Confessions, Anyone??

Hey SS,

I believe the term "Slimeball" is reserved for men. The proper term for women lawyers is, or should be SlimePusssies". Work hard an one day you will be a ballbuster just like most of the women litigators that I know.
slimepussy? I think not

LMAO Flamingo....I would rather not be called a "slimepussy" at any point in time :)

However, the term ballbuster does agree with me, so wrap it up I'll take it!

I can hear myself now, "You call me a ballbuster like it's a bad thing?!?"
Ballbuster it is.

So, you don't like "slimepussy", SS? You're not getting sensitive on us, are you? That could cause you some problems when you go before the Character and Fittness Committee of your State Bar.
I must admit, I am the sensitive type. I'm working on directed by the senior partners in the firm I work with. I suppose I am in the stage that all "newbies" go through where you believe every word that comes out of your client's mouth. They say this will soon pass! WIsh me luck.
Run like your ass is on fire!

SimplySouthern, honey, you say you aren't yet a full-fledged lawyer. That means there is still time to save yourself from becoming a fallen woman associating with disreputable characters( namely lawyers)
Re: Run like your ass is on fire!

Mensa said:
SimplySouthern, honey, you say you aren't yet a full-fledged lawyer. That means there is still time to save yourself from becoming a fallen woman associating with disreputable characters( namely lawyers)

That quote kills like your ass is on fire....LMAO. Oh boy...I needed that this morning.