we're satisfied
But Sammie, Sammie, you can't say we never tried

Sammie, you're beautiful, but a'int it time we said goodbye
Sammie, I still love you, remember all those nights we cried
All the dreams we held so close seemed to all go up in smoke
Let me whisper in your ear
Sammie, Sammie, where will it lead us from here
Oh, Sammie, don't you weep, all your kisses still taste sweet
I hate that sadness in your eyes
But Sammie, Sammie, ain't it time we said goodbye

With no loving in our souls and no money in our coats
You can't say we're satisfied
But Sammie, I still love you baby, ev'rywhere I look I see your eyes
There ain't a woman that comes close to you, come on baby, dry your eyes

But Sammie, Sammie, ain't it good to be alive
Sammie, Sammie, they can't say we never tried

Did someone mention pizza?
P. B. Walker said:

PBW "When i was in 8th grade my nickname was: Smiley"

How dorky is that? LOL.

Hmmmm Mine was

Torpedo Tits!

Shhhhhhh dont' tell anyone!
MissTaken said:
Hmmmm Mine was

Torpedo Tits!

Shhhhhhh dont' tell anyone!

Geez... what a visual. LMAO. It's almost so wierd I couldn't laugh... lol.

PBW "That's pretty cool to have tits by the 8th grade. LOL"
Re: Slander, jealousy and personal violation

Oh for pete's sake!

This isn't just personal politics being spelled out in this long message, its OLD personal politics. Why should anybody care about any of this? Motivations don't interest me: the actual ideas that get expressed do, and I am indebted to this Observer person for bringing up many interesting and controversial without stooping to the level of personal assasination, as you seem to have done.

Speculating, usually utterly incorrectly, on WHY somebody is expressing ideas, rather than being brave enough to deal with the ideas themselves not only de-rails or diverts once-interesting discussion into total gossipy trivia, it often kills the idea-thinker cold, it turns that person into an object of gossip rather than as a source of interesting information. That's why they call it character assassianation. I see enough of this shit in life as it is and I would strongly prefer it if you'd take this sort of thing elsewhere--perhaps back to that more gossipy forum you mentioned?

Unda. Crucia. Eximius.

cymbidia said:
Many of you know me.
Some do not.
I don't give a flying fuck either way -- i'm not staying.

I thought some of you would want to know that your OutsideObserver troll is motivated almost entirely by a consuming jealousy for R's impeccable academic credentials.


foxinsox said:
You *can* change things.

If you really want to clear this up, post your true identity.

If not on the board, then at least have the grace to come clean to Risia and pure in PM.

It's as simple as that.

OH GOOD LORD! People are already totally diverted like baa baa sheep into trying to figure out some poster's identity rather than listening to what said poster is saying, all because of some vicious rumor-spreading done earlier in the thread.


I agree with damn little that Observer has said and I don't really like his attitide, but I will defend to the death he or she's right to the same personal privacy that all you nosy accusors enjoy for yourselves. REVEAL YOUR REAL IDENTITY to this forum first---your real name, your address, your phone number, AND what the names of all the alternate personas you use on lit and then just maybe you may be deserving to hear Observer's real ID.

Don't let yourselves be slaves to a foul and scurrious rumor-monger who is very pettily, IMO, derailing this thread. The next time the rumors start, the next time demands are made that someone show their REAL ID, that person may be you. And, by participating in the current witch hunt, you won't find ME defending your right to privacy. By persecuting others unfairly in this way, you've given up all rights for yourself. You're on your own, babies!

Unda. Crucia. Eximius.
I have to agree with the last two posts made by UCE. They are right on IMHO.

Think about it... out of the thousands of you out there... how many know my first name? How many of you have given me your first name out here in public? Hell, how many use real face pics in their AVs?

Sorry to go against popular opinion...

Re: Re: Re: I figured it all out!!!

P. B. Walker said:
True, UCE, some do get hot. I have to admit, there were a few comments that got me hot. But why respond? Why do we need to explain ourselves to a faceless person? I'll say it again, nothing ever comes from these threads. Just my experience. Take it or leave it. :)

Trolls, unregistereds, whoever... they are all the same in my book. Some are less malicious than others, true. I've never felt the need to post anything anonymously. If I'm not able to stand behind my posts as who I am, then I just keep them to myself. Simple enough.

Yes, humor has it's place. And if that was all people responded with, then I be cool with it. But getting so bent out of shape just means this person has succeeded in their task.


But but but but but.... lol where do I start? Ok, with the anonymity issue.

To me, everybody here except for a very small handful of individuals I know from other places are anonymous. You have a photo of a normal guy in your avatar and you have a normal western name, but for all I know you could be a saudi arabian harem princess on the other side of the world and everything in your profile is a lie meant to hide your true identity! To me "Observer" or whatever his/her name is, is simply another version of a PB Walker. How is that person any more faceless than you are? I know you only by the things you post here, and that's how I know the Observer too. The only difference between you two is that you've been posting longer. At least that is how I see it. So why shouldn't you respond to unregistereds the same as you respond to a registered, if the ideas are interesting ones? It just doesn't make sense to me that someone who doesn't register ideas would not be worth replying to.

I guess if I see any difference between unregisted users and registered ones it's that the unregistered ones run a big risk that their unregistered "name" will be used by somebody malicious to post messages under. Since it's not registered, anybody can come online and say something under it, right?

MissTaken said:
Looks like we are still quacking!


Hi RS!

Hiya, MissT.

I'm tired. This thread makes me tired.

I thought we'd gotten past all this bullshit.
I knew I shoulda just let it alone, rather than arguing with an idiot.
See where persistence in defending the forum gets you? Nowhere, and fast. Let that be a lesson to me. :rolleyes:

I don't blame you for being tired.

I have been a little enmeshed in the crap on the GB and that is wearisome, too.

Oh well, so far a quiet night there.

Train wrecks and arguements.
I can't seem to stay away.

Hugs to you...

Fuck em if they won't hear you.


I can see why you are feeling worn out and crapped on.

I'm not posting this to start crap or further rag on you. This is meant as constructive critism. I'm sure I'm the last person you want to hear this from, so I'll just say it and shutup.

IMHO I think you could have averted alot of this hoopla if you had handled this in a different manner. In many ways you did bring this upon yourself. I am saddened to hear that you are going to stop posting (at least that was what I gathered from cym's post... i could be wrong. I apologize ahead of time if I am). I think that is the wrong answer.

Best of luck and I've always thought you were a great moderator.

Again, sorry to have an unpopular viewpoint.

Re: What a shame

OutsideObserver said:
I Also, loved your discourse on this being a site dedicated to writing. The quote from my post that you use was meant to be sarcasm. I am quite amazed that you went on so long about nothing because, in fact, I was being sarcastic. You like to listen to yourself type I think.

Why is it that only the bad writers accuse the readers when their meaning doesn't come across on paper in the way that they imagined it in their head? Sheesh!

It wasn't sarcasm by the way, it was irony. You may have wrote it but you are having trouble defining it. And, as I said earlier, IF you meant it purposefully as full irony (did YOU bother to read that part of my message?), it rendered your whole statement meaningless. Therefore, I was, ahem, kinda-sorta being polite? you know? by giving you the benefit of the doubt since I ascribed to you the less idiotic among the two meanings for your statement! Looks like I should have saved my breath. If you really want the meaning that makes no sense to be considered yours, be my guest!

(rolling eyes)
Unda. Crucia. Eximius.
I have found the messenger and the message manipulative, sarcastic, prone to flaming and belittlement, and severely lacking in any "inside observation" - just a wee bit too focused on "outside observtion". Additionally they claim they have contributed to the forum "more than most", but will not disclose how - let's see it. Sure it's easy to flame a troll, we all know it. Questions/comments about the forum, how it has changed and ideas about how to improve it seem like a fine discussion if desired. Outside Observer's whole demeanor started as pompous, negative and taunting... and it hasn't changed. Ha ha, I have one up on you. I know who you are, but you don't know who I am!
PB, you're not telling me anything I don't know.

RisiaSkye said:

I knew I shoulda just let it alone, rather than arguing with an idiot.
See where persistence in defending the forum gets you? Nowhere, and fast. Let that be a lesson to me. :rolleyes:

For the record, cym's post had nothing to do with me. She's my friend offline, but she brought things here that didn't belong here. Don't mistake her words for mine. We are, and have always been, very different people.

And I stand by what I said to "OutsideObserver." The fact that s/he chose to use half-truths and manipulations to malign my name and the forum I've long considered home isn't my responsibility, and I won't apologize on their behalf.

MissTaken said:
It had something to do with something that someone said about some forum and then, evolved into a discussion about someone who posts here and at another forum and then the other forum member visited here and then someone was hurt, someone angry, someone insulted and then someone almost cleared up the matter about someone not being the someone that everyone thought the someone was.


In a nutshell....


It always gets ugly when Someone shows up from Another Forum and tries to blame the Other One for Everyone Leaving and Ruining the Forum.

Usually, They come from the Other Forum out of a misplaced need for "justice" (ie revenge) I find.

So, we know that Outside Observer is 1 Serious Shitbag....a big enough Doink to not only bring the Cym by for a bile spray, but to knock Risia to the mat, too.

Who is this Unknown Shitbag?

What are the theories?

Is there a wall chart?

Lancecastor said:

Who is this Unknown Shitbag?

Someone with a hard on for someone who must of done someone wrong ...

What are the theories?

Is there a wall chart?


Well, if x +y = someone

Divide that by a/b and multiply by 8.

there is your answer,

Or, in summation, QUACK!

Apathy, Anonymity and Bad Faith.

In the end it probably doesn't matter, as they have shown their disrespect and disdain for the forum and the majority of it's regular members already - over and over. It's probably a personal problem, and as they will not discuss who they are, it has no bearing - though the game certainly gives them the attention they crave.

It's true they are bringing back old members to post, but they are only doing so by misdirection - who wants to be thought the Outside Observer - again, attempting destructive manipulation and splintering core members - flattering those who agree, striking down those who don't. This person seems extremely hungry for credit and control, but has unfortunately cut themselves off from any in remaining anonymous - that's probably a pattern for them, hence the dissatisfaction and murky, mean, melodramatic darkness.

Shame on you regular posters for no longer entertaining Outside Observer - you have lost your usefulness - but you are still their toys. ;)

If anything Outside Observer is a fine example of what not to be as a member of this or any forum.
I come here to read about the horribly perverse things you people do to one another and what do I get? Bicker, bicker, bicker.
It’s like the GB, only the GBers are frightened of coming in here.
Re: Apathy, Anonymity and Bad Faith.

lark sparrow said:
This person seems extremely hungry for credit and control, but has unfortunately cut themselves off from any in remaining anonymous

Uhhh lark. This seems like a self-negating sentence. Yes, I know I normally don't pay much attention here, and I'm usually clueless. But every once in a while I try to surprise people. LOL. Anyhooo... if this OO person wanted credit and control wouldn't he/she have come forth as themself? I would think remaining anonymous means they don't want credit. Yes? I mean, even if by some miracle this place changed into utopia (according to OO), how would they claim credit? I mean, who could he/she confide if they wanted to remain anonymous? Unless of course it's a group of people, but I doubt that seriously.

Just my two cents... for what it's worht.

Oh no PB they have already stated several times in several ways how they have begun to turn the board around single-handedly despite the stupidity they have to deal with LOL.

This seems why they remain an anonymous whiner - in everyone's business, but don't want to actually get their hands dirty. I know it doesn't make "sense" - but it's one of the ways people set themselves up for failure. It's just a theory.
Last edited:
She has singly handedly turned this board around. Ladies and gentlemen, lets give her a nice round of applause.
Never said:
She has singly handedly turned this board around. Ladies and gentlemen, lets give her a nice round of applause.

ROTLMAO... omg...

I have to wonder what the hell is in there now... lol. Poor Barbie doll.

you are a nut Never.... lol

Does this mean Private Vasquez is also part of the Borg mind that is lav/mm/Misch/Never/rr/et al? ;)