Comments That Make Your Day

Bobby's Metamorphosis, Love's Spark
Bobby Engages with Sara and Her Brother Gaylan.
05/11/2024 in Transgender & Crossdressers Stories

PublishedHOT4 Favorites, 2k views, 4.86 / 28 score/votes, 1 comment

"Great story. Really well told. I appreciate all the thought and backstory you put in! Your words let my imagination fill everything in, enough detail to let everything flow but enough gaps to let me make the characters my own. I admit I saw your comment on ShelbyDawn's latest work and was intrigued. Glad I looked, this was excellent for your first foray into this corner of Literotica. You write really well, I'll be looking into your other stories!"
Where can I get me one of those Toofy or Bubbles t-shirts!
Nothing like excitement over references to your own works on other works to make you grin.

(Referencing Toofy from My Sister's Possessed!)
I really have not had a comment on one of my stories that did not make me feel good.

I got this one on my newest story, "Recovering at Aunt Stacy's - Pt 1"

"by XXXX <name redacted> on 8 hours ago

Intriguing story even though that type of lifestyle is not my cup of tea."

The fact that they took the time to comment, even though they did not end up liking the type of interaction in the story, made me feel good.

Overall, my experience here has been positive. For years, I wrote and wrote about my fictional work but never shared it, afraid of being panned or failing. But this has been a real morale booster for me.
This only 'makes my day' as a lot of the time I seem to get few comments. On my latest One Off romp The Afternoon After the Nite Before.
by Anonymous user
well written

Not 100% how to take that but at least they said that where some low markers (must have been 2 or less) haven't said diddly squat!
This one was sent to me not in a comment, but via email through the 'Feedback to Author' system:
I am surprised by your authorship. I come here to satiate my horn nature but find an author who paints like an impressionist. A dab here, a dab there. I stare and it all makes less sense. Then, I step back, not far, and everything starts to come clear. Thank you.

It's an intriguing piece of feedback. It makes me happy to know that some part of my smut still has the capacity to engage on a deeper level. It's also more nuanced than the usual comments about how hot a story is (not that those aren't good to get too, of course)... :p
Day - made.

Anonymous about 2 hours ago
I’ve never commented before, but feel compelled to. You write it very beautifully. I felt all the up’s and downs and the slow build up to the intimacy, which I imagine was so lovely at the time. Thank you for sharing your beautiful experience with us. John C
I received a comment today (Ernald: "Excellent, very erotic") on a very old GM sr71plt story, “Arabists’ Literary Weekend” (Arabists' Literary Weekend - Gay Male -, that drew me to review other comments on the story. These two made me smile today:

nanobotover 10 years ago
Erotic scenarios
The advice often given to young writers is write what you know. My God. What you know! I would love an hour's conversation with you. I wonder what I would learn...

Anonymous over 10 years ago
Such a fertile imagination
This author is the master of marshaling the unique and matching it with hot, hot, hot. In this he makes an undercurrent of sadism homoeroticism in classic Arabic literature matched with a gay male cult of such literature at a staid British university not only plausible but super heated. It's like this could be real. No, wait--it couldn't be real -- could it?
This one on Desire and Duende meant a lot. The commenter is not a native speaker of English (they are at least tri-lingual) so let's forgive them the typos.


The story is set in Spain, with one whole chapter taking place in Barcelona, this commenter's native city. I lived there for a month back in 2008, but haven't been back there since. So for them to write that I "adher[ed] to the reality" of their culture makes me think I didn't do too badly.
I'm going to need a larger hat size after the latest comment I found on this spy thriller adventure. I've added a previous older comment as well. It looks like I might revisit this story and see if there is still a muse lurking there who is willing to add more.

“Absolutely the most magnificent epic ever posted on Literotica. Would LOVE to see this continue in more chapters, or maybe a published novel.”

“This story was well told and well-written, too. The story is compelling enough to deserve a sequel or encore. What say you, dmallord?”
Another one from my most recent story which made me happy:
mildlyaroused, you are a masterful writer. This is perhaps the finest erotic story I have ever read. Your prose is languid and enchanting; I was enthralled from the beginning and enjoyed the warmth of the eros to the very end. Thank you for sharing this.
@DocTemplar - thank you for the kind words!
A LOL from Anonymous:

So, genius, this was an "emotionally earned" reconciliation? By what metric? Is there a marriage manual somewhere that specifies "emotionally" what someone can do to get past six years of profound, calculated betrayal, a betrayal that would have continued into the indefinite future but for the inconvenient pregnancy? And when Tim is shown that the required quantity of emotional restitution has been achieved, the slut is supposed to get the "reconciliation" she has earned? You write fluently, but you are a feminized male writing fem/Dom agitprop prop that is deeply culturally destructive. Perhaps you might entertain the shocking thought that certain actions, in a healthy culture, carry certain consequences, and there is no "emotional earnout" from those consequences, nor should there be.

Dude got big mad at Funeral Dirge for a Fairytale!


These are the babies you strive to appeal to.
Obviously not! Just like not every weirdo with a “I did this with my sister/mom” story in I/T is the type of creep you strive to appeal to.

And I’ll go one further: I’ve had some of the named users and some recognizable anons (because they sign their names or they have a particular style) that are the most virulently opposed to reconciliation say, “oh, hey, I can see this one” on this and other stories. I’m aiming to appeal to the readers I aim to appeal to, and I do. I also pick up ones who would not normally like, say, a reconciliation story, or a cuckolding one, too.

I don’t pretend to be an expert in I/T and its readership, even if I have written stories there. Maybe you should do the same with LW.
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Not a comment, but even better. A mention at the top of another author's story.

Then, a few months ago, a story was uploaded here that I'd like to highlight by name: "Pictures of Her," by Intim8. Intim8 kindly gave me permission to mention them by name, for their story is a direct inspiration.

I'd forgotten he'd asked about it since it was a while after till he got the story published. I'd noticed an uptick of activity on that story, and was wondering about why until a commenter on mine mentioned that that was how he found it.

His story is really, really good. Better than mine. Go read it: Grace (Romance).

Thank you so much, @Zenwick. Made my week.
Not a comment, but even better. A mention at the top of another author's story.

I'd forgotten he'd asked about it since it was a while after till he got the story published. I'd noticed an uptick of activity on that story, and was wondering about why until a commenter on mine mentioned that that was how he found it.

His story is really, really good. Better than mine. Go read it: Grace (Romance).

Thank you so much, @Zenwick. Made my week.
I was not expecting to see this when I came on this morning!

Funnily enough I was hoping there was a way I could convey how much joy I got out of your comment on my story, and now I know this thread exists.

"I can see a few similarities, but you really made this your own. And your descriptions are so incredibly evocative,"

I can't say I agree that mine is better! But I am very glad you enjoyed my story, and the comment you left, that I've quoted, made my week. I was worried it'd be too similar and I thoroughly enjoyed writing some of those descriptions so seeing that you enjoyed them was really heartening. Thank you!
I’ve only done the one story series so far, My Female Boss Takes Control.

I absolutely love getting any comments at all! I wish more readers would leave them.

Particularly love those that show the reader really got into the story:

“he is living my dream life, cant wait to read more”

“I was leaking from the very first part. Entranced by everything that was happening”

“I so wish Ms. Redding could be whispering in my ear. I do look forward to more.”
The one and only time I had comments (or a comment, period!) cogent enough to influence my writing was four years ago after publishing my first story here. It was long and sent via the e-mail channel. But it wasn't a harangue, just a long dissertation/complaint about mixing tenses. I have since tried to pay better attention.
I was worried it'd be too similar
Nah. The similarities were on the more superficial level. But you went with a very different theme.

Mine was this strange kind of intimacy that was held off at arm's length by their professional relationship, and it prevented both of them from seeing what was right in front of them.

Yours was a woman keeping everyone at a distance while she wrestled her demons.

Grace was a really deep and compelling character.
Not a comment really but I noticed another writer who has numerous interesting and good works here has favorited me. I'm one of only of his/her 9 favorite and along with DreamCloud. What an honor.
Hah! I have to pay tribute to @THBGato for not only commenting on my Girl With Pink Hair series (acknowledged it needs a better title 🤩) but writing a stonking review. It boosted my confidence and my self esteem no end, and to quote Mr Potato Head, I am eternally grateful