Contest III

SensualCealy said:
Okay, am I a glutton for punishment or what? Im in, bought a new book yesterday to see if it helps me to second last place!

Watch for my PM Moonie!
Great Job on this one!

Woohoooos you're in!!! I'll be waiting for your pm :)

What kinda book did you get? Maybe we should have some kinda prize for the last place...kinda like the AH has for the holiday contest entries. Og's thread is always so much fun.

Oh, and thanks.
First.... ten? :eek:

i had to ask permission to use a picture as an inspiration piece! SO hope the subject gets online soon...
dark-glasses said:

have begun an entry...but selecting just one image to go with was a struggle!


I bet it was! When I thought of it I had a dozen of images fly through my head. Wish I could take part toos...

I'll be waiting for yours.
My Erotic Trail said:

okay, did they decide on accepting the first ten or did they work that out?

I'll doodle a lil something,...wet <grin

I don't think they/we ever decided on that.
What do you all think? First Ten? Yes, No?
I'm willing to take pm votes if we have more than Ten but with ten we can put up a poll. I'm open to whatever everyone wants.

So far I've had 3 pms. You, DG and Ent.
entitled said:
First.... ten? :eek:

i had to ask permission to use a picture as an inspiration piece! SO hope the subject gets online soon...

I'm willing to take more, it just means we'll have to vote by pm instead.

Hope so too.....
dark-glasses said:
hey... that's not all that's in me.

I ain't spent,yet.

I don't think you people could HANDLE my s-lo-w.

HEEHEHEHEH I typed "peole" first kinda like "peehole" SNNORT! there is "wet"...water games. See? now I'm givin' away ideas.

ROFLMAO...OMG You are too funny today! :D
dark-glasses said:
I sent mine! so...fuck ya'll losers who aren't on the ball! (kidding)

I say the more the merrier if Moonie can handle 'em.

YAH!! bring 'em on!!!! A FLOOD of 'em!


me so funny! :rolleyes:

I just checked my email but I don't have it yet :( Hopefully it will be there soon.
I have to take off now though. Will be back tonight.

And I will do my best to handle em if we have more long as you guys put up with me and my slow pokeness.

I love the funny you DG.
dark-glasses said:
just wound up with drawing.

Reason matters lil to me...all I know is that as went through your responses/posts, I was lmao....thank truely made my day! :cathappy: :D :catroar:
So, I'm meandering through this thread and while my mind is trying to concentrate on "wet," my eyes are reading DGs posts.


I'm pretty sure he has discovered crystal meth.

Halo_n_horns said:
So, I'm meandering through this thread and while my mind is trying to concentrate on "wet," my eyes are reading DGs posts.


I'm pretty sure he has discovered crystal meth.


Haha!! I had wondered :p :D :D

and you should enter.....pretty pleases with sugar and cherry on top?
entitled said:

Yuppers!! Funny thing... your take on "wet" was what had given me the idea to use it for the contest theme. Thank yous for playing Ent:kiss: :kiss: :kiss:
moonlight elf said:
Yuppers!! Funny thing... your take on "wet" was what had given me the idea to use it for the contest theme. Thank yous for playing Ent:kiss: :kiss: :kiss:
It's not my original idea, but i was denied permission to use that photo for inspiration. Fear of stealing and abusing a copyrighted photo by the photographer. Which is cool. :)
entitled said:
It's not my original idea, but i was denied permission to use that photo for inspiration. Fear of stealing and abusing a copyrighted photo by the photographer. Which is cool. :)

Oh, sorries. I understand that fear though. I'm glad that you entered anyways :)
moonlight elf said:
Haha!! I had wondered :p :D :D

and you should enter.....pretty pleases with sugar and cherry on top?
I may. I want to. I have had a number of ideas waft through my head, but alas, none have tickled me in that special way. :D

Halo_n_horns said:
I may. I want to. I have had a number of ideas waft through my head, but alas, none have tickled me in that special way. :D


That is fine, no pressure. Just lemme know if you decided to. :)

Anyways I'm flying off. Homework needs be done!
moonlight elf said:
That is fine, no pressure. Just lemme know if you decided to. :)

Anyways I'm flying off. Homework needs be done!
That's right, young lady! Get your homework done before you go chatting it up with all those perverts on that damned internet! Off ya go! Scoot. SCOOT!
