
cymbidia said:

Just my opinion, of course.

And a very good opinion it is! (Well, okay, so it matches mine, what can I say?)

Dream, when I've talked about questioning a Dom in previous posts, that questioning always takes place before any real scening occurs. I meet with Doms in person many times without actually "doing" anything, simply to question and find out what limits are. That period might take a few weeks to a few months, depending on how easy it is to gain information.

Once we play, I had better have enough trust in him to follow what he says to do without question. Of course, because we are new to each other, safe words are in place - that's what tells the Dom that something is either not right or a tolerance level has been reached. Afterwards, I expect to talk about what happened, what was liked, what wasn't. I also expect a Dom to listen to what I might look forward to in the future and if I feel that I might be pushed further in the future. That is also the time to question - but, by then, the scene is over and we are snuggling and talking and being honest.

When I am in a scene, I do not question, period. Afterwards, if something was on my mind, I will bring it up for discussion, but not at the time when I expect the Dom to be totally in control.

Now, did that make any sense? :)
Sexy Chele...

SexyChele said:

And a very good opinion it is! (Well, okay, so it matches mine, what can I say?)

Dream, when I've talked about questioning a Dom in previous posts, that questioning always takes place before any real scening occurs. I meet with Doms in person many times without actually "doing" anything, simply to question and find out what limits are. That period might take a few weeks to a few months, depending on how easy it is to gain information.

Once we play, I had better have enough trust in him to follow what he says to do without question. Of course, because we are new to each other, safe words are in place - that's what tells the Dom that something is either not right or a tolerance level has been reached. Afterwards, I expect to talk about what happened, what was liked, what wasn't. I also expect a Dom to listen to what I might look forward to in the future and if I feel that I might be pushed further in the future. That is also the time to question - but, by then, the scene is over and we are snuggling and talking and being honest.

When I am in a scene, I do not question, period. Afterwards, if something was on my mind, I will bring it up for discussion, but not at the time when I expect the Dom to be totally in control.

Now, did that make any sense? :)
sure does thanks however I have NEVER questioned my Master during what everyone calls a (scene) i really hate that word it makes me feel like I'm in a damn play or something ;lol but what we are doing is REAL..
Master has ONLY been questioned by me in messenger and ON the phone.
Once "play" begins between us I trust Him "implicitly" to Pleasure me and make all go as it should for both of 'US'.He will even tell you ,because He IS an honest man,that He was really amazed how WELL I took His instructions and abided by them even tho I had NEVER had to "sit perfectly still" or be bound before..once again proving my dedication and submissiveness to Him..
Re: Re: Re: Re: *control*(Shadowsdream)

zipman7 said:


I think all of our posts and answers are "colored" by our own experiences. While you instantly assume that the post applies to you (just beginning a ne relationship), SD has been in one a long time. Therefore, the thought of a sub questioning something like a command to "crawl to the bedroom" might indeed be viewed as an "idiotic question" to her. Sometimes, we need to view things through the eyes of the person asking the question, and not just through our own eyes.

In addition, there are subs who play the "bratty I am going to question you to test your limits same."

I highly doubt that SD meant to humilate or degrade subs with her use of the word. I think she was clearly not speaking about the kind of legitimate questions a sub might have. The truth is, if a command like "crawl to the bedroom" which in my opinion is a very basic type of command needs to questioned, then no trust has been developed between the sub and the Dom/me.

*Edited to add* or the sub is either not ready for submission or is not truly submitting to their Master.
ty Zip ,perhaps you are right and i do apologize to Shadows also however as stated in a previous post,my questions are always legitimate(made only in messenger) or on the phone) and not EVER during a 'scene"..Master knows best then and I will come to learn and appreciate the FACT that He knows BEST always...however that will take a little more time from me which does not IN ANY WAY lessen thevalidity of my submissiveness..I am still here and still willing to serve,only Him..:heart:
To All

cymbidia said:
As i've posted before in numerous places, and in my opinion, everyone who participates in BDSM sexuality, even if it's in the most rudimentary fantasy way imaginable, is a control freak.

Those of us who submit fully as a part of our core self do so only to a very few in our lifetime. However, along the way, all of us have to learn how and when and if we can truly submit. Most of us having learning curve time with dominants that may (or may not) be as new to the idea and the ideal of D/s relationships as we are.

But those of us who need to submit, submit. We don't play at it. We don't embarrass our dominants with public shows of excessive petulance and petty power struggles. And we don't splash the ugly details of our personal interactions all over public spaces, either.

Such is highly offensive and exceedingly embarrassing to everyone who views it. That is the kind of behavior makes many of us wonder why the out-of-control submissive is not reined in and disciplined, for her welfare and for that of the bond between dominant and submissive.

Just my opinion, of course.

cym,...your post was spot on, thank you. I feel your post represents the views of many, and it also points out my responsibility, as Dream's Master to explain the "WHY".

Not all Dom/mes train their subs the same way. Not all subs receive training the same way. We are all individuals, unique in our own way. We develope relationships as we choose.

I have explained this elsewhere, and I may feel the need to post it again at a later time. I have given Dream freedom to post as she wishes.
Whether in the BDSM Forum, Sexual role play threads, etc. Being new to BDSM, and the interactions that sometimes are very complex, she is allowed to stumble while she learns, without fearing punishment from me.

I don't censure, or proof read her posts. They will stand or fall on their own merit. I do give her advice and guidance, but the issues, topics, threads, opinions, questions, and answers she posts,...are her own.

THAT being said,...I own her,...I claim her,..."Lock, Stock, and Barrel." Make no mistake in thinking she is not conducting herself JUST as I wish.

PUBLICLY,...I will not apologise for anything she posts. She will make mistakes,...and as she sees fit, she will make her own apologies.

Dream is posting in this Forum, mainly because I think it is a wonderful place for her to read, and interact with others who have like minded interests. She is here to learn, as I am also.

My ONE order for her, (as pertains to posting HERE), is to NOT get involved in any FLAMING. She will flounder some,...as we all do from time to time, and make an errant post.

This Forum,...it's people,...can either HELP her, in her genuine quest for knowledge and understanding, or they can HINDER her.

If her thread titles, her posts, her responses, her opinions, questions or answers offend anyone, I can assure you it is not intentional.

This post that I am making,...is in NO way, to be construed as an apology for her,...it is an EXPLANATION that I offer to the Forum as a whole.
Re: To All

artful said:

cym,...your post was spot on, thank you. I feel your post represents the views of many, and it also points out my responsibility, as Dream's Master to explain the "WHY".

Not all Dom/mes train their subs the same way. Not all subs receive training the same way. We are all individuals, unique in our own way. We develope relationships as we choose.

I have explained this elsewhere, and I may feel the need to post it again at a later time. I have given Dream freedom to post as she wishes.
Whether in the BDSM Forum, Sexual role play threads, etc. Being new to BDSM, and the interactions that sometimes are very complex, she is allowed to stumble while she learns, without fearing punishment from me.

I don't censure, or proof read her posts. They will stand or fall on their own merit. I do give her advice and guidance, but the issues, topics, threads, opinions, questions, and answers she posts,...are her own.

THAT being said,...I own her,...I claim her,..."Lock, Stock, and Barrel." Make no mistake in thinking she is not conducting herself JUST as I wish.

PUBLICLY,...I will not apologise for anything she posts. She will make mistakes,...and as she sees fit, she will make her own apologies.

Dream is posting in this Forum, mainly because I think it is a wonderful place for her to read, and interact with others who have like minded interests. She is here to learn, as I am also.

My ONE order for her, (as pertains to posting HERE), is to NOT get involved in any FLAMING. She will flounder some,...as we all do from time to time, and make an errant post.

This Forum,...it's people,...can either HELP her, in her genuine quest for knowledge and understanding, or they can HINDER her.

If her thread titles, her posts, her responses, her opinions, questions or answers offend anyone, I can assure you it is not intentional.

This post that I am making,...is in NO way, to be construed as an apology for her,...it is an EXPLANATION that I offer to the Forum as a whole.


Then you had better have her do the same. I do not take kindly to any attacks, dom/me or sub, newbie or oldie. If I perceive an attack, I will handle it in my own way.

edited to remove meanness!

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Ebonyfire said:


Then you had better have her do the same. I do not take kindly to any attacks, dom/me or sub, newbie or oldie. If I perceive an attack, I will handle it in my own way. Do not threaten me.


I have EXPLAINED my position,...(I think). :rose:
Re: Sis

artful said:

I have EXPLAINED my position,...(I think). :rose:


It is up to You to help or hinder dream..not U/us...W/we as You are here to learn and share in the conversation of BDSM from the knowledge of O/our own realities.

You have chosen Your method to teach and dream has chosen her method to learn. Your explanation for Me was not new..You have made this statement before. Please do not give the responsibility to this forum for how this learning process will evolve.

I for one have no intention of taking that responsibility of being considered the helper or the hinderer, just as I do not expect My words to prop up or tear down anyone here. I expect to enjoy Lit and the interraction without having to be careful My style or understanding of the lifestyle I live in real time and teach in real time needs to conform to anyones vision.

I am also not a stranger to LDR so I do not need anyone to assume I am a virgin in that medium either.

Having said this I do wish You and dream all the best in YOUR own WAYS.
Re: Re: Sis

Shadowsdream said:


It is up to You to help or hinder dream..not U/us...W/we as You are here to learn and share in the conversation of BDSM from the knowledge of O/our own realities.

You have chosen Your method to teach and dream has chosen her method to learn. Your explanation for Me was not new..You have made this statement before. Please do not give the responsibility to this forum for how this learning process will evolve.

I for one have no intention of taking that responsibility of being considered the helper or the hinderer, just as I do not expect My words to prop up or tear down anyone here. I expect to enjoy Lit and the interraction without having to be careful My style or understanding of the lifestyle I live in real time and teach in real time needs to conform to anyones vision.

I am also not a stranger to LDR so I do not need anyone to assume I am a virgin in that medium either.

Having said this I do wish You and dream all the best in YOUR own WAYS.


Re: To All

artful said:
This Forum,...it's people,...can either HELP her, in her genuine quest for knowledge and understanding, or they can HINDER her.
I've openheartedly offered my views to her several times, Artful, and been completely ignored or belittled. There are others who have been similarly overlooked in dream's quest to feather a nest in this forum. It appears that her "genuine quest for knowledge" is based on whether the person speaking is willing to accept as The Truth dream's unbelievably simplistic and rudimentary views on everything that pertains to D/s BDSM relationships.

You've made enormous changes in the last six months in this place, Artful, and i admire and respect the inward-seeking for answers you must have done to effect such changes. I respect you, good Sir, the man who has emerged so cleanly, so clearly, as a dominant of value and worth.

With great respect Artful, i have to say this to you: your submissive is running wild. Privately and publically, many here have noticed this fact with exasperation, annoyance, anger, and alarm. Additionally, there are many here who feel outraged on your behalf. You deserve more respect.

If this is your training method, so be it. Such is for you to decide. It is ours, however, each of us individually, to react as we must. Surely you know that?
running wild??/

at the recquest of my Master,who I love and adore I will NOT post to 'certain" people at this forum who love nothing better than to incite and belittle me.
well guess what ? You have won yet again..are you happier now for it? I truly truly hope so,
Master Artful is one of the kindest,nicest most honest damn people I have ever met and He gives His all to me and to this forum.. I am not perfect in any sense at all .I feel you harbor jealousy that I have soo much love inside and have found "True Love" in my life..
I will NOT kiss anyone's ass to 'get along with them be it moderator,sub or Dom.. I have been trying hard to learn and embrace this lifestyle for quite a long while now.
everytime i have posted lately people have some sort of "criticism about it..perhaps you should ask yourselves why? hmm/ i only wonder..
if my "freedom" to post how I ,Dream,feels bothers you well\you dont gotta read it now,do ya?
You have absolutely no right in hell to belittle or bemean my Master,ever! He has done a damn great job in training me ,just cause He isnt the slave-driving hard-nosed that some of you think He "Should' be in YOUR eyes doesnt mean He isnt a damn good Dom.,cause He is and get this.. He's MY damn good Dom.. get over it already.NONE of you is perfect .. none..you criticize,ridicule and belittle those of us "new" to the lifestyle>why?
Do ya "get your rocks off' that way? shame on all of you.. there are only a couple people left in this forum i actually give a crap about now besides my Master... Msw..I HIGHLY respect you,Miss T ,you also,Des ,you are a sweetheart and Dixie too I apologized to both Willow,Eb,Cym and Chele and if my apology is NOT good enough then so be it but its all you can ask ,really or expect from me.. Rose,you are a dear friend,Sierra you too sweety ,Lance, keep on truckin babe sorry but I wont be postin at your thread.PBW,writer Dom,DR Blue,Sam,and Caroline,Red Menace,,,Sir-s-,I respect you also and will miss you but I shall read your posts .. much love and congratulations on the wedding Caroline..

if I have hurt people's feelings or stomped on toes while I have been at this forum ,I am sorry,I truly am ,however just as my Master says I did only come to learn.. if it's monopolizing you want tho,then that is what you shall have as you "pick and choose" who actually "gets to post" geez I can hardly wait to see who the next helplesss victim is that you will "banter? batter up!!
Artful and my relationship will only grow stronger as we dont NEED this forum to survive,I pray that He will still post here and give of His talent,Humor and knowledge...as only He can....again PLEASE do NOT JUDGE my Master by MY actions.. I am not some dog that He has on a leash, I am indeed a Grown woman responsible for her own actions.. I am however the woman He loves and I will remain His submissive sexual slave forever..
I myself choose to leave this place for a while and watch to see who gets caught up in the ugly web of lies here next..I pray to God it's NOT any of my REAL friends here... good luck to you all ... and peace
:rose: Free at last!!! oh my God i'm gonna go have some REAL fun now,by people who "really" care about somethin besides theirselves..
Oh and by the way..

**** I WILL BE BACK!!! *** thats Not a "threat" ,it's a PROMISE!!!:D :D :p :heart:
Dream, you owe me no apology, and I can't think of anything you said to me or about me here that an apology would be called for. I have tried to keep my posts to you even handed - no more or less harsh or giving than I would any one else. If I've said something that has disturbed you in some way, then I truly am sorry. It was certainly unintentional. But if you could point it out to me, it would help me better understand.

Also, I never said anything "against" Artful. In fact, I complimented him just yesterday. And, though I haven't read all the posts here by a long shot, I haven't read where some one else was putting him down either.

Oh, and no, I don't feel any jealousy regarding your relationship with Artful. I'm happy for both of you, yes. But "jealously"? Nope, none here. I have my own relationships that I'm happy developing.
Re: Once again...

spankableBelle said:
i am totally and completely confused...:confused:


me too. Im just glad that one time there was a soap opera I wasnt in the middle of.
Dedicated to My Master,With Love

I Cherish You baby....

Because You Loved Me-Celine Dion
For all those times you stood by me
For all the truth that you made me see
For all the joy you brought to my life
For all the wrong that you made right
For every dream you made come true
For all the love I found in you
I'll be forever thankful baby
You're the one who held me up
Never let me fall
You're the one who saw me through through it all

You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'coz you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me

You gave me wings and made me fly
You touched my hand I could touch the sky
I lost my faith, you gave it back to me
You said no star was out of reach
You stood by me and I stood tall
I had your love I had it all
I'm grateful for each day you gave me
Maybe I don't know that much
But I know this much is true
I was blessed because I was loved by you

You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'coz you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me

You were always there for me
The tender wind that carried me
A light in the dark shining your love into my life
You've been my inspiration
Through the lies you were the truth
My world is a better place because of you

You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'coz you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me

I love You Master ..always
Re: Dedicated to My Master,With Love

Artful's dream said:
I Cherish You baby....

Because You Loved Me-Celine Dion
For all those times you stood by me
For all the truth that you made me see
For all the joy you brought to my life
For all the wrong that you made right
For every dream you made come true
For all the love I found in you
I'll be forever thankful baby
You're the one who held me up
Never let me fall
You're the one who saw me through through it all

I love You Master ..always

Thank you baby.:rose: :heart: :kiss:
Re: running wild??/

Artful's dream said:
at the recquest of my Master,who I love and adore I will NOT post to 'certain" people at this forum who love nothing better than to incite and belittle me.
well guess what ? You have won yet again..are you happier now for it? I truly truly hope so,
Master Artful is one of the kindest,nicest most honest damn people I have ever met and He gives His all to me and to this forum.. I am not perfect in any sense at all .I feel you harbor jealousy that I have soo much love inside and have found "True Love" in my life..
I will NOT kiss anyone's ass to 'get along with them be it moderator,sub or Dom.. I have been trying hard to learn and embrace this lifestyle for quite a long while now.
everytime i have posted lately people have some sort of "criticism about it..perhaps you should ask yourselves why? hmm/ i only wonder..
if my "freedom" to post how I ,Dream,feels bothers you well\you dont gotta read it now,do ya?
You have absolutely no right in hell to belittle or bemean my Master,ever! He has done a damn great job in training me ,just cause He isnt the slave-driving hard-nosed that some of you think He "Should' be in YOUR eyes doesnt mean He isnt a damn good Dom.,cause He is and get this.. He's MY damn good Dom.. get over it already.NONE of you is perfect .. none..you criticize,ridicule and belittle those of us "new" to the lifestyle>why?
Do ya "get your rocks off' that way? shame on all of you.. there are only a couple people left in this forum i actually give a crap about now besides my Master... Msw..I HIGHLY respect you,Miss T ,you also,Des ,you are a sweetheart and Dixie too I apologized to both Willow,Eb,Cym and Chele and if my apology is NOT good enough then so be it but its all you can ask ,really or expect from me.. Rose,you are a dear friend,Sierra you too sweety ,Lance, keep on truckin babe sorry but I wont be postin at your thread.PBW,writer Dom,DR Blue,Sam,and Caroline,Red Menace,,,Sir-s-,I respect you also and will miss you but I shall read your posts .. much love and congratulations on the wedding Caroline..

if I have hurt people's feelings or stomped on toes while I have been at this forum ,I am sorry,I truly am ,however just as my Master says I did only come to learn.. if it's monopolizing you want tho,then that is what you shall have as you "pick and choose" who actually "gets to post" geez I can hardly wait to see who the next helplesss victim is that you will "banter? batter up!!
Artful and my relationship will only grow stronger as we dont NEED this forum to survive,I pray that He will still post here and give of His talent,Humor and knowledge...as only He can....again PLEASE do NOT JUDGE my Master by MY actions.. I am not some dog that He has on a leash, I am indeed a Grown woman responsible for her own actions.. I am however the woman He loves and I will remain His submissive sexual slave forever..
I myself choose to leave this place for a while and watch to see who gets caught up in the ugly web of lies here next..I pray to God it's NOT any of my REAL friends here... good luck to you all ... and peace
:rose: Free at last!!! oh my God i'm gonna go have some REAL fun now,by people who "really" care about somethin besides theirselves..

Puleeze! Somebody needs to take a long walk down reality street. "some helpless victim"? I thought this was a porn site for adults.

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Re: running wild??/

Artful's dream said:
at the recquest of my Master,who I love and adore I will NOT post to 'certain" people at this forum who love nothing better than to incite and belittle me.............

.........if I have hurt people's feelings or stomped on toes while I have been at this forum ,I am sorry,I truly am ,however just as my Master says I did only come to learn.. if it's monopolizing you want tho,then that is what you shall have as you "pick and choose" who actually "gets to post" geez I can hardly wait to see who the next helplesss victim is that you will "banter? batter up!!
Artful and my relationship will only grow stronger as we dont NEED this forum to survive,I pray that He will still post here and give of His talent,Humor and knowledge...as only He can....again PLEASE do NOT JUDGE my Master by MY actions.. I am not some dog that He has on a leash, I am indeed a Grown woman responsible for her own actions.. I am however the woman He loves and I will remain His submissive sexual slave forever..
I myself choose to leave this place for a while and watch to see who gets caught up in the ugly web of lies here next..I pray to God it's NOT any of my REAL friends here... good luck to you all ... and peace
:rose: Free at last!!! oh my God i'm gonna go have some REAL fun now,by people who "really" care about somethin besides theirselves..

i am sorry to see you leave this way, dream, as i was enjoying getting to know you...........:rose:

while i can understand the frustration of some people who feel they are being charged non-consentually with the task of training you to understand the meaning of "true submission", whatever that means, i agree and accept that the only person who has the right to judge you for your seeming reluctance to "swallow" or "do windows" is your Master, and i also would like to add my voice to those who have much respect and admiration for that man insofar as His ways of communicating with the rest of us is concerned and with the opinions he expresses and class He displays. :rose: :)

i wish you well, sweetie, in whatever you do and wherever you go, and, as is a propos to your religion:

may Allah be with you!

Re: running wild??/

Artful's dream said:
at the recquest of my Master,who I love and adore I will NOT post to 'certain" people at this forum who love nothing better than to incite and belittle me.
well guess what ? You have won yet again..are you happier now for it? I truly truly hope so,
Master Artful is one of the kindest,nicest most honest damn people I have ever met and He gives His all to me and to this forum.. I am not perfect in any sense at all .I feel you harbor jealousy that I have soo much love inside and have found "True Love" in my life..
I will NOT kiss anyone's ass to 'get along with them be it moderator,sub or Dom.. I have been trying hard to learn and embrace this lifestyle for quite a long while now.
everytime i have posted lately people have some sort of "criticism about it..perhaps you should ask yourselves why? hmm/ i only wonder..
if my "freedom" to post how I ,Dream,feels bothers you well\you dont gotta read it now,do ya?
You have absolutely no right in hell to belittle or bemean my Master,ever! He has done a damn great job in training me ,just cause He isnt the slave-driving hard-nosed that some of you think He "Should' be in YOUR eyes doesnt mean He isnt a damn good Dom.,cause He is and get this.. He's MY damn good Dom.. get over it already.NONE of you is perfect .. none..you criticize,ridicule and belittle those of us "new" to the lifestyle>why?
Do ya "get your rocks off' that way? shame on all of you.. there are only a couple people left in this forum i actually give a crap about now besides my Master... Msw..I HIGHLY respect you,Miss T ,you also,Des ,you are a sweetheart and Dixie too I apologized to both Willow,Eb,Cym and Chele and if my apology is NOT good enough then so be it but its all you can ask ,really or expect from me.. Rose,you are a dear friend,Sierra you too sweety ,Lance, keep on truckin babe sorry but I wont be postin at your thread.PBW,writer Dom,DR Blue,Sam,and Caroline,Red Menace,,,Sir-s-,I respect you also and will miss you but I shall read your posts .. much love and congratulations on the wedding Caroline..

if I have hurt people's feelings or stomped on toes while I have been at this forum ,I am sorry,I truly am ,however just as my Master says I did only come to learn.. if it's monopolizing you want tho,then that is what you shall have as you "pick and choose" who actually "gets to post" geez I can hardly wait to see who the next helplesss victim is that you will "banter? batter up!!
Artful and my relationship will only grow stronger as we dont NEED this forum to survive,I pray that He will still post here and give of His talent,Humor and knowledge...as only He can....again PLEASE do NOT JUDGE my Master by MY actions.. I am not some dog that He has on a leash, I am indeed a Grown woman responsible for her own actions.. I am however the woman He loves and I will remain His submissive sexual slave forever..
I myself choose to leave this place for a while and watch to see who gets caught up in the ugly web of lies here next..I pray to God it's NOT any of my REAL friends here... good luck to you all ... and peace
:rose: Free at last!!! oh my God i'm gonna go have some REAL fun now,by people who "really" care about somethin besides theirselves..

I have sat and digested this post. I have only one thing to say. this is my opinion and I own it.

Behaving like a petulant child and accusing people of doing things that are highly inflammatory is in my opinion is counterproductive to your bid to be taken seriously.

Insults and overt aggression are not agreeable traits for a Dom/me or a submissive. Look to your own motives and refrain from trying to read the minds of the posters on this forum, Dream cause as a very good book (which I advise you read) says: "What you think of me is none of my business."

Post all you want, no one is stopping you. I personally just want to be able to understand your point without you taking offense to very word that does not agree with you.

Stay if that is your desire. Leave if that is your desire. This is an adult forum and only adults should be here.

why ty soo much..

Ebonyfire said:

I have sat and digested this post. I have only one thing to say. this is my opinion and I own it.

Behaving like a petulant child and accusing people of doing things that are highly inflammatory is in my opinion is counterproductive to your bid to be taken seriously.

***true true so very very true as are insults to ME the same..
Insults and overt aggression are not agreeable traits for a Dom/me or a submissive. Look to your own motives and refrain from trying to read the minds of the posters on this forum, Dream cause as a very good book (which I advise you read) says: "What you think of me is none of my business."
**and what you think of ME is none of mine also ,agreed.. hehe btw thanks for the book i'll make sure to pick up a copy!!noone should try to read MY mind either ,its a dangerous place lmfao(WEG)
Post all you want, no one is stopping you. I personally just want to be able to understand your point without you taking offense to very word that does not agree with you.

*** Gee thanks Eb i KNOW NOONE will stop me..and no offense taken hun,honest see?>(smiles)
Stay if that is your desire. Leave if that is your desire. This is an adult forum and only adults should be here.

***and since I AM an ADULT I believe I SHALL stay tyvm ,it is MY DESIRE too

((huggs)) to all Dream :rose:
mskittykatt said:
the only control i keep lately is of my tongue

mskittykatt, i've been pretty successful in that quest recently, as well

Duct tape or the threat of it, works wonderfully, it seems.