Comparative Governments

As one of the ones who voted Biden in the primary I was overjoyed he stepped aside. I had one name on my primary ballot to vote for in that race, Joe Biden. It would have been great having a realistic option but I didn’t. I definitely wasn’t disenfranchised when he stepped aside. More excited and ready to go.

Also, nearly 4000 delegates pick the nominee.

also also, most of the names that are claimed to have pushed him out wanted an open convention not one candidate. Any number of people could have joined the race but no on did. It’s actually not that complicated.
The 'powers in charge' wouldn't allow RFK, Jr to even be put on any ballot. More democracy in action.
Iran's President dies in a plane crash. The Supreme Leader picks his successor, and WE label that a dictatorship. Joe Biden is tossed to the curb by 5 or 6 people and is replaced by Kamala, and we call that Democracy? Show me the difference. 14 million people voted for Biden in the primaries, and Harris is hand picked by 5 or 6 people.
1) The Supreme Leader picked Iran's presidential successor. The Iranian president resigned INVULUNTARILY, i.e. he died. And no, the people had no choice.

2) Biden RESIGNED. Voluntarily. He quit. On his own free will.

3) 81 million people voted for Harris in the 2020 election... as Biden's vice president. According to the U.S. Constitution, if the president resigns, the vice president is his successor. Which meant, voters knew what they were getting in the event that Biden resigned, and were okay with it.

Should be pretty clear, right?
(edit) and keep in mind, most Biden supporters had the same concerns about Biden as his OPPONENT'S supporters had about Biden. That being, that his cognitive abilities were declining to the point where his effectiveness in office needed to be questioned. In other words, Biden supporters wanted someone else, too. He was, at that time, the best option for keeping Trump out of office, and now there is a better and more viable option.
The 'powers in charge' wouldn't allow RFK, Jr to even be put on any ballot. More democracy in action.
They allowed him if he met the criteria.

He didnt

Mostly because nobody supported him except dipshits who weren't already supporting 45.
Iran's President dies in a plane crash. The Supreme Leader picks his successor, and WE label that a dictatorship. Joe Biden is tossed to the curb by 5 or 6 people and is replaced by Kamala, and we call that Democracy? Show me the difference. 14 million people voted for Biden in the primaries, and Harris is hand picked by 5 or 6 people.
Just the 'Peoples Undemocratic Party of America' in action.
Just the 'Peoples Undemocratic Party of America' in action.
Read my post above; this comment (like the original post) is utterly devoid of logic.

The people already chose Kamala when they voted for Biden as president; because she was the vice president, and second in line behind him for succession.

Biden resigned. Ergo, Kamala was the next up.

Really not much different from when George Bush became the Republican nominee back in 1988.

Both Biden and Trump were deeply unpopular with the majority of voters, especially Democrats who were actually eager for Biden to step aside.

Shouldn't be too hard to grasp, right?