Commentary on the forum

RisiaSkye said:
Does this mean Private Vasquez is also part of the Borg mind that is lav/mm/Misch/Never/rr/et al? ;)

Oh shit!

Another conspiracy theory?


RisiaSkye said:
Yes, but the Borg has conveniently numbered it for you:
Conspiracy # 28907356.

Thanks, RS!

I am still caught up in #24093476 and #1294785.

Geesh! So much to do, so little time.

Never said:
She has singly handedly turned this board around. Ladies and gentlemen, lets give her a nice round of applause.

LOL applauds

And by "they" I actually mean s/he. It seems one lone person who is quite isolated and living through the tales of others. Hasn't looked in the mirror in quite some time. It's like watching people on t.v. - you come to feel you know them, and you're sure you could write a better plot.

And yes, I hope "they" find this psychobabble terribly annoying (sorry everyone else!) :p
Just a note to thank those kept a level head in an intense situation. And those who figured out enough about what is or is not going on, to enable apologies.

As to Ms T:

Originally posted by RisiaSkye
Yes, but the Borg has conveniently numbered it for you:
Conspiracy # 28907356.

Thanks, RS!

I am still caught up in #24093476 and #1294785.

Geesh! So much to do, so little time.

Note for all: I'm not involved in conspiracies, 28907356, 2409376, or 1294785.

In future communications reference this number for the cosmical plot in which I'm a tiny cog:



Best regards to all.
RisiaSkye said:
Does this mean Private Vasquez is also part of the Borg mind that is lav/mm/Misch/Never/rr/et al? ;)

Coule be.
(and I say this with all the GenX angst I can muster): I honestly don't know who I am anymore.
Hey, Pure!

I hope that your post wasn't a Swan's song.

Thank you for the opportunity to pm with you.

Never said:
Coule be.
(and I say this with all the GenX angst I can muster): I honestly don't know who I am anymore.

Now come swim in the deep pool of apathy that is GenY, hon. It's where you belong, chronologically speaking. ;)
Are we through with this now?

Has everybody had enough?

Can we get back to the business of kinky sex and whips and chains and bondage?

Now come swim in the deep pool of apathy that is GenY, hon. It's where you belong, chronologically speaking. ;) "

I refuse to have such an uncreative and derivative name like ‘Gen Y’ applied to me. Besides, while I might chronologically belong to that generation, my mother and father were both Baby Boomers. I believe Xers are the children of Boomers and the (yet-unnamed) generation after them are the children of Busters.

So, I think I’m somewhat in-between. I mean, I remember the Breakfast Club but never wore anything neon green.

Are you certain we're supposed to be apathetic?
Never said:

Now come swim in the deep pool of apathy that is GenY, hon. It's where you belong, chronologically speaking. ;) "

I refuse to have such an uncreative and derivative name like ‘Gen Y’ applied to me. Besides, while I might chronologically belong to that generation, my mother and father were both Baby Boomers. I believe Xers are the children of Boomers and the (yet-unnamed) generation after them are the children of Busters.

My parents are Boomers, too. It depends how you figure generations, I guess. But, most GenX figures are a decade older than me. Including The Breakfast Club gang, even the youngins.

Are you certain we're supposed to be apathetic?
Ah, who knows? I'm not going to check or anything. Too much work.
Chronologically, if you were born at any time between 1961 and 1981, you are a member of Gen X. I was born in 1981.

And no, the next Gen with not be nearly as apathetic as the Xers.
Dammit.. is it making those creaking noises again? Forgot to oil it again...

Dick Solomon cracks me up.

PBW "Long live 3rd Rock"
"See how fun it is to play the definition game?"

It's not Gen Y. I refuse to be named after a chromosome I don't even have.
Come on, Gen-Next is so much better than Gen-Y.

That does it. I’m going to have to create a new musical form or write a best selling book or something like that and tell the world what my Generation thinks of the stupid ‘Gen-Y’ label.
Never said:
That does it. I’m going to have to create a new musical form or write a best selling book or something like that and tell the world what my Generation thinks of the stupid ‘Gen-Y’ label.
Works for me. I don't much like the moniker either.
Oh no

With those labels attached I am a Boomer while my wife is a GenX. I feel like a craddle snatcher. Will she becom apathertic? Whatever next.

Do we need the labels pejorative or not?

PBW your are only as old as the one you are feeling(spanking)


PS are you north Americans freezing? Its 41 fucking C here and we are definitley not fucking cold. Just a weather report. WD reported rain the other day.

P. B. Walker said:
Think about it... out of the thousands of you out there... how many know my first name? How many of you have given me your first name out here in public? Hell, how many use real face pics in their AVs?

Sorry to go against popular opinion...


Okay, PBW, I don't know your name, and unless you want to let me know it, it doesn't matter to me. My name is my Lit user name - go figure. Well, okay. It's my nickname and not my "full" name, but it's pretty easy to figure out what my "real" first name might be. And, no, that isn't me in my AV, but if anyone wants to see my face, all they gotta do is visit my web site.

Oh, and I do believe that those of us who were asking for OO "true" identity were not asking for their real life identity. That's just plain silly! We meant the person's Lit identity, natch!
RisiaSkye said:
Works for me. I don't much like the moniker either.

I went to a conference and one of the speaker's was referring to Generation Y as "Generation Why." His point was that after the aparent apathy that was one trademark of Gen X, "Gen. Why" was interested in the reasons for things, as opposed to being indifferent about them.

I found this to be an interesting observation. As a Gen X'er (d.o.b. - 1965), I think it is much more flattering.
Your wish is my command

Yes dear patrons, I have returned, as a registered user. Now there will be no excuses from you.

Originally posted by foxinsox
If you really want to clear this up, post your true identity.

Forunately, the mess with Pure cleaned itself up quite nicely without me coming clean to you. But now I do have an identity. I hope this makes me more credible to everyone.

Originally posted by RisiaSkye
I knew I shoulda just let it alone, rather than arguing with an idiot.
See where persistence in defending the forum gets you? Nowhere, and fast. Let that be a lesson to me.

Yes, the idiot that saw through your lies. I think you spent more time defending your own activities (which were never really the main issue) than the forum. This forum needed no defending. I commented on something I saw. You could have reacted reasonably and discussed in a manner befitting an adult. I hope you do not expect anyone to feel sorry for you. I certainly do not feel sympathy for you. Your melodramatic message full of self-pity about not posting elsewhere was plain absurd. If you feel you have to constrain yourself like that, so be it. Have a happy day.

Originally posted by lark sparrow
I have found the messenger and the message manipulative, sarcastic, prone to flaming and belittlement, and severely lacking in any "inside observation" - just a wee bit too focused on "outside observtion". Additionally they claim they have contributed to the forum "more than most", but will not disclose how - let's see it. Sure it's easy to flame a troll, we all know it. Questions/comments about the forum, how it has changed and ideas about how to improve it seem like a fine discussion if desired. Outside Observer's whole demeanor started as pompous, negative and taunting... and it hasn't changed. Ha ha, I have one up on you. I know who you are, but you don't know who I am!

I wrote a commentary on what I was observing. Am I not allowed to write it my way? All these things you mention, sarcasm, belittlement, manipulation, antagonism, taunting, etc., are they not all valid forms of commentary? Look into some of the popular commentary of the past.

The reason for not disclosing how I have contributed in the past is obvious.

Originally posted by lark sparrow
In the end it probably doesn't matter, as they have shown their disrespect and disdain for the forum and the majority of it's regular members already - over and over. It's probably a personal problem, and as they will not discuss who they are, it has no bearing - though the game certainly gives them the attention they crave.

It's true they are bringing back old members to post, but they are only doing so by misdirection - who wants to be thought the Outside Observer - again, attempting destructive manipulation and splintering core members - flattering those who agree, striking down those who don't. This person seems extremely hungry for credit and control, but has unfortunately cut themselves off from any in remaining anonymous - that's probably a pattern for them, hence the dissatisfaction and murky, mean, melodramatic darkness.

Respect, like trust, must be earned. I respect most here. I would have never begun this without a deep respect for the forum and a need to keep it from going into nothingness. You say you can not hear me unless I first discuss who I am. I will posit that I have let you into my life more than you have let anyone here into your life sparrow (not including your Mistress, who also resides here).

I'm sorry you do not like or approve of my methods. I will say only this. Some of them worked, some of them did not. But I do thank you for the free psychoanalysis. It is cute.

I feel this commentary has been met in mostly a negative manner. I am willing to accept that. Nobody is always popular. However, dispite this extreme negativity, change has occurred. I am planning on keeping this moniker alive and coming back from time to time to provide more commentary. No, no, please, hold your applause.

So, I will leave you for now.
